ORACLE Mutating Table error in one trigger, but not another; Why? - oracle

Okay, I have two tables - ORDERS and ORDERLINES - which have essentially the same problem, with triggers on each to address the issue. The issue is that in addition to the PK with table-level uniqueness, on a field called RECID, there is another field, RECNO, which needs to be unique with relation to another field.
The tables are FK related as follows:
On ORDERS and ORDERSLINES I have BEFORE INSERT triggers to assign the realm-specific unique RECNO.
In ORDERS, RECNO needs to be unique within the realm of a CUSTOMERS record.
In ORDERLINES, RECNO needs to be unique within the realm of an ORDERS record.
The trigger on ORDERS works perfectly fine. When a new order is inserted, it is assigned the next unique RECNO within the customer it belongs to.
The trigger on ORDERLINES on the other hand, which should assign the next unique RECNO within the order it belongs to, throws the dreaded {ORA-04091: table ORDERLINES is mutating, trigger/function may not see it} exception.
Here is the trigger that works:
And here is the trigger that does NOT work:
Can SOMEONE please explain WHY the first one works, and the second one doesn't?
And is there some way I can re-write the second to make it work?

I looked at your code first, rather than your explanation. My first thought was "this person is trying to fake a sequence." This obviously isn't the answer to your question but it's the reason you're getting into trouble in the first place.
The obvious solution when you're having problems faking sequences is to use a real one.
As Nicholas has already noted ORA-04091 occurs when you try to read from the table from which a trigger is fired. There are various ways to avoid this, most of which avoid trying to do something slightly funky. However, they don't influence the root cause of the error; that is you're doing something wrong. This error is normally indicative of one or both of two things:
You're putting far too much logic into a trigger
Your data-model is flawed.
The solution to the first is to move the logic to a package, which has the added benefit of removing a layer of obfuscation. The solution to the second is to normalise your database properly.
In your case, from what information you've provided, your data-model seems to be okay, though as I've said I disagree with the implementation.
This leaves you with four options to solve your problem, which I detail in order I would do them
Remove your triggers.
Replace your current logic with a sequence.
Remove all your trigger logic into a procedure.
Hack around your error.
I'm not going to discuss point 3 as you can do that yourself. Nicholas has partially covered point 4 and I'm not going to advocate something I disagree with. This leaves points 1 and 2. You say
In ORDERS, RECNO needs to be unique within the realm of a CUSTOMERS
This is not how you've implemented it. Your code makes RECNO consecutive within the realm of a CUSTOMERS record. The primary key of both ORDERS and ORDERLINES are by definition unique within the realm of a CUSTOMERS record.
In itself, this implies that option 1 is best for you. Remove the triggers entirely; the primary keys of the table are already doing everything you need. This also invalidates option 2; if you add a sequence then it will basically be a separate primary key.
There is no reason I can think of that you would need an order to be consecutively unique within each customer; why bother doing so?

You are getting that error because the second trigger is trying to read table while it is being modified. This can also happen when a trigger on a parent table causes an insert on a child table referencing a foreign key.
As a quick work around create view and try to use instead of trigger.
Also take a look at Tom's example of how to deal with mutating issues.
Besides, if leave the second trigger as it is, any inserts into your_table select .. from table will raise mutating error. For example:
This insert will work
insert into ORDERLINES(column1, column2... columnN)
values(val1, val2,..., valN)
But this one wont.
insert into ORDERLINES(column1, column2... columnN)
select val, val..val from table


how to use triggers to inherit values from another "parent" record in same table

I feel like this is one of those "if you're careful you can do it" scenarios that Oracle just doesn't want to let me do.
My problem is that I have a single configuration table that I want to enable inheritance via Triggers. Think an Employee table with a SUPERVISOR ID column, and 'inherited' SUPERVISOR NAME that self populates if the ID is changed.
I'd like to do a simple self-lookup to capture a value from another row at time of INS/UPD. But Oracle is rejecting as a mutating trigger error.
My code is essentially:
This is a normal behavior. Oracle protects you from inconsistent data that you may get accessing a table which is already being updated.
Imagine this scenario.
You submit two update statements and have a trigger that selects from that same table. Let's assume that the first statement is successfully applied and the data gets changed. Now it's time for the second statement. What output would you expect from the select statement in the trigger? Should it return data as it was before the first update, or should it include the changes made? You probably think that Oracle should return the new data. But first, Oracle does not really know your intentions, and second, that would mean that your query is dependent on row order, which contradicts the relational algebra.
The solution for your problem is quite simple. You do not need the SUPERVISOR_NAME column at all. To get supervisor's name, simply join the table with itself and get the desired result, something like:
select t1.ID, t1.SUPERVISOR_ID, t2.NAME from FAKE_EMPLOYEE t1
left join FAKE_EMPLOYEE t2 on t1.SUPERVISOR_ID = t2.ID;

Populate a column on update (create too?), and why "FOR EACH ROW"?

I have a table of people who belong to various sites. These sites can change, but don't very often. So when we create an attendance record (a learner_session object) we don't store the site. But this has cause a problem in reporting how many training hours a site has, because some people have changed sites over the years. Not by much, but we'd like to get this right.
So I've added a site_at_the_time column to the learner_session table. I want to auto-populate this with the site the person was at when they attended the session. But I'm not sure how to reference this. For some reason (I'm guessing to speed development or something) the learner_id is allowed to be null. So I'm currently planning to do an update trigger. The learner_id shouldn't ever get updated, and if it ever did somehow, the entire record would be junk so I'm not worried about it overwriting it.
The trigger I have now is
create trigger set_site_at_the_time
after update of learner_id on lrn_session
:new.site_at_the_time:= (select site_id from learner who where :new.learner_id = who.learner_id);
which leads me to the following error:
ORA-04082: NEW or OLD references not allowed in table level triggers
Now, I've done some research and found I need to use a FOR EACH ROW - and I'm wondering what exactly this FOR EACH ROW does - is it every row captured by the trigger? Or is it every row in the table?
Also, will this trigger when I create a record too? So if I do insert into learner_session(id,learner_id,...) values(learner_session_id_seq.nextval,1234,...) will this capture that appropriately?
And while I'm here, I might as well see if there's something else I'm doing wrong with this trigger. But I'm mainly asking to figure out what the FOR EACH ROW is supposed to do and if it triggers properly. =)
FOR EACH ROW means that the trigger will fire once for each row that is updated by your SQL statement. Without this clause, the trigger will only fire once, no matter how many rows are affected. If you want to change values as they're being inserted, you have to use FOR EACH ROW, because otherwise the trigger can't know which :new and :old values to use.
As written, the trigger only fires on update. To make it also fire upon insert, you'd need to change the definition:
CREATE TRIGGER set_site_at_the_time
ON lrn_session
SELECT site_id into :new.site_at_the_time
FROM learner who
WHERE :new.learner_id = who.learner_id);
END set_site_at_the_time;

Oracle Trigger to remove stock quantity from products and add to orderline

I apologise in advance for this confusing question, wall of text, and awful trigger. I'm designing a small database for a retail store that takes orders in-store and then delivers the products from the onsite warehouse/stockroom.
Now the order entity has a one-to-many relationship to an order_line entity which in turn has a many to one relationship with product (which itself is stored in the stock etc). The order_line entity is the link entity and solves the many-to-many relationship so that's all good. Just to clarify, it's one order_line per product.
What I want to do is when an order_line (which has a quantity attribute) is created, I want the trigger to first check the appropriate product has sufficient stock (so if quantity is 3, stock must be at least 3), otherwise it must throw an error.
If successful I want it to update the quantity and stock attributes accordingly. I'd also like it to add a subtotal value to the order_line (I've yet to attempt this) which in turn can then be used to calculate the total value in the order entity.
So at this stage I'm looking for a bit of guidance because I'm quite confused with this, now.
for each row
select order_line.quantity, products.stock from order_lines right join products on order_line.product_no=products.product_no;
if(order_line.quantity>products.stock) then
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20103, 'Insufficient Stock');
products.stock := products.stock - quantity;
Errors I am getting:
2/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
2/49 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
3/1 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
3/15 PLS-00357: Table,View Or Sequence reference 'ORDER_LINE.QUANTITY'
not allowed in this context
What I've tried:
I'm not sure about the first two errors; the table in question is
definitely called order_line, perhaps I've missed something obvious.
I've also tried declaring variables for products.stock and order_line
quantity to solve the last error - this compiles IIRC but doesn't
actually work as I guess it's not updating the table.
I'm not worried so much about the else action, I probably need an update
table statement there but for now I'm just focusing on getting the
trigger condition to work.
If any one could point me in the right
direction and point out any hilarious errors I'd appreciate it.
Thank you very much for your time, I apologise for scarring your eyes with this monstrosity of a trigger.
Put a constraint on products.stock to enforce the value is > -1:
ALTER TABLE products add CONSTRAINT has_stock CHECK (stock >-1);
Then do the update and insert as a single transaction.
UPDATE product SET products.stock = products.stock - quantity_required
WHERE product_id=id_of_product
INSERT INTO order_line ...............
The transaction will always fail if there is not enough stock, and you will not have the problems associated with triggers.
Assuming you do not have the stock price at this point you could get it by using the RETURNING clause on your update (you will need to DECLARE the variable v_product_cost to hold the value) e.g:
UPDATE product SET products.stock = products.stock - quantity_required
WHERE product_id=id_of_product
RETURNING products.value INTO v_product_cost
You can then use this value in the insert that follows.
The run command at the end doesn't make sense. That's SQL Server syntax.
In your query, you're referencing a table ORDER_LINES (plural). But the trigger is defined on a table ORDER_LINE (singular). I assume that you don't have both an ORDER_LINE and an ORDER_LINES table so I expect that you intended your query to reference the ORDER_LINE table.
A row-level trigger defined on table A cannot in general query table A. So since your trigger is defined on ORDER_LINE, it cannot query ORDER_LINE. It appears that you really just want the information about the row that caused the trigger to fire so you don't actually need to join to the ORDER_LINE table. You just need to reference attributes from the :NEW record.
A SELECT statement in PL/SQL needs to do something with the results. Presumably, your intention is to do a SELECT ... INTO a local variable.
If you want to update the PRODUCTS table, you'd need to do an actual UPDATE.
Putting all that together, my guess is that you're trying to create a trigger that looks something like
for each row
l_current_stock products.stock%type;
select products.stock
into l_current_stock
from products
where product_no = :new.product_no;
if(:new.quantity > l_current_stock) then
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20103, 'Insufficient Stock');
update products
set stock := stock - :new.quantity
where product_no := :new.product_no;
end if;
All that being said, however, a trigger would not generally be the correct way to solve this sort of problem. From a maintenance standpoint if nothing else, having a stored procedure PROCESS_ORDER that inserts all the ORDER_LINE rows and updates all the PRODUCTS rows will be much easier to follow and debug. The more business logic that is embedded in triggers the harder it is to follow the flow of the application and the easier it is to end up with a rat's nest of unintentional updates that are nearly impossible to unwind.
Also, be aware of what happens in a multi-user system. Session A can query the PRODUCTS table and see a STOCK of 5 and accept an order for 4 units of that product. But before session A issues a commit, session B also queries the same row of the PRODUCTS table, sees the same STOCK of 5, and accepts an order for 3 units. Session B's UPDATE statement will block until session A commits. But then if A commits and B commits, both orders will have been entered and the PRODUCTS table will show a STOCK of -2. That's why you need the CHECK constraint that Kevin suggested
ALTER TABLE products
ADD CONSTRAINT chk_positive_stock CHECK( stock >= 0 );

Inserting into Oracle the wrong way - how to deal with it?

I've just found the following code:
select max(id) from TABLE_NAME ...
... do some stuff ...
insert into TABLE_NAME (id, ... )
VALUES (max(id) + 1, ...)
I can create a sequence for the PK, but there's a bunch of existing code (classic asp, existing apps that aren't part of this project) that's not going to use it.
Should I just ignore it, or is there a way to fix it without going into the existing code?
I'm thinking that the best option is just to do:
insert into TABLE_NAME (id, ... )
VALUES (select max(id) + 1, ...)
You can create a trigger on the table that overwrites the value for ID with a value that you fetch from a sequence.
That way you can still use the other existing code and have no problems with concurrent inserts.
If you cannot change the other software and they still do the select max(id)+1 insert that is most unfortunate. What you then can do is:
For your own insert use a sequence and populate the ID field with -1*(sequence value).
This way the insert will not interfere with the existing programs, but also not conflict with the existing programs.
(of do the insert without a value for id and use a trigger to populate the ID with the negative value of a sequence).
As others have said, you can override the max value in a database trigger using a sequence. However, that could cause problems if any of the application code uses that value like this:
select max(id) from TABLE_NAME ...
... do some stuff ...
insert into TABLE_NAME (id, ... )
VALUES (max(id) + 1, ...)
insert into CHILD_TABLE (parent_id, ...)
VALUES (max(id) + 1, ...)
Use a seqeunce in a before insert row trigger. select max(id) + 1 doesn't work in a multi concerrency environment.
This quickly turns in to a discussion of application architecture, especially when the question boils down to "what should I do?"
Primary keys in Oracle really need to come from sequences and since you're dealing with complex insert logic (parent/child inserts, at least) in your application code, you should go into the existing code, as you say (since triggers probably won't help you).
On one extreme you could take away direct SQL access from applications and make them call services so the insert/update/delete code can be centralized. Or you could rewrite your code using some sort of MVC architecture. I'm assuming both are overkill for your situation.
Is the id column at least set to be a true primary key so there's a constraint that will keep duplicates from occurring? If not, start there.
Once the primary key is in place, or if it already is, it's only a matter of time until inserts start to fail; you'll know when they start to fail, right? If not, get on the error-logging.
Now fix the application code. While you're in there, you should at least write and call helper code so your database interactions are in as few places as possible. Then provide some leadership to the other developers and make sure they use the helper code too.
Big question: does anybody rely on the value of the PK? If not I would recommend using a trigger, fetching the id from a sequence and setting it. The inserts wouldn't specify and id at all.
I am not sure but the
insert into TABLE_NAME (id, ... )
VALUES (select max(id) + 1, ...)
might cause problems when to sessions reach that code. It might be that oracle reads the table (calculating max(id)) and then trys to get the lock on the PK for insertion. If that is the case two concurrent session might try to use the same id, causing an exception in the second session.
You could add some logging to the trigger, to check if inserts get processed that already have an ID set. So you know you have still to hunt down some place where the old code is used.
It can be done by fetching the max value in a variable and then just insert it in the table like
v_max int;
select max(id) into v_max from table;
insert into table values((v_max+rownum),val1,val2....,valn);
This will create a sequence in a single as well as Bulk inserts.

How to protect a running column within Oracle/PostgreSQL (kind of MAX-result locking or something)

I'd need advice on following situation with Oracle/PostgreSQL:
I have a db table with a "running counter" and would like to protect it in the following situation with two concurrent transactions:
T1 T2
-- C for new : result + 1
-- C for new : result + 1
So, in both cases, the column value for INSERT is calculated from the old result added by one.
From this, some running counter handled by the db would be fine. But that wouldn't work because
the counter values or existing rows are sometimes changed
sometimes I'd like there to be multiple counter "value groups" (as with the CODE mentioned) : with different values for CODE the counters would be independent.
With some other databases this can be handled with SERIALIZABLE isolation state but at least with Oracle&Postgre the phantom reads are prevented but as the result the table ends up with two distinct rows with same counter value. This seems to have to do with the predicate locking, locking "all the possible rows covered by the query" - some other db:s end up to lock the whole table or something..
SELECT ... FOR UPDATE -statements seem to be for other purposes and don't even seem to work with MAX() -function.
Setting an UNIQUE contraint on the column would probably be the solution but are there some other ways to prevent the situation?
b.r. Touko
EDIT: One more option could probably be manual locking even though it doesn't appear nice to me..
Both Oracle and PostgreSQL support what's called sequences and the perfect fit for your problem. You can have a regular int column, but define one sequence per group, and do a single query like
insert into table (id, ... ) values (nextval(sequence_name_for_group_xx), ... )
insert into table (id, ... ) values (sequence_name_for_group_xx.nextval, ... )
Increments in sequences are atomic, so your problem just wouldn't exist. It's only a matter of creating the required sequences, one per group.
the counter values or existing rows are sometimes changed
You should to put a unique constraint on that column if this would be a problem for your app. Doing so would guarantee a transaction at SERIALIZABLE isolation level would abort if it tried to use the same id as another transaction.
One more option could probably be manual locking even though it doesn't appear nice to me..
Manual locking in this case is pretty easy: just take a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE or stronger lock on the table before selecting the maximum. This will kill concurrent performance, though.
sometimes I'd like there to be multiple counter "value groups" (as with the CODE mentioned) : with different values for CODE the counters would be independent.
This leads me to the Right Solution for this problem: sequences. Set up several sequences, one for each "value group" you want to get IDs in their own range. See Section 9.15 of The Manual for the details of sequences and how to use them; it looks like they're a perfect fit for you. Sequences will never give the same value twice, but might skip values: if a transaction gets the value '2' from a sequence and aborts, the next transaction will get the value '3' rather than '2'.
The sequence answer is common, but might not be right. The viability of this solution depends on what you actually need. If what you semantically want is "some guaranteed to be unique number" then that is what a sequence is for. However, if what you want is to make sure that your value increases by exactly one on each insert (as you have asked), then DO NOT USE A SEQUENCE! I have run into this trap before myself. Sequences are not guaranteed to be sequential! They can skip numbers. Depending on what sort of optimizations you have configured, they can skip LOTS of numbers. Even if you have things configured just right so that you shouldn't skip any numbers, that is not guaranteed, and is not what sequences are for. So, you are only asking for trouble if you (mis)use them like that.
One step better solution is to bundle the select into the insert, like so:
INSERT INTO table(code, c, ...)
VALUES ('XX', (SELECT MAX(c) + 1 AS c FROM table WHERE code = 'XX'), ...);
(I haven't test run that query, but I'm pretty sure it should work. My apologies if it doesn't.) But, doing something like that reflects the semantic intent of what you are trying to do. However, this is inefficient, because you have to do a scan for MAX, and the inference I am taking from your sample is that you have a small number of code values relative to the size of the table, so you are going to do an expensive, full table scan on every insert. That isn't good. Also, this doesn't even get you the ACID guarantee you are looking for. The select is not transactionally tied to the insert. You can't "lock" the result of the MAX() function. So, you could still have two transactions running this query and they both do the sub-select and get the same max, both add one, and then both try to insert. It's a much smaller window, but you may still technically have a race condition here.
Ultimately, I would challenge that you probably have the wrong data model if you are trying to increment on insert. You should insert with a unique key, most commonly a sequence value (at least as an easy, surrogate key for any natural key). That gets the data safely inserted. Then, if you need a count of things, then have one table that stores your counts.
CREATE TABLE code_counts (
code VARCHAR(2), --or whatever
count NUMBER
If you really want to store the code count of each item as it is inserted, the separate count table also allows you to do so correctly, transactionally, like so:
UPDATE code_counts SET count = count + 1 WHERE code = 'XX' RETURNING count INTO :count;
INSERT INTO table(code, c, ...) VALUES ('XX', :count, ...);
The key is that the update locks the counter table and reserves that value for you. Then your insert uses that value. And all of that is committed as one transactional change. You have to do this in a transaction. Having a separate count table avoids the full table scan of doing SELECT MAX().... In essense, what this does is re-implements a sequence, but it also guarantees you sequencial, ordered use.
Without knowing your whole problem domain and data model, it is hard to say, but abstracting your counts out to a separate table like this where you don't have to do a select max to get the right value is probably a good idea. Assuming, of course, that a count is what you really care about. If you are just doing logging or something where you want to make sure things are unique, then use a sequence, and a timestamp to sort by.
Note that I'm saying not to sort by a sequence either. Basically, never trust a sequence to be anything other than unique. Because when you get to caching sequence values on a multi-node system, your application might even consume them out of order.
This is why you should use the Serial datatype, which defers the lookup of C to the time of insert (which uses table locks i presume). You would then not specify C, but it would be generated automatically. If you need C for some intermediate calculation, you would need to save first, then read C and finally update with the derived values.
Edit: Sorry, I didn't read your whole question. What about solving your other problems with normalization? Just create a second table for each specific type (for each x where A='x'), where you have another auto increment. Manually edited sequences could be another column in the same table, which uses the generated sequence as a base (i.e if pk = 34 you can have another column mypk='34Changed').
You can create sequential collumn by using sequence as default value:
First, you have to create the sequence counter:
So, you can use it as default value:
Now you don't need to worry about sequence on inserting rows:
INSERT INTO T (collumn1, collumn2) VALUES (value1, value2);
