VS2008 DBML designer and Windows 7 - windows

Not sure if anyone has noticed this yet but if you run Visual Studio 2008 with the DBML (not sure about EF yet) under Windows 7 the tables will disappear when you hover over them. Looking for a fix so I thought I'd ask everyone since I've seen it asked in comments but not as a question yet.
I've filed a bug with Microsoft. Anyone else who wants to help get it fixed please validate it as a bug.

It's unlikely that there is a published fix available for this. Windows7 is still a non-RTM product and will have bugs with existing applications. Since the issue is more likely to be in Windows than Visual Studio, the fix will almost certainly come from Windows.
Your best bet is to upgrade to the next version of Windows7 when it comes out and hope it permanently fixes the issue.
A short term solution is to disable Aero and see if that helps. I've found that occasionally fixes graphics issues for me.
I was able to confirm this exists even on newer builds of Win7. It's almost certainly a bug in Windows vs. Visual Studio. But this bug will get actioned much faster if you file a bug on Visual Studio. I've included the bug link below. I'm going to follow up internally but this is likely to get attention faster if it's filed by a customer.

There's a related bug which pertains to the Entity Framework EDMX Entity Model Designer on Windows 7 RC. So the DBML designer is still broken.


VS2010 hanging a lot lately. Should I try SP1 beta?

VS2010 start hanging in some dummy operations like paste, scrolling, opening a file (video). Very frustrating.
I've disabled all extensions, but still no luck.
Is SP1 beta stable enough to take a chance on it?
I don't have those issues myself. Taking a glance over the issues list I don't see anything particularly related to that. In fact, the performance feedback is being requested with some details. Check the link.
We continue to see a lot of feedback
on performance in particular which we
would like to correlate with machine
configs and project types. If you can
send your performance related issues
to devperf#microsoft.com we want to do
more investigation of the issues.
I'd always prefer reinstalling the RTM over using a beta for production code.
Finally installed SP1 beta. So far no hangings, It seams that VS2010 SP1 handle the errors better before completely crashing (even when is extension related)

IDE gets corrupt after debugging in Visual Studio 2003

My solution currently contains 20 projects in total. These are all window
But lately after my OS(Windows XP SP3) downloaded updates from Microsoft and after adding just one window form in one of the projects, VS 2003 IDE starts crashing when trying to debug the solution. After crashing VS needs to be reinstall....
ANY advice that might save me from having to reinstall VS2003 over and over?thanks.
I'd disable all addons you might have installed and see if that helps (VS is usually quite stable, but some addons are not). If so, re-enable them one by one to find which one causes the problem
If that doesn't help, see if you can re-create the crash with a minimal solution, and if you can, it might be worth talking with MS about it, their Connect website might be a good place to start.
Please note, if you edit your question to give more specific information (VS version & edition, what projects you're using etc) someone might be able to give a more specific answer, but I think with that generic question, you'll only get generic answers.

Could not start visual basic

When I try to start my visual basic to open a project it doesnt seem to be working and keep prompting a error 'VB6EXT.OLB' could not be register. What does that mean? Need helps on this matter, thanks
Just Right Click on VB6.exe and CLick On Run As Administrator..
Hope It works
VBE6EXT.OLB is the Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility Library. That filename seems to indicate that you're dealing with version 5.3, which apparently shipped with Microsoft Office 2000. It would seem your VB6 project is an Office Automation project then?
Google turns up the following links, which may be helpful:
BUG: Interface methods in the VBA Extensibility Library (VBE) are changed
PRB: Visual Studio Setup program may include Office OLB files in setup list
Neither seems to directly answer your question, but they seem like a good place to start.
Since Visual Basic 6 (and Microsoft Office 2000 as well) hit end-of-life well before Windows Vista was released, there may be a fundamental conflict between them. You might be better off trying to develop your application on an older version of Windows.
This just happened to me (literally seconds ago) and I came HERE first stop.
I was looking for THE answer. As it happened, MS-Office 2010 offered to repair the problem...
... and, skeptically, I accepted.
To my astonishment I was soon greeted by my FAVOURITE splash screen in the world - I've got my Rubberduck
Anyway, I'm relieved the Auto Fix worked...

Visual Studio 2008 crashes

When I open a aspx page, it crashes. Doesn't happen when I'm on SAFE MODE. It seems to be connected to Visual SVN. I'm also using Telerik, but telerik seems to work fine.
Clearly, this is a unique problem to your environment and difficult to troubleshoot with light details. I'd obviously recommend trying to uninstall the Visual SVN plug-in and see if that impacts VS stability. If VS stability improves, problem solved; if not, keep removing/uninstalling VS plug-ins to trace the issue.
If you ultimately still have issues with all plug-ins removed, a repair install of VS 2008 may help.
Sorry this help isn't more targeted. Try some trouble hunting and let us know if we can help further.

Visual Studio 2005 - 'Updating IntelliSense' hang-up

I am having trouble with my Visual Studio 2005 IntelliSense for some time now.
It used to work fine, but for some reason the 'Updating IntelliSense...' does no longer seem to be able to complete for the solution I'm working on currenly- it simply gets stuck somewhere at about 3-bars of progress and blocks one of my precious CPUs for eternity.
Deleting the .ncb file of my solution and performing a full 'Clean' afterwards was no help.
The 'Update' simply gets stuck again.
The project I'm working on is a fairly large C++ solution with 50+ projects, quite a few template classes (even more lately) and in general quite complex. I have no idea which impact this might have on the IntelliSense.
Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 and all hotfixes which rely on it are not
installed (we hade huge problems with this one, so we haven't migrated yet).
Any answer is very much appreciated on this one. Gives me the creeps..
Rename "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcpackages\feacp.dll" to something else (like "feacp.bak") to disable Intellisense.
I recommend getting Visual Assist X to make up for it (it also has a number of other useful features as well).
I have found that the best fix for Intellisense in VS2005 is to install SP1, and then this hotfix: 947315. It has the added benefit of fixing most of the multi-core build issues.
This hotfix also includes the ability to control Intellisense via Macros. More information here.
As for making SP1 more friendly for existing code, you might also check out this hotfix for template compilation: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/930198
Intellsense is problematic. Very problematic. When it works, it's great, but more often than not it will cause more problems than it's worth. It will hang up, it will parse through files while you are trying to compile code and will generally make VC 2005 sometimes run like a dog. As a previous poster suggested, disable intellisense (and chose a potential alternative -- I also support VAX).
Supposedly the hotfix and SP1 provided by MS will fix some intellisense problems, but not all. We have seen minimal help from these where I work. You are better off to disable it and rely on something else.
My feeling is that the slowness comes from the size of the projects. Yours seems like it might fall into that case.
Here is the only solution that works for me.
