Could not start visual basic - vb6

When I try to start my visual basic to open a project it doesnt seem to be working and keep prompting a error 'VB6EXT.OLB' could not be register. What does that mean? Need helps on this matter, thanks

Just Right Click on VB6.exe and CLick On Run As Administrator..
Hope It works

VBE6EXT.OLB is the Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility Library. That filename seems to indicate that you're dealing with version 5.3, which apparently shipped with Microsoft Office 2000. It would seem your VB6 project is an Office Automation project then?
Google turns up the following links, which may be helpful:
BUG: Interface methods in the VBA Extensibility Library (VBE) are changed
PRB: Visual Studio Setup program may include Office OLB files in setup list
Neither seems to directly answer your question, but they seem like a good place to start.
Since Visual Basic 6 (and Microsoft Office 2000 as well) hit end-of-life well before Windows Vista was released, there may be a fundamental conflict between them. You might be better off trying to develop your application on an older version of Windows.

This just happened to me (literally seconds ago) and I came HERE first stop.
I was looking for THE answer. As it happened, MS-Office 2010 offered to repair the problem...
... and, skeptically, I accepted.
To my astonishment I was soon greeted by my FAVOURITE splash screen in the world - I've got my Rubberduck
Anyway, I'm relieved the Auto Fix worked...


Visual Basic Studio 2010 does not start

I've got trouble with my copy of Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express.
I installed it about a year ago. Since then I've used it several times without any problems. Now, I haven't used it for some weeks and now, when I try to start the application, it crashes after the welcome-screen with a not-helpful message. Because I use the german version of Visual Studio, I don't know exactly, how this message would look like in english:
German: Ein Aufrufziel hat einen Ausnahmefehler verursacht.
English (freely translated): A called target has caused an exception.
So, as you see, this Error Screen does not give many information. It is also not possible to gather more information. After clicking OK to the error, the application simply shuts down.
Some details
I am using the german installation of MS Visual Basic 2010 Express
I've got also installed the german version of MS Visual C++ 2010 Express (does not work as well)
Both applications does not work with user permissions nor with administrator permissions
No possible Compatibility-Option (Compatibility Mode, Reduced Color Mode, etc) fix the problem
I work inside a physical Windows 8.1 machine
I installed all updates, that came with the automated update feature of windows
I've got another copy of MS Studio Express inside a VM (Windows 7), working properly
I do not remember exactly what I have changed since my last use of VS, I think I installed Far Cry 4 AFTER my last use, wich came with some .NET components. But I don't think there were other big changes inside the system.
Because the error message is so inconcrete, I do not know, wich further information can be useful, nor I can imagine any problem, that suddenly occured. So I hope somebody got a similar problem and knows how to fix it.
The best option is to go for visual studio community 2013.It's free and you can recover your previous work.
You can download it here.
Even if you find an error go to build->clean solution.It will work like wonder.
N S Deo

Visual basic - Access to path denied

I'm writing a project in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, which used to work completely fine until that moment, when I decided to install MS Chart Control in order to create a diagram in my project.
This didn't work (error "failed to register activex control" when dragging the tool into the form; although I registered everything successfully as an administrator) and many hours googling myself through forums made it clear to me, that this seems to be a general bug. At least I couldn't find a solution.
So now, I removed the tool MS Chart Control again, but still, I get error messages, when I build my project. After reinstalling Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition completely and removing all references that pointed on the MS Chart Library, I managed to delete some of them.
However three errors still remain, when I build the project. All of them of the same kind:
"Cannot write to the output file "C:...\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Test\Test\obj\Debug\Test.Form1.resources".
Access to the path 'C:...\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Test\Test\obj\Debug\Test.Form1.resources' is denied."
(same thing with two other files in the Debug-folder)
I again spent several hours searching through forums, but could not find a helpful answer. I already tried reinstalling everything again as well as rebooting windows and emptying the bin.
I also made sure, that the folder properties of 'Debug' are set on 'full access'.
Still, Visual Basic can not write on these files anymore.
I would be very grateful for any answer. Please note, that I am not an expert, neither on programming nor on computer-troubleshooting, so I would be happy about generally understandable (step-by-step) answers.
Many thanks in advance!
I just found out, that it works, if I open Visual Basic Studio as an administrator.
Strange, because a month ago, it always worked fine and I don't think I have changed anything about the folder or datas properties.
Anyway.... that solved the problem, I guess.

IDE gets corrupt after debugging in Visual Studio 2003

My solution currently contains 20 projects in total. These are all window
But lately after my OS(Windows XP SP3) downloaded updates from Microsoft and after adding just one window form in one of the projects, VS 2003 IDE starts crashing when trying to debug the solution. After crashing VS needs to be reinstall....
ANY advice that might save me from having to reinstall VS2003 over and over?thanks.
I'd disable all addons you might have installed and see if that helps (VS is usually quite stable, but some addons are not). If so, re-enable them one by one to find which one causes the problem
If that doesn't help, see if you can re-create the crash with a minimal solution, and if you can, it might be worth talking with MS about it, their Connect website might be a good place to start.
Please note, if you edit your question to give more specific information (VS version & edition, what projects you're using etc) someone might be able to give a more specific answer, but I think with that generic question, you'll only get generic answers.

How do I set permissions on my VSTO outlook add-in?

I am trying to distribute my Outlook Add-In to the rest of the company.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Professional and Outlook 2003. In VS I used an installed template for Outlook 2003. It created a solution with BOTH a project and an installer.
I use the project and created an Add-In. It works GREAT on my PC in development. Now, I want to distribute it. Here's where things go haywire. The nice little installer they provide DOESN'T ACTUALLY WORK.
The installer runs and places the files where they are to go, but the add-in doesn't run. Instead it gets errors about not having permissions. The installer didn't automatically set the security settings for you.
No problem. You just have to set those settings... right? But no where can I find a simple list of those settings.
I've been to a thousand times from almost every possible link on the web. I've read every Microsoft paper that I can find on VSTO add-Ins. Unfortunately everything seems to reference some magic script... "Just include the sample code..."
There. I feel better.
Since I installed VS2008, I don't have the directory:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office SE Resources\Samples
No problem, right? Just DL it from microsoft. I've downloaded every "vstor.exe" that I can get my hands on. They all offer to "repair or uninstall" my current installation, but no matter what I choose, the vstor.exe crashes.
I just want to know what I need to do (the manual steps, if necessary!!!!!) to get my friggin app distributed.
No magic "include this gizmo". No fifty-thousand page diatribes.
Anyone know how this is ACTUALLY done?!
I got it to work.
I was able to get a "sample code" update from Microsoft that allowed me to follow the walk-through.
I still think that's utterly ridiculous to HAVE to use sample code to easily distribute your app. However it is working at the moment.
The link I used was given to me by anonymous use on a different board. Whoever you are THANK YOU!!!!
Here is the link I was given:
This allowed me to actually get my hands on that mysterious "sample" code even though I use VS2008 Professional.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 & 2008 fails to create project, what other alternative do i have?

Visual C++ doens't work on my Vista. both 2010 and 2008 fails to create new projects. what alternative do i have ? I am sick of googling and trying out all the other hacks to fix it.
What other alternatives? If you're tired of trying the "hacks", I'd be looking at one or more of the following, in no particular order.
Use a different IDE.
Re-install Visual Studio.
Re-install Windows along with all your other apps (including VS).
Try installing Visual Studio in a newly created virtual machine.
Upgrade to XP :-)
Raise a support call with Microsoft.
Hire someone to fix the problem for you.
Provide more detail in this question.
Really, the possibilities are (figuratively) endless. There are any number of problems that could be causing this and the detail is a bit light on at the moment. What I tend to do is always have a fresh-install VM of XP lying around so I can test problems in environments that haven't been heavily changed from the originals.
No doubt we will be able to provide more help once the problem has been narrowed down some more. Sorry I can't help more than that at the moment.
I might guess that you are having trouble creating the projects because you don't have permission to the folder where you're trying to write them. Try right clicking on Visual Studio and saying 'Run as Administrator' then create the project.
You could use DevC++ or Eclipse as the compiler perhaps.
