How to change the theme of a program - themes

I have a piece of software, a winform program developed in c#, that has several different themes. But if one of my team members wants to change the theme they have to ask me, then i have to change it, recompile and send it. Instead I wish for them to be able to freely change the theme. It is like changing the theme in Firefox, etc. Any ideas on how to begin coding such a piece of software?

This seems like a good thing to put into your config file. Have a method that checks the config file for a theme setting. And change the theme based on that. I would also recommend having a default theme in case the config file fails to specify one.
Alternatively, this could go into the admin / settings / options portion of the application. Where you could save it with your other settings. In the registry, or app settings folder, etc.


How to customize interface of Rocket Chat

I need to make some changes to the front-end of RocketChat. I've done a manual install on Ubuntu 16.04 and am new to the JS ecosystem. Simply editing files (such as programs/server/packages/rocketchat_lib.js) and redoing npm install doesn't seem to work.
How can this be done?
If you need some heavier changes like changing JS, menus and doing full customization you will have to build your own custom It uses Meteor framework. You can find some guides here and talk to people on the demo server channel learn
To change your logo, background, and other settings related to UI, we need to log in as administrator and go to Administration area then Settings and Assets section and upload the relevant images there. And we can also make other UI related settings from the layout section, which can include content, colors, fonts, and more.
To customize the Rocket.Chat UI you can either modify the rocketchat-theme or rocketchat-ui packages directly, but if you’re keeping in sync with active development it would be easier to avoid conflicts by creating your own theme package.
You can add theme customisations to Rocket.Chat by just creating a Meteor package with your code, then adding it to the packages file.
Well Rocket Chat allows us to change the logo. It also allows us to add custom CSS rules and change basic colors.
To change the colors and CSS go to administration and then under settings go to layout.
To change the logo go to administration and then under settings go to assets
Most* use of color in Rocket.Chat can be customised by changing color settings under Administration > Layout > Colors
Also you can use own CSS styles and so on in under Administration > Layout
Editing files directly is bad way how to do it.
Some reference a HOW-TO are here

How to change layout of pre-configured site in AEM 6

I am trying to change the layout and customize the pre-configured Geometrixx-Gov site in AEM 6. For example, I would like to change the blue color in the header
Also, I would like to change the text of All Applications to something else I want.
What is the best way to make these changes?
Once I make my changes, is there a way to somehow take/package my changes and deploy them to an instance of AEM not running on my local computer?
When I try to edit things, I can change the text around in the body of the site but can't seem to change the text around in the header
1- To change the menu, I think you have to change the page title or the page navigation title, you probably have a page called "All Applications".
2- To change the color, you have to edit the CSS in the client libs which are somewhere under /etc/clientlibs/{your_app}
3- You can package the application using the package manager, make sure you include the /apps/{your_app}, /etc/clientlibs/{your_app}, /etc/designs/{your_app}, /content/{your_app}, those are basic folders, you may need other files or paths in your filters, make sure all dependencies are respected.

file types grouped, how to ungroup

in windows 7, after installed Komodo Edit, i tried to change filetype icon using FileTypesMan from NirSoft, but as weird as it is, as soon as I change desription for .js it changes to the same too for .php and vice-versa the other way too. My guess is, maybe Komodo added it to some file types group, but dunno how to diferentiate them? My primary goal is to have a custom php icon for php and js files (each one different)
any experience anyone, or suggestions?
Newer heard before of such binding between different file extensions
Unfortunately Komodo uses your system file icons so it does not have direct control over what language icons you see. If you'd want to change those icons you would have to do it at the system level.
Note that we will most likely be using our own language icons in one of our next releases, which should solve issues like the one you are having.
Note that if you're feeling really adventurous you could develop an addon or customize the source directly (available at Feel free to join us on IRC if you have any questions - #komodo on
Source: Komodo Dev.

Making TextBox text theme aware

I created a page.i want to change the background of Textbox when theme of emulator is changed to light.The letters cant be visible while changing the there any solution?
If you use the default TextBox control inside Visual Studio it is fully theme aware. If you have set the colours yourself then you need to perform the theme aware changes in code behind.
For more information, please see the following :-
I assume you are referring to TextBlock rather than TextBox (as the latter automatically has style support).
You should never declare a TextBlock without a Style attribute, such as Style={StaticResource PhoneTextNormalStyle}. A full list of available styles can be found on MSDN: Theme Resources for Windows Phone
Also of relevance is: How to: Apply Theme Resources for Windows Phone
NB: Due to the way Mango was designed, backing into your application after changing themes will not apply the new theme. You will need to restart the application to see the changed theme.
Based on your screenshots, you have two choices:
Reskin ("Edit Template" in Blend) each of the controls that you use to redefine a style in which the various colour-related properties are hardcoded
Use an alternate, lighter, background image when in the white theme in order to improve the contrast. I've blogged about how you can define theme-aware resources (and also mentioned it on other SO questions).
Put simply, you can either submit to the theme or force it to remain the way you want it.
We can set a theme as default to our application.When we log in our application the phone theme will be changed to its suitable theme and when we log out change back to original
here s the link .

Source of Thunderbird's Default Theme by Arvid Axelsson

I need to edit the original icons from Thunderbird's Default Theme by Arvid Axelsson.
Does Mozilla provides an SVG version?
I need to know the style of the icons, because they're really specific (inner-shadow etc). It's not a simple -moz-effect (CSS). Does anybody know where to find or download the real skin-source or how to view files inside chrome://global/skin?
There are actually three default themes - Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. You seem to be talking about the Windows theme which is indeed being attributed to Arvid Axelsson even though he doesn't seem to be working on it (looks like he created the theme around Thunderbird 1.0 and other people took over since).
Looking at the source code repository, the icons are there but their source code isn't. I also checked the bugs associated with icon changes and the source code of these icons indeed doesn't seem to be public. Which means that the only way for you would be contacting the person who designed the icons. That would be Andreas Nilsson, click his name in bug 671236 to send him a mail.
