Document load is being skipped - what document is causing this? - visual-studio

when loading up a solution in VS2008 I get:
An error was encountered while
opening associated documents the last
time this solution was loaded.
Document load is being skipped during
this solution load in order to avoid
that error.
How can I find which document is causing the problem?

I can't say I've seen this particular error, but I'm wondering if that might be stored in the .suo file associated with your solution. The .suo is where VS tracks which files you had open previously, so maybe it tracks failed ones as well. You might try renaming or deleting that file and then reloading the solution to see if the error goes away. Unfortunately, those files aren't entirely human-readable, so if that proves to be the location, it may not be trivial to determine which file was at fault.

I cleaned my solution via Build->Clean Solution.
Then I rebuilded my solution. Seems to work for me.
edit: i use VS 2010

I've been shut down by this problem all morning, so I've been doing some forced research. here's a tidbit that may help, along with some links I've found (but IO haven't read them all yet).
First of all, the tidbit. It seems that if I can get the solution to open at all (which I can, the second time, when VS.NET skips the "Document loading" step), and then immediately do a Rebuild All, that might "fix" the problem (meaning, the problem will go away for a while and show up a few days later, but at least I can get some work done).
Of course, that may turn out to be a red herring, but it appears to hold true right now.
Next, here are some links I've found. I haven't read all of them, but they are about this problem or very similar ones, and they may help somebody.
Why does Visual Studio crash opening ASPX with MVC RC1
Resharper (R#) 4.5 and MVC (1.0) solutions cause Visual Studio 2008 SP1 to crash on solution load

I'm using VS2010 and had the same fault.
I removed the 2 SUO files associated to the solution and it worked fine.

It may not be possible to definitely determine which file is causing the issue. Similar errors have been reported with widely varying circumstances, except for the condition where there is at least 1 file that was still open for editing at the last time the solution was successfully opened and closed.
I've looked at this myself with WinDbg active, and the call stack is filled with a chain of DLLs in thread/module unload state. Most likely this is being caused by a race condition or other faulty multi-threading behavior in visual studio.
Here are other references you can view, in case others update them with additional information.
IDE Reports Error ... # Microsoft Connect
Error Loading Solution 100% of the time ... # Microsoft Connect
Error opening associated documents ... # Stack Overflow
I should add that my conclusion of this being a race condition is based upon clues gathered while trying to create a minidump of the crash in Visual Studio with WinDbg; and prior history with similar unexplained bugs in older versions of Visual Studio.
In my exploration, WinDbg consistently reports that a minidump cannot be created for this crash because ReadProcessMemory has failed. The stack trace contains a trail of DllUnloads called for various reasons. There are no reports of this bug happening when there are no document views that were open at the last time the solution was closed. In combining these clues, my guess is that there are bugs in the order of instantiation; perhaps as two views of the same type are opened, one completes ahead of the other and causes the cleanup of a resource that is shared by both actions.
It is possible that this isn't a race condition or threading bug, though the symptoms strongly suggest it. Fortunately for myself and others who have chimed in with answers, when I've encountered this bug, deleting the .SUO file (and .NCB file in older versions of Visual Studio) fixes the problem.

I had this issue as well. I deleted the *.suo file associated with the solution. When I attempted to load the solution again I was prompted with the same error except that this time Visual Studio didn't crash instantly. When I clicked "ok" on the error dialog the solution seemed to load just fine.

Received this "document load skipped" error, then an "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when I tried to close VS. I fixed both by deleting:
C:\Users{user}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\ComponentModelCache and
I found those first two were causing other errors related to missing packages when I'd load up my project, and the "object reference not set to an instance of an object" when trying to close VS, and was receiving errors from the JavaScript Language Service, complaining of missing js files from those last .NETFramework files (which I do not get if I do not add them back in):
01:10:11.7550: Referenced file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\JavaScript\References\libhelp.js' not found.
01:10:11.7550: Referenced file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\JavaScript\References\sitetypesWeb.js' not found.
01:10:11.7550: Referenced file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\JavaScript\References\domWeb.js' not found.
01:10:11.7550: Referenced file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\JavaScript\References\underscorefilter.js' not found.
01:10:11.7550: Referenced file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\JavaScript\References\showPlainComments.js' not found.
I might just need to re-install/repair the JavaScript Language Service plug-in, and it's possible those were the files getting "skipped". But I would try getting rid of all of the files I listed above and restarting Visual Studio. They should get re-created, except for the .NETFramework files. If you like, you can back the .NETFramework files up, then delete them, and then paste them back in one at a time and relaunch VS between each file copy-back that you do, to narrow things down, as I did.
Posted my process I used to figure this out at Visual Studio 2015 error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" after install of ASP.NET and Web Tools 2015 (RC1 Update 1)

I received this error today in Visual Studio 2019. I solved it in 2 steps
Build | Clean Solution
Rebuild Solution
I'm uncertain which of the 2 steps above did the trick, but I am certain that it is fixed. I would be nothing without Stack. Thank you everyone for posting on this site.


complete workspace duplicate files open in visual studio

within my solution in Visual Studio I have the problem that somehow sometimes all open files in my workspace are duplicated, followed by :1, :2, :...
I can't find a reason why this is happening, and can't find any information on the web about this "issue" too.
I found a way to duplicate one file, using the Windows > New Window option in Visual Studio, but can't find the reason why all files are duplicated.
The main problem is that I don't know when it happens, I suddenly notice the numbers behind the files. I then close all documents, and after a while (sometimes a day later) it happens again.
Does someone knows when this occurs, How I can prevent this from happening?

Visual Studio 2013 Aborting When Opening Property Sheets for Project

I don't know when this started, but I discovered that Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 aborts when attempting to open properties for a project within a solution. It seems to only happen when we have more than one project in the solution.
I've been able to reproduce it in two circumstances:
The first project is C++ and the second project is Fortran. Right-clicking on the first project and selecting Properties crashes Visual Studio without a crash dump or any kind of pop-up notification. Visual Studio just ceases to exist. Right-clicking on the Fortran project brings up the property sheet without any problem.
The second circumstance is with two projects, both C++. In this case, I'm able to open properties successfully for the first project, but not for the second one.
In every case I've tried where there's a one-to-one solution and project, it's working fine. A colleague who's working with VS 2013 Update 4 verified that the crash occurs for him as well.
We don't know when this started, but historically, we've opened these property sheets many, many times. However, it's probably been a few months since I've worked on a mixed-language process, and same with my colleague.
I've turned on logging and there was a complaint in the log about two versions of the Desktop SDK having the same internal ID. I removed one of those altogether, but that didn't seem to affect anything. It's also not clear if that error has any relationship to the crash.
I've also done a repair on Visual Studio, and that did not correct the problem.
I've also tried deleting the .suo and .user files. Again, no luck.
I've done quite a bit of googling but haven't found anything that matches this specific problem.
Any ideas?
Thank you,

Visual Studio 13 raises unknown error at the startup?

As I start visual studio 13 it raises unknown error by saying "Microsoft Visual Studio 2014 has stop working" without any further explanation.
Here's what I've tried to solve this problem;
I reinstall .Net framework
I repair, uninstall-install Visual Studio
I installed another version of VS13
but still the problem persists. Do you have any further suggestion ?
I am using Windows 8.
I've run into a similar situation described here. Once i find a solution, i will post it there.
As a first attempt i would try to generate a logfile via the /log option and see if there is a problematic extension that you could disable/deinstall, e.g. NuGet.
You say you reinstalled VS2013, so the problem might be related to settings. If reverting all settings is an option for you, see this thread on how to truly really reset your settings. This involves calling your devenv.exe with special parameters (e.g. in a cmd.exe), removing files and tinkering with the registry.
I have found the solution to this or a similar problem if you are starting Visual Studio by loading a solution file.
The symptoms are that a solution that previously could be loaded with no problems, suddenly starts having the unknown error box appear for every project in the solution. Sometimes you can't see the relationship to the continuous reappearance of the error message and the project loading, because you don't have the solution explorer open, so you aren't even aware there is a correlation.
The solution to this is to use task manager to stop visual studio, confirm with visual studio that you wish to shut it down and then look for the .suo file for the solution you are trying to load. In VS2012 it appears in the same directory as the solution file and has the extension solutionname.v11.suo while in VS2015 it appears in a hidden .vs directory under the location where the solution file is found, in a folder named for the solution.
Delete this file and the problem will go away.
The .suo file contains the user preferences for the solution you are trying to load and it is perfectly safe to delete it as it is regenerated when you load the solution.
If you are getting the unknown error when you haven't tried to load any solutions, this is probably not the right answer.

Visual Studio 2010 crashes when doing a Find all references

Complete EDIT [I messed up the previous question]
A dialogue box shows up saying
[title: find definition]
Preparing files for project '_'
Then it crashes half way.
I've tried to do it on two different computers, but it still crashes.
It works for other smaller solutions, but this is my biggest one. about 16 projects.
When you say Visual Studio crashes, does it just go into the "Not Responding" state or does it have a full on crash (wanting to submit error report etc) ?
The Not Responding state is normal if it is just that (ie. just let it keep running).
If you are still struggling, I have used Notepad++ to do search and replaces on huge projects. You would need to ensure all your projects are Checked-out first (if under source control) and then run a Find in Files search and replace over all your projects.
Sorry I have nothing more enlightening for you.
I also face this issue; a Bug related to this is already present in MS Connect, but unfortunately no workaround is specified
Visual Studio 2010 Crashes when "Find all Reference" is ran

Visual studio lost current code on sudden crash

My visual studio 2010 crashed when some carelessness [bit of madness] mistakenly pressed start button and my Acer timeline got unstable. Two projects where open at the time, one in visual studio 2005 [I have both 2005 and 2010 installed]. Unfortunately I lost all the codes I had done at the time along with those coded even weeks before. Now the project files in both the solutions are those weeks older. Amazingly, the .aspx pages are intact and .cs files are gone.
What can be done to get the lost data? Help please.
Guys TAKE CARE if your Visual Studio crashes, you need to check the backup BEFORE you restart Visual Studio and check if your files are ok! Many people complain that they lost work after a crash, and then they restart Visual Studio, and upon discovering that their code cannot be found in Visual Studio they then check the backup at the location
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Backup Files\\
The order is important. Check the backup FIRST, before restarting Visual Studio. If you start Visual Studio and then open your old project it's probable that Visual Studio will overwrite the backup files for that project.
Securing the backup is your FIRST concern. Then start Visual Studio and open your project to see how much damage there is.
You can check:
C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Backup Files\<ProjectName>\
C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Backup Files\<ProjectName>\
More information can be found here:
Visual Studio 2010 AutoRecover Feature
I just had the same experience -- losing a source file during a BSOD. Very annoying!
No backup file could be found, and I searched the hard drive for a file containing the class name, but no backup was unturned.
However I was able to get back something resembling my code by decompiling a DLL from the bin/Debug folder using DotPeek. So if you had previously compiled your code successfully, you can get the code (without comments, and with some weird local variable names, etc) via decompilation.
I Had the same problem, I lost code due to BSOD.
the backup folder should store files not saved until they are saved whenever you save the files there are deleted.
I think that maybe they don't remain after a restart as it was empty in my case.
A very good file recovery tool is Recuva. It helped me once, didn't help me second time, though, because I noticed the data loss too late, and all recoverable data got overwritten.
So I used DotPeek, though you'll have to do a lot of work on the disassembled files, they are pretty weird.
Now I put my source tree in Google Drive, because it has file versions and keeps deleted files. Dropbox would do, too.
Git or any other VCS are not solution for this thing, because you cannot have crazy amount of meaningless commits.
