Where to store preferences under Windows in a networked application? - windows

Where should I store preferences and setting if my goal is that my app should be runnable from a network share and the user's settings should persist regardless of the exact machine he is logged in on at the time?
Similarly, where should I store application wide settings?
The development environment in use is not .Net but can compile apps compatable with Windows 2000 or later, if that is relevant.

The users profile. Assuming that her profile is roaming, the settings will follow the user wherever she is logging in.
For applications, settings should be stored in the Application Data special folder. You can get the path to this folder using SHGetSpecialFolderPath. For more info on special folders take a look at this article on Wikipedia.
When you say "application wide settings" I assume you mean settings available to all users. These could be stored alongside the application on the network share.

It seems to me that If "the user's settings should persist regardless of the exact machine he is logged in" the only place where you can store the settings is "on the server".
Exactly how this implemented is another story. If the share is writable then storing the config in file(s) on the same path/folder as the application is the easiest way. If the share is not writable you will have to find another way to do it - like a simple http web application.

Maybe Isolated Storage is what you are looking for (in case of per-user settings / files)


Run .NET application in Windows AppContainer?

I'm trying to use CreateAppContainerProfile to run a .NET 6 application.
Based on the documentation that api is used to set up the same kind of sandbox used by UWP applications.
Now this works correctly if the application is installed below c:\program files but if it's installed elsewhere the process fails with "Failed to resolve full path of the current executable [path to the executable]" (code 0x80008085)
If the user account has the WRITE_DAC access right to the application folder I can allow the sandbox read/list_directory access and it works again, but if the user account itself only haves read/list/execute rights there I can't do that.
The documentation for UWP sandboxes say that they implicitly give the sandbox read access to the application directory (which makes sense) and considering the application works in c:\program files without granting any permissions, that seems to somewhat also apply here but I don't understand why it doesn't work the same elsewhere.
Is there some security settings on the folders outside the user rights that would be relevant here?
There is so little documentation on this functionality I'm not entirely sure where else to look for information.
Answering my own question here:
I did really overthink this by assuming that the app container was supposed to magically give read/execute permission to the application directory.
In reality, c:\program files simply has an ACL for the special user "ALL RESTRICTED APPLICATION PACKAGES" that grants all app containers read/execute access to the entire directory tree.
Unfortunately this means there isn't really a nice solution for what I'm looking for apparently. At some point my main process has to be elevated to change ACLs to the application directory so that the app container can read it, there is no way afaict to just "inherit" rights the host process has to the containerized one.
"Capabilities" can be used when creating the appcontainer to allow access to certain predefined functionality (libraries, devices, ...) or you can basically set up custom capabilities, like a set of directories a container should be able to access but that then again requires the right to change ACLs on those directories when setting up the capability.

Windows: Avoid or Disable Backups on Files

Protecting user files with File History talks about File History, which is basically a continuous backup for Windows 8. The blog discusses File History in depth, and also discusses how to integrate SkyDrive.
I want to programmatically disable backup of certain files. The files live on another server, and there's no need to back them up locally or put them on someone else's cloud. The blog and related articles doe not talk about opt'ing out of the service for application data.
How does one programmatically: (1) disable local file backups; and (2) disable cloud based backups. I'm interested in settings for both Windows 8 (desktop or laptop) and Windows Phone 8.
Related: Both Android and Apple have similar. For Android, we add android:allowBackup and set it to false in AndroidManifest.xml. For Apple, we can use kCFURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey file property or com.apple.MobileBackup extended attribute.
In Windows Phone 8, backup and restore settings are controlled by the user through system settings. An app cannot prevent itself from being backed up. However, note that the backup does not store any data associated with third party apps but rather only stores a list of installed apps
So basically you don't need to do anything in your app to prevent local files from being stored on SkyDrive if the user has enabled backup.
In Windows 8 everything can be backed up since an admin user will have full access to his computer files, I don't think you can restrict this. If you have sensitive data you can use DataProtectionProvider to protect it.

Where is the guideline that says you shouldn't write to the Program Files area?

Many questions on SO say "Windows developer guidelines" or "windows design guidelines" say that you shouldn't write temporary or program data to the Program Files area, but as far as I can tell none of them actually link to a piece of documentation that says as much. Searching the MSDN has yielded me no results. Windows will make the area read-only, so it can be enforced by the OS, but that doesn't mean developers didn't try to write there anyway (e.g., when porting older, XP and earlier based programs forward.)
I realize that it seems odd to ask about it this late into Windows development (since, as a commenter below pointed out, has been enforced by the OS for more than a decade), but a document that says so is sometimes necessary to satisfy people.
With that in mind, Does Microsoft have a document published stating we shouldn't write application data to the Program Files area, and if so, where is it?
From Technical requirements for the Windows 7 Client Software Logo Program:
Install to the correct folders by default
Users should have a consistent and secure experience with the default
installation location of files, while maintaining the option to
install an application to the location they choose. It is also
necessary to store application data in the correct location to allow
several people to use the same computer without corrupting or
overwriting each other's data and settings.
Windows provides specific locations in the file system to store
programs and software components, shared application data, and
application data specific to a user:
Applications should be installed to the Program Files folder by default. User data or application data must never be stored in this
location because of the security permissions configured for this
folder (emphasis added)
All application data that must be shared among users on the computer should be stored within ProgramData
All application data exclusive to a specific user and not to be shared with other users of the computer must be stored in
Never write directly to the "Windows" directory and or subdirectories. Use the correct methods for installing files, such as
fonts or drivers
In “per-machine” installations, user data must be written at first run and not during the installation. This is because there is no
correct user location to store data at time of installation. Attempts
by an application to modify default association behaviors at a machine
level after installation will be unsuccessful. Instead, defaults must
be claimed on a per-user level, which prevents multiple users from
overwriting each other's defaults.
And I'm quite sure that there's similar stuff for every Windows version of the NT family going back to Windows NT 4 or even earlier.
See also this question.
Edit: the original link in this post to the Windows 7 Logo program exists no more. Here you find the current link to the Certification requirements for Windows Desktop Apps. See Section 10, Apps must install to the correct folders by default
In later versions of windows (Vista, 7 and of course server versions) access permission are restricted for "special folders" including "Program Files". Even if your program is elevated to have sufficient privileges to write to this folder it is still a bad idea.
I don't know of any guidelines that state this but there is a list of special folders and what they are meant for. The fact that there is a special folder for nearly all types of data I can image means there is no need to use the program files folder.

In Windows is any folder alternative to ProgramData?

I'm writing a desktop app and need a folder which...
Exists in Windows 7 and Vista
Is common to all users (for store config data).
Application can save data on it, without Admin privileges (not like "ProgramData").
is standard (I don't want to create another app specific folder in "C:", the Desktop or other place alike.)
"Program Files" is not an option, of course.
Can you suggest an appropriate folder, or better use the Registry?
The recommended way to do this is to create a folder at install time, dedicated to your application, underneath "ProgramData" (i.e. CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA/FOLDERID_ProgramData).
As you already know, the CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA folder is read only for standard users. So your install program needs to give the folder that it creates an ACL that permits the access that you require.
This is the solution that meets all the criteria laid out in your bullet points.
You mention the registry. There is no area of the registry that is shared between all users and yet writeable by standard users. Whilst you can use ACLs to grant more permissive access rights to the registry, it is really not the done thing. Please forget that I even mentioned this possibility!
IF your app is .NET then use CommonApplicationData - you can get the real location by calling GetFolderPath.
EDIT - as per comments:
You need to setup ACL correctly - for sample source code on how to do this see http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/61987/Allow-write-modify-access-to-CommonApplicationData
What about Public User directories? For Example: C:\Users\Public\Libraries or C:\Users\Public\Documents
I've noticed these folder on several of my Windows 7 machines. I'm not sure if it is always there, but might be an option. I was hoping for something like an %appdata% for the Public User, but the closest thing I found was Public\Libraries.
(As a side note, it appears C:\Users\Public\Desktop does require admin to write to.)
what about using %APPDATA%/Company/Product for the directory?

When - and why - should you store data in the Windows Registry?

As a developer, tools that store configuration/options in the registry are the bane of my life. I can't easily track changes to those options, can't easily port them from machine to machine, and it all makes me really yearn for the good old days of .INI files...
When writing my own applications, what - if anything - should I choose to put in the registry rather than in old-fashioned configuration files, and why?
Originally (WIN3) configuration was stored in the WIN.INI file in the windows directory.
Problem: WIN.INI grew too big.
Solution (Win31): individual INI files in the same directory as the program.
Problem: That program may be installed on a network and shared by many people.
Solution(Win311): individual INI files in the user's Window directory.
Problem: Many people may share a windows folder, and it should be read-only anyway.
Solution (Win95): Registry with separate sections for each user.
Problem: Registry grew too big.
Solution (WinXP): Large blocks of individual data moved to user's own Application Data folder.
Problem: Good for large amounts of data, but rather complex for small amounts.
Solution (.NET): small amounts of fixed, read-only data stored in .config (Xml) files in same folder as application, with API to read it. (Read/write or user specific data stays in registry)
Coming at this both from a user perspective and a programmers perspective I would have to say there really isn't a good exceuse to put something in the registry unless it is something like file associations, or machine specific settings.
I come from the school of thought that says that a program should be runnable from wherever it is installed, that the installation should be completely movable within a machine, or even to another machine and not affect the running of it.
Any configurable options, or required dlls etc, if they are not shared should reside in a subdirectory of the installation directory, so that the whole installation is easily moved.
I use a lot of smaller utility like programs, so if it cant be installed on a usb stick and plugged into another machine and just run, then its not for me.
When - You are forced to due to legacy integration or because your customer's sysadmin says "it shall be so" or because you're developing in an older language that makes it more difficult to use XML.
Why - Primarily because the registry is not as portable as copying a config file that is sitting next to the application (and is called almost the same).
If you're using .Net2+ you've got App.Config and User.Config files and you don't need to register DLL's in the registry so stay away from it.
Config files have their own issues (see below), but these can be coded around and you can alter your architecture.
Problem: Applications needed configurable settings.
Solution: Store settings in a file (WIN.INI) in the Windows folder - use section headings to group data (Win3.0).
Problem: WIN.INI file grew too big (and got messy).
Solution: Store settings in INI files in the same folder as the application (Win3.1).
Problem: Need user-specific settings.
Solution: Store user-settings in user-specific INI files in the user's Window directory (Win3.11) or user-specific sections in the application INI file.
Problem: Security - some application settings need to be read-only.
Solution: Registry with security as well as user-specific and machine-wide sections (Win95).
Problem: Registry grew too big.
Solution: User-specific registry moved to user.dat in the user's own "Application Data" folder and only loaded at login (WinNT).
Problem: In large corporate environments you log onto multiple machines and have to set EACH ONE up.
Solution: Differentiate between local (Local Settings) and roaming (Application Data) profiles (WinXP).
Problem: Cannot xcopy deploy or move applications like the rest of .Net.
Solution: APP.CONFIG XML file in same folder as application - , easy to read, easy to manipluate, easy to move, can track if changed (.Net1).
Problem: Still need to store user-specific data in a similar (i.e. xcopy deploy) manner.
Solution: USER.CONFIG XML file in user's local or roaming folder and strongly-typed (.Net2).
Problem: CONFIG files are case-sensitive (not intuitive to humans), require very specific open/close "tags", connection strings cannot be set at run-time, setup projects cannot write settings (as easily as registry), cannot easily determine user.config file and user settings are blown with each new revision installed.
Solution: Use the ITEM member to set connection strings at runtime, write code in an Installer class to change the App.Config during install and use the application settings as defaults if a user setting is not found.
Microsoft policy:
Before windows 95, we used ini files for application data.
In the windows 95 - XP era, we used the registry.
From windows Vista, we use ini files although they are now xml based.
The registry is machine dependent. I have never liked it because its getting to slow and it is almost imposible to find the thing you need. That's why I like simple ini or other setting files. You know where they are (application folder or a user folder) so they are easy portable, and human readable.
Is the world going to end if you store a few window positions and a list of most recently used items in the Windows registry? It's worked okay for me so far.
HKEY-CURRENT-USER is a great place to store trivial user data in small quantities. That's what it's for. It seems silly not to use for its intended purpose just because others have abused it.
Registry reads and writes are threadsafe but files are not. So it depends on whether or not your program is single threaded.
Settings that you want to have available in a user's roaming profile should probably go in the registry, unless you actually want to go to the effort of looking for the user's Application Data folder by hand. :-)
If you are developing a new app and you care about portability you should NEVER store data in windows registry since other OS don't have a (windows) registry (duh note - this may be obvious but gets often overlooked).
If you're only developing for Win platforms ... try to avoid it as much as possible. Config files (possibly encrypted) are a way better solution. There's no gain in storing data into the registry - (isolated storage is a much better solution for example if you're using .NET).
Slightly off-topic, but since I see people concerned about portability, the best approach I've ever used is Qt's QSettings class. It abstracts the storage of the settings (registry on Windows, XML preference file on Mac OS and Ini files on Unix). As a client of the class, I don't have to spend a brain cycle wondering about the registry or anything else, it Just Works (tm).
Personally I have used the registry to store install paths for use by the (un)install scripts. I'm not sure if this is the only possible option, but seemed like a sensible solution. This was for an app that was solely in use on Windows of course.
Usually, if you don't put settings in registry, you use it mostly to get current Windows settings, change file associations, etc.
Now, if you need to detect if your software is already installed, you can make a minimal entry in registry, that's a location you can find back in any config. Or search a folder of given name in Application Data.
If I look at my Document and Settings folder, I see lot of softwares using the Unix dot notation for setting folders:
.jogl_ext (etc.)
and in Application Data, various folders with editor names or software names. Looks like being the current trend, at least among portable applications...
WinMerge uses a slightly different approach, storing data in registry, but offering Import and Export of options in the config dialog.
I believe that Windows Registry was a good idea, but because of great abuse from application developers and standard policies not encouraged/mandated by Microsoft grew into an unmanageable beast. I hate using it for the reasons you've mentioned, there are however some occasions that it makes sense using it:
Leaving a trace of your application after your application has been uninstalled (e.g. remember user's preferences in case the application is installed again)
Share configuration settings between different applications - components
In .NET there really is NOT ever a need.
Here are 2 examples that show how to use Project proerties to do the this.
These examples do this by Windows User Project Properties, but the same could/can be done by Application as well.
More here:
(late to the discussion but) Short Answer: Group Policy.
If your customer's IT department wants to enforce settings related to Windows or the component(s) you're writing or bundling in, such as a link speed, or a custom error message, or a database server to connect to, this is still typically done via Group Policy, which makes its ultimate manifestation as settings stored in the registry. Such policies are enforced from the time Windows starts up or the user logs in.
There are tools to create custom ADMX templates that can map your components' settings to registry locations, and give the administrator a common interface to enforce policies (s)he needs to enforce while showing them only those settings that are meaningful to enforce this way.
