Maintainability Index - visual-studio

I have come across the recommended values for a Maintainability Index (MI) as follows:
85 and more: good maintainability
65-85: moderate maintainability
65 and below: difficult to maintain with really
bad pieces of code (big, uncommented,
unstructured) the MI value can be
even negative
Are these values are dependent on technology? For example, is a value of 70 good for Mainframes but difficult to maintain for Java?
Can use same yardstick independent of technologies?

This is an explanation about meaning of maintainability index value.
Shortly this is
MI = 171 - 5.2*ln(Halstead Volume) - 0.23*(Cyclomatic Complexity) - 16.2*ln(Lines of Code)
scaled between 0 and 100.
As it's easy to see, this metric can be used for any procedural language.

The 65 and 85 thresholds come from the original paper introducing the Maintainability Index in 1992/1994.
Visual Studio has slightly adjusted the metric (mutiplying by 100/171) to make it fit to a 1-100 scale. Visual Studio uses 10 and 20 as thresholds.
In general I would not take this metric and its thresholds too seriously: See also my blog post "Think Twice Before Using the Maintainability Index."

The Maintainability Index is a empirical formula. It is, was constructed a model based in observation and adaptation. If you search for more detail, will discover that the equation have to be cabibrated for a specific language. The version of SEI is calibrated for Pascal and C, and used a bunch of programs, average 50KLOC, maintained by Hewlett-Packard.
The calibration of Visual Studio version is the same of SEI version, but was padronized to restrict the domain from 0 to 100.

I don't think you can put a number on how easy a piece of code will be for a developer to maintain.
Different people will look at the same code and interpret it in their own way, depending on experience, culture, reading comprehension, etc.
That being said, metrics would definitely be different across technologies. You're looking at completely different syntax, conventions, terminology, etc. How can you quantify the difficulty difference between low level mainframe code and a high level language like Java or C#?
I think metrics are good for one thing, and one thing only: guidelines. In terms of code quality, I don't think they should be used for anything other than describing a code base. They should not be used as a determining factor of difficulty or "grok-ability".

It depends how the "Maintainability Index" is calculated. This doesn't seem to me like something which would work across languages simply because languages are so different.
It might seem reasonable to do a simple compare of "number of lines per function", but what happens when you try and compare C code which is full of pointers, or C++ code full of templates, or C# with LINQ queries, or Java with generics?
All of those things affect maintainability but can't be measured in any meaningful cross-language way, so how can you ever compare numbers between 2 languages?


Comparing algorithmic performance to old methods

I have written a new algorithm for something. Now I need to compare it with existing methods, some of which are old about 10 years.
The idea I had is to look at benchmarks of different processors over the years in order to establish how much faster my processor (i7-920) is than average processor from 2003. Then I would simply divide old methods' execution time by the speedup factor and use those numbers to compare with my own algorithm.
Has something like this been done? So I don't redo the existing work.
Can such a comparison be done some other way?
Are there some scientific papers written about such comparisons which I can reference?
I don't know which of these are possible for you, but here's a list of options I can think of:
Run their implementation side-by-side on your machine against yours.
This is the best option.
Rewrite their implementations and do (1).
You preferably need to compare it against their test to ensure you get vaguely similar results.
Find a library that implements their algorithm (or multiple libraries) and do (1).
I suggest multiple libraries, if possible, since a single one may not have implemented the algorithm efficiently. You may also want to compare these against their test.
Compare the algorithms mathematically.
This may be difficult, but it's not impossible.
Do what you presented.
(a) I would not recommend this as there are other determining factors in your computer other than the processor speed that affect the speed of an algorithm. Getting an equation that perfectly balances these will likely be very difficult.
(b) There is a massive difference between top and bottom of the line computers, so using the average is not a particularly good idea. If the author didn't provide details regarding this, I'm afraid your benchmark is not likely to be too accurate.
Go out and buy a machine of similar specs to the one used by the desired test to benchmark on.
A 10-year-old machine should be pretty cheap, if you can find one. Also, see (5.b).
Contact the author to allow for any of the other options.
Papers often provide contact details of the authors, or you should be able to find them elsewhere if they have any sort of online presence and you're half-decent at using Google.
If I were reviewing your results, I would be annoyed if you attempted to demonstrate less than an order of magnitude speedup this way. There are a lot of variables determining algorithm performance, and I would be skeptical that a generic benchmark could capture the right ones. My gold standard is old and new algorithms implemented by the same programmer, with similar effort made to optimize, running on the same hardware. Using the previous authors' implementation instead of making a new one is commonplace in the experimental algorithms literature, but using different hardware isn't.
Algorithmic performance is usually measured in big-O terms, for which it is better to count basic operations, like comparisons, and do it for a range of input sizes.
If you must measure overall time, at least eliminate other sources of difference.
As #larsmans said, do it on the same processor.
Also, if there is existing work, there's no harm in repeating it.
Generally, in science, that's a good thing.
You should attempt to reduce the amount of differing factors between the two runs. I think just run-timing the two algorithms side by side on the same machine and/or comparing their Big O times are both equally valid and important. You should also attempt to use updated libraries and other external functions; using outdated ones my also be the cause of timing results.

Metrics for programmer self evaluation

I'm programming from home and I want to know whether I'm more or less productive programming at 10 AM than I am when I'm programming at 8PM.
What metrics should I use to determine an answer to the question?
Ignoring the debate in the question's comments, a bunch of arbitrary productivity-ish metrics you could measure...
lines of code written
user stories/tasks completed
bugs fixed
tests written
tests passing first time
bugs found
code churn vs new code (i.e. "right first time" vs "rewritten repeatedly")
%age of time in IDE vs debugging
%age of time in IDE vs non-work applications
code quality (using another similarly arbitrary measure like FxCop compliance or cyclic complexity)
code performance (against some arbitrary or customer-specified benchmark)
The best metrics tend to be combinations - say, "average of bugs found per line of code written" - rather than a single measure. Still, these are all subjective and innacurate.
I'd suggest the best thing to do is decide what your goal is when you're programming. Is it to produce high-quality code, or super-performant realtime code, or mission-critical-must-be-bug-free code, or do you just need to ship something that works in the shortest time? Until you've defined "productive", it's hard to suggest what would be a meaningful measurement.
I don't know if there is some established method for measuring productivity in programmers but assuming alertness and focus has a direct impact on productivity, I suppose you could set yourself some kind of mental arithmetic test with randomised questions and answers and take it at regular intervals.
It's a tricky one because you can't measure by lines, or problems solved (because they vary in scale and difficulty.) In fact, this article suggests that when attempting to measure programmer productivity, there is almost no correllation between the time it takes to complete a task and the quality of the finished product.

What metrics would be usable to determine expertise level in a particular programming language

I am interesting in the raw (or composite) metrics used to get a handle on how well a person can program in a particular language.
Scenario: George knows a few programming languages and wants to learn "foobar", but He would like to know when he has a reasonable amount of experience in "foobar".
I am really interesting in something broader than just the LOC (lines of code) metric.
My hope for this question is to understand how engineers quantify the programming language experiences of others and if this can be mechanically measured.
Thanks in Advance!
In reply to the previous two posters, I'd guess that there is a way to get a handle on how well a person can program in a particular language: you can test how well someone knows English, or Maths, or Music, or Medicine, or Fine Art, so what's so special about a programming language?
In reply to the OP, I guess the tests must assess:
How well you can program
How well you can use the programming language
Therefore the metrics might be:
What's the goodness of the person's programming (and there are various dimensions of goodness such as bug-free, maintainable, quick/cheap to write, runs quickly, meets user requirements, etc.)?
Does the person use appropriate/idiomatic features of the programming language in question in order to do that good programming?
It would be difficult to make the test 'mechanical', though: most exams that I know of are graded by a human examiner. In the case of programming, part of the test could be graded mechanically (i.e. "does it run?") but part of it ("is it understandable and idiomatic?") is intended to benefit, and is better judged by, other human programmers.
The best indicator of your expertise in a particular language, in my opinion, is how productive you are in it.
Productivity is not just how fast you can work but, importantly, how few bugs you create and how little refactoring/rework is required later on.
For example, if you took two languages you have similar level of experience with, and were (in parallel universes) to build the same system with both, I would say the language you build the system with faster and with fewer defects/design flaws, is the language you have more expertise in.
Sorry it's not a "hard" metric for you, it's a more practical approach.
I don't believe that this can be "mechanically measured". I've thought about this a lot though.
Hang on...
Even the "LOC" of a program is a heavily disputed topic!
(Are we talking about the output of cat *.{h,c} | wc -l or some other mechnanism, for instance? What about blank lines? Comments? Are comments important? Is good code documented?)
Until you've realised how pointless a LOC comparison is, you've no hope of realising how pointless other metrics are.
It's a rather qualitative thing that is rarely measured with any great accuracy. It's like asking "how smart was Einstein?". Certification is one (and a reasonably thorough) quantitative indicator, but even it falls drastically short of identifying "good programmers" as many recruiters discover.
What are you ultimately trying to achieve? General programming aptitude can be more important than language expertise in some situations.
If you are language-focussed, taking on a challenge like Project Euler using that language may be a way to track progress.
How proficient they are in debugging complex problems in that language.
Ask them about projects they have worked on in the past, difficult problems they encountered and how they solved them. Ask them about debugging techniques they have used - you'll be surprised at what you'll hear, and you might even learn something new ;-)
A lot of places have a person or two who is a superstar in their field - the person everyone else goes to when they can't figure out what is wrong with their program. I'm guessing thats the person you are looking for :-)
Facility with a programming language is not enough. What is required is facility with a programming language in the context of a partiular suite of libraries on a particular platform
C++ on winapi on Windows 32bit
C++ on KDE on Linux
C++ on Symbian on a Nokia S60 phone
C# on MS .NET on Windows
C# on Mono on Linux
Within such a context, the measures of competence using the target language on the target platform are as follows:
The ability to express common
patterns succinctly and robustly.
The ability to debug common but subtle bugs like race conditions.
It would be possible to develope a suite of benchmark exercises for a programmer. One might also, once significant samples were available, determine the bell curve for ability. Preparing these things would take literally years and they would rapidly be obsoleted. This (and general tightness) is why organisations don't bother.
It would also be necessary to grade people in both "tool maker" and "tool user" modes. Tool makers are very different people with a much higher level of competence but they are often unsuited to monkey work, for which you really want a tool user.
There are a couple of ways to approach your question:
1) If you are interviewing candidates for a particular position requiring a particular language, then the only measure to compare candidates is 'how long has this person been writing in this language.' It's not perfect - it's not even very good - but it's reality. Unless you want to give the candidate a problem, a computer, and a compiler to test them on the spot there's no other measure. And then most programmer-types don't do well in "someone's watching you" scenarios.
2) I interpret your question to be more of 'when can I call MYSELF profecient in a language?' For this I would refer to levels of learning a non-native language: first level is you need to look up words/phrases in a dictionary (book) in order to say or understand anything; second level would be that you can understand hearing the language(or reading code) with only the occasional lookup in your trusted and now well-worn dictionary; third level you can now speak (or write code) with only the occasional lookup; fourth level is where you dream in the language; and the final levels is where fool native speakers into thinking that you're a native speaker also (in programming, other experts would think that you may have helped develop the language syntax).
Note that this doesn't help determine how good of a programmer you are - just like knowing English without having to look up words in the dictionary doesn't show "how gooder you is at writin' stuff" - that's subjective and has nothing to do with a particular language as people that are good at programming are good in any language you give them.
The phrase "a reasonable amount of experience" is dependent upon the language being considered and what that language can be used for.
A metric is the result of a measurement. Stevens (see wikipedia: Level Of Measurement) proposed that measurements use four different scale types: nominal (assigning a label), ordinal (assigning a ranking), interval (ordering the measurements) and ratio (having a non-arbitrary zero starting point). LOC is a ratio measurement. Although far from perfect, I think LOC is a relevant, objective number indicating how much experience you have in a language and can be compared to quantifiable values in the software industry. But, this begs the question: where do these industry values come from?
Personally, I would say that "George" will know that he has a reasonable amount of experience when he has designed, implemented and tested a project, maybe of his own choosing on his personal time on his home computer if need be. For example: database, business application, web page, GUI test tool, etc.
From the hiring managers point of view, I would start off by asking the programmer how good s/he is in the language, but this is not a metric. I have always thought that the best way to measure a persons ability to write programs is to give the programmer several small programming problems that are thought-out in advance and solved in a given amount of time, say, 5 minutes each. I have never objected to this being done to me in job interviews. Several metrics are available: Was the programmer able to solve the problem (yes or no - nominal)? How much time did it take (number of minutes - ratio)? How effective was their approach to solving the problem (good, fair, poor - ordinal)? You learn not only the persons ability to write code, but can observe several subjective things as well, such as their behaviour as they go about solving the problem, the questions s/he asks while solving the problem, the ability to work under pressure, etc, From a "quality" perspective though, remember that people do not like being measured.
Still, I believe there are some good metrics like the McCabe Cyclomatic Metric for cyclomatic complexity or the amount of useful commentary per block of code or even the average amount of code written between two consecutive tests.
I know of no such thing. I don't believe there's concensus on how to quantify experience or what "reasonable" means. Maybe I'll learn something too, but if I do it'll be a great surprise.
This may be pertinent.
I find that testing the ability to debug is a more accurate gauge of programming skill than any test aimed at straightforward programming problems that I have encountered. Given the source for a reasonably sized class or function with a stated (or unstated, in some cases) misbehavior, can the testee locate the problem?
Well, they try that in job interviews. There's no metric, but you can assess a person's abilities through questioning and quizzing.
WTF/s * LOC, smaller is best.
there are none; expertise can only be judged subjectively relative to others, or tested on specifics (which has its own level of inaccuracy)
see what is the fascination with code metrics for more information

Does anyone work with Function Points? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Some questions about Function Points:
1) Is it a reasonably precise way to do estimates? (I'm not unreasonable here, but just want to know compared to other estimation methods)
2) And is the effort required worth the benefit you get out of it?
3) Which type of Function Points do you use?
4) Do you use any tools for doing this?
Edit: I am interested in hearing from people who use them or have used them. I've read up on estimation practices, including pros/cons of various techniques, but I'm interested in the value in practice.
I was an IFPUG Certified Function Point Specialist from 2002-2005, and I still use them to estimate business applications (web-based and thick-client). My experience is mostly with smaller projects (1000 FP or less).
I settled on Function Points after using Use Case Points and Lines of Code. (I've been actively working with estimation techniques for 10+ years now).
Some questions about Function Points:
1) Is it a reasonably precise way to
do estimates? (I'm not unreasonable
here, but just want to know compared
to other estimation methods)
Hard to answer quickly, as it depends on where you are in the lifecycle (from gleam-in-the-eye to done). You also have to realize that there's more to estimation than precision.
Their greatest strength is that, when coupled with historical data, they hold up well under pressure from decision-makers. By separating the scope of the project from productivity (h/FP), they result in far more constructive conversations. (I first got involved in metrics-based estimation when I, a web programmer, had to convince a personal friend of my company's founder and CEO to go back to his investors and tell them that the date he had been promising was unattainable. We all knew it was, but it was the project history and functional sizing (home-grown use case points at the time) that actually convinced him.
Their advantage is greatest early in the lifecycle, when you have to assess the feasibility of a project before a team has even been assembled.
Contrary to common belief, it doesn't take that long to come up with a useful count, if you know what you're doing. Just off of the basic information types (logical files) inferred in an initial client meeting, and average productivity of our team, I could come up with a rough count (but no rougher than all the other unknowns at that stage) and a useful estimate in an afternoon.
Combine Function Point Analysis with a Facilitated Requirements Workshop and you have a great project set-up approach.
Once things were getting serious and we had nominated a team, we would then use Planning Poker and some other estimation techniques to come up with an independent number, and compare the two.
2) And is the effort required worth
the benefit you get out of it?
Absolutely. I've found preparing a count to be an excellent way to review user-goal-level requirements for consistency and completeness, in addition to all the other benefits. This was even in setting up Agile projects. I often found implied stories the customer had missed.
3) Which type of Function Points do
you use?
IFPUG CPM (Counting Practices Manual) 4.2
4) Do you use any tools for doing
An Excel spreadsheet template I was given by the person who trained me. You put in the file or transaction attributes, and it does all of the table lookups for you.
As a concluding note, NO estimate is as precise (or more precisely, accurate) as the bean-counters would like, for reasons that have been well documented in many other places. So you have to run your projects in ways that can accommodate that (three cheers for Agile).
But estimates are still a vital part of decision support in a business environment, and I would never want to be without my function points. I suspect the people who characterize them as "fantasy" have never seen them properly used (and I have seen them overhyped and misused grotesquely, believe me).
Don't get me wrong, FP have an arbitrary feel to them at times. But, to paraphrase Churchill, Function Points are the worst possible early-lifecycle estimation technique known, except for all the others.
Mike Cohn in his Agile Estimating and Planning consider FPs to be great but difficult to get right. He (obviously) recommends to use story points-based estimation instead. I tend to agree with this as with each new project I see the benefits of Agile approach more and more.
1) Is it a reasonably precise way to do estimates? (I'm not unreasonable here, but just want to know compared to other estimation methods)
As far as estimation precision goes the functional points are very good. In my experience they are great but expensive in terms of effort involved if you want do it properly. Not that many projects could afford an elaboration phase to get the FP-based estimates right.
2) And is the effort required worth the benefit you get out of it?
FPs are great because they are officially recognised by ISO which gives your estimations a great deal of credibility. If you work on a big project for a big client it might be useful to invest in official-looking detailed estimations. But if the level of uncertainty is big to start with (like other vendors integration, legacy system, loose requirements etc.) you will not get anywhere near precision anyway so usually you have to just accept this and re-iterate the estimations later. If it is the case a cheaper way of doing the estimates (user stories and story points) are better.
3) Which type of Function Points do you use?
If I understand this part of your question correctly we used to do estimations based on the Feature Points but gradually moved away from these an almost all projects expect for the ones with heavy emphasis on the internal functionality.
4) Do you use any tools for doing this?
Excel is great with all the formulas you could use. Using Google Spreadsheets instead of Excel helps if you want to do that collaboratively.
There is also a great tool built-in to the Sparx Enterprise Architect which allows you to do the estimates based on the Use Cases which could be used for FP estimations as well.
The great hacknot is offline now, but it is in book form. He has an essay on function points:, concluding they are a fantasy (which I agree with).
Joel on Software has a reasonable sound alternative called Evidence based scheduling that at least sounds like it might work....
From what I have study about Function Point (one of my teacher was highly involved in the process of the theory of function point) and he wasn't able to answer all our answers.Function point fail in many way because it's not because you have something read or write that you can evaluate correctly. You might have a result of 450 functions points and some of these function point will take 1 hour ans some will take 1 weeks. It's a metric that I will never use again.
No because any particular requirement can have an arbitrary amount of effort based on how precise (or imprecise) the author of the requirement is, and the level of experience of the function point assessor.
No because administration of imprecise derivations of abstract functionality yield no reliable estimate.
None if I can help it.
Tools? For function points? How about Excel? Or Word? Or Notepad? Or Edlin?
To answer your questions:
Yes they are more precise than anything else I have encountered (in 20+ years).
Yes they are well worth the effort. You can estimate size, resources, quality and schedule from just the FP count - extremely useful. It takes an average of 1 minute to count an FP manually and an average of 8 hours to fully code an FP (approximately $800 worth). Consider the carpenter's saying of "measure twice cut once". And now a shameless plug: with you can measure 1 FP per second, and you don't need to learn how!
I like Cosmic Function Points (because they are versatile) and IFPUG because there is a lot of published data (mostly from Capers Jones).
Having invested considerable time, effort and money in developing a tool that counts FPs automatically from requirements, I shall never have to do it manually again!

When, if ever, is "number of lines of code" a useful metric? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Some people claim that code's worst enemy is its size, and I tend to agree. Yet every day you keep hearing things like
I write blah lines of code in a day.
I own x lines of code.
Windows is x million lines of code.
Question: When is "#lines of code" useful?
ps: Note that when such statements are made, the tone is "more is better".
I'd say it's when you're removing code to make the project run better.
Saying you removed "X number of lines" is impressive. And far more helpful than you added lines of code.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Dijkstra's famous quote yet, so here goes:
My point today is that, if we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as "lines produced" but as "lines spent": the current conventional wisdom is so foolish as to book that count on the wrong side of the ledger.
The quote is from an article called "On the cruelty of really teaching computing science".
It's a terrible metric, but as other people have noted, it gives you a (very) rough idea of the overall complexity of a system. If you're comparing two projects, A and B, and A is 10,000 lines of code, and B is 20,000, that doesn't tell you much - project B could be excessively verbose, or A could be super-compressed.
On the other hand, if one project is 10,000 lines of code, and the other is 1,000,000 lines, the second project is significantly more complex, in general.
The problems with this metric come in when it's used to evaluate productivity or level of contribution to some project. If programmer "X" writes 2x the number of lines as programmer 'Y", he might or might not be contributing more - maybe "Y" is working on a harder problem...
When bragging to friends.
At least, not for progress:
“Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.” --Bill Gates
There is one particular case when I find it invaluable. When you are in an interview and they tell you that part of your job will be to maintain an existing C++/Perl/Java/etc. legacy project. Asking the interviewer how many KLOC (approx.) are involved in the legacy project will give you a better idea as to whether you want their job or not.
It's useful when loading up your line printer, so that you know how many pages the code listing you're about to print will consume. ;)
Reminds me of this:
The present letter is a very long one, simply because I had no leisure to make it shorter.
--Blaise Pascal.
like most metrics, they mean very little without a context. So the short answer is: never (except for the line printer, that's funny! Who prints out programs these days?)
An example:
Imagine that you're unit-testing and refactoring legacy code. It starts out with 50,000 lines of code (50 KLOC) and 1,000 demonstrable bugs (failed unit tests). The ratio is 1K/50KLOC = 1 bug per 50 lines of code. Clearly this is terrible code!
Now, several iterations later, you have reduced the known bugs by half (and the unknown bugs by more than that most likely) and the code base by a factor of five through exemplary refactoring. The ratio is now 500/10000 = 1 bug per 20 lines of code. Which is apparently even worse!
Depending on what impression you want to make, this can be presented as one or more of the following:
50% less bugs
five times less code
80% less code
60% worsening of the bugs-to-code ratio
all of these are true (assuming i didn't screw up the math), and they all suck at summarizing the vast improvement that such a refactoring effort must have achieved.
To paraphrase a quote I read about 25 years ago,
"The problem with using lines of code as a metric is it measures the complexity of the solution, not the complexity of the problem".
I believe the quote is from David Parnas in an article in the Journal of the ACM.
There are a lot of different Software Metrics. Lines of code is the most used and is the easiest to understand.
I am surprised how often the lines of code metric correlates with the other metrics. In stead of buying a tool that can calculate cyclomatic complexity to discover code smells, I just look for the methods with many lines, and they tend to have high complexity as well.
A good example of use of lines of code is in the metric: Bugs per lines of code. It can give you a gut feel of how many bugs you should expect to find in your project. In my organization we are usually around 20 bugs per 1000 lines of code. This means that if we are ready to ship a product that has 100,000 lines of code, and our bug database shows that we have found 50 bugs, then we should probably do some more testing. If we have 20 bugs per 1000 lines of code, then we are probably approaching the quality that we usually are at.
A bad example of use is to measure developer productivity. If you measure developer productivity by lines of code, then people tend to use more lines to deliver less.
Answer: when you can talk about negative lines of code. As in: "I removed 40 extraneous lines of code today, and the program is still functioning as well as before."
I'd agree that taking the total number of lines of code in a project is one way to measure complexity.
It's certainly not the only measure of complexity. For example debugging a 100 line obfuscated Perl script is much different from debugging a 5,000 line Java project with comment templates.
But without looking at the source, you'd usually think more lines of code is more complex, just as you might think a 10MB source tarball is more complex than a 15kb source tarball.
It is useful in many ways.
I don't remember the exact # but Microsoft had a web cast that talked about for every X lines of code on average there are y number of bugs. You can take that statement and use it to give a baseline for several things.
How well a code reviewer is doing their job.
judging skill level of 2 employees by comparing their bug ratio's over several projects.
Another thing we look at is, why is it so many lines? Often times when a new programmer is put in a jam they will just copy and paste chunks of code instead of creating functions and encapsulating.
I think that the I wrote x lines of code in a day is a terrible measure. It take no account for difficulty of problem, language your writing in, and so on.
It seems to me that there's a finite limit of how many lines of code I can refer to off the top of my head from any given project. The limit is probably very similar for the average programmer. Therefore, if you know your project has 2 million lines of code, and your programmers can be expected to be able to understand whether or not a bug is related to the 5K lines of code they know well, then you know you need to hire 400 programmers for your code base to be well covered from someone's memory.
This will also make you think twice about growing your code base too fast and might get you thinking about refactoring it to make it more understandable.
Note I made up these numbers.
The Software Engineering Institute's Process Maturity Profile of the Software Community: 1998 Year End Update (which I could not find a link to, unfortunately) discusses a survey of around 800 software development teams (or perhaps it was shops). The average defect density was 12 defects per 1000 LOC.
If you had an application with 0 defects (it doesn't exist in reality, but let's suppose) and wrote 1000 LOC, on average, you can assume that you just introduced 12 defects into the system. If QA finds 1 or 2 defects and that's it, then they need to do more testing as there are probably 10+ more defects.
It's a metric of productivity, as well as complexity. Like all metrics, it needs to be evaluated with care. A single metric usually is not sufficient for a complete answer.
IE, a 500 line program is not nearly as complex as a 5000 line. Now you have to ask other questions to get a better view of the program...but now you have a metric.
It's a great metric for scaring/impressing people. That's about it, and definitely the context I'm seeing in all three of those examples.
Lines of code are useful to know when you're wondering if a code file is getting too large. Hmmm...This file is now 5000 lines of code. Maybe I should refactor this.
When you have to budget for the number of punch cards you need to order.
I wrote 2 blog post detailling the pro and cons of counting Lines of Code (LoC):
How do you count your number of Lines Of Code (LOC) ? : The idea is to explain that you need to count the logical number of lines of code instead of a physical count. To do so you can use tools like NDepend for example.
Why is it useful to count the number of Lines Of Code (LOC) ?: The idea is that LoC should never be used to measure productivity, but more to do test coverage estimation and software deadline estimation.
As most people have already stated, it can be an ambiguous metric, especially if you are comparing people coding in different languages.
5,000 lines of Lisp != 5,000 lines of C
Always. Bunch o'rookies on this question. Masters write code prolifically and densely. Good grads write lots of lines but too much fluff. Crappers copy lines of code. So, first do a Tiles analysis or gate, of course.
LoC must be used if your org doesn't do any complexity points, feature points/function points, commits, or other analysis.
Any developer who tells you not to measure him or her by LoC is shite. Any master cranks code our like you would not believe. I've worked with a handful who are 20x to 200x as productive as the average programmer. And their code is very, very, very compact and efficient. Yes, like Dijkstra, they have enormous mental models.
Finally, in any undertaking, most people are not good at it and most doing it are not great. Programming is no different.
Yes, do a hit analysis on any large project and find out 20% plus is dead code. Again, master programmers regularly annihilate dead code and crapcode.
When you are refactoring a code base and can show that you removed lines of code, and all the regression tests still passed.
Lines of code isn't so useful really, and if it is used as a metric by management it leads to programmers doing a lot of refactoring to boost their scores. In addition poor algorithms aren't replaced by neat short algorithms because that leads to negative LOC count which counts against you. To be honest, just don't work for a company that uses LOC/d as a productivity metric, because the management clearly doesn't have any clue about software development and thus you'll always be on the back foot from day one.
In competitions.
When the coder doesn't know you are counting lines of code, and so has no reason to deliberately add redundant code to game the system. And when everyone in the team has a similar coding style (so there is a known average "value" per line.) And only if you don't have a better measure available.
They can be helpful to indicate the magnitude of an application - says nothing about quality! My point here is just that if you indicate you worked on an application with 1,000 lines and they have an application that is 500k lines (roughly), a potential employer can understand if you have large-system experience vs. small utility programming.
I fully agree with warren that the number of lines of code you remove from a system is more useful than the lines you add.
Check out wikipedia's definition:
SLOC = 'source lines of code'
There is actually quite a bit of time put into these metrics where I work. There are also different ways to count SLOC.
From the wikipedia article:
There are two major types of SLOC
measures: physical SLOC and logical
Another good resource:
It is a very usefull idea when it is associated with the number of defects. "Defects" gives you a measure of code quality. The least "defects" the better the software; It is nearly impossible to remove all defects. In many occasions, a single defect could be harmfull and fatal.
However, it does not seem that nondefective software exists.
