Comparing algorithmic performance to old methods - performance

I have written a new algorithm for something. Now I need to compare it with existing methods, some of which are old about 10 years.
The idea I had is to look at benchmarks of different processors over the years in order to establish how much faster my processor (i7-920) is than average processor from 2003. Then I would simply divide old methods' execution time by the speedup factor and use those numbers to compare with my own algorithm.
Has something like this been done? So I don't redo the existing work.
Can such a comparison be done some other way?
Are there some scientific papers written about such comparisons which I can reference?

I don't know which of these are possible for you, but here's a list of options I can think of:
Run their implementation side-by-side on your machine against yours.
This is the best option.
Rewrite their implementations and do (1).
You preferably need to compare it against their test to ensure you get vaguely similar results.
Find a library that implements their algorithm (or multiple libraries) and do (1).
I suggest multiple libraries, if possible, since a single one may not have implemented the algorithm efficiently. You may also want to compare these against their test.
Compare the algorithms mathematically.
This may be difficult, but it's not impossible.
Do what you presented.
(a) I would not recommend this as there are other determining factors in your computer other than the processor speed that affect the speed of an algorithm. Getting an equation that perfectly balances these will likely be very difficult.
(b) There is a massive difference between top and bottom of the line computers, so using the average is not a particularly good idea. If the author didn't provide details regarding this, I'm afraid your benchmark is not likely to be too accurate.
Go out and buy a machine of similar specs to the one used by the desired test to benchmark on.
A 10-year-old machine should be pretty cheap, if you can find one. Also, see (5.b).
Contact the author to allow for any of the other options.
Papers often provide contact details of the authors, or you should be able to find them elsewhere if they have any sort of online presence and you're half-decent at using Google.

If I were reviewing your results, I would be annoyed if you attempted to demonstrate less than an order of magnitude speedup this way. There are a lot of variables determining algorithm performance, and I would be skeptical that a generic benchmark could capture the right ones. My gold standard is old and new algorithms implemented by the same programmer, with similar effort made to optimize, running on the same hardware. Using the previous authors' implementation instead of making a new one is commonplace in the experimental algorithms literature, but using different hardware isn't.

Algorithmic performance is usually measured in big-O terms, for which it is better to count basic operations, like comparisons, and do it for a range of input sizes.
If you must measure overall time, at least eliminate other sources of difference.
As #larsmans said, do it on the same processor.
Also, if there is existing work, there's no harm in repeating it.
Generally, in science, that's a good thing.

You should attempt to reduce the amount of differing factors between the two runs. I think just run-timing the two algorithms side by side on the same machine and/or comparing their Big O times are both equally valid and important. You should also attempt to use updated libraries and other external functions; using outdated ones my also be the cause of timing results.


How do programmers test their algorithm in TopCoder or other competitions?

Good programmers who write programs of moderate to higher difficulty in competitions of TopCoder or ACM ICPC, have to ensure the correctness of their algorithm before submission.
Although they are provided with some sample test cases to ensure the correct output, but how does it guarantees that program will behave correctly? They can write some test cases of their own but it won't be possible in all cases to know the correct answer through manual calculation. How do they do it?
Update: As it seems, it is not quite possible to analyze and guarantee the outcome of an algorithm given tight constraints of a competitive environment. However, if there are any manual, more common traits which are adopted while solving such problems - should be enough to answer the question. Something like best practices..
In competitions, the top programmers have enough experience to read the question, and think of some test cases that should catch most of the possibilities for input.
It catches most of the bugs usually - but it is NOT 100% safe.
However, in real life critical applications (critical systems on air planes or nuclear reactors for example) there are methods to PROVE some piece of code does what it is supposed to do.
This is the field of formal verification - which is way too complex and time consuming to be done during a contest, but for some systems it is used because mistakes could not be tolerated.
Some additional information:
Formal verification basically consists of 2 parts:
Manual verification - in here we use proving systems such as Hoare logic and manually prove the program does what we wants it to do.
Automatic model checking - modeling the problem as state machine, and use Model Checking tools to verify that the module does what it is supposed to do (or not doing something "bad").
Specifying "what it should do" is usually done with temporal logic.
This is often used to verify correctness of hardware models as well. For example Intel uses it to ensure they won't get the floating point bug again.
Picture this, imagine you are a top programmer.Meaning you know a bunch of algorithms and wouldn't think think twice while implementing them.You know how to modify an already known algorithm to suit the problem's needs.You are strong with estimating time and complexity and you expect that in the worst case your tailored algorithm would run within time and memory constraints.
At this level you simply think and use a scratchpad for about five to ten minutes and have a super clear algorithm before you start to code.Once you finish coding, you hit compile and there is usually no compilation error.Because the code is so intuitive to you.
Then based on the algorithm used and data structures used, you expect that there might be
one of the following issues.
a corner case
an overflow problem
A corner case is basically like you have coded for the general case, however when say N=1, the answer is different from others.So you generally write it as a special case.
An overflow is when intermediate values or results overflow a data type's limits.
You make note of any problems which arise at this point, and use this data during Challenge phase(as in TopCoder).
Once you have checked against these two, you hit Submit.
There's a time element to Top Coder, so it's not possible to test every combination within that constraint. They probably do the best they can and rely on experience for the rest, just as one does in real life. I don't know that it's ever possible to guarantee that a significant piece of code is error free forever.

Most hazardous performance bottleneck misconceptions

The guys who wrote Bespin (cloud-based canvas-based code editor [and more]) recently spoke about how they re-factored and optimize a portion of the Bespin code because of a misconception that JavaScript was slow. It turned out that when all was said and done, their optimization produced no significant improvements.
I'm sure many of us go out of our way to write "optimized" code based on misconceptions similar to that of the Bespin team.
What are some common performance bottleneck misconceptions developers commonly subscribe to?
In no particular order:
"Ready, Fire, Aim" - thinking you know what needs to be optimized without proving it (i.e. guessing) and then acting on that, and since it doesn't help much, therefore assuming the code must have been optimal to begin with.
"Penny Wise, Pound Foolish" - thinking that optimization is all about compiler optimization, fussing about ++i vs. i++ while mountains of time are being spent needlessly in overblown designs, especially of data structures and databases.
"Swat Flies With a Bazooka" - being so enamored of the fanciest ideas heard in classrooms that they are just used for everything, regardless of scale.
"Fuzzy Thinking about Performance" - throwing around terms like "hotspot" and "bottleneck" and "profiler" and "measure" as if these things were well understood and / or relevant. (I bet I get clobbered for that!) OK, one at a time:
hotspot - What's the definition? I have one: it is a region of physical addresses where the PC register is found a significant fraction of time. It is the kind of thing PC samplers are good at finding. Many performance problems exhibit hotspots, but only in the simplest programs is the problem in the same place as the hotspot is.
bottleneck - A catch-all term used for performance problems, it implies a limited channel constraining how fast work can be accomplished. The unstated assumption is that the work is necessary. In my decades of performance tuning, I have in fact found a few problems like that - very few. Nearly all are of a very different nature. Rather than taking the shortest route from point A to B, little detours are taken, in the form of function calls which take little code, but not little time. Then those detours take further nested detours, sometimes 30 levels deep. The more the detours are nested, the more likely it is that some of them are less than necessary - wasteful, in fact - and it nearly always arises from galloping generality - unquestioning over-indulgence in "abstraction".
profiler - a universal good thing, right? All you gotta do is get a profiler and do some profiling, right? Ever think about how easy it is to fool a profiler into telling you a lot of nothing, when your goal is to find out what you need to fix to get better performance? Somewhere in your call tree, tuck a little file I/O, or a little call to some system routine, or have your evil twin do it without your knowledge. At some point, that will be your problem, and most profilers will miss it completely because the only inefficiency they contemplate is algorithmic inefficiency. Or, not all your routines will be little, and they may not call another routine in a small number of places, so your call graph says there's a link between the two routines, but which call? Or suppose you can figure out that some big percent of time is spent in a path A calls B calls C. You can look at that and think there's not much you can do about it, when if you could also look at the data being passed in those calls, you could see if it's necesssary. Here's a fun project - pick your favorite profiler, and then see how many ways you could fool it. That is, find ways to make the program take longer without the profiler being able to tell what you did, because if you can do it intentionally, you can also do it without intending to.
measure - (i.e. measure time) that's what profilers have done for decades, and they take pride in the accuracy and precision with which they measure. But measure what time? and why with accuracy? Remember, the goal is to precisely locate performance problems, such that you could fruitfully optimize them to gain a speedup. When you get that speedup, it is what it is, regardless of how precisely you estimated it beforehand. If that precision of measurement is bought at the expense of precision of location, then you've just bought apples when what you needed was oranges.
Here's a list of myths about performance.
And this is what happens when one optimizes without a valid profile in hand. All you are doing without a profile is guessing and probably wasting time and money. I could list a bunch of other misconceptions, but many come down to the fact that if the code in question isn't a top resource consumer, it is probably fine as is. Kinda like unrolling a for loop that is doing disk I/O...
If I convert the whole code base over to [Insert xxx latest technology here], it'll be much faster.
Relational databases are slow.
I'm smarter than the optimizer.
This should be optimized.
Java is slow
And, unrelated:
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.
Optimizing the WRONG part of the code (people, use your profiler!).
The optimizer in my compiler is smart, so I don't have to help it.
Java is fast (LOL)
Relational databases are fast (ROTFL LOL LMAO)
"This has to be as fast as possible."
If you don't have a performance problem, you don't need to worry about optimizing performance (beyond just paying attention to using good algorithms).
This misconception also manifests in attempts to optimize performance for every single aspect of your program. I see this most often with people trying to shave every last millisecond off of a low-volume web application's execution time while failing to take into account that network latency will take orders of magnitude longer than their code's execution time, making any reduction in execution time irrelevant anyhow.
My rules of optimization.
Don't optimize
Don't optimize now.
Profile to identify the problem.
Optimize the component that is taking at least 80% of the time.
Find an optimization that is 10 times faster.
My best optimization has been reducing a report from 3 days to 9 minutes. The optimized code was sped up from three days to three minutes.
In my carreer I have met three people who had been tasked with producing a faster sort on VAX than the native sort. They invariably had been able to produce sorts that took only three times longer.
The rules are simple:
Try to use standard library functions first.
Try to use brute-force and ignorance second.
Prove you've got a problem before trying to do any optimization.

Performance anti patterns

I am currently working for a client who are petrified of changing lousy un-testable and un-maintainable code because of "performance reasons". It is clear that there are many misconceptions running rife and reasons are not understood, but merely followed with blind faith.
One such anti-pattern I have come across is the need to mark as many classes as possible as sealed internal...
*RE-Edit: I see marking everything as sealed internal (in C#) as a premature optimisation.*
I am wondering what are some of the other performance anti-patterns people may be aware of or come across?
The biggest performance anti-pattern I have come across is:
Not measuring performance before and
after the changes.
Collecting performance data will show if a certain technique was successful or not. Not doing so will result in pretty useless activities, because someone has the "feeling" of increased performance when nothing at all has changed.
The elephant in the room: Focusing on implementation-level micro-optimization instead of on better algorithms.
Variable re-use.
I used to do this all the time figuring I was saving a few cycles on the declaration and lowering memory footprint. These savings were of minuscule value compared with how unruly it made the code to debug, especially if I ended up moving a code block around and the assumptions about starting values changed.
Premature performance optimizations comes to mind. I tend to avoid performance optimizations at all costs and when I decide I do need them I pass the issue around to my collegues several rounds trying to make sure we put the obfu... eh optimization in the right place.
One that I've run into was throwing hardware at seriously broken code, in an attempt to make it fast enough, sort of the converse of Jeff Atwood's article mentioned in Rulas' comment. I'm not talking about the difference between speeding up a sort that uses a basic, correct algorithm by running it on faster hardware vs. using an optimized algorithm. I'm talking about using a not obviously correct home brewed O(n^3) algorithm when a O(n log n) algorithm is in the standard library. There's also things like hand coding routines because the programmer doesn't know what's in the standard library. That one's very frustrating.
Using design patterns just to have them used.
Using #defines instead of functions to avoid the penalty of a function call.
I've seen code where expansions of defines turned out to generate huge and really slow code. Of course it was impossible to debug as well. Inline functions is the way to do this, but they should be used with care as well.
I've seen code where independent tests has been converted into bits in a word that can be used in a switch statement. Switch can be really fast, but when people turn a series of independent tests into a bitmask and starts writing some 256 optimized special cases they'd better have a very good benchmark proving that this gives a performance gain. It's really a pain from maintenance point of view and treating the different tests independently makes the code much smaller which is also important for performance.
Lack of clear program structure is the biggest code-sin of them all. Convoluted logic that is believed to be fast almost never is.
Do not refactor or optimize while writing your code. It is extremely important not to try to optimize your code before you finish it.
Julian Birch once told me:
"Yes but how many years of running the application does it actually take to make up for the time spent by developers doing it?"
He was referring to the cumulative amount of time saved during each transaction by an optimisation that would take a given amount of time to implement.
Wise words from the old sage... I often think of this advice when considering doing a funky optimisation. You can extend the same notion a little further by considering how much developer time is being spent dealing with the code in its present state versus how much time is saved by the users. You could even weight the time by hourly rate of the developer versus the user if you wanted.
Of course, sometimes its impossible to measure, for example, if an e-commerce application takes 1 second longer to respond you will loose some small % money from users getting bored during that 1 second. To make up that one second you need to implement and maintain optimised code. The optimisation impacts gross profit positively, and net profit negatively, so its much harder to balance. You could try - with good stats.
Exploiting your programming language. Things like using exception handling instead of if/else just because in PLSnakish 1.4 it's faster. Guess what? Chances are it's not faster at all and that two years from now someone maintaining your code will get really angry with you because you obfuscated the code and made it run much slower, because in PLSnakish 1.8 the language maintainers fixed the problem and now if/else is 10 times faster than using exception handling tricks. Work with your programming language and framework!
Changing more than one variable at a time. This drives me absolutely bonkers! How can you determine the impact of a change on a system when more than one thing's been changed?
Related to this, making changes that are not warranted by observations. Why add faster/more CPUs if the process isn't CPU bound?
General solutions.
Just because a given pattern/technology performs better in one circumstance does not mean it does in another.
StringBuilder overuse in .Net is a frequent example of this one.
Once I had a former client call me asking for any advice I had on speeding up their apps.
He seemed to expect me to say things like "check X, then check Y, then check Z", in other words, to provide expert guesses.
I replied that you have to diagnose the problem. My guesses might be wrong less often than someone else's, but they would still be wrong, and therefore disappointing.
I don't think he understood.
Some developers believe a fast-but-incorrect solution is sometimes preferable to a slow-but-correct one. So they will ignore various boundary conditions or situations that "will never happen" or "won't matter" in production.
This is never a good idea. Solutions always need to be "correct".
You may need to adjust your definition of "correct" depending upon the situation. What is important is that you know/define exactly what you want the result to be for any condition, and that the code gives those results.
Michael A Jackson gives two rules for optimizing performance:
Don't do it.
(experts only) Don't do it yet.
If people are worried about performance, tell 'em to make it real - what is good performance and how do you test for it? Then if your code doesn't perform up to their standards, at least it's something the code writer and the application user agree on.
If people are worried about non-performance costs of rewriting ossified code (for example, the time sink) then present your estimates and demonstrate that it can be done in the schedule. Assuming it can.
I believe it is a common myth that super lean code "close to the metal" is more performant than an elegant domain model.
This was apparently de-bunked by the creator/lead developer of DirectX, who re-wrote the c++ version in C# with massive improvements. [source required]
Appending to an array using (for example) push_back() in C++ STL, ~= in D, etc. when you know how big the array is supposed to be ahead of time and can pre-allocate it.

For your complicated algorithms, how do you measure its performance?

Let's just assume for now that you have narrowed down where the typical bottlenecks in your app are. For all you know, it might be the batch process you run to reindex your tables; it could be the SQL queries that runs over your effective-dated trees; it could be the XML marshalling of a few hundred composite objects. In other words, you might have something like this:
public Result takeAnAnnoyingLongTime(Input in) {
// impl of above
Unfortunately, even after you've identified your bottleneck, all you can do is chip away at it. No simple solution is available.
How do you measure the performance of your bottleneck so that you know your fixes are headed in the right direction?
Two points:
Beware of the infamous "optimizing the idle loop" problem. (E.g. see the optimization story under the heading "Porsche-in-the-parking-lot".) That is, just because a routine is taking a significant amount of time (as shown by your profiling), don't assume that it's responsible for slow performance as perceived by the user.
The biggest performance gains often come not from that clever tweak or optimization to the implementation of the algorithm, but from realising that there's a better algorithm altogether. Some improvements are relatively obvious, while others require more detailed analysis of the algorithms, and possibly a major change to the data structures involved. This may include trading off processor time for I/O time, in which case you need to make sure that you're not optimizing only one of those measures.
Bringing it back to the question asked, make sure that whatever you're measuring represents what the user actually experiences, otherwise your efforts could be a complete waste of time.
Profile it
Find the top line in the profiler, attempt to make it faster.
Profile it
If it worked, go to 1. If it didn't work, go to 2.
I'd measure them using the same tools / methods that allowed me to find them in the first place.
Namely, sticking timing and logging calls all over the place. If the numbers start going down, then you just might be doing the right thing.
As mentioned in this msdn column, performance tuning is compared to the job of painting Golden Gate Bridge: once you finish painting the entire thing, it's time to go back to the beginning and start again.
This is not a hard problem. The first thing you need to understand is that measuring performance is not how you find performance problems. Knowing how slow something is doesn't help you find out why. You need a diagnostic tool, and a good one. I've had a lot of experience doing this, and this is the best method. It is not automatic, but it runs rings around most profilers.
It's an interesting question. I don't think anyone knows the answer. I believe that significant part of the problem is that for more complicated programs, no one can predict their complexity. Therefore, even if you have profiler results, it's very complicated to interpret it in terms of changes that should be made to the program, because you have no theoretical basis for what the optimal solution is.
I think this is a reason why we have so bloated software. We optimize only so that quite simple cases would work on our fast machines. But once you put such pieces together into a large system, or you use order of magnitude larger input, wrong algorithms used (which were until then invisible both theoretically and practically) will start showing their true complexity.
Example: You create a string class, which handles Unicode. You use it somewhere like computer-generated XML processing where it really doesn't matter. But Unicode processing is in there, taking part of the resources. By itself, the string class can be very fast, but call it million times, and the program will be slow.
I believe that most of the current software bloat is of this nature. There is a way to reduce it, but it contradicts OOP. There is an interesting book There is an interesting book about various techniques, it's memory oriented but most of them could be reverted to get more speed.
I'd identify two things:
1) what complexity is it? The easiest way is to graph time-taken verses size of input.
2) how is it bound? Is it memory, or disk, or IPC with other processes or machines, or..
Now point (2) is the easier to tackle and explain: Lots of things go faster if you have more RAM or a faster machine or faster disks or move over to gig ethernet or such. If you identify your pain, you can put some money into hardware to make it tolerable.

Real world implementations of "classical algorithms"

I wonder how many of you have implemented one of computer science's "classical algorithms" like Dijkstra's algorithm or data structures (e.g. binary search trees) in a real world, not academic project?
Is there a benefit to our dayjobs in knowing these algorithms and data structures when there are tons of libraries, frameworks and APIs which give you the same functionality?
Is there a benefit to our dayjobs in knowing these algorithms and data structures when there are tons of libraries, frameworks and APIs which give you the same functionality?
The library doesn't know what your problem domain is and won't be able to chose the correct algorithm to do the job. That is why I think it is important to know about them: then YOU can make the correct choice of algorithms to solve YOUR problem.
Knowing, or being able to understand these algorithms is important, these are the tools of your trade. It does not mean you have to be able to implement A* in an hour from memory. But you should be able to figure out what the advantages of using a red-black tree as opposed to a normal unbalanced tree are so you can decide if you need it or not. You need to be able to judge the fitness of an algorithm for solving your problem.
This might sound too school-masterish but these "classical algorithms" were not invented to give college students exam questions, they were invented to solve problems or improve on current solutions, just like the array, the linked list or the stack are building blocks to write a program so are some of these. Just like in math where you move from addition and subtraction to integration and differentiation, these are advanced techniques that will help you solve problems that are out there.
They might not be directly applicable to your problems or work situation but in the long run knowing of them will help you as a professional software engineer.
To answer your question, I did an implementation of A* recently for a game.
Is there a benefit to understanding your tools, rather than simply knowing that they exist?
Yes, of course there is. Taking a trivial example, don't you think there's a benefit to knowing what the difference is List (or your language's equivalent dynamic array implementation) and LinkedList (or your language's equivalent)? It's pretty important to know that one has constant random access time, while the other is linear. And one requires N copies if you insert a value in the middle of the sequence, while the other can do it in constant time.
Don't you think there's an advantage to understanding that the same sorting algorithm isn't always optimal? That for almost-sorted data, quicksort sucks, for example? Naively just calling Sort() and hoping for the best can become ridiculously expensive if you don't understand what's happening under the hood.
Of course there are a lot of algorithms you probably won't need, but even so, just understanding how they work may make it easier for yourself to come up with efficient algorithms to solve other, unrelated, problems.
Well, someone has to write the libraries. While working at a mapping software company, I implemented Dijkstra's, as well as binary search trees, b-trees, n-ary trees, bk-trees and hidden markov models.
Besides, if all you want is a single 'well known' algorithm, and you also want the freedom to specialise it and optimise it if it becomes critical to performance, including a whole library seems like a poor choice.
We use a home grown implementation of a p-random number generator from Knuth SemiNumeric as an aid in some statistical processing
In my previous workplace, which was an EDA company, we implemented versions of Prim and Dijsktra's algorithms, disjoint set data structures, A* search and more. All of these had real world significance. I believe this is dependent on problem domain - some domains are more algorithm-intensive and some less so.
Having said that, there is a fine line to walk - I see no business reason for re-implementing STL or Java Generics. In many cases, a standard library is better than "inventing a wheel". The more you are near your core application, the more it may be necessary to implement a textbook algorithm or data structure.
If you never work with performance-critical code, consider yourself lucky. However, I consider this scenario unrealistic. Performance problems could occur anywhere. And then it's necessary to know how to fix that problem. Obviously, merely knowing a few algorithm names isn't enough here – unless you want to implement them all and try them out one after the other.
No, knowing (at least some of) the inner workings of different algorithms is important for gauging their strengths and weaknesses and for analyzing how they would handle your situation.
Obviously, if there's a library already implementing exactly what you need, you're incredibly lucky. But let's face it, even if there is such a library, using it is often not completely straightforward (at the very least, interfaces and data representation often have to be adapted) so it's still good to know what to expect.
A* for a pac man clone. It took me weeks to really get but to this day I consider it a thing of beauty.
I've had to implement some of the classical algorithms from numerical analysis. It was easier to write my own than to connect to an existing library. Also, I've had to write variations on classical algorithms because the textbook case didn't fit my application.
For classical data structures, I nearly always use the standard libraries, such as STL for C++. The one time recently when I thought STL didn't have the structure I needed (a heap) I rolled my own, only to have someone point out almost immediately that I didn't need to do that.
Classical algorithms I have used in actual work:
A topological sort
A red-black tree (although I will
confess that I only had to implement
insertions for that application and
it only got used in a prototype).
This got used to implement an
'ordered dict' type structure in
A priority queue
State machines of various sorts
Probably one or two others I can't remember.
As to the second part of the question:
An understanding of how the algorithms work, their complexity and semantics gets used on a fairly regular basis. They also inform the design of systems. Occasionally one has to do things involving parsing or protocol handling, or some computation that's slightly clever. Having a working knowledge of what the algorithms do, how they work, how expensive they are and where one might find them lying around in library code goes a long way to knowing how to avoid reinventing the wheel poorly.
I use the Levenshtein distance algorithm to help implement a 'Did you mean [suggested word]?' feature in our website search.
Works quite well when combined with our 'tagging' system, which allows us to associate extra words (other than those in title/description/etc) with items in the database. \
It's not perfect by any means, but it's way better than most corporate site searches, if I don't say so myself ; )
Classical algorithms are usually associated with something glamorous, like games, or Web search, or scientific computation. However, I had to use some of the classical algorithms for a mere enterprise application.
I was building a metadata migration tool, and I had to use topological sort for dependency resolution, various forms of graph traversals for queries on metadata, and a modified variation of Tarjan's union-find datastructure to partition forest-like structured metadata to trees.
That was a really satisfying experience. Most of those algorithms were implemented before, but their implementations lacked something that I would need for my task. That's why It's important to understand their internals.
