What's causing xcopy to tell me Access Denied? - windows

The postbuild task for one of our solutions uses xcopy to move files into a common directory for build artifacts. For some reason, on my computer (and on a VM I tested), the xcopy fails with "Access Denied". Here's what I've done to try and isolate the problems:
I tried a normal copy; this works.
I double-checked that none of the files in question were read-only.
I checked the permissions on both the source and destination folder; I have full control of both.
I tried calling the xcopy from the command line in case the VS build process had locked the file.
I used Unlocker and Process Explorer to determine there were no locks on the source file.
What have I missed, other than paranoid conspiracy theories involving computers out to get me? This happens on my dev machine and a clean VM, but doesn't happen for anyone else on the project.

/r = Use this option to overwrite read-only files in destination. If
you don't use this option when you want to overwrite a read-only file
in destination, you'll be prompted with an "Access denied" message and
the xcopy command will stop running.
That's was mine resolution to this error.

Problem solved; there's two pieces to the puzzle.
The /O switch requires elevation on Vista. Also, I noticed that xcopy is deprecated in Vista in favor of robocopy. Now I'm talking with our build engineers about this.

You need to run XCOPY as Administrator, there is no way around this.
If you don't want to run your copy as Administrator, then you must use ROBOCOPY instead.
Note, however, that with ROBOCOPY it is very tempting to use the /COPYALL switch, which copies auditing info as well and requires "Manage Auditing user right", which again invites you to run as Administrator as a quick solution. If you don't want to run your copy as Administrator, then don't use the /COPYALL (or /Copy:DATSOU) switch. Instead use /Copy:DATSO, as the U stands for aUditing.
Also note that if you are copying from NTFS to a FAT files system, there is no way you can "Copy NTFS Security to Destination Directory/File".

Usually this happens because there's another process locking the file. I bet your machine has a different number of cores/different speed than the others. Try inserting some sleeps to see if it solves the problem.

If you can delete the file in Windows Explorer, try using an elevated command prompt. Not sure why Windows Explorer does not ask permission here for a delete operation that needs admin rights via cmd.

if you are copying file to IIS folder, then you need run the batch file as admin.


Where is the location on the extracted .msi file?

I have a setup exe, and I want its .msi file for administrative installation (see https://superuser.com/questions/307678/how-to-extract-files-from-msi-package)
But, although I see at the beginning the extraction of .msi, I can't find it.
Where is the location of this file?
Usually MSI file(s) might be extracted in different temp locations depends from who was launched (User\System\etc) and how configured setup.exe. Sometimes you can extract it with help of different command-line switches for setup.exe.
The simple way to check - launch it under user account, go to %temp% folder, most likely there should be created folder with {GUID_view_name}. Inside this folder you will find MSI file.
User's %temp% folder has different location in different Windows versions:
Windows XP\2000\2003:
"C:\Documents and settings\{user name}\Local settings\Temp" or "%userprofile%\local settings\temp"
Windows Vista\7\8\2008\2012
"C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Local\Temp" or "%userprofile%\appdata\local\temp"
P.S. Also you can check this SO question-answer.
Snapshot a clean VM and use a program such as Install Watcher or InCntrl to record the current state of the file system. Run the setup.exe until you are on the first dialog of the MSI and take another recording. Diff and look for where the MSI and related support files appear.
I found a much better solution, Igor, gave me the idea.
I used ProcessMonitor and filtered with Process is "msiexec.exe" and Path ends with ".msi".
I found the msi in:
C:\ProgramData\Downloaded Installations\{41A70E83-DA5D-4CA6-9779-73C9330E3D13}\IQProtector64.msi

Visual Studio post-build copy failing (but works on the command line)

In VS 2010, I have a post-build event copying project assemblies into a common .dll folder. The .dll folder is mapped by a virtual drive (R:).
On running, I get the following: The command "copy /y "C:\CommonDLLs\Utilities.dll" "R:\"" exited with code 1.
The thing is, when I run copy /y "C:\CommonDLLs\Utilities.dll" "R:\" at the command prompt, it works correctly. I'm running VS as an admin, so I should have permissions to execute the command. Other people using the same code from source control are having no problems, but I'm stumped as to what to fix to get the copy to work correctly. Anyone have any suggestions?
EDIT: more information
The R drive is mapped/created/populated initially by a .bat script that I run as an admin as well. if I update my scripts to run to the location the R drive points to, everything runs ok, so I think this might be a drive mapping issue. The thing is, I(as a local admin) have full control over both the folder and the drive mapping.
I would guess that the virtual drive does not exist under the Admin account and as such cannot be found.
Either don't run VS as Admin, or set up the virtual drive in an command prompt running as Admin.

error when i want to save java file in jdk/bin

when i save java file error is you dont have permission to save in this location contact the administrator to obtain permission on window7
Don't store application data in the "Program Files" directory.
It is very bad design and regular users don't have write access to that directory (for a very good reason).
So even if you changed your settings locally to open up the door for viruses your application won't run on other computers.
Besides: storing a Java file in the JDK directory serves no purpose at all.
Btw: your uppercase letters are broken, as well as the dot or the comma...
That's normal - jdk/bin is the installation directory of the JDK, regular users cannot (and should not) write files there. You'll have the same problem on Linux/Unix and on Mac OS X, where installation directories are off-limits to regular users.
Write your files to the users home directory (System property "user.home", works across platforms), or let the user choose where you save stuff.
Bin directory do not allow directly to save program in it.
it is so simple, just save your .java file on desktop and then copy paste it in Bin. done ;)
If the file can't save directly to c:\program files\java\jdk1.8.0\bin\
Click start Menu type Notepad command in run run as administrator
Right click the Notepad run as Administrator, then type the program file can save directly to c:\program files\java\jdk1.8.0\bin\
Just try it......

Command copy exited with code 4 when building - Visual Studio restart solves it

Every now and then when I build my solution here (with 7 projects in it) I get the dreaded 'Command copy exited with code 4' error, in Visual Studio 2010 Premium ed.
This is because of the post-build event not being able to go through.
Here's what solves the problem, temporarily
Sometimes: A restart of Visual Studio and I'm able to build the solution
Sometimes: Both a restart of Visual Studio and my file manager of choice (Q-Dir 4.37) solves it.
Here's what the post-build event looks like:
xcopy "$(SolutionDir)Solution Items\References\*.dll" "$(TargetDir)" /Y
When you get the command copy exited with code [insert value] error, it's normally because of the following:
read / write permissions
missing files
wrong directories
However - obviously at times when I build the solution, there's no problem.
FYI, I uninstalled ReSharper 5.1.1 two weeks ago and Visual Studio's been giving me some errors since then (among them not being able to debug). I re-installed Visual Studio and it's working better since then, but still get this problem. Could it have to do with some ReSharper stuff being somewhere?
Have you had the same problem and solved it? Or do you have any possible solution to it?
While /C may ignore errors, it might not be the real solution as there could be files that MUST be copied in order for the build to be successful.
The most common issue is the missing quotes around the pre-defined command tags (such as $TargetDir). When one creates various branches and paths in code or TFS, there is a very high chance for this to occur.
Sometimes if the file is read only, it will cause issues too. Add the /R option to allow read only files to be copied over. You can find list of available options at:
Another possible issue is that the underlying folder cannot be accessed. If so, trying performing "start xcopy" instead of "xcopy". This will open another command window but with admin priveleges.
I've invariably found this to be a file locking issue. Code 4 is Cannot Access File. One partial solution I found is to use the /C option for xcopy (which continues on error). Not really a solution but mostly it has stopped my builds from failing.
Another solution which only works on 32 bit is to use the unlocker tool to release the windows handles on the file before the copy.
Edit: I've just realised that it works under 64 bits too.
I crossed the same error, but it is not due to the file is locked, but the file is missing.
The reason why VS tried to copy an not existing file, is because of the Post-build event command.
After I cleared that, problem solved.
As #rhughes commented:
The real issue is how to get the command here to work, rather than to
remove it.
and he is absolutely right.
I have also faced this problem.Double check the result in the error window.
In my case, a tailing \ was crashing xcopy (as I was using $(TargetDir)). In my case $(SolutionDir)..\bin. If you're using any other output, this needs to be adjusted.
Also note that start xcopy does not fix it, if the error is gone after compiling. It might have just been suppressed by the command line and no file has actually been copied!
You can btw manually execute your xcopy commands in a command shell. You will get more details when executing them there, pointing you in the right direction.
In case the post build event contains copy/xcopy command for copying build output to some directory(which usually is the most common post build operation) the problem can occur in case the full directory path either of source or target destinations contain folder names which include spaces. Remove space for the directory name(s) and try.
As mentioned in many sites, there are various reasons for this. For me it was due to the length of Source and Destination (Path length). I tried xcopy in the command prompt and I was unable to type the complete source and path (after some characters it wont allow you to type). I then reduced the path length and was able to run.
Hope this helps.
This can happen in multiple cases:
When the complete string path is longer than 254 chars.
When the name of the file to be copied is wrong.
When the target path is wrong.
When the readonly attribute is set on the copied file or target folder.
I got this error because the user account that TFS Build Service was running under did not have permissions to write to the destination folder. Right-click on the folder-->Properties-->Security.
Run VS in Administrator mode and it should work fine.
I got this error because of the file was opened in another instance.
when i closed the file and again re-build the solution, it was successfully copied.
I faced the same issue in case of XCOPY after build is done. In my case the issue was happening because of READ-ONLY permissions set on folders.
I added attrib -R command before XCOPY and it solved the issue.
Hope it helps someone!
I had the same error with xcopy in connection with the Test Engine. I am using VisualStudio Professional 2013. By default Test -> Test Settings -> Keep Test Execution Engine Running seems to be the reason for my error code 4 with xcopy. Switching it off solved the problem. The execution engine seems to keep hold on some .dlls.
I had the same problem.
A simple 'Clean Solution' in VS cleared the error, but it was a temporary solution.
I found that setting the file's Copy To Output Directory parameter to Copy Always seems to have cleared up the locking issue. Although now I have 2 copies of the files and need to delete one.
I had the same problem. However, nothing worked for me. I solved the issue by adding
exit 0
to my code. The problem was that while I was doing copying of the files, sometimes the last file could not be found, and the bat returned a non-zero value.
Hope this helps someone!
If you are running Windows 7 onward, you can try the new 'robocopy' command:
robocopy "$(SolutionDir)Solution Items\References\*.dll" "$(TargetDir)"
More information about robocopy can be found here.
I faced same issue.
I deleted post-build events and it started working.
Some times when we add some SQL components it may add post build commands also.
I am getting something similar using an xcopy with the /exclude option. In my case, I found that editing the post-build event (something harmless like a newline after the command) and saving the project causes the error to happen. Re-saving the file specified in the /exclude option causes it to work again.
As I am writing a DLL library I used the xcopy command to copy the library where the program can find and load it. After several times of opening and closing the program there was still an open process of it in taskmanager which i did not recognized.
Look for any process from which the file may be used and close it.
What fixed it for me:
dig down to the specific solution for the project you want i.e NOT the overall solution file for all the projects.
Do try - I tried everything else mentioned here but to no avail.
I don't see anything in here to suggest that this is a web-app but I have experienced this issue myself - I've got two xcopy commands on a post-build event and only one of them was failing. Something had a lock on the file, and it wasn't Visual Studio (as I tried restarting it.)
The only other thing that would have used the dll I built was IIS. And lo and behold,
A simple iisreset did the trick for me.
I had the same issue.
It was caused by having the same flag twice, for example:
if $(ConfigurationName) == Release (xcopy "$(TargetDir)." "$(SolutionDir)Deployment\$(ProjectName)\" /e /d /i /y /e)
Observe that the "/e" flag appears twice. Removing the duplicate solved the issue.
In my case my $(OutDir) was simply ..\..\Build\ i.e. some relative path. And, when I was trying to xcopy as follows
xcopy /y "$(OutDir)Proj1.dll" "Anypath\anyfolder\" I was getting the exit code error 4.
What's happening was, this command was getting executed in the $(OutDir) (in my case build folder) itself and not the directory where the csproj file of the project was located (as we would normally expect). Hence, I kept getting File not found error (corresponding to exit code 4).
I couldn't figure this out until I wrote cd in the Post Build events, to print which directory this was getting executed in.
So, to summarize, if we're wishing to copy / xcopy files from the $(OutDir), either use "$(TargetDir)" (which is complete path for output directory) or need not specify any path at all.
Can be caused by VMWare Workstation with Shared Folders
I have the problem always when the destinatinon folder of the xcopy is also mapped as Shared Folder in a VM.
I solved it with a script running in the vm and deleting the content of the shared folder.
To expand on rhughes answer,
The robocopy works beautifully, just incase you need to include sub directories you can use /e to include subs and copy empty directories or /s to include subs excluding empty directories.
Also robocopy will report back a few things like if new files were copied, this will cause VS to complain since anything above 0 is a failure and robocopy will return 1 if new files have been found. Its worth to mention that robocopy first compares the Source/Dest and only copies the updated/new files.
To get around this use:
(robocopy "$(SolutionDir)Solution Items\References\*.dll" "$(TargetDir)") ^& IF %ERRORLEVEL% LEQ 4 exit /B 0
If you are here because your project fails to build on a build server, but builds fine "manually" on a dev machine, and you are doing xcopy only for debugging and to emulate a production environment on a dev machine, then you may want to look at this solution:
You simply turn off post build events on the build server using
msbuild foo.sln /p:PostBuildEvent=
This is not good enough if you have other post build events that also need to run on the build server, and it is not a general solution. However, since there are so many different causes of this problem, there cannot be a general solution. One of the many answers to this question (and its duplicates) will probably help, but be careful with approaches that only somehow circumvent error handling (such as xcopy /C). Those may work for you, particularly also in the build server scenario, but I think this one is more reliable, IF it can be used.
It has also been suggested that with newer versions of Visual Studio, the problem no longer exists, so if you are using an old version, consider updating your build tools.
Error code 4 can mean a lot of things, so I recommend reading the other answers as well until you find a solution that works for you AND you understand WHY it works (some solutions only disable error handling, which may only mask the problem but not solve it).
This can be a file locking issue related to parallel building. A workaround is to not use parallel building. This is the default behavior, but if you are using the -m option, then projects will be built in parallel. The following variations should not build projects in parallel, so you will not run into the file locking problem.
msbuild -m:1
msbuild -maxcpucount:1
Note that, contrary to what has been said here, this even happens with the "latest" version of MSBuild (from Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019).
The best solution is probably to make sure you don't need to copy files in a post-build step. In some situations, you can also disable post-build steps when building with MSBuild on a build server: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55899347/2279059
I want to amplify and crystallize these two answers: #Vemul's, #Srihari Chinna's.
Make sure that your source path exists and that the process has access to it.
This is especially true if you're using variable substitution to assemble the source path.

Move files to remote file share after build

I want to create a post build script that moves files from the build directory to a remote (UNC) file share.
This line:
xcopy "C:\TeamCityBuild\project\WebSite\*" "\\\WebSite\" /C /R /Y /E
Works fine when it is ran in a DOS-window but when TeamCitys buildrunner sln2008 tries to run it it fails with the message "Invalid drive specification"
I have shared the folder with full rights for 'Everyone' on the remote server.
Any ideas?
Just a guess. Not quite sure if it solves your problem. We had a similar problem using CruiseControl and deploying our application to remote JBoss server.
We've added
net use \\\Website ...
before each copy. So that it 'mounts' the remote share before trying to access it. Note: you probably need to specify the username and password for the command (consult the command line for details).
The 'net use' seems needed even if you run the automated job as the same user you log on manually. These two kinds of sessions seem not to share remote shares information.
I've never used TeamCity Buildrunner sln2008, but if it runs as a service, then it is probably running under the "Local System" account, which doesn't have network access. Change the service properties (under the "Log On" tab) so that the service logs on as a user with permissions to that network share.
I don't beleave it works because the agent is running as a system service so it has limited network access (I beleave).
Instead of trying to use a post build step to copy the output, I think you should look into using TeamCity's Build Artifact's. That's what we use at my work altho we are new to TeamCity as well. What I don't know is if Build Artifact system will do extactly what you want.
You could try nANT
