Where is the location on the extracted .msi file? - location

I have a setup exe, and I want its .msi file for administrative installation (see https://superuser.com/questions/307678/how-to-extract-files-from-msi-package)
But, although I see at the beginning the extraction of .msi, I can't find it.
Where is the location of this file?

Usually MSI file(s) might be extracted in different temp locations depends from who was launched (User\System\etc) and how configured setup.exe. Sometimes you can extract it with help of different command-line switches for setup.exe.
The simple way to check - launch it under user account, go to %temp% folder, most likely there should be created folder with {GUID_view_name}. Inside this folder you will find MSI file.
User's %temp% folder has different location in different Windows versions:
Windows XP\2000\2003:
"C:\Documents and settings\{user name}\Local settings\Temp" or "%userprofile%\local settings\temp"
Windows Vista\7\8\2008\2012
"C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Local\Temp" or "%userprofile%\appdata\local\temp"
P.S. Also you can check this SO question-answer.

Snapshot a clean VM and use a program such as Install Watcher or InCntrl to record the current state of the file system. Run the setup.exe until you are on the first dialog of the MSI and take another recording. Diff and look for where the MSI and related support files appear.

I found a much better solution, Igor, gave me the idea.
I used ProcessMonitor and filtered with Process is "msiexec.exe" and Path ends with ".msi".
I found the msi in:
C:\ProgramData\Downloaded Installations\{41A70E83-DA5D-4CA6-9779-73C9330E3D13}\IQProtector64.msi


Silent installation of git through use of .bat file on Windows

I am currently working on a Windows batch file that will allow me to silently install git (the executable for which will be placed in the folder that the .bat file will be running from) in a pre-specified location on the file system.
I've found this article which seems to provide some suitable advice:
However, I'm not entirely sure what parameters I would need to mention in my LOADINF file. I would like to pre-define the options that the user would manually select throughout the various stages of installation, so that it can run through from start to finish without prompting anything from the user.
Can anyone help or point me to a place where I can find these parameters and their available values?
Create a file, for eg. my-config.cnf (or my-config.ini) with the following content:
Dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Git
<other options as shown in the msysgit wiki>
Now, in the batch file, when you execute the installation file (say msysgit-install.exe), use /LOADINF as follows:
msysgit-install.exe /SILENT /LOADINF="my-config.cnf"

Windows 7: Running application using App Paths vs Batch File

I have an (PowerBuilder) application (let's call it MyApp.exe) in a folder with a sub-directory that has all the required dlls. I am able to run this application, by adding the application path and associated path variable to Windows App Paths registry key.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\MyApp.EXE]
The above runs file. I didn't even have to register DLLs.
If possible, I would like to run it using a batch file though, as users may install multiple versions of the same application in separate folders. When I tried to do the same thing in a batch file, it cannot find the DLLs.
start "" %CURDIR%\myApp.exe
I created this batch in the same directory as the executable, MyApp.exe. I was expecting it would find the DLLs, same way App Paths PATH setting did. The Batch file errors out not being able to find the DLLs. Do we need to register DLLs in this case? Why is it treated differently?
If I copied all the required DLLs to the same directory as the executable (without a DLL sub-directory), it runs fine without needing to worry about PATH or registering dlls.
We used to use installShield to install before, but admins have automated scripts to copy files, they shied away from InstallShield programs after the first install. I am trying to refine the process, so what they copy will be simplified.
Thanks in advance for all your valuable comments and suggestions.-Sam
Why is it treated differently?
Because Windows is a mess when searching for libraries. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682586.aspx#search_order_for_desktop_applications
There are many elements to how the search order is determined, but in general it is like this
Check for the library...
already loaded in memory
on the KnownDLL list
in the application's directory
in the System directory
in the 16-bit System directory
in the Windows directory
in the current working directory
in the directories listed in the PATH environment variable
Overall I would agree with what MSDN states on their DLL Redirection page
It is good practice to install application DLLs in the same directory that contains the application
However, if using sub-folders is how you want to organize your application,
you might take a look into using Application Manifests. Something else to try would be to set the library directory as the working directory
#ECHO off
SET "CURDIR=%~dp0"
start "" /D "%CURDIR%\dll" "%CURDIR%\myApp.exe"

Pack setup files to single executable setup

I have an old setup of the old program written on c++ which contains multiple installation files files.
I want to combine all that in to single executable file and i want to execute SETUP.EXE when user would run that single executable. Is it possible to achieve somehow?
The easiest way is simple create archive and say to user to to unpack that and to run SETUP.EXE but i am just wondering may be i can create setup like i describe above.
IExpress.exe is ideal for your job. Google for samples. It is included in your Windows installation. Just open a Command Prompt and type iexpress.exe - this starts a wizard that helps you getting started.

error when i want to save java file in jdk/bin

when i save java file error is you dont have permission to save in this location contact the administrator to obtain permission on window7
Don't store application data in the "Program Files" directory.
It is very bad design and regular users don't have write access to that directory (for a very good reason).
So even if you changed your settings locally to open up the door for viruses your application won't run on other computers.
Besides: storing a Java file in the JDK directory serves no purpose at all.
Btw: your uppercase letters are broken, as well as the dot or the comma...
That's normal - jdk/bin is the installation directory of the JDK, regular users cannot (and should not) write files there. You'll have the same problem on Linux/Unix and on Mac OS X, where installation directories are off-limits to regular users.
Write your files to the users home directory (System property "user.home", works across platforms), or let the user choose where you save stuff.
Bin directory do not allow directly to save program in it.
it is so simple, just save your .java file on desktop and then copy paste it in Bin. done ;)
If the file can't save directly to c:\program files\java\jdk1.8.0\bin\
Click start Menu type Notepad command in run run as administrator
Right click the Notepad run as Administrator, then type the program file can save directly to c:\program files\java\jdk1.8.0\bin\
Just try it......

What's causing xcopy to tell me Access Denied?

The postbuild task for one of our solutions uses xcopy to move files into a common directory for build artifacts. For some reason, on my computer (and on a VM I tested), the xcopy fails with "Access Denied". Here's what I've done to try and isolate the problems:
I tried a normal copy; this works.
I double-checked that none of the files in question were read-only.
I checked the permissions on both the source and destination folder; I have full control of both.
I tried calling the xcopy from the command line in case the VS build process had locked the file.
I used Unlocker and Process Explorer to determine there were no locks on the source file.
What have I missed, other than paranoid conspiracy theories involving computers out to get me? This happens on my dev machine and a clean VM, but doesn't happen for anyone else on the project.
/r = Use this option to overwrite read-only files in destination. If
you don't use this option when you want to overwrite a read-only file
in destination, you'll be prompted with an "Access denied" message and
the xcopy command will stop running.
That's was mine resolution to this error.
Problem solved; there's two pieces to the puzzle.
The /O switch requires elevation on Vista. Also, I noticed that xcopy is deprecated in Vista in favor of robocopy. Now I'm talking with our build engineers about this.
You need to run XCOPY as Administrator, there is no way around this.
If you don't want to run your copy as Administrator, then you must use ROBOCOPY instead.
Note, however, that with ROBOCOPY it is very tempting to use the /COPYALL switch, which copies auditing info as well and requires "Manage Auditing user right", which again invites you to run as Administrator as a quick solution. If you don't want to run your copy as Administrator, then don't use the /COPYALL (or /Copy:DATSOU) switch. Instead use /Copy:DATSO, as the U stands for aUditing.
Also note that if you are copying from NTFS to a FAT files system, there is no way you can "Copy NTFS Security to Destination Directory/File".
Usually this happens because there's another process locking the file. I bet your machine has a different number of cores/different speed than the others. Try inserting some sleeps to see if it solves the problem.
If you can delete the file in Windows Explorer, try using an elevated command prompt. Not sure why Windows Explorer does not ask permission here for a delete operation that needs admin rights via cmd.
if you are copying file to IIS folder, then you need run the batch file as admin.
