Ruby email check (RFC 2822) - ruby

Does anyone know what the regular expression in Ruby is to verify an email address is in proper RFC 2822 email format?
What I want to do is:
where "RFC_2822_REGEX" is the regular expression to verify if my string is in valid RFC 2882 form.

You can use the mail gem to parse any string according to RFC2822 like so:
def valid_email( value )
return false if value == ''
parsed = value )
return parsed.address == value && parsed.local != parsed.address
rescue Mail::Field::ParseError
return false
This checks if the email is provided, i.e. returns false for an empty address and also checks that the address contains a domain.
Does regex validation based on RFC2822 rules (it's a monster of a regex, too), it can also check that the domain is valid in DNS (has MX or A records), and do a test delivery to validate that the MX for the domain will accept a message for the address given. These last two checks are optional.

Try this:


How to have ruby conditionally check if variables exist in a string?

So I have a string from a rendered template that looks like
"Dear {{user_name}},\r\n\r\nThank you for your purchase. If you have any questions, we are happy to help.\r\n\r\n\r\n{{company_name}}\r\n{{company_phone_number}}\r\n"
All those variables like {{user_name}} are optional and do not need to be included but I want to check that if they are, they have {{ in front of the variable name. I am using liquid to parse and render the template and couldn't get it to catch if the user only uses 1 (or no) opening brackets. I was only able to catch the proper number of closing brackets. So I wrote a method to check that if these variables exist, they have the correct opening brackets. It only works, however, if all those variables are found.
here is my method:
def validate_opening_brackets?(template)
text = %w(user_name company_name company_phone_number)
text.all? do |variable|
next unless template.include? variable
template.include? "{{#{variable}"
It works, but only if all variables are present. If, for example, the template created by the user does not include user_name, then it will return false. I've also done this loop using each, and creating a variable outside of the block that I assign false if the conditions are not met. I would really, however, like to get this to work using the all? method, as I can just return a boolean and it's cleaner.
If the question is about how to rewrite the all? block to make it return true if all present variable names have two brackets before them and false otherwise then you could use something like this:
def validate_opening_brackets?(template)
variables = %w(user_name company_name company_phone_number)
variables.all? do |variable|
!template.include?(variable) || template.include?("{{#{variable}")
There are multiple ways to do this, but the easiest way I can think of is to simply prefix/postfix a regular expression with the escaped characters used by Mustache/Liquid, and using alternation to check for each of your variable names within the template variable characters (e.g. double curly braces). You can then use String#scan and then return a Boolean from Enumerable#any? based on the contents of the Array returned by from #scan.
This works with your posted example, but there may certainly be other use cases where you need a more complex solution. YMMV.
Example Code
This solution escapes the leading and trailing { and } characters to avoid having them treated as special characters, and then interpolates the variable names with | for alternation. It returns a Boolean depending on whether templated variables are found.
def template_string_has_interpolations? str
var_names = %w[user_name company_name company_phone_number]
regexp = /\{\{#{var_names.join ?|}\}\}/
Tested Examples
template_string_has_interpolations? "Dear {{user_name}},\r\n\r\nThank you for your purchase. If you have any questions, we are happy to help.\r\n\r\n\r\n{{company_name}}\r\n{{company_phone_number}}\r\n"
#=> true
template_string_has_interpolations? "Dear Customer,\r\n\r\nThank you for your purchase. If you have any questions, we are happy to help.\r\n\r\n\r\nCompany, Inc.\r\n(555) 555-5555\r\n"
#=> false

Ho to use string concatenation in an http-block in Inspec?

I've got an Inspec-control containing a http-block. The URL is saved in a variable called DNScloudui['value'] - I want to add https:// to the beginning of the URL.
DNScloudui = attribute('DNS_name_cloudui')
control 'Website reachability' do
title 'Check reachability by GET requests'
describe http(DNScloudui['value'], method: 'GET') do
its('status') { should cmp 200 }
How can I achieve that?
assuming that DNScloudui returns you a non-nil value, then you can use string interpolation to get the value of the DNScloudui variable. for instance:
DNScloudui = attribute('DNS_name_cloudui')
control 'Website reachability' do
title 'Check reachability by GET requests'
describe http("https://#{DNScloudui['value']}", method: 'GET') do
its('status') { should cmp 200 }
also, looking at the name of your DNScloudui variable, i would suggest to stick to ruby naming conventions and style guides

Trying to parse string from a website that gives device status with a value at the end

I'm using ruby and trying to get a value from a string that I received from an URI.PARSE.
Below is what I get back from the URI.PARSE and is in my string. You can see it in the result at the bottom. Q8:0; I only need the Device which in this case is Q8 and the value is 0. The device is always a string but sometimes the value is a string and sometimes a integer. I want to be able to evaluate this result to do events based on the values.
html code>Q8:0;html code
_, device, value, _ = "html code>Q8:0;html code".split(/[>:;]/)

!preg_match for email checking

I have this command to check for valid email address. I just found out that when I try to add this to our email server (all email requests off this form are local email addresses), the email server does not allow a numeric character to start the email address/username. I have read through all the documentation for the command preg_match and cannot find how to make it fail if it starts with a numeric in the first character location. I am a newbie so any help would be appreciated.
if (!preg_match("(^[-\w\.]+#([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,4}$)i", $in_email))
In php you can use following code with php filter_var function which return a boolean after filtering the variable with a specified filter condition.
//valid email
The function filter_var will return true if email is in correct format otherwise false.
Try this one;
And use as follows
$regex = '/^[^0-9][_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*#[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/';
if (preg_match($regex, $email)) {
// Valid email
} else {
// Invalid email
If we have domains without dots this answers does not work. For this case I changed from:
Update: The user #Toto saw correctly one problem with regex that can start with any chars instead off numeric. And example like: #-----.--.---.----#-- was validate. So I changed /^[^0-9] for /^[a-z] and now is correct:
And work for these use cases:

Validate form input for domains and IPs - ajax

how to validate a form field that gets submitted through ajax (below). It needs to validate against a domain (.com, .net, .se etc.) and an IP address. Basically it has to look for at least one dot and at least two letters after last dot.
Now I only have an empty field validation:
var domain = $("input#domain").val();
if (domain == "") {
return false;
Thank you!
You probably want to use regular expressions:
For the IP address:
For the hostname:
For an example how to use regular expressions in JavaScript, have a look at this site
