Macro to wrap selected text with tags in Visual Studio - visual-studio

I realize that I may be being a bit lazy, but does anyone know of a Visual Studio macro, where I can select some text inside of the Visual Studio IDE, click a button, and have it wrap the selected text with tags? It would generate something like:
<strong>My Selected Text</strong>
I would even be up for creating a macro, just not sure where to exactly start!

The code to do so is rather simple:
Sub SurroundWithStrongTag()
DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text = "<strong>" + DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text + "</strong>"
End Sub
Now, if you don't know much about macros here's how to add it:
First you need open the macros IDE, click Tools->Macros->Macros IDE...
Next, we will add a module for your custom macros. Right click on "MyMacros" in the Project Explorer, click Add->Add Module..., type in an appropriate name then click "Add".
Now paste the function inside the module, making copies for any other tags you want
Save and close the macros IDE
To hook the macro up to a button:
Click Tools->Customize...
Click New..., type in an appropriate name, click OK. An empty toolbar should be visible (you may have to move the window to see it)
Click the Commands tab, and select "Macros" in categories
Find the macros created before and drag them over to the toolbar
Right click the buttons to change settings (such as displaying an icon instead of text)

I know this is an old topic, but maybe someone finds this useful.
I have the following set up:
Sub WrapInH1()
End Sub
Sub WrapInP()
End Sub
Sub WrapInStrong()
End Sub
Sub WrapInTag()
End Sub
Sub WrapInTag(ByVal tagText As String)
If tagText.Length = 0 Then
tagText = InputBox("Enter Tag")
End If
Dim text As String
text = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
text = Regex.Replace(text, vbCrLf & "$", "") 'Remove the vbCrLf at the end of the line, for when you select the line by clicking in the margin, otherwise your closing tag ends up on it's own line at the end...
DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text = "<" & tagText & ">" & text & "</" & tagText & ">" & vbCrLf
End Sub
Private Sub EnableAutoComplete(ByVal enabled As Boolean)
Dim HTMLprops As Properties
Dim aProp As EnvDTE.Property
HTMLprops = DTE.Properties("Texteditor", "HTML Specific")
aProp = HTMLprops.Item("AutoInsertCloseTag")
aProp.Value = enabled
End Sub

Dim HTMLprops As Properties = DTE.Properties("Texteditor", "HTML Specific")
Dim aProp As EnvDTE.Property = HTMLprops.Item("AutoInsertCloseTag")
aProp.Value = False

Original answer
If you want an out of the box solution, Visual Studio 2015 comes with a new shortcut, Shift+Alt+W wraps the current selection with a div. This shortcut leaves the text "div" selected, making it seamlessly changeable to any desired tag. This coupled with the automatic end tag replacement makes for a quick solution.
Shift+Alt+W > strong > Enter


How to add a Add ins menu tab to Power Point 2007?

I am working with Power Point 2007 but there is no Add Ins menu tab and I can not find how to add it.
When PPT 2007 and onward runs code that creates "legacy" command bars or menu modifications, it automatically adds the Add-ins tab to the ribbon and puts the command bars/menu changes there. Here's some simple example code. You can run it as is, or save it as an add-in. Once the add-in is loaded, the Auto_Open code will run every time PPT starts up.
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim oToolbar As CommandBar
Dim oButton As CommandBarButton
Dim MyToolbar As String
' Give the toolbar a name
MyToolbar = "Kewl Tools"
On Error Resume Next
' so that it doesn't stop on the next line if the toolbar's already there
' Create the toolbar; PowerPoint will error if it already exists
Set oToolbar = CommandBars.Add(Name:=MyToolbar, _
Position:=msoBarFloating, Temporary:=True)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' The toolbar's already there, so we have nothing to do
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' Now add a button to the new toolbar
Set oButton = oToolbar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
' And set some of the button's properties
With oButton
.DescriptionText = "This is my first button"
'Tooltip text when mouse if placed over button
.Caption = "Do Button1 Stuff"
'Text if Text in Icon is chosen
.OnAction = "Button1"
'Runs the Sub Button1() code when clicked
.Style = msoButtonIcon
' Button displays as icon, not text or both
.FaceId = 52
' chooses icon #52 from the available Office icons
End With
' Repeat the above for as many more buttons as you need to add
' Be sure to change the .OnAction property at least for each new button
' You can set the toolbar position and visibility here if you like
' By default, it'll be visible when created. Position will be ignored in PPT 2007 and later
oToolbar.Top = 150
oToolbar.Left = 150
oToolbar.Visible = True
Exit Sub ' so it doesn't go on to run the errorhandler code
'Just in case there is an error
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Resume NormalExit:
End Sub
Sub Button1()
' This code will run when you click Button 1 added above
' Add a similar subroutine for each additional button you create on the toolbar
' This is just some silly example code.
' You'd put your real working code here to do whatever
' it is that you want to do
MsgBox "Stop poking the pig!"
End Sub

textbox validation in vb6 (disable paste option)

validation on textbox in vb 6.0
i tried
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If Not (KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Or KeyAscii = vbKeyDelete Or KeyAscii = vbKeySpace Or (KeyAscii >= Asc("1") And KeyAscii <= Asc("9"))) Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
but now i want that paste option should disable when i right click on textbox
If you want to prevent right-click menu items from being used on the textbox you can create your own context menu.
Then, using API calls you need to unhook the default menu from the textbox and hook up the custom menu.
(I'm not aware of other APIs which only let you disable/hide items in the existing context menu)
The downside off course is that any menu item you want to keep such as copy or delete you need to write the code for yourself.
You can find a very good explenation on how to do this here Disable right click menu inside a textbox and here Weird reaction on a popup menu
What next,.. what is if the user uses CTRL+V to paste? Or what if the user has paste mapped to different key combinations, other than CTRL+V?
Validate the data instead?
You can end up writing a lot of code trying to prevent data entry. Why not save that work and instead let the user enter what they like and use the validate event to validate the data?
I wrote a sample on another site on using the validate event of a textbox here: Validate Value Is Numeric. That link also has a vb6 demo project I put together attached in the post.
The type of validation is irrelevant I suppose, it simply demonstrates using the validate event allows you to focus on validating the data, rather than trying to code every single possible way you can think of trying to prevent data to be entered in the first place.
The Validate event is triggered before lostfocus and before the next control's getfocus.
Only if the validate event is not told to cancel the action, will the lostfocus event and any subsequent event be executed.
The Validate event is intended to be used to ensure the control's value is validated before executing any other event.
Private Sub Text1_Change()
If Text1.Tag <> Text1.Text Then
Text1.Text = Text1.Tag
Text1.SelStart = Len(Text1.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Text1.Tag = Text1.Text & Chr(KeyAscii)
End Sub
Old problem but still relevant with legacy projects.
The solution proposed by Sam Sylvester is interesting but doesn't allow you to delete characters (use backspace) and appends the 22 ASCII character (Ctrl + V) in the textbox (which is bad).
This solution I found worked for me (prevents paste using Ctrl + V and also using the context menu):
Dim preventPasteFlag As Boolean
Private Sub Text1_Change()
If preventPasteFlag Then
Text1.Text = Text1.Tag
preventPasteFlag = False
Text1.Tag = Text1.Text
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 22 Then
preventPasteFlag = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
preventPasteFlag = True
End If
End Sub
this is quite similar:
Private Sub Text1_Change()
Dim i As Long, sTemp As String
For i = 1 To Len(Text1)
If InStr(1, "0123456789", Mid$(Text1, i, 1)) > 0 Then sTemp = sTemp & Mid$(Text1, i, 1)
Text1 = sTemp
End Sub

How to call a visio macro from a stencil

i have written some Macros for Visio. Now I copied these to a Stencil called Macros.vss
How can I call my Macros now?
It all depends on what the macros do and how you'd like to call them. I'm going to assume they're simply macros that will execute something within the active Visio page.
By default in Visio VBA, any public subs with no arguments get added to the Visio Tools->Macros menu, in a folder named by the document holding the macros (in this case Macros) and then separated into folders by module name. If you're the only person using the macros then you probably don't need to do anything else.
However, since you put them in a vss file I'll assume you'd like to distribute them to other people.
There's something funny (and by funny I mean irritating) about Visio and how toolbars and buttons work, when added programmatically. Unfortunately, when you create a toolbar using the UIObject and Toolbar and ToolbarItem classes, Visio is going to assume the code you're calling resides in the active drawing, and cannot be in a stencil. So I can give you a little guidance on using those classes, but basically it consists of distributing a .vst template along with your .vss files, with just a single required sub in the .vst file.
So, instead of using a custom toolbar, you can attach code to shape masters in your .vss file that execute the code when they get dropped on a drawing document (using CALLTHIS and the EventDrop event in the shapesheet). With this method I just have a sub that gets called using callthis that takes a shape object as an argument, executes some code, then deletes the shape (if I don't want it around anymore).
And lastly, you can manipulate the Visio UI programmatically to add a toolbar and buttons for your macros. Below is some sample code, basically the way I do it with a solution I developed. As I mentioned above, the most important part of using this method is to have a document template (.vst) that holds a sub (with the below code it must be named RunStencilMacro) that takes a string as an argument. This string should be the "DocumentName.ModuleName.SubName". This sub must take the DocumentName out of the string, and get a Document object handle to that document. Then it must do ExecuteLine on that document with the ModuleName.SubName portion. You'll have to step through the code and figure some things out, but once you get the hang of what's going on it should make sense.
I'm not sure of any other ways to execute the macros interactively with VBA. I think exe and COM addons may not have this issue with toolbars...
Private Sub ExampleUI()
Dim UI As Visio.UIObject
Dim ToolbarSet As Visio.ToolbarSet
Dim Toolbars As Visio.Toolbars
Dim Toolbar As Visio.Toolbar
Dim ToolbarItems As Visio.ToolbarItems
Dim ToolbarItem As Visio.ToolbarItem
Dim TotalToolBars As Integer
Dim Toolbarpos As Integer
Const ToolbarName = "My Toolbar"
' Get the UIObject object for the toolbars.
If Visio.Application.CustomToolbars Is Nothing Then
If Visio.ActiveDocument.CustomToolbars Is Nothing Then
Set UI = Visio.Application.BuiltInToolbars(0)
Set UI = Visio.ActiveDocument.CustomToolbars
End If
Set UI = Visio.Application.CustomToolbars
End If
Set ToolbarSet = UI.ToolbarSets.ItemAtID(visUIObjSetDrawing)
' Delete toolbar if it exists already
TotalToolBars = ToolbarSet.Toolbars.Count
For i = 1 To TotalToolBars
Set Toolbar = ToolbarSet.Toolbars.Item(i - 1)
If Toolbar.Caption = ToolbarName Then
Toolbar.Visible = False
Exit For
End If
' create toolbar
Set Toolbar = ToolbarSet.Toolbars.Add
Toolbar.Caption = ToolbarName
Dim IconPos As Long ' counter to determine where to put a button in the toolbar
IconPos = IconPos + 1
Dim IconFunction As String
IconFunction = """Macros.Module1.SubName"""
Set ToolbarItem = Toolbar.ToolbarItems.AddAt(IconPos)
With ToolbarItem
.AddOnName = "RunStencilMacro """ & IconFunction & """"
.Caption = "Button 1"
.CntrlType = Visio.visCtrlTypeBUTTON
.Enabled = True
.state = Visio.visButtonUp
.Style = Visio.visButtonIcon
.Visible = True
.IconFileName ("16x16IconFullFilePath.ico")
End With
' Now establish the position of this toolbar
With Toolbar
.Position = visBarTop 'Top overall docking area
.Left = 0 'Puts it x pixels from the left
.RowIndex = 13
.Protection = visBarNoCustomize
Toolbar.Enabled = True
.Visible = True
End With
Visio.Application.SetCustomToolbars UI
Visio.ActiveDocument.SetCustomToolbars UI
End Sub

Run VBA on any PowerPoint to change the LanguageID

I'm trying to create a toolbar with a button that will change the LanguageID for all shapes and text boxes in a PowerPoint document to EnglishUS. This is to fix a problem where if someone spell-checks a document using another language (in this instance, French), that language is embedded into the .ppt file itself. When another user tries to spell-check the same area using another language, say English, the words the spell checker suggests are in the original language. For instance, it tried to correct the word 'specified' to 'specifie', a French word. From what I've read, the only way to fix this language issue is with a VBscript, and the only way to run a VBscript in Powerpoint without embedding it into a .ppt and loading that file every time is by creating an add-in with a toolbar button to run the macro, also using VBS. Below is the code which I've taken from various sources, and when I tried to put it together, it didn't work (although it did compile). If someone could take a look, I'm sure its a simple syntax error or something like that, it would be a HUGE help. Thanks in advance!!
By the way if anyone knows an easier way to run a macro in PPT without having to open a certain PPT every time, I'm ALL ears.
and now, the script:
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim oToolbar As CommandBar
Dim oButton As CommandBarButton
Dim MyToolbar As String
''# Give the toolbar a name
MyToolbar = "Fix Language"
On Error Resume Next
''# so that it doesn't stop on the next line if the toolbar's already there
''# Create the toolbar; PowerPoint will error if it already exists
Set oToolbar = CommandBars.Add(Name:=MyToolbar, _
Position:=msoBarFloating, Temporary:=True)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
''# The toolbar's already there, so we have nothing to do
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
''# Now add a button to the new toolbar
Set oButton = oToolbar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
''# And set some of the button's properties
With oButton
.DescriptionText = "Fix Language for Spell Check"
''# Tooltip text when mouse if placed over button
.Caption = "Click to Run Script"
''# Text if Text in Icon is chosen
.OnAction = "Button1"
''# Runs the Sub Button1() code when clicked
.Style = msoButtonIcon
''# Button displays as icon, not text or both
.FaceId = 59
End With
''# Repeat the above for as many more buttons as you need to add
''# Be sure to change the .OnAction property at least for each new button
''# You can set the toolbar position and visibility here if you like
''# By default, it'll be visible when created
oToolbar.Top = 150
oToolbar.Left = 150
oToolbar.Visible = True
Exit Sub ''# so it doesn't go on to run the errorhandler code
''# Just in case there is an error
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Resume NormalExit:
End Sub
Sub Button1()
''# This is the code to replace the LanguageID throughout the ppt
Option Explicit
Public Sub ChangeSpellCheckingLanguage()
Dim j As Integer, k As Integer, scount As Integer, fcount As Integer
scount = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
For j = 1 To scount
fcount = ActivePresentation.Slides(j).Shapes.Count
For k = 1 To fcount
If ActivePresentation.Slides(j).Shapes(k).HasTextFrame Then
ActivePresentation.Slides(j).Shapes(k) _
.TextFrame.TextRange.LanguageID = msoLanguageIDEnglishUS
End If
Next k
Next j
End Sub
End Sub
The answer is quite obvious if it is not clear yet.
As you can see the sub Button1() encapsulates another sub. Thus, I advise you to remove the call ChangeSpellingCheckingLanguage and the last End sub, then your code will work.
This may be an incredibly late answer, but I just solved this problem using VBScript (which can be run outside of powerpoint). The script as written will change the language of each powerpoint file in a given directory (and subdirectories) to English. Here's the script:
Option Explicit
'microsoft office constants
Const msoTrue = -1
Const msoFalse = 0
Const msoLanguageIDEnglishUS = 1033
Const msoGroup = 6
'starting folder (current folder)
Const START_FOLDER = ".\"
'valid powerpoint file extensions
Dim FILE_EXTENSIONS : FILE_EXTENSIONS = Array("pptx", "pptm", "ppt", "potx", "potm", "pot")
'desired language for all Text
'VBScript file system objects for starting folder
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objStartingFolder : Set objStartingFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(START_FOLDER)
IterateContainingItems objStartingFolder
'recursive subroutine to iterate each file in specified folder and all subfolders
Sub IterateContainingItems(objCurrentFolder)
Dim colFiles : Set colFiles = objCurrentFolder.Files
Dim objCurrentFile
For Each objCurrentFile in colFiles
Dim colFolders : Set colFolders = objCurrentFolder.SubFolders
Dim objNextFolder
For Each objNextFolder in colFolders
IterateContainingItems objNextFolder
End Sub
'subroutine executed for every file iterated by IterateContainingItems subroutine
Sub ReportInfo(objCurrentFile)
Dim strPathToFile
strPathToFile = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(objCurrentFile.Path)
If isPowerpointFile(strPathToFile) Then
Dim objPowerpointApp, objPresentations, objPresentation, objSlides, intSlideCount
set objPowerpointApp = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application")
set objPresentations = objPowerpointApp.Presentations
Set objPresentation = objPresentations.Open(strPathToFile, msoFalse, msoFalse, msoFalse)
Set objSlides = objPresentation.Slides
intSlideCount = objSlides.Count
ResetLanguage objPresentation
End If
End Sub
'check if given filepath specifies a powerpoint file as described by the "constant" extension array
Function isPowerpointFile(strFilePath)
Dim strExtension, found, i
strExtension = objFSO.GetExtensionName(strFilePath)
found = false
for i = 0 to ubound(FILE_EXTENSIONS)
if FILE_EXTENSIONS(i) = strExtension then
found = true
exit for
end if
isPowerpointFile = found
End Function
'finds every shape in the entire document and attempts to reset its LanguageID
Sub ResetLanguage(objCurrentPresentation)
Dim objShape
'change shapes from presentation-wide masters
If objCurrentPresentation.HasHandoutMaster Then
For Each objShape in objCurrentPresentation.HandoutMaster.Shapes
ChangeLanguage objShape
End If
If objCurrentPresentation.HasNotesMaster Then
For Each objShape in objCurrentPresentation.NotesMaster.Shapes
ChangeLanguage objShape
End If
If objCurrentPresentation.HasTitleMaster = msoTrue Then
For Each objShape in objCurrentPresentation.TitleMaster.Shapes
ChangeLanguage objShape
End If
'change shapes from each design's master
Dim tempDesign
For Each tempDesign in objCurrentPresentation.Designs
For Each objShape in tempDesign.SlideMaster.Shapes
ChangeLanguage objShape
'change shapes from each slide
Dim tempSlide
For Each tempSlide in objCurrentPresentation.Slides
For Each objShape in tempSlide.Shapes
ChangeLanguage objShape
If tempSlide.hasNotesPage Then
For Each objShape in tempSlide.NotesPage.Shapes
ChangeLanguage objShape
End If
End Sub
'if the given shape contains a text element, it checks and corrects the LanguageID
'if the given shape is a group, it iterates through each element in the group
Sub ChangeLanguage(objShape)
If objShape.Type = msoGroup Then
Dim objShapeGroup : Set objShapeGroup = objShape.GroupItems
Dim objShapeChild
For Each objShapeChild in objShapeGroup
ChangeLanguage objShapeChild
If objShape.HasTextFrame Then
Dim intOrigLanguage : intOrigLanguage = objShape.TextFrame.TextRange.LanguageID
If Not intOrigLanguage = DESIRED_LANGUAGE Then
If objShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Length = 0 Then
objShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "[PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_TO_DELETE]"
End If
objShape.TextFrame.TextRange.LanguageID = DESIRED_LANGUAGE
If objShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "[PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_TO_DELETE]" Then
objShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ""
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
To run it, just copy and paste the code into a text editor and save it as "script_name.vbs" in the directory with your powerpoint files. Run it by double clicking the script and waiting.
To load a macro every time PowerPoint is opened, you will want to create a PowerPoint AddIn. Microsoft has provided step-by-step guide for Office XP. For Office 2007 and newer, AFAIK the following steps will do that:
Save file as *.ppam into the directory it suggests (%APPDATA%\Microsoft\AddIns)
Open the Settings (click the office button in the top left corner and select "PowerPoint Options"), select the "Add-Ins" page, choose "PowerPoint Add-Ins" in the drop-down behind "Manage" and click the "Go" button. A dialog opens. Selecting "Add New" brings up a file picker dialog. You should be able to select the file there.
You can also use the Office Custom UI Editor to create ribbons.
However, I have already created such a Language Fixer Add-In for current versions of PowerPoint, and I have put it up for free download for personal use: PowerPoint Language Fixer by Jan Schejbal

How do I add Debug Breakpoints to lines displayed in a "Find Results" window in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio 2005-2015 it is possible to find all lines containing certain references and display them in a "Find Results" window.
Now that these result lines are displayed, is there any keyboard shortcut that would allow adding debug breakpoints to all of them?
This answer does not work for Visual Studio 2015 or later. A more recent answer can be found here.
You can do this fairly easily with a Visual Studio macro. Within Visual Studio, hit Alt-F11 to open the Macro IDE and add a new module by right-clicking on MyMacros and selecting Add|Add Module...
Paste the following in the source editor:
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports EnvDTE90
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Module CustomMacros
Sub BreakpointFindResults()
Dim findResultsWindow As Window = DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindFindResults1)
Dim selection As TextSelection
selection = findResultsWindow.Selection
Dim findResultsReader As New StringReader(selection.Text)
Dim findResult As String = findResultsReader.ReadLine()
Dim findResultRegex As New Regex("(?<Path>.*?)\((?<LineNumber>\d+)\):")
While Not findResult Is Nothing
Dim findResultMatch As Match = findResultRegex.Match(findResult)
If findResultMatch.Success Then
Dim path As String = findResultMatch.Groups.Item("Path").Value
Dim lineNumber As Integer = Integer.Parse(findResultMatch.Groups.Item("LineNumber").Value)
DTE.Debugger.Breakpoints.Add("", path, lineNumber)
Catch ex As Exception
' breakpoints can't be added everywhere
End Try
End If
findResult = findResultsReader.ReadLine()
End While
End Sub
End Module
This example uses the results in the "Find Results 1" window; you might want to create an individual shortcut for each result window.
You can create a keyboard shortcut by going to Tools|Options... and selecting Keyboard under the Environment section in the navigation on the left. Select your macro and assign any shortcut you like.
You can also add your macro to a menu or toolbar by going to Tools|Customize... and selecting the Macros section in the navigation on the left. Once you locate your macro in the list, you can drag it to any menu or toolbar, where it its text or icon can be customized to whatever you want.
If you can search for the word exactly, you can use a pair of keyboard shortcuts to do it quickly.
Tools -> Options -> Enviroment -> Keyboard
Assign them to Control+Alt+F11 and F10 and you can go through all the results very quickly. I haven't found a shortcut for going to the next reference however.
I needed something similar to disable all breakpoints and place a breakpoint on every "Catch ex as Exception". However, I expanded this a little so it will place a breakpoint at every occurance of the string you have selected. All you need to do with this is highlight the string you want to have a breakpoint on and run the macro.
Sub BreakPointAtString()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim tsSelection As String = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.text
Dim AllText As String = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
Dim findResultsReader As New StringReader(AllText)
Dim findResult As String = findResultsReader.ReadLine()
Dim lineNum As Integer = 1
Do Until findResultsReader.Peek = -1
lineNum += 1
findResult = findResultsReader.ReadLine()
If Trim(findResult) = Trim(tsSelection) Then
End If
End Sub
Hope it works for you :)
Paul, thanks a lot, but I have the following error (message box), may be I need to restart my PC:
Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
I would propose the following solution that's very simple but it works for me
Sub BreakPointsFromSearch()
Dim n As Integer = InputBox("Enter the number of search results")
For i = 1 To n
End Sub
