textbox validation in vb6 (disable paste option) - vb6

validation on textbox in vb 6.0
i tried
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If Not (KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Or KeyAscii = vbKeyDelete Or KeyAscii = vbKeySpace Or (KeyAscii >= Asc("1") And KeyAscii <= Asc("9"))) Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
but now i want that paste option should disable when i right click on textbox

If you want to prevent right-click menu items from being used on the textbox you can create your own context menu.
Then, using API calls you need to unhook the default menu from the textbox and hook up the custom menu.
(I'm not aware of other APIs which only let you disable/hide items in the existing context menu)
The downside off course is that any menu item you want to keep such as copy or delete you need to write the code for yourself.
You can find a very good explenation on how to do this here Disable right click menu inside a textbox and here Weird reaction on a popup menu
What next,.. what is if the user uses CTRL+V to paste? Or what if the user has paste mapped to different key combinations, other than CTRL+V?
Validate the data instead?
You can end up writing a lot of code trying to prevent data entry. Why not save that work and instead let the user enter what they like and use the validate event to validate the data?
I wrote a sample on another site on using the validate event of a textbox here: Validate Value Is Numeric. That link also has a vb6 demo project I put together attached in the post.
The type of validation is irrelevant I suppose, it simply demonstrates using the validate event allows you to focus on validating the data, rather than trying to code every single possible way you can think of trying to prevent data to be entered in the first place.
The Validate event is triggered before lostfocus and before the next control's getfocus.
Only if the validate event is not told to cancel the action, will the lostfocus event and any subsequent event be executed.
The Validate event is intended to be used to ensure the control's value is validated before executing any other event.

Private Sub Text1_Change()
If Text1.Tag <> Text1.Text Then
Text1.Text = Text1.Tag
Text1.SelStart = Len(Text1.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Text1.Tag = Text1.Text & Chr(KeyAscii)
End Sub

Old problem but still relevant with legacy projects.
The solution proposed by Sam Sylvester is interesting but doesn't allow you to delete characters (use backspace) and appends the 22 ASCII character (Ctrl + V) in the textbox (which is bad).
This solution I found worked for me (prevents paste using Ctrl + V and also using the context menu):
Dim preventPasteFlag As Boolean
Private Sub Text1_Change()
If preventPasteFlag Then
Text1.Text = Text1.Tag
preventPasteFlag = False
Text1.Tag = Text1.Text
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 22 Then
preventPasteFlag = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
preventPasteFlag = True
End If
End Sub

this is quite similar:
Private Sub Text1_Change()
Dim i As Long, sTemp As String
For i = 1 To Len(Text1)
If InStr(1, "0123456789", Mid$(Text1, i, 1)) > 0 Then sTemp = sTemp & Mid$(Text1, i, 1)
Text1 = sTemp
End Sub


Proper Casing in VB6

I am doing a quiz game in VB6. I need the textbox to automatically capialize the first letter but this code
Private Sub Anstxt_Change()
Anstxt.Text = StrConv(Anstxt.Text, vbProperCase)
End Sub
causes the word to invert. So instead of "Trees" it turns into "Seert"
How do I change this?
Pay attention to where the cursor is positioned in the textbox when the event Change occurs: its at the start of the textbox. Add a Debug.Print statement to see what's going on while you type:
Private Sub Anstxt_Change()
Debug.Print StrConv(Anstxt.Text, vbProperCase)
Anstxt.Text = StrConv(Anstxt.Text, vbProperCase)
End Sub
The output looks like
Two things to notice here: the Change event is triggered twice: once from typing and once from changing the value of the textbox within the Change event. That gives you an idea that manipulating the text of a textbox in its Change event isn't a good idea. I suggest to put this code in the LostFocus event instead.
The second thing to notice is that as the cursor is always at the start of the textbox, the letters you type are inserted there in front of the existing letters. So after you change the .Text property of the textbox, you should position the cursor at the end of the textbox with the .SelStart method:
Anstxt.SelStart = Len(Anstxt.Text)
Private Sub Anstxt_Change()
Anstxt.Text = StrConv(Anstxt.Text, vbProperCase)
Anstxt.SelStart = Len(Anstxt.Text)
End Sub

Disabling Mouse Right Click On Image Control VB6

Ok, after searching for an hour, I still haven't found the right answer for this. All I want is to disable the right click on my button because it's creating a bug, according to our tester. I don't know if VB6 can't do this, but if VB6 can't do this, is there any possible way? Ok, just to be more specific, here is my example...
'I found this somewhere...
Private Sub cmdExportCSV_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = vbRightButton Then
'Do Nothing
End If
End Sub
'Then I have here
Private Sub cmdExportCSV_Click()
'Some logic here
End Sub
But when I click the right button on my mouse, the cmdExportCSV_Click() still executing the code inside.
How about something like this then (based upon your code):
Private m_mouseButton As Integer
Private Sub cmdExportCSV_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
m_mouseButton = Button
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExportCSV_Click()
If m_mouseButton = vbRightButton Then
'Do Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
'Some logic here
End Sub
I didn't run this or anything, but it should work.
I have resolved my own problem.
From this..
Private Sub cmdExportCSV_Click()
If m_mouseButton = vbRightButton Then
'Do Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
'Some logic here
End Sub
To this..
Private Sub cmdExportCSV_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button And vbRightButton Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Some logic here
End Sub
That's it! VB6 won't directly allow you to disable the mouse right and mouse left button. My solution is just to exit event whenever the user click the mouse right button.
Anyway, I'm sorry as I found out that the system is using asImageCommand not CommandButton, so when you declare an event like this "Private Sub cmdExportCSV_Click()", the asImageCommand control will trigger when you click the mouse-right and mouse-left button. But if you are using CommandButton, it will only trigger when you click the left-button, and won't allow you to use the right-button of the mouse.
I think I have to update the title of my question.

Excel UserForm button click slow response time when clicked fast

I have a VBA UserForm in Excel, with very simple code. It displays a collection (a dictionary, actually) of objects, one at a time, with buttons for "first, previous, next, and last". Everything works great, but if I were to continually click the next button to go through the items, I have to click it slowly (roughly once a second). If I click any faster, the click is ignored. For example, if I click four times over two seconds, it will only 'register' the first and third click and advance twice, instead of four times.
Below is example code for the 'next' button (and the other applicable pieces of code in the userform module):
Private dQIDs As Dictionary
Public Sub TransferQIDs(ByVal dIncomingQIDs As Dictionary)
Set dQIDs = dIncomingQIDs
End Sub
Private Sub bNext_Click()
Call LoadQID(CLng(lIndex.Caption) + 1)
End Sub
Private Sub LoadQID(lQID As Long)
Set QID = dQIDs(lQID)
lIndex.Caption = lQID
lItems.Caption = "Viewing new QID " & lQID & " of " & dQIDs.Count
Me.tTitle = QID.sTitle
Me.tVID = QID.sVendorID
Me.bOS = QID.bOSPatch
Me.bApp = Not QID.bOSPatch
Me.bPrev.Enabled = Not (lQID = 1)
Me.bFirst.Enabled = Not (lQID = 1)
Me.bNext.Enabled = Not (lQID = dQIDs.Count)
Me.bLast.Enabled = Not (lQID = dQIDs.Count)
End Sub
Any ideas?
Personally I would just disable to button while content is loaded.
Private Sub bNext_Click()
Dim b1 As Button
Set b1 = ActiveSheet.Buttons("LoadQID")
REM or Me.LoadQID
b1.Font.ColorIndex = 15
b1.Enabled = False
Application.Cursor = xlWait
Call LoadQID(CLng(lIndex.Caption) + 1)
b1.Enabled = True
b1.Font.ColorIndex = 1
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
End Sub
Reason why this happens is that accessing a single object takes quite a bit of time in Excel. This way if you can click it will be registered.
Alternatively you can toggle UI update with:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
windows is checking for a doubleclick. so if you click fast it registers a doubleclick.
2 options. increase you doubleclick speed in the windows mouse settings
or make a doubleclick event

vb6 use same button on 2 textbox

Hi our instructor asked us to create a calculator that only uses button
for the value input in, It should have enter value1 on 1st textbox and then the other value on the next textbox in vb6
is there a way to use the same button to enter a value on the next textbox?
lets say after you press button 3 it will show on textbox1
Text1.Text = "3"
my problem is it wont go to the next textbox after it show the number 3
I've already tried
If Text2.Setfoucs = True Then
Text2.Text = "3"
Text1.Text = "3"
End If
Its giving me error.
I just wanted to use the same button on the second textbox
after it was used on the 1st textbox
I thought of using another bunch of buttons and set visible = true after the
1st button was pressed so that the nextone will be
Text2.Text = "3"
Im just a beginner on VB6 any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
here is what the project looks like
setFocus is a function, not a variable, and it doesn't return a value, so you can't use it in an if clause.
Here is my suggestion to accomplish what you're trying to do:
Add a GotFocus event to each of your textboxes, that sets a variable. Like so:
Private selectedTxtBox As Integer
Private Sub Text1_GotFocus()
selectedTxtBox = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Text2_GotFocus()
selectedTxtBox = 2
End Sub
Then on your button, you can do:
If selectedTxtBox = 1 Then
Text1.Text = "3"
ElseIf selectedTxtBox = 2 Then
Text2.Text = "3"
End If

Excel VBA - Pause Events while Updating ComboBox

I have an application written in VBA for Excel that takes in a live data feed. Whenever there is a change in the data, various events are triggered within VBA.
I also have some UserForms with ComboBoxes on them. My problem is that when I click the down arrow on the ComboBox and try to make a selection, the moment I get an update from the data feed, the ComboBox resets. What I would like to do is pause the events while I am making my selection in the ComboBox and then unpause it when I am done. How do I generate this functionality?
Try this to turn off:
application.enableevents = false
And this to turn back on:
application.enableevents = true
To pause and show a message and to keep working on something during the pause. finally press button
Public Ready As Boolean
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Ready = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Ready = False
Call Wait
Label1.Visible = True
End Sub
Public Function Wait()
Do While Ready = False
End Function
Maybe you can put a flag to bypass the update event on your combobox until a selection is made.
Private bLock as boolean ' declare at module level
' When a user clicks on the combobox
Private Sub DropDownArrow_Click() ' or cboComboBox_Click()
bLocked = True
End Sub
' This procedure is the one that does the updating from the data source.
' If the flag is set, do not touch the comboboxes.
Private Sub subUpdateComboBoxes()
If Not bLocked then
' Update the comboboxes
End If
End Sub
' When the selection is made, or the focus changes from the combobox.
' check if a selection is made and reset the flag.
Private Sub cboComboBox_AfterUpdate() ' Or LostFucus or something else
if Format(cboComboBox.Value) <> vbNullString Then
bLocked = False
End If
End Sub
Hope that helps.
