Groovy validation problem - validation

I have a groovy system configured using tomcat and Oracle 10g.
I have a groovy class which defines an follows: (reduced version)
class ChangeTicket {
static constraints = {
String chngNr
My controller has defined a save method:
if (changeTicketInstance.validate() && !changeTicketInstance.hasErrors() && {
flash.message = "changeTicket.created"
As far as I know the save method calls by default the validate method in order to
know if the constraints are fullfilled or not therefore the validate method call is redundant. Anyway, when the save is performed an exception will be thrown if the field chngNr is NULL.
In fact the field cannot be empty (NULL) because I've defined the constraint (nullable:false).
What am I doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance,

The validate call should fail if chngNr is NULL. Some databases do not consider an empty string ("") null (HSQL). If you are binding chngNr to changeTicketInstance using params from a form it is getting assigned an empty string as a value and in that case you would want your constraint to be:
Also, save() wont throw an Exception unless you use save(flush:true). Hibernate queues up the changes and, unless you flush, wont throw an actual exception.

try this:


How can I prevent a null RequestParam raising an exception?

I'm working in a Spring Boot environnement using Kotlin. I made a controller with a method annotated with #GetMapping. This method have some parameters of type #RequestParam declared as Double type. If I try to call my method without providing these parameters, my code raises the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Optional double parameter 'latitude' is present but cannot be translated into a null value due to being declared as a primitive type.
I assume that the parameters have default value (probably 0.0), but Kotlin need an object which can be null, so the exception is raised.
All works fine if I provide the parameters, but I want my code working if no parameters are provided.
How can I avoid this exception?
Here's how my controller looks like:
class StationController {
fun findAll(#RequestParam(value = "latitude", required = false) currentLatitude: Double,
#RequestParam(value = "longitude", required = false) currentLongitude: Double): ResponseEntity<List<Entity>> {
//Method body
Maybe the following part of the documentation regarding basic types will help you:
On the Java platform, numbers are physically stored as JVM primitive types, unless we need a nullable number reference (e.g. Int?) or generics are involved. In the latter cases numbers are boxed.
Your guess might be correct then. Try using Double? and it should be ok.

How to execute save operation immediatly in a #Transactional method

Say I have following code snippet
public void doSthing(){
// save an enetity to db
SomeClass entityA = new entityA();;
// I got null here!
Integer id = entityA.getId();
as u see, I need the entityA's id to update another entity, but it's null at that time, if I remove the #Transactional it works, but I want the two operations in tansaction, which mean that i need spring rollback the doSthing() method on any opereation failured.
By default, methods annotated with #Transactional will rollback on any RuntimeException. So you can achieve the rollback by throwing some runtime exception under some condition.
If you want to rollback on any exception just add the following:
But what #Delinum said in the comment is true in general, that is, if you invoke a save on a dao/repository it should assign an #Id to the value object that you are saving, making it an entity.
I don't know what is type of your 'mapper' instance, but some implementations could work in a way that when you call save it doesn't change the original object, but rather it returns the persisted object. So instead of this:;
// I got null here!
Integer id = entityA.getId();
Use this:
Integer id =;

Exception handling in Model/Controller MVC

I've just recently started learning MVC patterns, originally in android but currently with spring MVC framework. I'm wondering if it is more appropriate to have testing/exception handling in the model or a controller. What I mean is, say I had some field in the model which should be restricted to some values, or a range of values; should I be testing the inputs and throwing exception in the model and having the controller catch them, or should the controller check inputs on it's own before forwarding inputs to the model?
My concern with testing in the controller is that I may need to check values in several spots whereas if I were to test in the model it's only done in one place. My concern with checking inputs in the model is that, for some reason, that seems really odd to me; then again I am new to this pattern so I don't really know yet.
What is the norm? What is recommended?
Thanks everyone
It is appropriate to have testing and/or exception handling in the model and the controller, which ever is most appropriate to the handling of the exception.
For example, if you want want to parse a number from a string and use a default value when the string does not contain a number and you are parsing in the model, then you should handle the numberformatexception in the model.
I think of this as an "expected" exception.
private String blammyValue;
public int getBlammyAsInt()
int returnValue;
returnValue = Integer.parseInt(blammyValue);
catch (NumberFormatException exception)
returnValue = -1; // some default value
return returnValue;
If the exception is something that is out-of-the-ordinary,
like a database exception,
and for which there is no reasonable default behavior,
then catching it in the controller makes sense.

How to validate a single field in a Spring bean?

It seems like the preferred way to validate a spring annotated bean is by using #valid, like in the block below, however I want to display error messages one field at a time still using Spring annotations. I know I can validate the whole form after each field and show only messages for a single field, but that is inefficient, anyone know of a better way?
public #ResponseBody RegisterResponse registerSubmit(#Valid #ModelAttribute("registerData") Register registerData, BindingResult result ){
RegisterResponse rr= new RegisterResponse();
if(!result.hasErrors()) {
else {
return rr;
Return from the Validator#validate method upon hitting the first Error.
For this
You need to have a Custom Validator implementing org.springframework.validation.Validator where you have control of validating the fields in the order you need, whereas, using #Valid annotation will validate all the fields in your Form Bean and return the BindingResult for all the fields.
I was able to make things work by filtering out the errors that had an empty/null fields, this does work but is a bit inefficient since we validate entire bean even though we care for the first field. I'd love to hear of a better way to accomplish this kind of step by step form field validation.
I used something like the following:
private List<ObjectError> removeEmpties(BindingResult result) {
List<ObjectError> errors = result.getAllErrors();
ArrayList<ObjectError> myErrors = new ArrayList<ObjectError>();
for(ObjectError error: errors){
FieldError realThing = (FieldError) error;
if (realThing.getRejectedValue()!=null && !realThing.getRejectedValue().toString().isEmpty()){
return myErrors;

Understanding why does sometime "NULL" and sometime "Empty" value is stored to same field?

Currently I am working on spring(MVC) web app, I have observed something strange while validating entity class fields in my controller. Whenever i try to do validation after each form submittion i get confused about the value that is stored in entity class fields.
Example, following is the code snippet i use for validating one of the string field. It works fine, but sometimes not. Reason i found is sometime there is Null value set and sometime Empty value is set for the same field.
bindingResult.rejectValue("whoBookedIt", "", null, null);
I don't understand why this is happening?, can anybody explain the reason for this?
I know this does not really answer your question, but as a solution you could use Apache's StringUtils class to check for both.
bindingResult.rejectValue("whoBookedIt", "", null, null);
From the StringUtils class:
public static boolean isEmpty(String str) {
return str == null || str.length() == 0;
