How to validate a single field in a Spring bean? - validation

It seems like the preferred way to validate a spring annotated bean is by using #valid, like in the block below, however I want to display error messages one field at a time still using Spring annotations. I know I can validate the whole form after each field and show only messages for a single field, but that is inefficient, anyone know of a better way?
public #ResponseBody RegisterResponse registerSubmit(#Valid #ModelAttribute("registerData") Register registerData, BindingResult result ){
RegisterResponse rr= new RegisterResponse();
if(!result.hasErrors()) {
else {
return rr;

Return from the Validator#validate method upon hitting the first Error.
For this
You need to have a Custom Validator implementing org.springframework.validation.Validator where you have control of validating the fields in the order you need, whereas, using #Valid annotation will validate all the fields in your Form Bean and return the BindingResult for all the fields.

I was able to make things work by filtering out the errors that had an empty/null fields, this does work but is a bit inefficient since we validate entire bean even though we care for the first field. I'd love to hear of a better way to accomplish this kind of step by step form field validation.
I used something like the following:
private List<ObjectError> removeEmpties(BindingResult result) {
List<ObjectError> errors = result.getAllErrors();
ArrayList<ObjectError> myErrors = new ArrayList<ObjectError>();
for(ObjectError error: errors){
FieldError realThing = (FieldError) error;
if (realThing.getRejectedValue()!=null && !realThing.getRejectedValue().toString().isEmpty()){
return myErrors;


How to validate RequestBody with nullable fields when all properties are empty/null values

I would like to know if there is a better way then writting a check at the beginning of a method.
This question is based on the following code:
Class Pojo:
data class PojoX(val name: String?, val city: String?)
fun update(#RequestBody request: PojoX): PojoDTO{
if ( == null && == null) {
throw ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Atleast one field should be filled")
// Do somthing if atleast one field is filled...
I want the code to be maintainable easily without adding new check when a new property is added to the request class.
Is there an annotation in Spring which can check if all fields are null?
You'd need to write a custom Validator that is only valid if at least one of the fields is not null (i.e. encapsulating your current check into a validator and then use the #Valid annotation.

Spring Rest Controller Patch implementation

I need to implement PATCH functionality at my Spring #RestController.
I saw a lot of questions and the most common approach is to use a plain Java Map to do this. Map that allows null helps to solve the issue with null or absent values because it looks like impossible to implement on POJO.
Is there at Spring any out of the box functionality that helps to reflect values from Map to the existing model object or I have to implement it by myself.. for example using Jackson and so on ?
I can share My implementation of PATCH, hope this helps some one in some way. I have a client which has six fields like ( name, type, address fields , ID, Number, postcode), I can edit the client and change anything.
this is also an elaboration on the question with a partial answer ( or a complete one if there is no other way than the two below) Or perhaps PATCH is supposed to be done differently
clientService is just a service which holds the ClientRepository
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PATCH ,produces = {"application/vnd.api+json"} )
ResponseEntity<Resource<Client>> editClient(#PathVariable("id") Integer id,#RequestBody Client editedClientFromBrowser) {
// the id is the ID of the client that I was editing..
//i can use this to retrieve the one from back end
// editedClientFromBrowser is the changed Client Model Object
//from the browser The only field changed is the one
// that was changed in the browser but the rest of
//the object is the same with the ID as well"Edit Client reached");
//retreive the same Client from backend and update and save it
// Client client = clientService.getClient(id);
// if (client == null) {
// throw new EntityNotFoundException("Client not found - id: " + id);
// }else{
// change the field that is different from the
//editedClientFromBrowser and then saveAndFlush client
//OR saveAndFlush the editedClientFromBrowser itself
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
now another method I read on ( and tried:
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PATCH ,
produces = {"application/vnd.api+json"} )
ResponseEntity<Resource<Client>> editClient(#PathVariable("id") Integer id,
#RequestBody Map<String, Object> updates)
this one does give me a hashMap. but it gives me each and every field. even the ones I did not change. So, is that really beneficial? No idea seriously, may be it is lighter than getting the whole client object back.
I would have liked if I get only the hashmap of one or two fields which I did change. that would have been more in line with PATCH i think. Can I improve my two implementations in some way?

Missing HttpParameterBinding and ParameterBindingAttribute

I'm investigating Web Api in ASP.NET vNext using the daily builds. In a web api 2x project, I use HttpParameterBinding and ParameterBindingAttribute in some situations (see; however, I can't seem to find either in vNext. Do/will these classes exist? If not, what are my alternatives?
Edit (1-22-15):
I want to be able to serialize a complex JS object to a JSON string, put the JSON string in a hidden form field (say name="data"), submit the form, and then bind my parameter to that JSON object on the server. This will never be done by a human, but rather by a machine. I also want this very same mechanism to work if the JSON is sent directly in the request body instead of form data. I also need this to work for several different types of objects.
I've been able to accomplish this scenario in Web Api 2.2 in a few different ways, including a custom ModelBinder; however, I remember reading an MSFT blog post that suggested to use a ModelBinder for query string binding, formatters for request body, and HttpParameterBinding for more general scenarios. Is it okay to read the request body in a ModelBinder ASP.NET 5, or is there a better mechanism for that? If so, then case closed and I will port my ModelBinder with a few minor changes.
I'm not sure that IInputFormatter will work for me in this case either.
Here are two rough approaches
Approach 1:
A quick and dirty approach would be to start with a Dto model
public class Dto
public Serializable Result { get; set; }
public Serializable FromForm
get { return Result; }
set { Result = value; }
public Serializable FromBody
get { return Result; }
set { Result = value; }
public class Serializable
And an action method
public IActionResult DoSomething(Dto dto)
// Do something with Dto.Result
Then write a custom model binder for Serializable, that just works with Request.Form this way you never actually read the body yourself, and Form only reads it if it of type Form.
The down side of this is that ApiExplorer will not provide correct details (but I think since this is none-standard you are going to be in trouble here anyways).
Approach 2
You can alternatively just use the code from BodyModelBinder and create a custom binder for Serializable type above, that first tries to get it from the Form, and if it fails tries to get it from the Body. The Dto class in that case is not necessary.
Here is some pseudo code
if (inputType is yourtype)
if (request.Form["yourkey"] != null)
Use Json.Net to deserialize your object type
fall back to BodyModelBinder code
With this approach you can make it generic, and ApiExplorer will say the way to bind the type is unknown/custom (we haven't decided on the term yet :) )
Instead of registering the model binder you can use the [ModelBinder(typeof(customBinder))] attribute to apply it sparingly.
Here is a link to the BodyModelBinder code.
There is a new [FromHeader] attribute that allows you to bind directly to http header values if that is what you need.

Exception handling in Model/Controller MVC

I've just recently started learning MVC patterns, originally in android but currently with spring MVC framework. I'm wondering if it is more appropriate to have testing/exception handling in the model or a controller. What I mean is, say I had some field in the model which should be restricted to some values, or a range of values; should I be testing the inputs and throwing exception in the model and having the controller catch them, or should the controller check inputs on it's own before forwarding inputs to the model?
My concern with testing in the controller is that I may need to check values in several spots whereas if I were to test in the model it's only done in one place. My concern with checking inputs in the model is that, for some reason, that seems really odd to me; then again I am new to this pattern so I don't really know yet.
What is the norm? What is recommended?
Thanks everyone
It is appropriate to have testing and/or exception handling in the model and the controller, which ever is most appropriate to the handling of the exception.
For example, if you want want to parse a number from a string and use a default value when the string does not contain a number and you are parsing in the model, then you should handle the numberformatexception in the model.
I think of this as an "expected" exception.
private String blammyValue;
public int getBlammyAsInt()
int returnValue;
returnValue = Integer.parseInt(blammyValue);
catch (NumberFormatException exception)
returnValue = -1; // some default value
return returnValue;
If the exception is something that is out-of-the-ordinary,
like a database exception,
and for which there is no reasonable default behavior,
then catching it in the controller makes sense.

Complex Spring form validation using javax.validation

What I'm trying to accomplish is:
Have a bean backed form being validated, for example using the following class
public class PersonForm {
String name;
List<Long> interests;
// This attribute is not filled out in the form
List<Interest> realInterests;
So, "name" and "interests" come from the web form. "name" has some constrains (NotNull) and using #Valid does what it is supposed to do.
"interests" is a list of Interest ids.
After doing the initial validation of the "name" I fill out the List collection.
public class Interest {
Long id;
String name;
boolean available;
I want to validate this structure afterwards. "#CustomValidInterest" is a custom validation annotation.
I can do a 2-stage validation using do this with Validation Groups.
The problem is, if some "Interest" object is not valid I want to associate the error message with the "interests" field (List< Long > type), so when I retrieve the form errors the error is associated with the right field.
Maybe I'm trying to use validation the wrong way. I was trying to avoid having a bunch of programmatic comparisons which filled errors manually.
Answering my own question, this is achievable using PropertyEditors. The form might return a List< Long > but the form object can have only a List < Interest > which is built using said Property mapper. After that a #Valid on that list should validate any constraints that "Interest" enforces.
