The only algorithm that I know for this problem is the Newton's method (make a guess, then improve it until it's good enough).
Any other ideas (use any language you prefer)?
PS: Of course I don't have any use case for this, I'm just researching it for academic reasons.
There is always the John Carmack method, which is a highly efficient variation upon the Newton method.
Several can be found here.
You may want to check algorithms in Methods of computing square roots.
This is fast C Log base 2 implementation of the Newton's Method:
double sqrt(const double x)
int i;
double x;
} u;
u.x = x;
u.i = (1<<29) + (u.i >> 1) - (1<<22);
return u.x;
I am in a class for Computer algorithms, I'm having trouble and the teacher is trying to help me. I am doing some problems in the book, but I just can't wrap my head around them.
I know how to do the notation that wolphra-alpha uses for these.
So for instance I have this: "Computer the following sum: Sum_(i=1)^n for 1/i(i+1)"
I am completely bewildered as to what I have to do to calculate such sum, I've had it explained to me a few times already, so the most detailed and coherent explanation would be greatly appreciated.
Another problem asks to Find and Compare the # of divisions/multiplications/additions and subtractions that are required for computing variance for the following formulas:
Formula 1: (Sum_(i=1)^n for (x-y)^2)/(n-1) where y = (Sum_(i=1)^n for x)/n
Formula 2: ((Sum_(i=1)^n for x^2) - ((Sum_(i=1)^n for x)/n)) / (n-1)
I am still lost entirely as to what I need to do.
I appreciate any and all help, even links to good material to read. I've read my textbook and quite a bit online.
For Sum_(i=1)^n for 1/i(i+1), the underscore _ is what goes under the ∑ symbol, and ^ is for what goes above it. In other words,
∑ 1/(i(i+1))
I'm assuming you mean i(i+1) to be in the denominator. This sum is equal to
1/(1(1+1)) + 1/(2(2+1)) + 1/(3(3+1)) + ... + 1/(n(n+1))
Make sure you can see the pattern here. Notice that this only depends on n, and not anything else (like i).
In C/C++, this would look like
double f(int n)
double sum = 0;
for( int i=1 ; i<=n ; ++i ) sum += 1.0/(i*(i+1));
return sum;
Hope that helps.
This question already has answers here:
Calculating factorial of large numbers in C
(16 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Consider problem of calculating factorial of a number.
When result is bigger than 2^32 then we will get overflow error.
How can we design a program to calculate factorial of big numbers?
EDIT: assume we are using C++ language.
EDIT2: it is a duplicate question of this one
As a question with just algorithm tagged. Your 2^32 is not an issue because an algorithm can never have an Overflow error. Implementations of an algorithm can and do have overflow errors. So what language are you using?
Most languages have a BigNumber or BigInteger that can be used.
Here's a C++ BigInteger library:
I suggest that you google for: c++ biginteger
If you can live with approximate values, consider using the Stirling approximation and compute it in double precision.
If you want exact values, you'll need arbitrary-precision arithmetic and a lot of computation time...
Doing this requires you to take one of a few approaches, but basically boils down to:
splitting your number across multiple variables (stored in an array) and
managing your operations across the array.
That way each int/element in the array has a positional magnitude and can be strung together in the end to make your whole number.
A good example here in C:
Test this script:
import gmpy as gm
print gm.fac(3000)
For very big number is difficult to stock or print result.
For some purposes, such as working out the number of combinations, it is sufficient to compute the logarithm of the factorial, because you will be dividing factorials by factorials and the final result is of a more reasonable size - you just subtract logarithms before taking the exponential of the result.
You can compute the logarithm of the factorial by adding logarithms, or by using the, which is often available in mathematical libraries (there are good ways to approximate this).
First invent a way to store and use big numbers. Common way is to interpret array of integers as digits of a big number. Then add basic operations to your system, such as multiplication. Then multiply.
Or use already made solutions. Google for: c++ big integer library
You can use BigInteger for finding factorial of a Big numbers probably greater than 65 as the range of data type long ends at 65! and it starts returning 0 after that. Please refer to below Java code. Hope it would help:
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class factorial {
public factorial() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public static void main(String args[])
factorial f = new factorial();
public BigInteger fact(int num)
BigInteger sum = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
for(int i = num ; i>= 2; i --)
sum = sum.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i));
return sum;
If you want to improve the range of your measurement, you can use logarithms. Logarithms will convert your multiplication to additions making it much smaller to store.
factorial(n) => n * factorial(n-1)
log(factorial(n)) => log(n) * log(factorial(n-1))
5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120
log(5!) = log(5) + log(4) + log(3) + log(2) + log(1) = 2.0791812460476247
In this example, I used base 10 logarithms, but any base works.
Or 10^0.0791812460476247*10^2 or 1.2*10^2
Implementation example in javascript
Is there any possible way to make pseudorandom numbers without any binary operators? Being that this is a 3D map, I'm trying to make it as a function of X and Y but hopefully include a randomseed somewhere in their so it won't be the same every time. I know you can make a noise function like this with binary operators :
double PerlinNoise::Noise(int x, int y) const
int n = x + y * 57;
n = (n << 13) ^ n;
int t = (n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 0x7fffffff;
return 1.0 - double(t) * 0.931322574615478515625e-9;/// 1073741824.0);
But being that I'm using lua instead of C++, I can't use any binary operators. I've tried many different things yet none of them work. Help?
For bit operators (I guess that is what you mean by "binary"), have a look at Bitwise Operators Wiki page, which contains a list of modules you can use, like Lua BitOp and bitlib.
If you do not want to implement it by yourself, have a look at the module lua-noise, which contains an implementation of Perlin noise. Note that it is a work-in-progress C module.
If I'm not mistaken, Matt Zucker's FAQ on Perlin noise only uses arithmetic operators to describe/implement it. It only mentions bitwise operators as an optimization trick.
You should implement both ways and test them with the same language/runtime, to get an idea of the speed difference.
In the above routine, there are not any bit-wise operators that aren't easily converted to arithmetic operations.
The << 13 becomes * 8192
The & 0x7FFFFFFF becomes a mod of 2^31.
As long as overflow isn't an issue, this should be all you need.
It'd be pretty slow, but you could simulate these with division and multiplication, I believe.
I am looking for an algorithm to find if a given number is a perfect number.
The most simple that comes to my mind is :
Find all the factors of the number
Get the prime factors [except the number itself, if it is prime] and add them up to check if it is a perfect number.
Is there a better way to do this ?.
On searching, some Euclids work came up, but didnt find any good algorithm. Also this golfscript wasnt helpful: .
The numbers etc can be cached etc in real world usage [which I dont know where perfect nos are used :)]
However, since this is being asked in interviews, I am assuming there should be a "derivable" way of optimizing it.
Thanks !
If the input is even, see if it is of the form 2^(p-1)*(2^p-1), with p and 2^p-1 prime.
If the input is odd, return "false". :-)
See the Wikipedia page for details.
(Actually, since there are only 47 perfect numbers with fewer than 25 million digits, you might start with a simple table of those. Ask the interviewer if you can assume you are using 64-bit numbers, for instance...)
Edit: Dang, I failed the interview! :-(
In my over zealous attempt at finding tricks or heuristics to improve upon the "factorize + enumerate divisors + sum them" approach, I failed to note that being 1 modulo 9 was merely a necessary, and certainly not a sufficient condition for at number (other than 6) to be perfect...
Duh... with on average 1 in 9 even number satisfying this condition, my algorithm would sure find a few too many perfect numbers ;-).
To redeem myself, persist and maintain the suggestion of using the digital root, but only as a filter, to avoid the more expensive computation of the factor, in most cases.
[Original attempt: hall of shame]
If the number is even,<br>
compute its [digital root][1].
if the digital root is 1, the number is perfect, otherwise it isn't.
If the number is odd...
there are no shortcuts, other than...
"Not perfect" if the number is smaller than 10^300
For bigger values, one would then need to run the algorithm described in
the question, possibly with a few twists typically driven by heuristics
that prove that the sum of divisors will be lacking when the number
doesn't have some of the low prime factors.
My reason for suggesting the digital root trick for even numbers is that this can be computed without the help of an arbitrary length arithmetic library (like GMP). It is also much less computationally expensive than the decomposition in prime factors and/or the factorization (2^(p-1) * ((2^p)-1)). Therefore if the interviewer were to be satisfied with a "No perfect" response for odd numbers, the solution would be both very efficient and codable in most computer languages.
[Second and third attempt...]
If the number is even,<br>
if it is 6
The number is PERFECT
otherwise compute its [digital root][1].
if the digital root is _not_ 1
The number is NOT PERFECT
else ...,
Compute the prime factors
Enumerate the divisors, sum them
if the sum of these divisor equals the 2 * the number
If the number is odd...
same as previously
On this relatively odd interview question...
I second andrewdski's comment to another response in this post, that this particular question is rather odd in the context of an interview for a general purpose developer. As with many interview questions, it can be that the interviewer isn't seeking a particular solution, but rather is providing an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate his/her ability to articulate the general pros and cons of various approaches. Also, if the candidate is offered an opportunity to look-up generic resources such as MathWorld or Wikipedia prior to responding, this may also be a good test of his/her ability to quickly make sense of the info offered there.
Here's a quick algorithm just for fun, in PHP - using just a simple for loop. You can easliy port that to other languages:
function isPerfectNumber($num) {
$out = false;
if($num%2 == 0) {
$divisors = array(1);
for($i=2; $i<$num; $i++) {
if($num%$i == 0)
$divisors[] = $i;
if(array_sum($divisors) == $num)
$out = true;
return $out ? 'It\'s perfect!' : 'Not a perfect number.';
Hope this helps, not sure if this is what you're looking for.
int sumOfFactors(int );
int main(){
int x, start, end;
printf("Enter start of the range:\n");
scanf("%d", &start);
printf("Enter end of the range:\n");
scanf("%d", &end);
for(x = start;x <= end;x++){
if(x == sumOfFactors(x)){
printf("The numbers %d is a perfect number\n", x);
return 0;
int sumOfFactors(int x){
int sum = 1, i, j;
for(j=2;j <= x/2;j++){
if(x % j == 0)
sum += j;
return sum;
Assuming a two dimensional array holding a 9x9 sudoku grid, where is my solve function breaking down? I'm trying to solve this using a simple backtracking approach. Thanks!
bool solve(int grid[9][9])
int i,j,k;
bool isSolved = false;
isSolved = false;
return isSolved;
for(i=0; i<9; i++)
for(j=0; j<9; j++)
if(grid[i][j] == 0)
for(k=1; k<=9; k++)
grid[i][j] = k;
isSolved = solve(grid);
if (isSolved)
return true;
grid[i][j] = 0;
isSolved = false;
return isSolved;
Even after changing the isSolved issues, my solution seems to breakdown into an infinite loop. It appears like I am missing some base-case step, but I'm not sure where or why. I have looked at similar solutions and still can't identify the issue. I'm just trying to create basic solver, no need to go for efficiency. Thanks for the help!
Yea your base case is messed up. In recursive functions base cases should be handled at the start. You got
bool isSolved = false;
isSolved = false;
return isSolved;
notice your isSolved variable can never be set to true, hence your code
return isSolved;
is irrelevant.
Even if you fix this, its going to feel like an infinite loop even though it is finite. This is because your algorithm has a possible total of 9*9*9 = 729 cases to check every time it calls solve. Entering this function n times may require up to 729^n cases to be checked. It won't be checking that many cases obviously because it will find dead ends when placement is illegal, but whose to say that 90% of the arragements of the possible numbers result in cases where all but one number fit legally? Moreover, even if you were to check k cases on average where k is a small number (k<=10) this would still blow up (run time of k^n.)
The trick is to "try" placing numbers where they will likely result in a high probability of being the actual good placement. Probably the simplest way I can think of doing this is a constraint satisfaction solver, or a search algorithm with a heuristic (like A*.)
I actually wrote a sudoku solver based on a constraint satisfaction solver and it would solve 100x100 sudokus in less than a second.
If by some miracle the "brute force" backtracking algorithm works well for you in the 9x9 case try higher values, you will quickly see a deterioation in run time.
I'm not bashing the backtracking algorithm, in fact I love it, its been shown time and time again that backtracking if implemented correctly can be just as efficient as dynamic programming, however, in your case you aren't implementing it correctly. You are bruteforcing it, you might as well just make your code non-recursive, it will accomplish the same thing.
You refer to isSolved as both a function and a boolean variable.
I don't think this is legal, and its definitely not smart.
Your functions should have distinct names from your variables.
It seems that regardless of whether or not it is a legal move, you are assigning "0" to the square, with that "grid[i][j] = 0;" line. Maybe you meant to put "else" and THEN "grid[i][j] = 0;" ?