Making a noise function without binary operators? - random

Is there any possible way to make pseudorandom numbers without any binary operators? Being that this is a 3D map, I'm trying to make it as a function of X and Y but hopefully include a randomseed somewhere in their so it won't be the same every time. I know you can make a noise function like this with binary operators :
double PerlinNoise::Noise(int x, int y) const
int n = x + y * 57;
n = (n << 13) ^ n;
int t = (n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 0x7fffffff;
return 1.0 - double(t) * 0.931322574615478515625e-9;/// 1073741824.0);
But being that I'm using lua instead of C++, I can't use any binary operators. I've tried many different things yet none of them work. Help?

For bit operators (I guess that is what you mean by "binary"), have a look at Bitwise Operators Wiki page, which contains a list of modules you can use, like Lua BitOp and bitlib.
If you do not want to implement it by yourself, have a look at the module lua-noise, which contains an implementation of Perlin noise. Note that it is a work-in-progress C module.

If I'm not mistaken, Matt Zucker's FAQ on Perlin noise only uses arithmetic operators to describe/implement it. It only mentions bitwise operators as an optimization trick.
You should implement both ways and test them with the same language/runtime, to get an idea of the speed difference.

In the above routine, there are not any bit-wise operators that aren't easily converted to arithmetic operations.
The << 13 becomes * 8192
The & 0x7FFFFFFF becomes a mod of 2^31.
As long as overflow isn't an issue, this should be all you need.

It'd be pretty slow, but you could simulate these with division and multiplication, I believe.


How to find nth digit of an irrational number of the form $\sqrt(x)$

I'm writing a matlab code which uses digits of an irrational number. I tried finding it using a taylor expansion of $\sqrt(1+x)$. Since division to large numbers could be a bad idea for Matlab, this method seems to me not a good one.
I wonder if there is any simpler and efficient method to do this?
If you have the Symbolic Toolbox, vpa does that. You can specify the number of significant digits you want:
x = '2'; %// define x as a *string*. This avoids loss of precision
n = 100; %// desired number of *significant* digits
result = vpa(['sqrt(' x ')'], n);
The result is a symbolic variable. If needed, convert to a string:
result = char(result);
In the example above,
result =
Note that this is subject to rounding. For example, the result with n = 7 is 1.414214 instead of 1.414213.
In newer Matlab versions (tested on R2017b), using a char input with vpa is discouraged, and support for this may be removed in the future. The recommended approach is to first define the variable as symbolic, and then apply the required operations to it:
x = sym(2);
n = 100;
result = vpa(sqrt(x), n);
It seems you need a method of digit-by-digit root calculation that was discovered long before computer era.

finding all first consecutive prime factors and find max of that by Mathematica

2|n, 3|n,..., p_i|n, p_ j|n,..., p_k|n
p_i < p_ j< ... < p_k
where all primes up to p_i divide n and
j > i+1
I want to write a code in Mathematica to find p_i and determine {2,3,5,...,p_i}.
B = {};
n = 2^6 * 3^8 * 5^3 * 7^2 * 11 * 23 * 29;
For[i = 1, i <= k, i++,
If[Mod[n, Prime[i]] == 0, AppendTo[B, Prime[i]]
If[Mod[n, Prime[i + 1]] > 0, Break[]]]];
mep1= Max[B];
result is
I would like to write the code instead of B to get B[n], since I need to draw the graph of mep1[n] for given n.
If I understand your question and code correctly you want a list of prime factors of the integer n but only the initial part of that list which matches the initial part of the list of all prime numbers.
I'll first observe that what you've posted looks much more like C or one of its relatives than like Mathematica. In fact you don't seem to have used any of the power of Mathematica's in-built functions at all. If you want to really use Mathematica you need to start familiarising yourself with these functions; if that doesn't appeal stick to C and its ilk, it's a fairly useful programming language.
The first step I'd take is to get the prime factors of n like this:
listOfFactors = Transpose[FactorInteger[n]][[1]]
Look at the documentation for the details of what FactorInteger returns; here I'm using transposition and part to get only the list of prime factors and to drop their coefficients. You may not notice the use of the Part function, the doubled square brackets are the usual notation. Note also that I don't have Mathematica on this machine so my syntax may be a bit awry.
Next, you want only those elements of listOfFactors which match the corresponding elements in the list of all prime numbers. Do this in two steps. First, get the integers from 1 to k at which the two lists match:
matches = TakeWhile[Range[Length[listOfFactors]],(listOfFactors[[#]]==Prime[#])&]
and then
I'll leave it to you to:
assemble these fragments into the function you want;
correct the syntactical errors I have made; and
figured out exactly what is going on in each (sub-)expression.
I make no warranty that this approach is the best approach in any general sense, but it makes much better use of Mathematica's intrinsic functionality than your own first try and will, I hope, point you towards better use of the system in future.

Seeding the Newton iteration for cube root efficiently

How can I find the cube root of a number in an efficient way?
I think Newton-Raphson method can be used, but I don't know how to guess the initial solution programmatically to minimize the number of iterations.
This is a deceptively complex question. Here is a nice survey of some possible approaches.
In view of the "link rot" that overtook the Accepted Answer, I'll give a more self-contained answer focusing on the topic of quickly obtaining an initial guess suitable for superlinear iteration.
The "survey" by metamerist (Wayback link) provided some timing comparisons for various starting value/iteration combinations (both Newton and Halley methods are included). Its references are to works by W. Kahan, "Computing a Real Cube Root", and by K. Turkowski, "Computing the Cube Root".
metamarist updates the DEC-VAX era bit-fiddling technique of W. Kahan with this snippet, which "assumes 32-bit integers" and relies on IEEE 754 format for doubles "to generate initial estimates with 5 bits of precision":
inline double cbrt_5d(double d)
const unsigned int B1 = 715094163;
double t = 0.0;
unsigned int* pt = (unsigned int*) &t;
unsigned int* px = (unsigned int*) &d;
return t;
The code by K. Turkowski provides slightly more precision ("approximately 6 bits") by a conventional powers-of-two scaling on float fr, followed by a quadratic approximation to its cube root over interval [0.125,1.0):
/* Compute seed with a quadratic qpproximation */
fr = (-0.46946116F * fr + 1.072302F) * fr + 0.3812513F;/* 0.5<=fr<1 */
and a subsequent restoration of the exponent of two (adjusted to one-third). The exponent/mantissa extraction and restoration make use of math library calls to frexp and ldexp.
Comparison with other cube root "seed" approximations
To appreciate those cube root approximations we need to compare them with other possible forms. First the criteria for judging: we consider the approximation on the interval [1/8,1], and we use best (minimizing the maximum) relative error.
That is, if f(x) is a proposed approximation to x^{1/3}, we find its relative error:
error_rel = max | f(x)/x^(1/3) - 1 | on [1/8,1]
The simplest approximation would of course be to use a single constant on the interval, and the best relative error in that case is achieved by picking f_0(x) = sqrt(2)/2, the geometric mean of the values at the endpoints. This gives 1.27 bits of relative accuracy, a quick but dirty starting point for a Newton iteration.
A better approximation would be the best first-degree polynomial:
f_1(x) = 0.6042181313*x + 0.4531635984
This gives 4.12 bits of relative accuracy, a big improvement but short of the 5-6 bits of relative accuracy promised by the respective methods of Kahan and Turkowski. But it's in the ballpark and uses only one multiplication (and one addition).
Finally, what if we allow ourselves a division instead of a multiplication? It turns out that with one division and two "additions" we can have the best linear-fractional function:
f_M(x) = 1.4774329094 - 0.8414323527/(x+0.7387320679)
which gives 7.265 bits of relative accuracy.
At a glance this seems like an attractive approach, but an old rule of thumb was to treat the cost of a FP division like three FP multiplications (and to mostly ignore the additions and subtractions). However with current FPU designs this is not realistic. While the relative cost of multiplications to adds/subtracts has come down, in most cases to a factor of two or even equality, the cost of division has not fallen but often gone up to 7-10 times the cost of multiplication. Therefore we must be miserly with our division operations.
static double cubeRoot(double num) {
double x = num;
if(num >= 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) {
x = ((2 * x * x * x) + num ) / (3 * x * x);
return x;
It seems like the optimization question has already been addressed, but I'd like to add an improvement to the cubeRoot() function posted here, for other people stumbling on this page looking for a quick cube root algorithm.
The existing algorithm works well, but outside the range of 0-100 it gives incorrect results.
Here's a revised version that works with numbers between -/+1 quadrillion (1E15). If you need to work with larger numbers, just use more iterations.
static double cubeRoot( double num ){
boolean neg = ( num < 0 );
double x = Math.abs( num );
for( int i = 0, iterations = 60; i < iterations; i++ ){
x = ( ( 2 * x * x * x ) + num ) / ( 3 * x * x );
if( neg ){ return 0 - x; }
return x;
Regarding optimization, I'm guessing the original poster was asking how to predict the minimum number of iterations for an accurate result, given an arbitrary input size. But it seems like for most general cases the gain from optimization isn't worth the added complexity. Even with the function above, 100 iterations takes less than 0.2 ms on average consumer hardware. If speed was of utmost importance, I'd consider using pre-computed lookup tables. But this is coming from a desktop developer, not an embedded systems engineer.

How to implement square root and exponentiation on arbitrary length numbers?

I'm working on new data type for arbitrary length numbers (only non-negative integers) and I got stuck at implementing square root and exponentiation functions (only for natural exponents). Please help.
I store the arbitrary length number as a string, so all operations are made char by char.
Please don't include advices to use different (existing) library or other way to store the number than string. It's meant to be a programming exercise, not a real-world application, so optimization and performance are not so necessary.
If you include code in your answer, I would prefer it to be in either pseudo-code or in C++. The important thing is the algorithm, not the implementation itself.
Thanks for the help.
Square root: Babylonian method. I.e.
function sqrt(N):
oldguess = -1
guess = 1
while abs(guess-oldguess) > 1:
oldguess = guess
guess = (guess + N/guess) / 2
return guess
Exponentiation: by squaring.
function exp(base, pow):
result = 1
bits = toBinary(powr)
for bit in bits:
result = result * result
if (bit):
result = result * base
return result
where toBinary returns a list/array of 1s and 0s, MSB first, for instance as implemented by this Python function:
def toBinary(x):
return map(lambda b: 1 if b == '1' else 0, bin(x)[2:])
Note that if your implementation is done using binary numbers, this can be implemented using bitwise operations without needing any extra memory. If using decimal, then you will need the extra to store the binary encoding.
However, there is a decimal version of the algorithm, which looks something like this:
function exp(base, pow):
lookup = [1, base, base*base, base*base*base, ...] #...up to base^9
#The above line can be optimised using exp-by-squaring if desired
result = 1
digits = toDecimal(powr)
for digit in digits:
result = result * result * lookup[digit]
return result
Exponentiation is trivially implemented with multiplication - the most basic implementation is just a loop,
result = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < power; ++i) result *= base;
You can (and should) implement a better version using squaring with divide & conquer - i.e. a^5 = a^4 * a = (a^2)^2 * a.
Square root can be found using Newton's method - you have to get an initial guess (a good one is to take a square root from the highest digit, and to multiply that by base of the digits raised to half of the original number's length), and then to refine it using division: if a is an approximation to sqrt(x), then a better approximation is (a + x / a) / 2. You should stop when the next approximation is equal to the previous one, or to x / a.

How to calculate the sum of two normal distributions

I have a value type that represents a gaussian distribution:
struct Gauss {
double mean;
double variance;
I would like to perform an integral over a series of these values:
Gauss eulerIntegrate(double dt, Gauss iv, Gauss[] values) {
Gauss r = iv;
foreach (Gauss v in values) {
r += v*dt;
return r;
My question is how to implement addition for these normal distributions.
The multiplication by a scalar (dt) seemed simple enough. But it wasn't simple! Thanks FOOSHNICK for the help:
public static Gauss operator * (Gauss g, double d) {
return new Gauss(g.mean * d, g.variance * d * d);
However, addition eludes me. I assume I can just add the means; it's the variance that's causing me trouble. Either of these definitions seems "logical" to me.
public static Gauss operator + (Gauss a, Gauss b) {
double mean = a.mean + b.mean;
// Is it this? (Yes, it is!)
return new Gauss(mean, a.variance + b.variance);
// Or this? (nope)
//return new Gauss(mean, Math.Max(a.variance, b.variance));
// Or how about this? (nope)
//return new Gauss(mean, (a.variance + b.variance)/2);
Can anyone help define a statistically correct - or at least "reasonable" - version of the + operator?
I suppose I could switch the code to use interval arithmetic instead, but I was hoping to stay in the world of prob and stats.
The sum of two normal distributions is itself a normal distribution:
N(mean1, variance1) + N(mean2, variance2) ~ N(mean1 + mean2, variance1 + variance2)
This is all on wikipedia page.
Be careful that these really are variances and not standard deviations.
// X + Y
public static Gauss operator + (Gauss a, Gauss b) {
//NOTE: this is valid if X,Y are independent normal random variables
return new Gauss(a.mean + b.mean, a.variance + b.variance);
// X*b
public static Gauss operator * (Gauss a, double b) {
return new Gauss(a.mean*b, a.variance*b*b);
To be more precise:
If a random variable Z is defined as the linear combination of two uncorrelated Gaussian random variables X and Y, then Z is itself a Gaussian random variable, e.g.:
if Z = aX + bY,
then mean(Z) = a * mean(X) + b * mean(Y), and variance(Z) = a2 * variance(X) + b2 * variance(Y).
If the random variables are correlated, then you have to account for that. Variance(X) is defined by the expected value E([X-mean(X)]2). Working this through for Z = aX + bY, we get:
variance(Z) = a2 * variance(X) + b2 * variance(Y) + 2ab * covariance(X,Y)
If you are summing two uncorrelated random variables which do not have Gaussian distributions, then the distribution of the sum is the convolution of the two component distributions.
If you are summing two correlated non-Gaussian random variables, you have to work through the appropriate integrals yourself.
Well, your multiplication by scalar is wrong - you should multiply variance by the square of d. If you're adding a constant, then just add it to the mean, the variance stays the same. If you're adding two distributions, then add the means and add the variances.
Can anyone help define a statistically correct - or at least "reasonable" - version of the + operator?
Arguably not, as adding two distributions means different things - having worked in reliability and maintainablity my first reaction from the title would be the distribution of a system's mtbf, if the mtbf of each part is normally distributed and the system had no redundancy. You are talking about the distribution of the sum of two normally distributed independent variates, not the (logical) sum of two normal distributions' effect. Very often, operator overloading has surprising semantics. I'd leave it as a function and call it 'normalSumDistribution' unless your code has a very specific target audience.
Hah, I thought you couldn't add gaussian distributions together, but you can!
In fact, the mean is the sum of the individual distributions, and the variance is the sum of the individual distributions.
I'm not sure that I like what you're calling "integration" over a series of values. Do you mean that word in a calculus sense? Are you trying to do numerical integration? There are other, better ways to do that. Yours doesn't look right to me, let alone optimal.
The Gaussian distribution is a nice, smooth function. I think a nice quadrature approach or Runge-Kutta would be a much better idea.
I would have thought it depends on what type of addition you are doing. If you just want to get a normal distribution with properties (mean, standard deviation etc.) equal to the sum of two distributions then the addition of the properties as given in the other answers is fine. This is the assumption used in something like PERT where if a large number of normal probability distributions are added up then the resulting probability distribution is another normal probability distribution.
The problem comes when the two distributions being added are not similar. Take for instance adding a probability distribution with a mean of 2 and standard deviation of 1 and a probability distribution of 10 with a standard deviation of 2. If you add these two distributions up, you get a probability distribution with two peaks, one at 2ish and one at 10ish. The result is therefore not a normal distibution. The assumption about adding distributions is only really valid if the original distributions are either very similar or you have a lot of original distributions so that the peaks and troughs can be evened out.

