I have the following problem.
I have a set of elements that I can sort by a certain algorithm A . The sorting is good, but very expensive.
There is also an algorithm B that can approximate the result of A. It is much faster, but the ordering will not be exactly the same.
Taking the output of A as a 'golden standard' I need to get a meaningful estimate of the error resulting of the use of B on the same data.
Could anyone please suggest any resource I could look at to solve my problem?
Thanks in advance!
As requested : adding an example to illustrate the case :
if the data are the first 10 letters of the alphabet,
A outputs : a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j
B outputs : a,b,d,c,e,g,h,f,j,i
What are the possible measures of the resulting error, that would allow me to tune the internal parameters of algorithm B to get result closer to the output of A?
Spearman's rho
I think what you want is Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Using the index [rank] vectors for the two sortings (perfect A and approximate B), you calculate the rank correlation rho ranging from -1 (completely different) to 1 (exactly the same):
where d(i) are the difference in ranks for each character between A and B
You can defined your measure of error as a distance D := (1-rho)/2.
I would determine the largest correctly ordered sub set.
+-------------> I
| +--------->
| |
A -> B -> D -----> E -> G -> H --|--> J
| ^ | | ^
| | | | |
+------> C ---+ +-----------> F ---+
In your example 7 out of 10 so the algorithm scores 0.7. The other sets have the length 6. Correct ordering scores 1.0, reverse ordering 1/n.
I assume that this is related to the number of inversions. x + y indicates x <= y (correct order) and x - y indicates x > y (wrong order).
A + B + D - C + E + G + H - F + J - I
We obtain almost the same result - 6 of 9 are correct scorring 0.667. Again correct ordering scores 1.0 and reverse ordering 0.0 and this might be much easier to calculate.
Are you looking for finding some algorithm that calculates the difference based on array sorted with A and array sorted with B as inputs? Or are you looking for a generic method of determining on average how off an array would be when sorted with B?
If the first, then I suggest something as simple as the distance each item is from where it should be (an average would do better than a sum to remove length of array as an issue)
If the second, then I think I'd need to see more about these algorithms.
It's tough to give a good generic answer, because the right solution for you will depend on your application.
One of my favorite options is just the number of in-order element pairs, divided by the total number of pairs. This is a nice, simple, easy-to-compute metric that just tells you how many mistakes there are. But it doesn't make any attempt to quantify the magnitude of those mistakes.
double sortQuality = 1;
if (array.length > 1) {
int inOrderPairCount = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] >= array[i - 1]) ++inOrderPairCount;
sortQuality = (double) inOrderPairCount / (array.length - 1);
Calculating RMS Error may be one of the many possible methods. Here is small python code.
def calc_error(out_A,out_B):
# in <= input
# out_A <= output of algorithm A
# out_B <= output of algorithm B
rms_error = 0
for i in range(len(out_A)):
# Take square of differences and add
rms_error += (out_A[i]-out_B[i])**2
return rms_error**0.5 # Take square root
>>> calc_error([1,2,3,4,5,6],[1,2,3,4,5,6])
>>> calc_error([1,2,3,4,5,6],[1,2,4,3,5,6]) # 4,3 swapped
>>> calc_error([1,2,3,4,5,6],[1,2,4,6,3,5]) # 3,4,5,6 randomized
Taking square root is not necessary but taking squares is as just differences may sum to zero. I think that calc_error function gives approximate number of wrongly placed pairs but I dont have any programming tools handy so :(.
Take a look at this question.
you could try something involving hamming distance
if anyone is using R language, I've implemented a function that computes the "spearman rank correlation coefficient" using the method described above by #bubake :
get_spearman_coef <- function(objectA, objectB) {
#getting the spearman rho rank test
spearman_data <- data.frame(listA = objectA, listB = objectB)
spearman_data$rankA <- 1:nrow(spearman_data)
rankB <- c()
for (index_valueA in 1:nrow(spearman_data)) {
for (index_valueB in 1:nrow(spearman_data)) {
if (spearman_data$listA[index_valueA] == spearman_data$listB[index_valueB]) {
rankB <- append(rankB, index_valueB)
spearman_data$rankB <- rankB
spearman_data$distance <-(spearman_data$rankA - spearman_data$rankB)**2
spearman <- 1 - ( (6 * sum(spearman_data$distance)) / (nrow(spearman_data) * ( nrow(spearman_data)**2 -1) ) )
print(paste("spearman's rank correlation coefficient"))
return( spearman)
results :
get_spearman_coef(c("a","b","c","d","e"), c("a","b","c","d","e"))
spearman's rank correlation coefficient: 1
get_spearman_coef(c("a","b","c","d","e"), c("b","a","d","c","e"))
spearman's rank correlation coefficient: 0.9
I'm trying to find a name for my problem, so I don't have to re-invent wheel when coding an algorithm which solves it...
I have say 2,000 binary (row) vectors and I need to pick 500 from them. In the picked sample I do column sums and I want my sample to be as close as possible to a pre-defined distribution of the column sums. I'll be working with 20 to 60 columns.
A tiny example:
Out of the vectors:
I need to pick 2 to get column sums 2, 1, 0. The solution (exact in this case) would be
My ideas so far
one could maybe call this a binary multidimensional knapsack, but I did not find any algos for that
Linear Programming could help, but I'd need some step by step explanation as I got no experience with it
as exact solution is not always feasible, something like simulated annealing brute force could work well
a hacky way using constraint solvers comes to mind - first set the constraints tight and gradually loosen them until some solution is found - given that CSP should be much faster than ILP...?
My concrete, practical (if the approximation guarantee works out for you) suggestion would be to apply the maximum entropy method (in Chapter 7 of Boyd and Vandenberghe's book Convex Optimization; you can probably find several implementations with your favorite search engine) to find the maximum entropy probability distribution on row indexes such that (1) no row index is more likely than 1/500 (2) the expected value of the row vector chosen is 1/500th of the predefined distribution. Given this distribution, choose each row independently with probability 500 times its distribution likelihood, which will give you 500 rows on average. If you need exactly 500, repeat until you get exactly 500 (shouldn't take too many tries due to concentration bounds).
Firstly I will make some assumptions regarding this problem:
Regardless whether the column sum of the selected solution is over or under the target, it weighs the same.
The sum of the first, second, and third column are equally weighted in the solution (i.e. If there's a solution whereas the first column sum is off by 1, and another where the third column sum is off by 1, the solution are equally good).
The closest problem I can think of this problem is the Subset sum problem, which itself can be thought of a special case of Knapsack problem.
However both of these problem are NP-Complete. This means there are no polynomial time algorithm that can solve them, even though it is easy to verify the solution.
If I were you the two most arguably efficient solution of this problem are linear programming and machine learning.
Depending on how many columns you are optimising in this problem, with linear programming you can control how much finely tuned you want the solution, in exchange of time. You should read up on this, because this is fairly simple and efficient.
With Machine learning, you need a lot of data sets (the set of vectors and the set of solutions). You don't even need to specify what you want, a lot of machine learning algorithms can generally deduce what you want them to optimise based on your data set.
Both solution has pros and cons, you should decide which one to use yourself based on the circumstances and problem set.
This definitely can be modeled as (integer!) linear program (many problems can). Once you have it, you can use a program such as lpsolve to solve it.
We model vector i is selected as x_i which can be 0 or 1.
Then for each column c, we have a constraint:
sum of all (x_i * value of i in column c) = target for column c
Taking your example, in lp_solve this could look like:
min: ;
+x1 +x4 +x5 >= 2;
+x1 +x4 +x5 <= 2;
+x1 +x2 +x3 +x4 <= 1;
+x1 +x2 +x3 +x4 >= 1;
+x3 <= 0;
+x3 >= 0;
bin x1, x2, x3, x4, x5;
If you are fine with a heuristic based search approach, here is one.
Go over the list and find the minimum squared sum of the digit wise difference between each bit string and the goal. For example, if we are looking for 2, 1, 0, and we are scoring 0, 1, 0, we would do it in the following way:
Take the digit wise difference:
2, 0, 1
Square the digit wise difference:
4, 0, 1
As a side note, squaring the difference when scoring is a common method when doing heuristic search. In your case, it makes sense because bit strings that have a 1 in as the first digit are a lot more interesting to us. In your case this simple algorithm would pick first 110, then 100, which would is the best solution.
In any case, there are some optimizations that could be made to this, I will post them here if this kind of approach is what you are looking for, but this is the core of the algorithm.
You have a given target binary vector. You want to select M vectors out of N that have the closest sum to the target. Let's say you use the eucilidean distance to measure if a selection is better than another.
If you want an exact sum, have a look at the k-sum problem which is a generalization of the 3SUM problem. The problem is harder than the subset sum problem, because you want an exact number of elements to add to a target value. There is a solution in O(N^(M/2)). lg N), but that means more than 2000^250 * 7.6 > 10^826 operations in your case (in the favorable case where vectors operations have a cost of 1).
First conclusion: do not try to get an exact result unless your vectors have some characteristics that may reduce the complexity.
Here's a hill climbing approach:
sort the vectors by number of 1's: 111... first, 000... last;
use the polynomial time approximate algorithm for the subset sum;
you have an approximate solution with K elements. Because of the order of elements (the big ones come first), K should be a little as possible:
if K >= M, you take the M first vectors of the solution and that's probably near the best you can do.
if K < M, you can remove the first vector and try to replace it with 2 or more vectors from the rest of the N vectors, using the same technique, until you have M vectors. To sumarize: split the big vectors into smaller ones until you reach the correct number of vectors.
Here's a proof of concept with numbers, in Python:
import random
def distance(x, y):
return abs(x-y)
def show(ls):
if len(ls) < 10:
return str(ls)
return ", ".join(map(str, ls[:5]+("...",)+ls[-5:]))
def find(is_xs, target):
# see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subset_sum_problem#Pseudo-polynomial_time_dynamic_programming_solution
S = [(0, ())] # we store indices along with values to get the path
for i, x in is_xs:
T = [(x + t, js + (i,)) for t, js in S]
U = sorted(S + T)
y, ks = U[0]
S = [(y, ks)]
for z, ls in U:
if z == target: # use the euclidean distance here if you want an approximation
return ls
if z != y and z < target:
y, ks = z, ls
S.append((z, ls))
ls = S[-1][1] # take the closest element to target
return ls
N = 2000
M = 500
target = 1000
xs = [random.randint(0, 10) for _ in range(N)]
print ("Take {} numbers out of {} to make a sum of {}", M, xs, target)
xs = sorted(xs, reverse = True)
is_xs = list(enumerate(xs))
print ("Sorted numbers: {}".format(show(tuple(is_xs))))
ls = find(is_xs, target)
print("FIRST TRY: {} elements ({}) -> {}".format(len(ls), show(ls), sum(x for i, x in is_xs if i in ls)))
splits = 0
while len(ls) < M:
first_x = xs[ls[0]]
js_ys = [(i, x) for i, x in is_xs if i not in ls and x != first_x]
replace = find(js_ys, first_x)
splits += 1
if len(replace) < 2 or len(replace) + len(ls) - 1 > M or sum(xs[i] for i in replace) != first_x:
print("Give up: can't replace {}.\nAdd the lowest elements.")
ls += tuple([i for i, x in is_xs if i not in ls][len(ls)-M:])
print ("Replace {} (={}) by {} (={})".format(ls[:1], first_x, replace, sum(xs[i] for i in replace)))
ls = tuple(sorted(ls[1:] + replace)) # use a heap?
print("{} elements ({}) -> {}".format(len(ls), show(ls), sum(x for i, x in is_xs if i in ls)))
print("AFTER {} splits, {} -> {}".format(splits, ls, sum(x for i, x in is_xs if i in ls)))
The result is obviously not guaranteed to be optimal.
Complexity: find has a polynomial time complexity (see the Wikipedia page) and is called at most M^2 times, hence the complexity remains polynomial. In practice, the process is reasonably fast (split calls have a small target).
Vectors: to ensure that you reach the target with the minimum of elements, you can improve the order of element. Your target is (t_1, ..., t_c): if you sort the t_js from max to min, you get the more importants columns first. You can sort the vectors: by number of 1s and then by the presence of a 1 in the most important columns. E.g. target = 4 8 6 => 1 1 1 > 0 1 1 > 1 1 0 > 1 0 1 > 0 1 0 > 0 0 1 > 1 0 0 > 0 0 0.
find (Vectors) if the current sum exceed the target in all the columns, then you're not connecting to the target (any vector you add to the current sum will bring you farther from the target): don't add the sum to S (z >= target case for numbers).
I propose a simple ad hoc algorithm, which, broadly speaking, is a kind of gradient descent algorithm. It seems to work relatively well for input vectors which have a distribution of 1s “similar” to the target sum vector, and probably also for all “nice” input vectors, as defined in a comment of yours. The solution is not exact, but the approximation seems good.
The distance between the sum vector of the output vectors and the target vector is taken to be Euclidean. To minimize it means minimizing the sum of the square differences off sum vector and target vector (the square root is not needed because it is monotonic). The algorithm does not guarantee to yield the sample that minimizes the distance from the target, but anyway makes a serious attempt at doing so, by always moving in some locally optimal direction.
The algorithm can be split into 3 parts.
First of all the first M candidate output vectors out of the N input vectors (e.g., N=2000, M=500) are put in a list, and the remaining vectors are put in another.
Then "approximately optimal" swaps between vectors in the two lists are done, until either the distance would not decrease any more, or a predefined maximum number of iterations is reached. An approximately optimal swap is one where removing the first vector from the list of output vectors causes a maximal decrease or minimal increase of the distance, and then, after the removal of the first vector, adding the second vector to the same list causes a maximal decrease of the distance. The whole swap is avoided if the net result is not a decrease of the distance.
Then, as a last phase, "optimal" swaps are done, again stopping on no decrease in distance or maximum number of iterations reached. Optimal swaps cause a maximal decrease of the distance, without requiring the removal of the first vector to be optimal in itself. To find an optimal swap all vector pairs have to be checked. This phase is much more expensive, being O(M(N-M)), while the previous "approximate" phase is O(M+(N-M))=O(N). Luckily, when entering this phase, most of the work has already been done by the previous phase.
from typing import List, Tuple
def get_sample(vects: List[Tuple[int]], target: Tuple[int], n_out: int,
max_approx_swaps: int = None, max_optimal_swaps: int = None,
verbose: bool = False) -> List[Tuple[int]]:
Get a sample of the input vectors having a sum close to the target vector.
Closeness is measured in Euclidean metrics. The output is not guaranteed to be
optimal (minimum square distance from target), but a serious attempt is made.
The max_* parameters can be used to avoid too long execution times,
tune them to your needs by setting verbose to True, or leave them None (∞).
:param vects: the list of vectors (tuples) with the same number of "columns"
:param target: the target vector, with the same number of "columns"
:param n_out: the requested sample size
:param max_approx_swaps: the max number of approximately optimal vector swaps,
None means unlimited (default: None)
:param max_optimal_swaps: the max number of optimal vector swaps,
None means unlimited (default: None)
:param verbose: print some info if True (default: False)
:return: the sample of n_out vectors having a sum close to the target vector
def square_distance(v1, v2):
return sum((e1 - e2) ** 2 for e1, e2 in zip(v1, v2))
n_vec = len(vects)
assert n_vec > 0
assert n_out > 0
n_rem = n_vec - n_out
assert n_rem > 0
output = vects[:n_out]
remain = vects[n_out:]
n_col = len(vects[0])
assert n_col == len(target) > 0
sumvect = (0,) * n_col
for outvect in output:
sumvect = tuple(map(int.__add__, sumvect, outvect))
sqdist = square_distance(sumvect, target)
if verbose:
print(f"sqdist = {sqdist:4} after"
f" picking the first {n_out} vectors out of {n_vec}")
if max_approx_swaps is None:
max_approx_swaps = sqdist
n_approx_swaps = 0
while sqdist and n_approx_swaps < max_approx_swaps:
# find the best vect to subtract (the square distance MAY increase)
sqdist_0 = None
index_0 = None
sumvect_0 = None
for index in range(n_out):
tmp_sumvect = tuple(map(int.__sub__, sumvect, output[index]))
tmp_sqdist = square_distance(tmp_sumvect, target)
if sqdist_0 is None or sqdist_0 > tmp_sqdist:
sqdist_0 = tmp_sqdist
index_0 = index
sumvect_0 = tmp_sumvect
# find the best vect to add,
# but only if there is a net decrease of the square distance
sqdist_1 = sqdist
index_1 = None
sumvect_1 = None
for index in range(n_rem):
tmp_sumvect = tuple(map(int.__add__, sumvect_0, remain[index]))
tmp_sqdist = square_distance(tmp_sumvect, target)
if sqdist_1 > tmp_sqdist:
sqdist_1 = tmp_sqdist
index_1 = index
sumvect_1 = tmp_sumvect
if sumvect_1:
tmp = output[index_0]
output[index_0] = remain[index_1]
remain[index_1] = tmp
sqdist = sqdist_1
sumvect = sumvect_1
n_approx_swaps += 1
if verbose:
print(f"sqdist = {sqdist:4} after {n_approx_swaps}"
f" approximately optimal swap{'s'[n_approx_swaps == 1:]}")
diffvect = tuple(map(int.__sub__, sumvect, target))
if max_optimal_swaps is None:
max_optimal_swaps = sqdist
n_optimal_swaps = 0
while sqdist and n_optimal_swaps < max_optimal_swaps:
# find the best pair to swap,
# but only if the square distance decreases
best_sqdist = sqdist
best_diffvect = diffvect
best_pair = None
for i0 in range(M):
tmp_diffvect = tuple(map(int.__sub__, diffvect, output[i0]))
for i1 in range(n_rem):
new_diffvect = tuple(map(int.__add__, tmp_diffvect, remain[i1]))
new_sqdist = sum(d * d for d in new_diffvect)
if best_sqdist > new_sqdist:
best_sqdist = new_sqdist
best_diffvect = new_diffvect
best_pair = (i0, i1)
if best_pair:
tmp = output[best_pair[0]]
output[best_pair[0]] = remain[best_pair[1]]
remain[best_pair[1]] = tmp
sqdist = best_sqdist
diffvect = best_diffvect
n_optimal_swaps += 1
if verbose:
print(f"sqdist = {sqdist:4} after {n_optimal_swaps}"
f" optimal swap{'s'[n_optimal_swaps == 1:]}")
return output
from random import randrange
C = 30 # number of columns
N = 2000 # total number of vectors
M = 500 # number of output vectors
F = 0.9 # fill factor of the target sum vector
T = int(M * F) # maximum value + 1 that can be appear in the target sum vector
A = 10000 # maximum number of approximately optimal swaps, may be None (∞)
B = 10 # maximum number of optimal swaps, may be None (unlimited)
target = tuple(randrange(T) for _ in range(C))
vects = [tuple(int(randrange(M) < t) for t in target) for _ in range(N)]
sample = get_sample(vects, target, M, A, B, True)
Typical output:
sqdist = 2639 after picking the first 500 vectors out of 2000
sqdist = 9 after 27 approximately optimal swaps
sqdist = 1 after 4 optimal swaps
P.S.: As it stands, this algorithm is not limited to binary input vectors, integer vectors would work too. Intuitively I suspect that the quality of the optimization could suffer, though. I suspect that this algorithm is more appropriate for binary vectors.
P.P.S.: Execution times with your kind of data are probably acceptable with standard CPython, but get better (like a couple of seconds, almost a factor of 10) with PyPy. To handle bigger sets of data, the algorithm would have to be translated to C or some other language, which should not be difficult at all.
Fibonacci sequence is obtained by starting with 0 and 1 and then adding the two last numbers to get the next one.
All positive integers can be represented as a sum of a set of Fibonacci numbers without repetition. For example: 13 can be the sum of the sets {13}, {5,8} or {2,3,8}. But, as we have seen, some numbers have more than one set whose sum is the number. If we add the constraint that the sets cannot have two consecutive Fibonacci numbers, than we have a unique representation for each number.
We will use a binary sequence (just zeros and ones) to do that. For example, 17 = 1 + 3 + 13. Then, 17 = 100101. See figure 2 for a detailed explanation.
I want to turn some integers into this representation, but the integers may be very big. How to I do this efficiently.
The problem itself is simple. You always pick the largest fibonacci number less than the remainder. You can ignore the the constraint with the consecutive numbers (since if you need both, the next one is the sum of both so you should have picked that one instead of the initial two).
So the problem remains how to quickly find the largest fibonacci number less than some number X.
There's a known trick that starting with the matrix (call it M)
1 1
1 0
You can compute fibbonacci number by matrix multiplications(the xth number is M^x). More details here: https://www.nayuki.io/page/fast-fibonacci-algorithms . The end result is that you can compute the number you're look in O(logN) matrix multiplications.
You'll need large number computations (multiplications and additions) if they don't fit into existing types.
Also store the matrices corresponding to powers of two you compute the first time, since you'll need them again for the results.
Overall this should be O((logN)^2 * large_number_multiplications/additions)).
First I want to tell you that I really liked this question, I didn't know that All positive integers can be represented as a sum of a set of Fibonacci numbers without repetition, I saw the prove by induction and it was awesome.
To respond to your question I think that we have to figure how the presentation is created. I think that the easy way to find this is that from the number we found the closest minor fibonacci item.
For example if we want to present 40:
We have Fib(9)=34 and Fib(10)=55 so the first element in the presentation is Fib(9)
since 40 - Fib(9) = 6 and (Fib(5) =5 and Fib(6) =8) the next element is Fib(5). So we have 40 = Fib(9) + Fib(5)+ Fib(2)
Allow me to write this in C#
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<int> fibPresentation = new List<int>();
int numberToPresent = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
while (numberToPresent > 0)
int k =1;
while (CalculateFib(k) <= numberToPresent)
numberToPresent = numberToPresent - CalculateFib(k-1);
static int CalculateFib(int n)
if (n == 1)
return 1;
int a = 0;
int b = 1;
// In N steps compute Fibonacci sequence iteratively.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp + b;
return a;
Your result will be in fibPresentation
This encoding is more accurately called the "Zeckendorf representation": see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_coding
A greedy approach works (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeckendorf%27s_theorem) and here's some Python code that converts a number to this representation. It uses the first 100 Fibonacci numbers and works correctly for all inputs up to 927372692193078999175 (and incorrectly for any larger inputs).
fibs = [0, 1]
for _ in xrange(100):
fibs.append(fibs[-2] + fibs[-1])
def zeck(n):
i = len(fibs) - 1
r = 0
while n:
if fibs[i] <= n:
r |= 1 << (i - 2)
n -= fibs[i]
i -= 1
return r
print bin(zeck(17))
The output is:
As the greedy approach seems to work, it suffices to be able to invert the relation N=Fn.
By the Binet formula, Fn=[φ^n/√5], where the brackets denote the nearest integer. Then with n=floor(lnφ(√5N)) you are very close to the solution.
17 => n = floor(7.5599...) => F7 = 13
4 => n = floor(4.5531) => F4 = 3
1 => n = floor(1.6722) => F1 = 1
(I do not exclude that some n values can be off by one.)
I'm not sure if this is an efficient enough for you, but you could simply use Backtracking to find a(the) valid representation.
I would try to start the backtracking steps by taking the biggest possible fib number and only switch to smaller ones if the consecutive or the only once constraint is violated.
I came across this question
ADZEN is a very popular advertising firm in your city. In every road
you can see their advertising billboards. Recently they are facing a
serious challenge , MG Road the most used and beautiful road in your
city has been almost filled by the billboards and this is having a
negative effect on
the natural view.
On people's demand ADZEN has decided to remove some of the billboards
in such a way that there are no more than K billboards standing together
in any part of the road.
You may assume the MG Road to be a straight line with N billboards.Initially there is no gap between any two adjecent
ADZEN's primary income comes from these billboards so the billboard removing process has to be done in such a way that the
remaining at end should give maximum possible profit among all possible final configurations.Total profit of a configuration is the
sum of the profit values of all billboards present in that
Given N,K and the profit value of each of the N billboards, output the maximum profit that can be obtained from the remaining
billboards under the conditions given.
Input description
1st line contain two space seperated integers N and K. Then follow N lines describing the profit value of each billboard i.e ith
line contains the profit value of ith billboard.
Sample Input
6 2
Sample Output
In given input there are 6 billboards and after the process no more than 2 should be together. So remove 1st and 4th
billboards giving a configuration _ 2 3 _ 6 10 having a profit of 21.
No other configuration has a profit more than 21.So the answer is 21.
1 <= N <= 1,00,000(10^5)
1 <= K <= N
0 <= profit value of any billboard <= 2,000,000,000(2*10^9)
I think that we have to select minimum cost board in first k+1 boards and then repeat the same untill last,but this was not giving correct answer
for all cases.
i tried upto my knowledge,but unable to find solution.
if any one got idea please kindly share your thougths.
It's a typical DP problem. Lets say that P(n,k) is the maximum profit of having k billboards up to the position n on the road. Then you have following formula:
P(n,k) = max(P(n-1,k), P(n-1,k-1) + C(n))
P(i,0) = 0 for i = 0..n
Where c(n) is the profit from putting the nth billboard on the road. Using that formula to calculate P(n, k) bottom up you'll get the solution in O(nk) time.
I'll leave up to you to figure out why that formula holds.
Dang, I misread the question.
It still is a DP problem, just the formula is different. Let's say that P(v,i) means the maximum profit at point v where last cluster of billboards has size i.
Then P(v,i) can be described using following formulas:
P(v,i) = P(v-1,i-1) + C(v) if i > 0
P(v,0) = max(P(v-1,i) for i = 0..min(k, v))
P(0,0) = 0
You need to find max(P(n,i) for i = 0..k)).
This problem is one of the challenges posted in www.interviewstreet.com ...
I'm happy to say I got this down recently, but not quite satisfied and wanted to see if there's a better method out there.
soulcheck's DP solution above is straightforward, but won't be able to solve this completely due to the fact that K can be as big as N, meaning the DP complexity will be O(NK) for both runtime and space.
Another solution is to do branch-and-bound, keeping track the best sum so far, and prune the recursion if at some level, that is, if currSumSoFar + SUM(a[currIndex..n)) <= bestSumSoFar ... then exit the function immediately, no point of processing further when the upper-bound won't beat best sum so far.
The branch-and-bound above got accepted by the tester for all but 2 test-cases.
Fortunately, I noticed that the 2 test-cases are using small K (in my case, K < 300), so the DP technique of O(NK) suffices.
soulcheck's (second) DP solution is correct in principle. There are two improvements you can make using these observations:
1) It is unnecessary to allocate the entire DP table. You only ever look at two rows at a time.
2) For each row (the v in P(v, i)), you are only interested in the i's which most increase the max value, which is one more than each i that held the max value in the previous row. Also, i = 1, otherwise you never consider blanks.
I coded it in c++ using DP in O(nlogk).
Idea is to maintain a multiset with next k values for a given position. This multiset will typically have k values in mid processing. Each time you move an element and push new one. Art is how to maintain this list to have the profit[i] + answer[i+2]. More details on set:
* Observation 1: ith state depends on next k states i+2....i+2+k
* We maximize across this states added on them "accumulative" sum
* Let Say we have list of numbers of state i+1, that is list of {profit + state solution}, How to get states if ith solution
* Say we have following data k = 3
* Indices: 0 1 2 3 4
* Profits: 1 3 2 4 2
* Solution: ? ? 5 3 1
* Answer for [1] = max(3+3, 5+1, 9+0) = 9
* Indices: 0 1 2 3 4
* Profits: 1 3 2 4 2
* Solution: ? 9 5 3 1
* Let's find answer for [0], using set of [1].
* First, last entry should be removed. then we have (3+3, 5+1)
* Now we should add 1+5, but entries should be incremented with 1
* (1+5, 4+3, 6+1) -> then find max.
* Could we do it in other way but instead of processing list. Yes, we simply add 1 to all elements
* answer is same as: 1 + max(1-1+5, 3+3, 5+1)
ll dp()
multiset<ll, greater<ll> > set;
mem[n-1] = profit[n-1];
ll sumSoFar = 0;
lpd(i, n-2, 0)
if(sz(set) == k)
if(i+2 < n)
added[i] = mem[i+2] - sumSoFar;
sumSoFar += profit[i];
if(n-i <= k)
mem[i] = profit[i] + mem[i+1];
mem[i] = max(mem[i+1], *set.begin()+sumSoFar);
return mem[0];
This looks like a linear programming problem. This problem would be linear, but for the requirement that no more than K adjacent billboards may remain.
See wikipedia for a general treatment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_programming
Visit your university library to find a good textbook on the subject.
There are many, many libraries to assist with linear programming, so I suggest you do not attempt to code an algorithm from scratch. Here is a list relevant to Python: http://wiki.python.org/moin/NumericAndScientific/Libraries
Let P[i] (where i=1..n) be the maximum profit for billboards 1..i IF WE REMOVE billboard i. It is trivial to calculate the answer knowing all P[i]. The baseline algorithm for calculating P[i] is as follows:
for i=1,N
for j = max(1,i-k-1)..i-1
P[i] = max( P[i], P[j] + C[j+1]+..+C[i-1] );
Now the idea that allows us to speed things up. Let's say we have two different valid configurations of billboards 1 through i only, let's call these configurations X1 and X2. If billboard i is removed in configuration X1 and profit(X1) >= profit(X2) then we should always prefer configuration X1 for billboards 1..i (by profit() I meant the profit from billboards 1..i only, regardless of configuration for i+1..n). This is as important as it is obvious.
We introduce a doubly-linked list of tuples {idx,d}: {{idx1,d1}, {idx2,d2}, ..., {idxN,dN}}.
p->idx is index of the last billboard removed. p->idx is increasing as we go through the list: p->idx < p->next->idx
p->d is the sum of elements (C[p->idx]+C[p->idx+1]+..+C[p->next->idx-1]) if p is not the last element in the list. Otherwise it is the sum of elements up to the current position minus one: (C[p->idx]+C[p->idx+1]+..+C[i-1]).
Here is the algorithm:
P[1] = 0;
list.AddToEnd( {idx=0, d=C[0]} );
// sum of elements starting from the index at top of the list
sum = C[0]; // C[list->begin()->idx]+C[list->begin()->idx+1]+...+C[i-1]
for i=2..N
if( i - list->begin()->idx > k + 1 ) // the head of the list is "too far"
sum = sum - list->begin()->d
// At this point the list should containt at least the element
// added on the previous iteration. Calculating P[i].
P[i] = P[list.begin()->idx] + sum
// Updating list.end()->d and removing "unnecessary nodes"
// based on the criterion described above
list.end()->d = list.end()->d + C[i]
(list is not empty) AND
(P[i] >= P[list.end()->idx] + list.end()->d - C[list.end()->idx]) )
if( list.size() > 1 )
list.end()->prev->d += list.end()->d
list.AddToEnd( {idx=i, d=C[i]} );
sum = sum + C[i]
//shivi..coding is adictive!!
long long int arr[100001];
long long int sum[100001];
long long int including[100001],excluding[100001];
long long int maxim(long long int a,long long int b)
{if(a>b) return a;return b;}
int main()
int N,K;
for(int i=0;i<N;++i)scanf("%lld",&arr[i]);
for(int i=1;i<K;++i)
long long int maxi=0,temp=0;
for(int i=K;i<N;++i)
for(int j=1;j<=K;++j)
//here is the code...passing all but 1 test case :) comment improvements...simple DP
Is there a good algorithm to split a randomly generated number into three buckets, each with constraints as to how much of the total they may contain.
For example, say my randomly generated number is 1,000 and I need to split it into buckets a, b, and c.
These ranges are only an example. See my edit for possible ranges.
Bucket a may only be between 10% - 70% of the number (100 - 700)
Bucket b may only be between 10% - 50% of the number (100 - 500)
Bucket c may only be between 5% - 25% of the number (50 - 250)
a + b + c must equal the randomly generated number
You want the amounts assigned to be completely random so there's just as equal a chance of bucket a hitting its max as bucket c in addition to as equal a chance of all three buckets being around their percentage mean.
EDIT: The following will most likely always be true: low end of a + b + c < 100%, high end of a + b + c > 100%. These percentages are only to indicate acceptable values of a, b, and c. In a case where a is 10% while b and c are their max (50% and 25% respectively) the numbers would have to be reassigned since the total would not equal 100%. This is the exact case I'm trying to avoid by finding a way to assign these numbers in one pass.
I'd like to find a way to pick these number randomly within their range in one pass.
The problem is equivalent to selecting a random point in an N-dimensional object (in your example N=3), the object being defined by the equations (in your example):
0.1 <= x <= 0.7
0.1 <= y <= 0.5
0.05 <= z <= 0.25
x + y + z = 1 (*)
Clearly because of the last equation (*) one of the coordinates is redundant, i.e. picking values for x and y dictates z.
Eliminating (*) and one of the other equations leaves us with an (N-1)-dimensional box, e.g.
0.1 <= x <= 0.7
0.1 <= y <= 0.5
that is cut by the inequality
0.05 <= (1 - x - y) <= 0.25 (**)
that derives from (*) and the equation for z. This is basically a diagonal stripe through the box.
In order for the results to be uniform, I would just repeatedly sample the (N-1)-dimensional box, and accept the first sampled point that fulfills (**). Single-pass solutions might end up having biased distributions.
Update: Yes, you're right, the result is not uniformly distributed.
Let's say your percent values are natural numbers (if this assumption is wrong, you don't have to read further :) In that case I don't have a solution).
Let's define an event e as a tuple of 3 values (percentage of each bucket): e = (pa, pb, pc). Next, create all possible events en. What you have here is a tuple space consisting of a discrete number of events. All of the possible events should have the same possibility to occur.
Let's say we have a function f(n) => en. Then, all we have to do is take a random number n and return en in a single pass.
Now, the problem remains to create such a function f :)
In pseudo code, a very slow method (just for illustration):
function f(n) {
int c = 0
for i in [10..70] {
for j in [10..50] {
for k in [5..25] {
if(i + j + k == 100) {
if(n == c) {
return (i, j, k) // found event!
} else {
c = c + 1
What you have know is a single pass solution, but problem is only moved away. The function f is very slow. But you can do better: I think you can calculate everything a bit faster if you set your ranges correctly and calculate offsets instead of iterating through your ranges.
Is this clear enough?
First of all you probably have to adjust your ranges. 10% in bucket a is not possible, since you can't get condition a+b+c = number to hold.
Concerning your question: (1) Pick a random number for bucket a inside your range, then (2) update the range for bucket b with minimum and maximum percentage (you should only narrow the range). Then (3) pick a random number for bucket b. In the end c should be calculated that your condition holds (4).
n = 1000
(1) a = 40%
(2) range b [35,50], because 40+35+25 = 100%
(3) b = 45%
(4) c = 100-40-45 = 15%
n = 1000
(1) a = 70%
(2) range b [10,25], because 70+25+5 = 100%
(3) b = 20%
(4) c = 100-70-20 = 10%
It is to check whether all the events are uniformly distributed. If that should be a problem you might want to randomize the range update in step 2.
Can someone explain how the Count Sketch Algorithm works? I still can't figure out how hashes are used, for example. I have a hard time understanding this paper.
This streaming algorithm instantiates the following framework.
Find a randomized streaming algorithm whose output (as a random variable) has the desired expectation but usually high variance (i.e., noise).
To reduce the variance/noise, run many independent copies in parallel and combine their outputs.
Usually 1 is more interesting than 2. This algorithm's 2 actually is somewhat nonstandard, but I'm going to talk about 1 only.
Suppose we're processing the input
a b c a b a .
With three counters, there's no need to hash.
a: 3, b: 2, c: 1
Let's suppose however that we have just one. There are eight possible functions h : {a, b, c} -> {+1, -1}. Here is a table of the outcomes.
h |
abc | X = counter
+++ | +3 +2 +1 = 6
++- | +3 +2 -1 = 4
+-- | +3 -2 -1 = 0
+-+ | +3 -2 +1 = 2
--+ | -3 -2 +1 = -4
--- | -3 -2 -1 = -6
-+- | -3 +2 -1 = -2
-++ | -3 +2 +1 = 0
Now we can calculate expectations
(6 + 4 + 0 + 2) - (-4 + -6 + -2 + 0)
E[h(a) X] = ------------------------------------ = 24/8 = 3
(6 + 4 + -2 + 0) - (0 + 2 + -4 + -6)
E[h(b) X] = ------------------------------------ = 16/8 = 2
(6 + 2 + -4 + 0) - (4 + 0 + -6 + -2)
E[h(c) X] = ------------------------------------ = 8/8 = 1 .
What's going on here? For a, say, we can decompose X = Y + Z, where Y is the change in the sum for the as, and Z is the sum for the non-as. By the linearity of expectation, we have
E[h(a) X] = E[h(a) Y] + E[h(a) Z] .
E[h(a) Y] is a sum with a term for each occurrence of a that is h(a)^2 = 1, so E[h(a) Y] is the number of occurrences of a. The other term E[h(a) Z] is zero; even given h(a), each other hash value is equally likely to be plus or minus one and so contributes zero in expectation.
In fact, the hash function doesn't need to be uniform random, and good thing: there would be no way to store it. It suffices for the hash function to be pairwise independent (any two particular hash values are independent). For our simple example, a random choice of the following four functions suffices.
I'll leave the new calculations to you.
Count Sketch is a probabilistic data structure which allows you to answer the following question:
Reading a stream of elements a1, a2, a3, ..., an where there can be many repeated elements, you the answer to the following question at any time: How many ai elements have you seen so far?
You can clearly get an exact answer at any time just by maintaining the mapping from ai to the count of those elements you've seen so far. Recording new observations costs O(1), as does checking the observed count for a given element. However, it costs O(n) space to store this mapping, where n is the number of distinct elements.
How is Count Sketch is going to help you? As with all probabilistic data structures you sacrifice certainty for space. Count Sketch allows you to select two parameters: accuracy of the results (ε) and probability of bad estimate (δ).
To do this you select a family of d pairwise-independent hash functions. These complicated words mean that they do not collide too often (in fact, if both hashes map values onto space [0, m] then the probability of collision is approximately 1/m^2). Each of these hash functions maps the values to a space [0, w], so you create a d * w matrix.
When you read the element, you calculate each of d hashes of this element and update the corresponding values in the sketch. This part is the same for Count Sketch and Count-min Sketch.
Insomniac nicely explained the idea (calculating expected value) for Count Sketch, so I will just note that with Count-min Sketch everything is even simpler. You just calculate d hashes of the value you want to get and return the smallest of them. Surprisingly this provides a strong accuracy and probability guarantee, which you can find here.
Increasing the range of the hash functions increases the accuracy of results, while increasing the number of hashes decreases the probability of bad estimate:
ε = e/w and δ=1/e^d. Another interesting thing is that the value is always overestimated (if you found the value, it is most probably bigger than the real value, but surely not smaller).