Sorting strings containing numbers in a user friendly way - algorithm

Being used to the standard way of sorting strings, I was surprised when I noticed that Windows sorts files by their names in a kind of advanced way. Let me give you an example:
I think that those names are compared (during sorting) based on letters and by numbers separately.
On the other hand, the following is the same list sorted in a standard way:
I would like to create a comparing alogorithm in Delphi that would let me sort strings in the same way. At first I thought it would be enough to compare consecutive characters of two strings while they are letters. When a digit would be found at some position of both the strings, I would read all digits following them to form a number and then compare the numbers.
To give you an example, I'll compare "Track10" and "Track2" strings this way:
1) read characters while they are equal and while they are letters: "Track", "Track"
2) if a digit is found, read all following digits: "10", "2"
2a) if they are equal, go to 1 or else finish
Ten is greater than two, so "Track10" is greater than "Track2"
It had seemed that everything would be all right until I noticed, during my tests, that Windows considered "Track010" lower than "Track10", while I thought the first one was greater as it was longer (not mentioning that according to my algorithm both the strings would be equal, which is wrong).
Could you provide me with the idea how exactly Windows sorts files by names or maybe you have a ready-to-use algorithm (in any programming language) that I could base on?
Thanks a lot!

Jeff wrote up an article about this on Coding Horror. This is called natural sorting, where you effectively treat a group of digits as a single "character". There are implementations out there in every language under the sun, but strangely it's not usually built-in to most languages' standard libraries.

The mother of all sorts:
ls '*.mp3' | sort --version-sort

The absolute easiest way, I found, was isolate the string you want, so in the OP's case, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(), remove the non-digits, convert to int, and sort. Using LINQ and some extension methods, it's a one-liner. In my case, I was going on directories:
Directory.GetDirectories(#"a:\b\c").OrderBy(x => x.RemoveNonDigits().ToIntOrZero())
Where RemoveNonDigits and ToIntOrZero are extensions methods:
public static string RemoveNonDigits(this string value) {
return Regex.Replace(value, "[^0-9]", string.Empty);
public static int ToIntOrZero(this string toConvert) {
try {
if (toConvert == null || toConvert.Trim() == string.Empty) return 0;
return int.Parse(toConvert);
} catch (Exception) {
return 0;
The extension methods are common tools I use everywhere. YMMV.

Here's a Python approach:
import re
def tryint(s):
Return an int if possible, or `s` unchanged.
return int(s)
except ValueError:
return s
def alphanum_key(s):
Turn a string into a list of string and number chunks.
>>> alphanum_key("z23a")
["z", 23, "a"]
return [ tryint(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', s) ]
def human_sort(l):
Sort a list in the way that humans expect.
And a blog post with more detail:


Kotlin map not working with List of String

I have been working on code where I have to generate all possible ways to the target string. I am using the below-mentioned code.
Print Statement:
println("---------- How Construct -------")
window.howConstruct("purple", listOf(
Function Call:
fun howConstruct(
target: String,
wordBank: List<String>,
): List<List<String>> {
if (target.isEmpty()) return emptyList()
var result = emptyList<List<String>>()
for (word in wordBank) {
if (target.indexOf(word) == 0) { // Starting with prefix
val substring = target.substring(word.length)
val suffixWays = howConstruct(substring, wordBank)
val targetWays = { way ->
val a = way.toMutableList().apply {
result = targetWays
return result
Expected Output:-
Current Output:-
Your code is almost working; only a couple of small changes are needed to get the required output:
If the target is empty, return listOf(emptyList()) instead of emptyList().
Use add(0, word) instead of add(word).
The first of those changes is the important one. Your function returns a list of matches; and since each match is itself a list of strings, it returns a list of lists of strings. Once your code has matched the entire target and calls itself one last time, it returned an empty list — i.e. no matches — instead of a list containing an empty list — meaning one match with no remaining strings.
The second change simply fixes the order of strings within each match, which was reversed (because it appended the prefix after the returned suffix match).
However, there are many others ways that code could be improved. Rather than list them all individually, it's probably easier to give an alternative version:
fun howConstruct(target: String, wordBank: List<String>
): List<List<String>>
= if (target == "") listOf(emptyList())
else wordBank.filter{ target.endsWith(it) } // Look for suffixes of the target in the word bank
.flatMap { suffix: String ->
howConstruct(target.removeSuffix(suffix), wordBank) // For each, recurse to search the rest
.map{ it + suffix } } // And append the suffix to each match.
That does almost exactly the same as your code, except that it searches from the end of the string — matching suffixes — instead of from the beginning. The result is the same; the main benefit is that it's simpler to append a suffix string to a partial match list (using +) than to prepend a prefix (which is quite messy, as you found).
However, it's a lot more concise, mainly because it uses a functional style — in particular, it uses filter() to determine which words are valid suffixes, and flatMap() to collate the list of matches corresponding to each one recursively, as well as map() to append the suffix to each one (like your code does). That avoids all the business of looping over lists, creating lists, and adding to them. As a result, it doesn't need to deal with mutable lists or variables, avoiding some sources of confusion and error.
I've written it as an expression body (with = instead of { … }) for simplicity. I find that's simpler and clearer for short functions — this one is about the limit, though. It might fit as it an extension function on String, since it's effectively returning a transformation of the string, without any side-effects — though again, that tends to work best on short functions.
There are also several small tweaks. It's a bit simpler — and more efficient — to use startsWith() or endsWith() instead of indexOf(); removePrefix() or removeSuffix() is arguably slightly clearer than substring(); and I find == "" clearer than isEmpty().
(Also, the name howConstruct() doesn't really describe the result very well, but I haven't come up with anything better so far…)
Many of these changes are of course a matter of personal preference, and I'm sure other developers would write it in many other ways! But I hope this has given some ideas.

How to Connect Logic with Objects

I have a system that contains x number of strings. These string are shown in a UI based on some logic. For example string number 1 should only show if the current time is past midday and string 3 only shows if a randomly generated number between 0-1 is less than 0.5.
How would be the best way to model this?
Should the logic just be in code and be linked to a string by some sort or ID?
Should the logic be some how stored with the strings?
NOTE The above is a theoretical example before people start questioning my logic.
It's usually better to keep resources (such as strings) separate from logic. So referring strings by IDs is a good idea.
It seems that you have a bunch of rules which you have to link to the display of strings. I'd keep all three as separate entities: rules, strings, and the linking between them.
An illustration in Python, necessarily simplified:
'morning': 'Good morning',
'afternoon': 'Good afternoon',
'luck': 'you must be lucky today',
# predicates
import datetime, random
def showMorning():
return < 12
def showAfternoon():
return >= 12
def showLuck():
return random.random() > 0.5
# interconnection
'morning': showMorning,
'afternoon': showAfternoon,
'luck': showLuck,
# usage
for string_id, predicate in RULES.items():
if predicate():
print STRINGS[string_id]

Breaking a string apart into a sequence of words

I recently came across the following interview question:
Given an input string and a dictionary of words, implement a method that breaks up the input string into a space-separated string of dictionary words that a search engine might use for "Did you mean?" For example, an input of "applepie" should yield an output of "apple pie".
I can't seem to get an optimal solution as far as complexity is concerned. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this efficiently?
Looks like the question is exactly my interview problem, down to the example I used in the post at The Noisy Channel. Glad you liked the solution. Am quite sure you can't beat the O(n^2) dynamic programming / memoization solution I describe for worst-case performance.
You can do better in practice if your dictionary and input aren't pathological. For example, if you can identify in linear time the substrings of the input string are in the dictionary (e.g., with a trie) and if the number of such substrings is constant, then the overall time will be linear. Of course, that's a lot of assumptions, but real data is often much nicer than a pathological worst case.
There are also fun variations of the problem to make it harder, such as enumerating all valid segmentations, outputting a best segmentation based on some definition of best, handling a dictionary too large to fit in memory, and handling inexact segmentations (e.g., correcting spelling mistakes). Feel free to comment on my blog or otherwise contact me to follow up.
This link describes this problem as a perfect interview question and provides several methods to solve it. Essentially it involves recursive backtracking. At this level it would produce an O(2^n) complexity. An efficient solution using memoization could bring this problem down to O(n^2).
Using python, we can write two function, the first one segment returns the first segmentation of a piece of contiguous text into words given a dictionary or None if no such segmentation is found. Another function segment_all returns a list of all segmentations found. Worst case complexity is O(n**2) where n is the input string length in chars.
The solution presented here can be extended to include spelling corrections and bigram analysis to determine the most likely segmentation.
def memo(func):
Applies simple memoization to a function
cache = {}
def closure(*args):
if args in cache:
v = cache[args]
v = func(*args)
cache[args] = v
return v
return closure
def segment(text, words):
Return the first match that is the segmentation of 'text' into words
def _segment(text):
if text in words: return text
for i in xrange(1, len(text)):
prefix, suffix = text[:i], text[i:]
segmented_suffix = _segment(suffix)
if prefix in words and segmented_suffix:
return '%s %s' % (prefix, segmented_suffix)
return None
return _segment(text)
def segment_all(text, words):
Return a full list of matches that are the segmentation of 'text' into words
def _segment(text):
matches = []
if text in words:
for i in xrange(1, len(text)):
prefix, suffix = text[:i], text[i:]
segmented_suffix_matches = _segment(suffix)
if prefix in words and len(segmented_suffix_matches):
for match in segmented_suffix_matches:
matches.append('%s %s' % (prefix, match))
return matches
return _segment(text)
if __name__ == "__main__":
string = 'cargocultscience'
words = set('car cargo go cult science'.split())
print segment(string, words)
# >>> car go cult science
print segment_all(string, words)
# >>> ['car go cult science', 'cargo cult science']
One option would be to store all valid English words in a trie. Once you've done this, you could start walking the trie from the root downward, following the letters in the string. Whenever you find a node that's marked as a word, you have two options:
Break the input at this point, or
Continue extending the word.
You can claim that you've found a match once you have broken the input up into a set of words that are all legal and have no remaining characters left. Since at each letter you either have one forced option (either you are building a word that isn't valid and should stop -or- you can keep extending the word) or two options (split or keep going), you could implement this function using exhaustive recursion:
PartitionWords(lettersLeft, wordSoFar, wordBreaks, trieNode):
// If you walked off the trie, this path fails.
if trieNode is null, return.
// If this trie node is a word, consider what happens if you split
// the word here.
if trieNode.isWord:
// If there is no input left, you're done and have a partition.
if lettersLeft is empty, output wordBreaks + wordSoFar and return
// Otherwise, try splitting here.
PartitinWords(lettersLeft, "", wordBreaks + wordSoFar, trie root)
// Otherwise, consume the next letter and continue:
PartitionWords(lettersLeft.substring(1), wordSoFar + lettersLeft[0],
wordBreaks, trieNode.child[lettersLeft[0])
In the pathologically worst case this will list all partitions of the string, which can t exponentially long. However, this only occurs if you can partition the string in a huge number of ways that all start with valid English words, and is unlikely to occur in practice. If the string has many partitions, we might spend a lot of time finding them, though. For example, consider the string "dotheredo." We can split this many ways:
do the redo
do the red o
doth ere do
dot here do
dot he red o
dot he redo
To avoid this, you might want to institute a limit of the number of answers you report, perhaps two or three.
Since we cut off the recursion when we walk off the trie, if we ever try a split that doesn't leave the remainder of the string valid, we will detect this pretty quickly.
Hope this helps!
import java.util.*;
class Position {
int indexTest,no;
Position(int indexTest,int no)
} } class RandomWordCombo {
static boolean isCombo(String[] dict,String test)
HashMap<String,ArrayList<String>> dic=new HashMap<String,ArrayList<String>>();
Stack<Position> pos=new Stack<Position>();
for(String each:dict)
//System.out.println("=========it is here");
ArrayList<String> temp=dic.get(""+each.charAt(0));
ArrayList<String> temp=new ArrayList<String>();
Iterator it = dic.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry);
System.out.println("key: "+pair.getKey());
for(String str:(ArrayList<String>)pair.getValue())
pos.push(new Position(0,0));
Position position=pos.pop();
System.out.println("position index: "+position.indexTest+" no: ";
ArrayList<String> strings=dic.get(""+test.charAt(position.indexTest));
pos.push(new Position(position.indexTest,;
String str=strings.get(;
return true;
pos.push(new Position(position.indexTest+str.length(),0));
return false;
public static void main(String[] st)
String[] dic={"world","hello","super","hell"};
System.out.println("is 'hellworld' a combo: "+isCombo(dic,"superman"));
} }
I have done similar problem. This solution gives true or false if given string is combination of dictionary words. It can be easily converted to get space-separated string. Its average complexity is O(n), where n: no of dictionary words in given string.

How can I detect common substrings in a list of strings

Given a set of strings, for example:
I want to be able to detect that these are three sets of files:
Are there any known ways of approaching this problem - any published papers I can read on this?
The approach I am considering is for each string look at all other strings and find the common characters and where differing characters are, trying to find sets of strings that have the most in common, but I fear that this is not very efficient and may give false positives.
Note that this is not the same as 'How do I detect groups of common strings in filenames' because that assumes that a string will always have a series of digits following it.
I would start here:
There are links to supplemental information in the external links, including Perl implementations of the two algorithms explained in the article.
Edited to add:
Based on the discussion, I still think Longest Common Substring could be at the heart of this problem. Even in the Journal example you reference in your comment, the defining characteristic of that set is the substring 'Journal'.
I would first consider what defines a set as separate from the other sets. That gives you your partition to divide up the data, and then the problem is in measuring how much commonality exists within a set. If the defining characteristic is a common substring, then Longest Common Substring would be a logical starting point.
To automate the process of set detection, in general, you will need a pairwise measure of commonality which you can use to measure the 'difference' between all possible pairs. Then you need an algorithm to compute the partition that results in the overall lowest total difference. If the difference measure is not Longest Common Substring, that's fine, but then you need to determine what it will be. Obviously it needs to be something concrete that you can measure.
Bear in mind also that the properties of your difference measurement will bear on the algorithms that can be used to make the partition. For example, assume diff(X,Y) gives the measure of difference between X and Y. Then it would probably be useful if your measure of distance was such that diff(A,C) <= diff(A,B) + diff(B,C). And obviously diff(A,C) should be the same as diff(C,A).
In thinking about this, I also begin to wonder whether we could conceive of the 'difference' as a distance between any two strings, and, with a rigorous definition of the distance, could we then attempt some kind of cluster analysis on the input strings. Just a thought.
Great question! The steps to a solution are:
tokenizing input
using tokens to build an appropriate data structure. a DAWG is ideal, but a Trie is simpler and a decent starting point.
optional post-processing of the data structure for simplification or clustering of subtrees into separate outputs
serialization of the data structure to a regular expression or similar syntax
I've implemented this approach in Here's an example:
$ cat | ./ --cluster-prefix-len=2
Something like that might work.
Build a trie that represents all your strings.
In the example you gave, there would be two edges from the root: "E" and "J". The "J" branch would then split into "Jo" and "J2".
A single strand that forks, e.g. E-n-t-i-r-e-S-(forks to 1, 2) indicates a choice, so that would be EntireS[1,2]
If the strand is "too short" in relation to the fork, e.g. B-A-(forks to N-A-N-A and H-A-M-A-S), we list two words ("banana, bahamas") rather than a choice ("ba[nana,hamas]"). "Too short" might be as simple as "if the part after the fork is longer than the part before", or maybe weighted by the number of words that have a given prefix.
If two subtrees are "sufficiently similar" then they can be merged so that instead of a tree, you now have a general graph. For example if you have ABRed,ABBlue,ABGreen,CDRed,CDBlue,CDGreen, you may find that the subtree rooted at "AB" is the same as the subtree rooted at "CD", so you'd merge them. In your output this will look like this: [left branch, right branch][subtree], so: [AB,CD][Red,Blue,Green]. How to deal with subtrees that are close but not exactly the same? There's probably no absolute answer but someone here may have a good idea.
I'm marking this answer community wiki. Please feel free to extend it so that, together, we may have a reasonable answer to the question.
try "frak" . It creates regex expression from set of strings. Maybe some modification of it will help you.
Hope it helps.
There are many many approaches to string similarity. I would suggest taking a look at this open-source library that implements a lot of metrics like Levenshtein distance.
You should be able to achieve this with generalized suffix trees: look for long paths in the suffix tree which come from multiple source strings.
There are many solutions proposed that solve the general case of finding common substrings. However, the problem here is more specialized. You're looking for common prefixes, not just substrings. This makes it a little simpler.
A nice explanation for finding longest common prefix can be found at
So my proposed "pythonese" pseudo-code is something like this (refer to the link for an implementation of find_lcp:
def count_groups(items):
sorted_list = sorted(items)
prefix = sorted_list[0]
ctr = 0
groups = {}
saved_common_prefix = ""
for i in range(1, sorted_list):
common_prefix = find_lcp(prefix, sorted_list[i])
if len(common_prefix) > 0: #we are still in the same group of items
ctr += 1
saved_common_prefix = common_prefix
prefix = common_prefix
else: # we must have switched to a new group
groups[saved_common_prefix] = ctr
ctr = 0
saved_common_prefix = ""
prefix = sorted_list[i]
return groups
For this particular example of strings to keep it extremely simple consider using simple word/digit -separation.
A non-digit sequence apparently can begin with capital letter (Entire). After breaking all strings into groups of sequences, something like
Then start grouping by groups, you can fairly soon see that prefix "Entire" is a common for some group and that all subgroups have S as headgroup, so only variable for those is 1,2.
For J27 case you can see that J27 is only leaf, but that it then branches at Red and Green.
So somekind of List<Pair<list, string>> -structure (composite pattern if I recall correctly).
import java.util.*;
class StringProblem
public List<String> subString(String name)
List<String> list=new ArrayList<String>();
for(int i=0;i<=name.length();i++)
for(int j=i+1;j<=name.length();j++)
String s=name.substring(i,j);
return list;
public String commonString(List<String> list1,List<String> list2,List<String> list3)
Iterator it=list3.iterator();
String s="";
int length=0;
System.out.println(list3); // 1 1 2 3 1 2 1
return s;
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the String1:");
String name1=sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter the String2:");
String name2=sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter the String3:");
String name3=sc.nextLine();
// String name1="salman";
// String name2="manmohan";
// String name3="rahman";
StringProblem sp=new StringProblem();
List<String> list1=new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> list2=new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> list3=new ArrayList<String>();
System.out.println(" "+sp.commonString(list1,list2,list3));

Word-separating algorithm

What is the algorithm - seemingly in use on domain parking pages - that takes a spaceless bunch of words (eg "thecarrotofcuriosity") and more-or-less correctly breaks it down into the constituent words (eg "the carrot of curiosity") ?
Start with a basic Trie data structure representing your dictionary. As you iterate through the characters of the the string, search your way through the trie with a set of pointers rather than a single pointer - the set is seeded with the root of the trie. For each letter, the whole set is advanced at once via the pointer indicated by the letter, and if a set element cannot be advanced by the letter, it is removed from the set. Whenever you reach a possible end-of-word, add a new root-of-trie to the set (keeping track of the list of words seen associated with that set element). Finally, once all characters have been processed, return an arbitrary list of words which is at the root-of-trie. If there's more than one, that means the string could be broken up in multiple ways (such as "therapistforum" which can be parsed as ["therapist", "forum"] or ["the", "rapist", "forum"]) and it's undefined which we'll return.
Or, in a wacked up pseudocode (Java foreach, tuple indicated with parens, set indicated with braces, cons using head :: tail, [] is the empty list):
List<String> breakUp(String str, Trie root) {
Set<(List<String>, Trie)> set = {([], root)};
for (char c : str) {
Set<(List<String>, Trie)> newSet = {};
for (List<String> ls, Trie t : set) {
Trie tNext = t.follow(c);
if (tNext != null) {
newSet.add((ls, tNext));
if (tNext.isWord()) {
newSet.add((t.follow(c).getWord() :: ls, root));
set = newSet;
for (List<String> ls, Trie t : set) {
if (t == root) return ls;
return null;
Let me know if I need to clarify or I missed something...
I would imagine they take a dictionary word list like /usr/share/dict/words on your common or garden variety Unix system and try to find sets of word matches (starting from the left?) that result in the largest amount of original text being covered by a match. A simple breadth-first-search implementation would probably work fine, since it obviously doesn't have to run fast.
I'd imaging these sites do it similar to this:
Get a list of word for your target language
Remove "useless" words like "a", "the", ...
Run through the list and check which of the words are substrings of the domain name
Take the most common words of the remaining list (Or the ones with the highest adsense rating,...)
Of course that leads to nonsense for expertsexchange, but what else would you expect there...
(disclaimer: I did not try it myself, so take it merely as a food for experimentation. 4-grams are taken mostly out of the blue sky, just from my experience that 3-grams won't work all too well; 5-grams and more might work better, even though you will have to deal with a pretty large table). It's also simplistic in a sense that it does not take into the account the ending of the string - if it works for you otherwise, you'd probably need to think about fixing the endings.
This algorithm would run in a predictable time proportional to the length of the string that you are trying to split.
So, first: Take a lot of human-readable texts. for each of the text, supposing it is in a single string str, run the following algorithm (pseudocode-ish notation, assumes the [] is a hashtable-like indexing, and that nonexistent indexes return '0'):
for(i=0;i<length(s)-5;i++) {
// take 4-character substring starting at position i
subs2 = substring(str, i, 4);
if(has_space(subs2)) {
subs = substring(str, i, 5);
yes_space[subs][position(space, subs2)]++;
} else {
subs = subs2;
This will build you the tables which will help to decide whether a given 4-gram would need to have a space in it inserted or not.
Then, take your string to split, I denote it as xstr, and do:
for(i=0;i<length(xstr)-5;i++) {
subs = substring(xstr, i, 4);
for(j=0;j<4;j++) {
do_insert_space_here[i+j] -= no_space[subs];
for(j=0;j<4;j++) {
do_insert_space_here[i+j] += yes_space[subs][j];
Then you can walk the "do_insert_space_here[]" array - if an element at a given position is bigger than 0, then you should insert a space in that position in the original string. If it's less than zero, then you shouldn't.
Please drop a note here if you try it (or something of this sort) and it works (or does not work) for you :-)
