Silverlight 3 Validation using Prism - validation

I'm developing a SL3 application with Prism. I need to have support for validation (both field level (on the setter of the bound property) and before save (form level)), including a validation summary, shown when the save button is pressed.
But the samples I can find googling are either SL3 with a lot of code in code behind (very uncool and un-Prismy), or WPF related.
Does anyone know a reference application with some actual validation I can look into?

There aren't any from Microsoft at present, but I'll pass this one onto the PRISM team tomorrow to see if we can get a basic Form Validation example inside the next rev of PRISM.
That being said, you can put a validator per Form that essentially validates each field (semantic and/or syntax validation) and should all pass, will return a true/false state.
A way I typically do this is I attach a "CanSave" method to my Commands ie:
SaveOrderCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(this.Save, this.CanSave);
private bool CanSave(object arg)
return this.errors.Count == 0 && this.Quantity > 0;
Then in the this.CanSave, i then put either the basic validation inside this codebase, or I call a bunch of other validators depending on the context - some would be shared across all modules (ie IsEmailValid would be one Validator i place in my Infrastructure Module as a singleton and pass in my string, it would then true/false as a result). Once they all pass, ensure CanSave returns true. If they fail, the CanSave will return False.
Now if they fail and you want to trigger a friendly reminder to the user that its failed theres a number of techniques you can use here. I've typically flagged the said control at validation as being "failed".. (i wrote my own mind you, so up to you which toolkits you could use here - is a not bad one).
Now, I typically like to do more with Forms that have validation on them by not only highlighting the said control (red box, icon etc) but also explain to the user in more detail whats required of them - thus custom approach is a solution I've opted for.
At the end of the day, you're going to have to do some of the heavy lifting to validate your particular form - but look into ways to re-use validators where they make sense (email, SSN etc are easy ones to re-use).
Scott Barnes - Rich Platforms Product Manager - Microsoft.


How to access View Template Properties for Revit and compare them in Real Time?

I am trying to list the view template’s properties so we can compare them with another old template.
For example what model elements are hidden or have overrides in a given template or which Revit links have been hidden or overridden in a given template.
View Template
I’m looking to devise a View Template Compare tool and access to the owner and creator of them.
public void ApplyViewTemplateToActiveView()
Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
View viewTemplate = (from v in new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
where v.IsTemplate == true && v.Name == "MyViewTemplate"
select v)
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc,"Set View Template"))
doc.ActiveView.ViewTemplateId = viewTemplate.Id;
With Revit API you can access with:
GetTemplateParameterIds Method / ViewTemplateId Property
The Revit API exposes almost all the ViewTemplate properties.
For instance this method returns all the Visibility/Graphic Overrides for a specific category:
The only thing I couldn't get for a ViewTemplate are the "includes", but all the rest seems to be there.
The list or properties "not included" can be retrieved with GetNonControlledTemplateParameterIds().
Yes, and no.
Yes, I guess you can use Forge Model Derivative API to export RVT file and then build a dashboard around the View Templates data. That's assuming that View Templates data actually gets exported when the model is translated. That data is not attached to any geometry so I would not be surprised if it was skipped. The question here is why? This is like renting a 16-wheel truck to move a duffel bag across the street.
No, if your intention is to directly interact with the RVT model. Forge can view it, but to push anything back or request changes to the model, is not available yet. Then again, I am not even sure that the view template data is available via model derivative exports.
This brings me another alternative. Why not just collect the data using Revit API, the standard way and then push it out to a Database and build on top of that? There is no reason to employ Forge for any of that.
Thanks Jeremy, I had dig into your amazing website and also some solution that Konrad post in the Dynamo Forum about this. In Revit seems pretty achievable, you filter the View that is View Template and then extracts these properties, is it correct?.
I am wondering if someone can point me in the right direction with Forge.
Some amazing guys are developing a BQL
BQL(Building Query Language) is a query language for buildings, similar to how SQL is a query language for databases. It is fast and flexible. BQL helps improve efficiency for QA/QC (quality assurance and quality control), and building data extraction without leaving Revit. I am also trying these and I would like to understand if there are some works where I could start with Forge next week about this.

Web application's form validation - design to propagate domain errors to client-side?

Data validation should occur at the following places in a web-application:
Client-side: browser. To speed up user error reporting
Server-side: controller. To check if user input is syntactically valid (no sql injections, for example, valid format for all passed in fields, all required fields are filled in etc.)
Server-side: model (domain layer). To check if user input is domain-wise valid (no duplicating usernames, account balance is not negative etc.)
I am currently a DDD fan, so I have UI and Domain layers separated in my applications.
I am also trying to follow the rule, that domain model should never contain an invalid data.
So, how do you design validation mechanism in your application so that validation errors, that take place in the domain, propagate properly to the client? For example, when domain model raises an exception about duplicate username, how to correctly bind that exception to the submitted form?
Some article, that inspired this question, can be found here:
I've seen no such mechanisms in web frameworks known to me. What first springs into my mind is to make domain model include the name of the field, causing exception, in the exception data and then in the UI layer provide a map between form data fields and model data fields to properly show the error in it's context for a user. Is this approach valid? It looks shaky... Are there some examples of better design?
Although not exactly the same question as this one, I think the answer is the same:
Encapsulate the validation logic into a reusable class. These classes are usually called specifications, validators or rules and are part of the domain.
Now you can use these specifications in both the model and the service layer.
If your UI uses the same technology as the model, you may also be able to use the specifications there (e.g. when using NodeJS on the server, you're able to write the specs in JS and use them in the browser, too).
Edit - additional information after the chat
Create fine-grained specifications, so that you are able to display appropriate error messages if a spec fails.
Don't make business rules or specifications aware of form fields.
Only create specs for business rules, not for basic input validation tasks (e.g. checking for null).
I want to share the approach used by us in one DDD project.
We created a BaseClass having fields ErrorId &
Every DomainModel derive from this BaseClass & thus have a two extra fields ErrorId & ErrorMessage available from
Whenever exception occurs we handle exception(Log in server, take appropriate steps for compensating logic & fetch User Friendly message from client location based localized Resource file for message ) then propagate data as simple flow without raising or throwing exception.
At client side check if ErrorMessage is not null then show error.
It's basic simple approach we followed from start of project.
If it's new project this is least complicated & efficient approach, but if you doing changes in big old project this might not help as changes are big.
For validation at each field level, use Validation Application Block from Enterprise Library.
It can be used as :
Decorate domain model properties with proper attributes like:
public class AttributeCustomer
[NotNullValidator(MessageTemplate = "Customer must have valid no")]
[StringLengthValidator(5, RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive,
5, RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive,
MessageTemplate = "Customer no must have {3} characters.")]
MessageTemplate = "Customer no must be 2 capital letters and 3 numbers.")]
public string CustomerNo { get; set; }
Create validator instance like:
Validator<AttributeCustomer> cusValidator =
Use object & do validation as :
customer.CustomerNo = "AB123";
customer.FirstName = "Brown";
customer.LastName = "Green";
customer.BirthDate = "1980-01-01";
customer.CustomerType = "VIP";
ValidationResults valResults = cusValidator.Validate(customer);
Check Validation results as:
if (valResults.IsValid)
MessageBox.Show("Customer information is valid");
foreach (ValidationResult item in valResults)
// Put your validation detection logic
Code example is taken from Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0 - Introduction to Validation Block
This links will help to understand Validation Application Block:

How to set up FubuMVC validation

I'm trying to learn FubuMVC and have gotten stuck on validating my input models.
What I want to accomplish is post-validate-redirect. That is, to redirect to same view and show the errors if the model is invalid. I'm using attributes on my models.
Also, how would I specify my own error messages, i.e localization?
I'm using the latest packages of Fubu from nuget.
My registry looks like this:
.HomeIs<HomeController>(x => x.Index())
.ConstrainToHttpMethod(x => x.Method.Name.EndsWith("Command"), "POST")
.ConstrainToHttpMethod(x => x.Method.Name.EndsWith("Query"), "GET");
The FubuMVC.Validation package is really just an example of how to use FubuValidation as we haven't built it out for all of the edge cases. Having said that, let me explain a little bit about how it works so we can see if you can use it, or if you should just handroll your own validation behavior.
The ValidationBehavior uses the IValidationFailureHandler interface to "handle" validation failures. The Notification object built up from FubuValidation is shoved into the IFubuRequest when the behavior fires, and then the handler is called.
The ValidationFailureHandler class is wired up by default for all
validation failures. This delegates to the IValidationFailurePolicy to
determine the strategy to use for a given model type (see my post on
policies for an explanation of how this works).
The Validation extension method has an overload which gives a micro-
dsl for configuring these policies:
this.Validation(x => {
From here you can 1) apply custom policies via the ApplyPolicy method
or 2) use the predicate based configuration approach via the IfModel methods.
If you go the predicate route (e.g., x.Failures.IfModelIs()), you can tell FubuMVC.Validation to use FubuContinuations to redirect or transfer to another behavior
chain. Rex recently posted about FubuContinuations if you're looking for some guidance in this area (
Hope this helps and feel free to ask away if I didn't explain anything enough,

Avoiding duplicate code in input validation

Suppose you have a subsystem that does some kind of work. It could be anything. Obviously, at the entry point(s) to this subsystem there will be certain restrictions on the input. Suppose this subsystem is primarily called by a GUI. The subsystem needs to check all the input it recieves to make sure it's valid. We wouldn't want to FireTheMissles() if there was invalid input. The UI is also interested in the validation though, because it needs to report what went wrong. Maybe the user forgot to specify a target or targetted the missles at the launchpad itself. Of course, you can just return a null value or throw an exception, but that doesn't tell the user SPECIFICALLY what went wrong (unless, of course, you write a separate exception class for each error, which I'm fine with if that's the best practice).
Of course, even with exceptions, you have a problem. The user might want to know if input is valid BEFORE clicking the "Fire Missles!" button. You could write a separate validation function (of course IsValid() doesn't really help much because it doesn't tell you what went wrong), but then you'll be calling it from the button click handler and again from the FireTheMissles() function (I really don't know how this changed from a vague subsystem to a missle-firing program). Certainly, this isn't the end of the world, but it seems silly to call the same validation function twice in a row without anything having changed, especially if this validation function requires, say, computing the hash of a 1gb file.
If the preconditions of the function are clear, the GUI can do its own input validation, but then we're just duplicating the input validation logic, and a change in one might not be reflected in the other. Sure, we may add a check to the GUI to make sure the missle target is not within an allied nation, but then if we forget to copy it to the FireTheMissles() routine, we'll accidentally blow up our allies when we switch to a console interface.
So, in short, how do you achieve the following:
Input validation that tells you not just that something went wrong, but what specifically went wrong.
The ability to run this input validation without calling the function which relies on it.
No double validation.
No duplicate code.
Also, and I just thought of this, but error messages should not be written in the FireTheMissles() method. The GUI is responsible for picking appropriate error messages, not the code the GUI is calling.
"The subsystem needs to check all the input it receives to make sure it's valid"
Think of the inputs not so much as a list of arguments, but as a message, it gets easier after that.
The message class has an IsValid member function, it remembers if IsValid was called and what the result was. It also remembers its state, if the state changes then it needs to be re validated. This message class also keeps a list of validation errors.
Now, the UI builds a TargetMissiles message, and the UI can validate it, or pass it directly to the MissileFiring subsystem, it checks to see if the message was validated, if not it validates it, and proceeds / fails depending.
The UI gets the message back, with the list of validations already populated.
The messages with their validation sit in a separate library. No code is duplicated.
This sound OK?
This is what Model-View-Controller is all about.
You build up a model (a launch which is composed of coordinates, missile types and number of missiles) and the model has a validate method which returns a list of errors/warnings. When you update the model (on key-up, <ENTER>, button-press) you call the validate method and show the user any warnings, errors, etc. (Eclipse has a little area just under the tools bar in a dialog that does this, you might want to look at that.)
When the model is valid, you activate the launch missiles button so that the user knows that they can launch the missiles. If you have an update event that is called particularly frequently or a part of the validation that is particularly costly, you can have a validate_light method on the model that you use for validating only the parts that are easy to do.
When you switch to a console based UI you build up the model from the command line arguments, call the same validate method (and report errors to stderr) and then launch the missiles.
Double the validation. In many case the validation is trebled (FKs and not null fields in the DB for example). Depending on your platform it may be possible to code the validation rules once. For example your front end and backend code could share C# business classes. Alternatively you could store the validation rule as metadata that both the backend and front end can access an apply.
In reality the fact that you need different responses to a validation problem (for example the Fire Missile button shouldn't even be enabled until the other inputs are valid) there will be different code associated with the same rule.
I'd suggest an input validation class, which takes the input type (an enumeration) in its' constructor, and provides a public IsValid method.
The IsValid method should return a boolean TRUE for valid and FALSE for invalid. It should also have an OUT parameter that takes a string and assigns a status message to that string. The caller will be free to ignore that message if it wants to, or report it up to the GUI if that's appropriate for the context.
So, in pseudocode (forgive the Delphi-like syntax, but it should be readable to anybody):
//different types of data we might want to validate
TValidationType = (vtMissileLaunchCodes, vtFirstName,
vtLastName, vtSSN);
TInputValidator = class
//call the constructor with the validation type
constructor Create(ValidationType: TValidationType);
//this should probably be ABSTRACT, implemented by descendants
//if you took that approach, then you'd have 1 descendant class
//for each validation type, instead of an enumeration
function IsValid(InputData: string; var msg: string): boolean;
And then to use it, you'd do something like this:
procedure ValidateForm;
validator: TInputValidator;
validator := TInputValidator.Create(vtSSN);
if validator.IsValid(edtSSN.Text,labelErrorMsg.Text) then
SaveData; //it's valid, so save it!
//if it wasn't valid, then the error msg is in the GUI in "labelErrorMsg".
Each piece of data has its own meta data (type, format, unit, mask, range etc.). Unfortunately this is not always specified.
The GUI controlls need to check the input with the metadata and give warnings/errors if the data is invalid.
Example: a number has a range. The range is provided by the metadata, but the range check is provided by the control.

Windows Forms - Validate DataGridView input

I have a Windows Forms application with a DataGridView in one of the forms. The DataGridView can insert and update through a Typed Data Set generated by Visual Studio.
I want to show user friendly error messages when a user doesnt fill in a required field or enters the wrong data type, etc. instead of the ugly huge one that is shown by default.
This page here gives some guidance. It advises me to validate input on my data sources property setters.
How can I do this with a typed dataset? I am used to working with Linq To Sql, which generated partial classes, but I am not sure about typed datasets.
I made a generic user-friendly error message for basic validations using this code:
dataGrid.DataError += (s, e) =>
if (e.Exception != null)
e.ThrowException = false;
String.Format("Invalid {0}",
From MSDN: Walkthrough: Handling Errors that Occur During Data Entry in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control
In terms of winforms visual feedback, I think you should look at a concept like the ErrorProvider.
If you are only focusing on input validation, like a string into an integer field this is a good approach, but please, please be aware that real validation of non-trivial mistakes shouldn't be enforced by winform's control validation event model! For example, 'EndDate < StartDate', really should be pushed down into the business layer.
