Generics and Database Access - delegates

I have the following method I can pass in a lambda expression to filter my result and then a callback method that will work on the list of results. This is just one particular table in my system, I will use this construct over and over. How can I build out a generic method, say DBget that takes a Table as a parameter(An ADO.NET dataservice entity to be fair) and pass in a filter (a lambda experssion).
public void getServiceDevelopmentPlan(Expression<Func<tblServiceDevelopmentPlan, bool>> filter, Action<List<tblServiceDevelopmentPlan>> callback)
var query = from employerSector in sdContext.tblServiceDevelopmentPlan.Where(filter)
select employerSector;
var DSQuery = (DataServiceQuery<tblServiceDevelopmentPlan>)query;
DSQuery.BeginExecute(result =>
}, null);
My first bash at this is:
public delegate Action<List<Table>> DBAccess<Table>(Expression<Func<Table, bool>> filter);

If you are using Linq to Ado.NET Dataservices or WCF Dataservices, your model will build you a lot of typed. Generally though you will be selecting and filtering. You need the following, then all your methods are just candy over the top of this:
Query Type 1 - One Filter, returns a list:
public void makeQuery<T>(string entity, Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter, Action<List<T>> callback)
IQueryable<T> query = plussContext.CreateQuery<T>(entity).Where(filter);
var DSQuery = (DataServiceQuery<T>)query;
DSQuery.BeginExecute(result =>
}, null);
Query Type 2 - One Filter, returns a single entity:
public void makeQuery(string entity, Expression> filter, Action callback)
IQueryable<T> query = plussContext.CreateQuery<T>(entity).Where(filter);
var DSQuery = (DataServiceQuery<T>)query;
DSQuery.BeginExecute(result =>
}, null);
What you need to do is overload these and swap out the filter for a simple array of filters
Expression<Func<T, bool>>[] filter
And repeat for single and list returns.
Bundle this into a singleton if you want one datacontext, or keep track of an array of contexts in some sort of hybrid factory/singleton and you are away. Let the constructor take a context or if non are supplied then use its own and you are away.
I then use this on a big line but all in one place:
GenericQuery.Instance.Create().makeQuery<tblAgencyBranches>("tblAgencyBranches", f => f.tblAgencies.agencyID == _agency.agencyID, res => { AgenciesBranch.ItemsSource = res; });
This may look complicated but it hides a lot of async magic, and in certain instances can be called straight from the button handlers. Not so much a 3 tier system, but a huge time saver.


Creating a group by parameter for the get method in a generic repository for entity framework

I am using the repository pattern with Entity Framework as described in this article: repository pattern with Entity Framework
In the part where the GenericRepository is described (Generic Repository) there is a method which is used to get entities from the database set called Get. It has an orderBy but no groupBy. I am wondering how one might implement a groupBy in the same manner as the orderBy so that you can specify which field to group by dynamically on the entity.
What I have come up with is this:
Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IGrouping<string, TEntity>> groupBy = null
and then in the method code it should be used something like this:
if(groupBy != null)
query = groupBy(query).ToList();
But this is not compiling since the IGrouping is not queryable. Does someone know how to point me in the right direction or has a solution to this?
Edit: The reason for doing this instead of using groupby on the returned list is for performance reasons. I want the groupby to be sent as an sql statement to the database and resolved there.
Grouping has no sense without projection. So you have to define new method which returns IEnumerable with new type.
I have added sample of such method. Also removed includeProperties because EF Core ignores Includes during grouping.
Usage sample:
.GetGrouped(e => e.UserId, g => new { UserId = g.Key, Count = g.Count()});
And implementation:
public class GenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
... // other code
public virtual IEnumerable<TResult> GetGrouped<TKey, TResult>(
Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey>> groupingKey,
Expression<Func<IGrouping<TKey, TEntity>, TResult>> resultSelector,
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>>? filter = null)
var query = dbSet.AsQueryable();
if (filter != null)
query = query.Where(filter);
return query.GroupBy(groupingKey).Select(resultSelector);

Linq query where there's a certain desired relationship between items in the result

A linq query Where clause can apply a func to an item in the original set and return a bool to include or not include the item based on the item's characteristics. Great stuff:
var q = myColl.Where(o => o.EffectiveDate = LastThursday);
But what if I want to find a set of items where each item is related to the last item in some way? Like:
var q = myColl.Where(o => o.EffectiveDate = thePreviousItem.ExpirationDate);
How do you make a Where (or other linq function) "jump out" of the current item?
Here's what I tried, trying to be clever. I made every item an array just so I can use the Aggregate function:
public IQueryable<T> CurrentVersions
get => AllVersions
.Select(vo => new T[] { vo })
.Aggregate((voa1, voa2) => voa1[0].BusinessExpirationDate.Value == voa2[0].BusinessEffectiveDate.Value ? voa1.Concat(voa2).ToArray() : voa1)
.SelectMany(vo => vo);
but that doesn't compile on the SelectMany:
The type arguments for method Enumerable.SelectMany<TSource,
TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, IEnumerable<TResult>>)
cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments
As it turns out, I was on the right track, but was just confused about what SelectMany does. I didn't need it. I also needed to change IQueryable to IEnumerable because I'm using EF and you can't query after you let go of the DbContext. So, here is the actual solution.
public IEnumerable<T> CurrentVersions
get => AllVersions
.Select(vo => new T[] { vo })
.Aggregate((voa1, voa2) => voa1[0].BusinessExpirationDate.Value == voa2[0].BusinessEffectiveDate.Value ? voa1.Concat(voa2).ToArray() : voa1);
Linq queries are most effective when each item is processed in isolation. It doesn't work well when trying to relate items within the same collection, without having to process the same collection multiple times and standard linq operators.
The MoreLINQ library helps provide additional operators to fill in some of those gaps. I'm not sure what operators it provides that could be used in this instance, but I know it has a Pairwise() method that combines the current and previous items in the iteration.
In general, for situations like this, if you needed to roll out your own, it would be far easier to write it using a generator to generate your sequence. Either as a general purpose extension method:
public static IEnumerable<TSource> WhereWithPrevious<TSource>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, TSource, bool> predicate)
using (var iter = source.GetEnumerator())
if (!iter.MoveNext())
yield break;
var previous = iter.Current;
while (iter.MoveNext())
var current = iter.Current;
if (predicate(current, previous))
yield return current;
or one specifically for the problem you're trying to solve.
public static IEnumerable<MyType> GetVersions(IEnumerable<MyType> source)
using (var iter = source.GetEnumerator())
if (!iter.MoveNext())
yield break;
var previous = iter.Current;
while (iter.MoveNext())
var current = iter.Current;
if (current.EffectiveDate == previous.ExpirationDate)
yield return current;
An alternative approach which while standard practice in other languages but terribly inefficient here would be to zip the collection with itself offset by one.
var query = Collection.Skip(1).Zip(Collection, (c, p) => (current:c,previous:p))
.Where(x => x.current.EffectiveDate == x.previous.ExpirationDate)
And with all of that said, using any of these options will most likely make your query incompatible with query providers. It's not something you would want expressed as a single query anyway.

Scalable Contains method for LINQ against a SQL backend

I'm looking for an elegant way to execute a Contains() statement in a scalable way. Please allow me to give some background before I come to the actual question.
The IN statement
In Entity Framework and LINQ to SQL the Contains statement is translated as a SQL IN statement. For instance, from this statement:
var ids = Enumerable.Range(1,10);
var courses = Courses.Where(c => ids.Contains(c.CourseID)).ToList();
Entity Framework will generate
[Extent1].[CourseID] AS [CourseID],
[Extent1].[Title] AS [Title],
[Extent1].[Credits] AS [Credits],
[Extent1].[DepartmentID] AS [DepartmentID]
FROM [dbo].[Course] AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[CourseID] IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Unfortunately, the In statement is not scalable. As per MSDN:
Including an extremely large number of values (many thousands) in an IN clause can consume resources and return errors 8623 or 8632
which has to do with running out of resources or exceeding expression limits.
But before these errors occur, the IN statement becomes increasingly slow with growing numbers of items. I can't find documentation about its growth rate, but it performs well up to a few thousands of items, but beyond that it gets dramatically slow. (Based on SQL Server experiences).
We can't always avoid this statement. A JOIN with the source data in stead would generally perform much better, but that's only possible when the source data is in the same context. Here I'm dealing with data coming from a client in a disconnected scenario. So I have been looking for a scalable solution. A satisfactory approach turned out to be cutting the operation into chunks:
var courses = ids.ToChunks(1000)
.Select(chunk => Courses.Where(c => chunk.Contains(c.CourseID)))
.SelectMany(x => x).ToList();
(where ToChunks is this little extension method).
This executes the query in chunks of 1000 that all perform well enough. With e.g. 5000 items, 5 queries will run that together are likely to be faster than one query with 5000 items.
But not DRY
But of course I don't want to scatter this construct all over my code. I am looking for an extension method by which any IQueryable<T> can be transformed into a chunky executing statement. Ideally something like this:
var courses = Courses.Where(c => ids.Contains(c.CourseID))
But maybe this
var courses = Courses.ChunkyContains(c => c.CourseID, ids, 1000)
I've given the latter solution a first shot:
public static IEnumerable<TEntity> ChunkyContains<TEntity, TContains>(
this IQueryable<TEntity> query,
Expression<Func<TEntity,TContains>> match,
IEnumerable<TContains> containList,
int chunkSize = 500)
return containList.ToChunks(chunkSize)
.Select (chunk => query.Where(x => chunk.Contains(match)))
.SelectMany(x => x);
Obviously, the part x => chunk.Contains(match) doesn't compile. But I don't know how to manipulate the match expression into a Contains expression.
Maybe someone can help me make this solution work. And of course I'm open to other approaches to make this statement scalable.
I’ve solved this problem with a little different approach a view month ago. Maybe it’s a good solution for you too.
I didn’t want my solution to change the query itself. So a ids.ChunkContains(p.Id) or a special WhereContains method was unfeasible. Also should the solution be able to combine a Contains with another filter as well as using the same collection multiple times.
db.TestEntities.Where(p => (ids.Contains(p.Id) || ids.Contains(p.ParentId)) && p.Name.StartsWith("Test"))
So I tried to encapsulate the logic in a special ToList method that could rewrite the Expression for a specified collection to be queried in chunks.
var ids = Enumerable.Range(1, 11);
var result = db.TestEntities.Where(p => Ids.Contains(p.Id) && p.Name.StartsWith ("Test"))
To rewrite the expression tree I discovered all Contains Method calls from local collections in the query with a view helping classes.
private class ContainsExpression
public ContainsExpression(MethodCallExpression methodCall)
this.MethodCall = methodCall;
public MethodCallExpression MethodCall { get; private set; }
public object GetValue()
var parent = MethodCall.Object ?? MethodCall.Arguments.FirstOrDefault();
return Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(parent).Compile()();
public bool IsLocalList()
Expression parent = MethodCall.Object ?? MethodCall.Arguments.FirstOrDefault();
while (parent != null) {
if (parent is ConstantExpression)
return true;
var member = parent as MemberExpression;
if (member != null) {
parent = member.Expression;
} else {
parent = null;
return false;
private class FindExpressionVisitor<T> : ExpressionVisitor where T : Expression
public List<T> FoundItems { get; private set; }
public FindExpressionVisitor()
this.FoundItems = new List<T>();
public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
var found = node as T;
if (found != null) {
return base.Visit(node);
public static List<T> ToChunkedList<T, TValue>(this IQueryable<T> query, IEnumerable<TValue> list, int chunkSize)
var finder = new FindExpressionVisitor<MethodCallExpression>();
var methodCalls = finder.FoundItems.Where(p => p.Method.Name == "Contains").Select(p => new ContainsExpression(p)).Where(p => p.IsLocalList()).ToList();
var localLists = methodCalls.Where(p => p.GetValue() == list).ToList();
If the local collection passed in the ToChunkedList method was found in the query expression, I replace the Contains call to the original list with a new call to a temporary list containing the ids for one batch.
if (localLists.Any()) {
var result = new List<T>();
var valueList = new List<TValue>();
var containsMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
.Single(p => p.Name == "Contains" && p.GetParameters().Count() == 2)
var queryExpression = query.Expression;
foreach (var item in localLists) {
var parameter = new List<Expression>();
if (item.MethodCall.Object == null) {
} else {
var call = Expression.Call(containsMethod, parameter.ToArray());
var replacer = new ExpressionReplacer(item.MethodCall,call);
queryExpression = replacer.Visit(queryExpression);
var chunkQuery = query.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(queryExpression);
for (int i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling((decimal)list.Count() / chunkSize); i++) {
valueList.AddRange(list.Skip(i * chunkSize).Take(chunkSize));
return result;
// if the collection was not found return query.ToList()
return query.ToList();
Expression Replacer:
private class ExpressionReplacer : ExpressionVisitor {
private Expression find, replace;
public ExpressionReplacer(Expression find, Expression replace)
this.find = find;
this.replace = replace;
public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
if (node == this.find)
return this.replace;
return base.Visit(node);
Please allow me to provide an alternative to the Chunky approach.
The technique involving Contains in your predicate works well for:
A constant list of values (no volatile).
A small list of values.
Contains will do great if your local data has those two characteristics because these small set of values will be hardcoded in the final SQL query.
The problem begins when your list of values has entropy (non-constant). As of this writing, Entity Framework (Classic and Core) do not try to parameterize these values in any way, this forces SQL Server to generate a query plan every time it sees a new combination of values in your query. This operation is expensive and gets aggravated by the overall complexity of your query (e.g. many tables, a lot of values in the list, etc.).
The Chunky approach still suffers from this SQL Server query plan cache pollution problem, because it does not parametrizes the query, it just moves the cost of creating a big execution plan into smaller ones that are more easy to compute (and discard) by SQL Server, furthermore, every chunk adds an additional round-trip to the database, which increases the time needed to resolve the query.
An Efficient Solution for EF Core
🎉 NEW! QueryableValues EF6 Edition has arrived!
For EF Core keep reading below.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a way of composing local data in your query in a way that's SQL Server friendly? Enter QueryableValues.
I designed this library with these two main goals:
It MUST solve the SQL Server's query plan cache pollution problem ✅
It MUST be fast! ⚡
It has a flexible API that allows you to compose local data provided by an IEnumerable<T> and you get back an IQueryable<T>; just use it as if it were another entity of your DbContext (really), e.g.:
// Sample values.
IEnumerable<int> values = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000);
// Using a Join (query syntax).
var query1 =
from e in dbContext.MyEntities
join v in dbContext.AsQueryableValues(values) on e.Id equals v
select new
// Using Contains (method syntax)
var query2 = dbContext.MyEntities
.Where(e => dbContext.AsQueryableValues(values).Contains(e.Id))
.Select(e => new
You can also compose complex types!
It goes without saying that the provided IEnumerable<T> is only enumerated at the time that your query is materialized (not before), preserving the same behavior of EF Core in this regard.
How Does It Works?
Internally QueryableValues creates a parameterized query and provides your values in a serialized format that is natively understood by SQL Server. This allows your query to be resolved with a single round-trip to the database and avoids creating a new query plan on subsequent executions due to the parameterized nature of it.
Useful Links
Nuget Package
GitHub Repository
SQL Server Cache Pollution Problem
QueryableValues is distributed under the MIT license
Linqkit to the rescue! Might be a better way that does it directly, but this seems to work fine and makes it pretty clear what's being done. The addition being AsExpandable(), which lets you use the Invoke extension.
using LinqKit;
public static IEnumerable<TEntity> ChunkyContains<TEntity, TContains>(
this IQueryable<TEntity> query,
Expression<Func<TEntity,TContains>> match,
IEnumerable<TContains> containList,
int chunkSize = 500)
return containList
.Select (chunk => query.AsExpandable()
.Where(x => chunk.Contains(match.Invoke(x))))
.SelectMany(x => x);
You might also want to do this:
...or something similar so you don't get duplicate results if something this occurs:
query.ChunkyContains(x => x.Id, new List<int> { 1, 1 }, 1);
Another way would be to build the predicate this way (of course, some parts should be improved, just giving the idea).
public static Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> ContainsPredicate<TEntity, TContains>(this IEnumerable<TContains> chunk, Expression<Func<TEntity, TContains>> match)
return Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(Expression.Call(
typeof (Enumerable),
typeof (TContains)
Expression.Constant(chunk, typeof(IEnumerable<TContains>)), match.Body),
which you could call in your ChunkContains method
return containList.ToChunks(chunkSize)
.Select(chunk => query.Where(ContainsPredicate(chunk, match)))
.SelectMany(x => x);
Using a stored procedure with a table valued parameter could also work well. You in effect write a joint In the stored procedure between your table / view and the table valued parameter.

Generic expression for where clause - "The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities."

I am trying to write a really generic way to load EF entities in batches, using the Contains method to generate a SQL IN statement. I've got it working if I pass the entire expression in, but when I try to build the expression dynamically, I am getting a "The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities." So I know this means that EF thinks I'm calling an arbitrary method and it can't translate it into SQL, but I can't figure out how to get it to understand the underlying expression.
So If I do something like this (just showing the relevant snippets):
Function declaration:
public static List<T> Load<T>(IQueryable<T> entityQuery, int[] entityIds, Func<T, int> entityKey, int batchSize = 500, Func<T, bool> postFilter = null) where T : EntityObject
var retList = new List<T>();
// Append a where clause to the query passed in, that will use a Contains expression, which generates a SQL IN statement. So our SQL looks something like
// WHERE [ItemTypeId] IN (1921,1920,1922)
// See for details
Func<int[], Expression<Func<T, bool>>> containsExpression = (entityArray => (expr => entityArray.Contains(entityKey(expr))));
// Build a new query with the current batch of IDs to retrieve and add it to the list we are returning
newQuery = entityQuery.Where<T>(containsExpression(entityIds));
return retList;
Call function:
var entities = BatchEntity.Load<ItemType>(from eItemType in dal.Context.InstanceContainer.ItemTypes
select eItemType
, itemTypeData
, (ek => ek.ItemTypeId)
I get "The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities."
But if I change it to be this:
Function declaration:
public static List<T> Load<T>(IQueryable<T> entityQuery, int[] entityIds, Func<int[], Expression<Func<T, bool>>> containsExpression, int batchSize = 500, Func<T, bool> postFilter = null) where T : EntityObject
var retList = new List<T>();
// Build a new query with the current batch of IDs to retrieve and add it to the list we are returning
newQuery = entityQuery.Where<T>(containsExpression(entityIds));
return retList;
Call function:
var entities = BatchEntity.Load<ItemType>(from eItemType in dal.Context.InstanceContainer.ItemTypes
select eItemType
, itemTypeData
, (entityArray => (ek => entityArray.Contains(ek.ItemTypeId)))
It works fine. Is there any way I can make EF understand the more generic version?
The problem, as you describe, is that the entityKey function in the first example is opaque since it is of type Func rather than Expression. However, you can get the behavior you want by implementing a Compose() method to combine two expressions. I posted the code to implement compose in this question: use Expression<Func<T,X>> in Linq contains extension.
With Compose() implemented, your function can be implemented as below:
public static List<T> Load<T>(this IQueryable<T> entityQuery,
int[] entityIds,
// note that this is an expression now
Expression<Func<T, int>> entityKey,
int batchSize = 500,
Expression<Func<T, bool>> postFilter = null)
where T : EntityObject
Expression<Func<int, bool>> containsExpression = id => entityIds.Contains(id);
Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereInEntityIdsExpression = containsExpression.Compose(entityKey);
IQueryable<T> filteredById = entityQuery.Where(whereInEntityIdsExpression);
// if your post filter is compilable to SQL, you might as well do the filtering
// in the database
if (postFilter != null) { filteredById = filteredById.Where(postFilter); }
// finally, pull into memory
return filteredById.ToList();

Linq Parsing Error when trying to create seperation of concerns

I am in the middle of a refactoring cycle where I converted some extension methods that used to look like this:
public static IQueryable<Family> FilterOnRoute(this IQueryable<Family> families, WicRoute route)
return families.Where(fam => fam.PODs
.Any(pod => pod.Route.RouteID == route.RouteID));
to a more fluent implementation like this:
public class SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder
private IQueryable<Family> _families;
public SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder Load(IQueryable<Family> families)
_families = families;
return this;
public SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder OnRoute(WicRoute route)
_families = _families.Where(fam => fam.PODs
.Any(pod => pod.Route.RouteID == route.RouteID));
return this;
public IQueryable<Family> AsQueryable()
return _families;
which I can call like this: (note this is using Linq-to-Nhibernate)
var families =
new SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder()
.OnRoute(new WicRoute() {RouteID = 1})
this produces the following SQL which is fine with me at the moment: (of note is that the above Linq is being translated to a SQL Query)
select ... from "Family" family0_
where exists (select pods1_.PODID from "POD" pods1_
inner join Route wicroute2_ on pods1_.RouteID=wicroute2_.RouteID
where family0_.FamilyID=pods1_.FamilyID
and wicroute2_.RouteID=#p0);
#p0 = 1
my next effort in refactoring is to move the query part that deals with the child to another class like this:
public class SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder
private IQueryable<POD> _pods;
public SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder Load(IQueryable<POD> pods)
_pods = pods;
return this;
public SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder OnRoute(WicRoute route)
_pods = _pods.Where(pod => pod.Route.RouteID == route.RouteID);
return this;
public IQueryable<POD> AsQueryable()
return _pods;
with SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder changing to this:
public SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder OnRoute(WicRoute route)
_families = _families.Where(fam =>
return this;
only I now get this error:
Remotion.Linq.Parsing.ParserException : Cannot parse expression 'value(Wic.DataTests.LinqBuilders.SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder)' as it has an unsupported type. Only query sources (that is, expressions that implement IEnumerable) and query operators can be parsed.
I started to implement IQueryable on SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder(as that seemed more logical than implementing IEnumberable) and thought I would be clever by doing this:
public class SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder : IQueryable
private IQueryable<POD> _pods;
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return _pods.GetEnumerator();
public Expression Expression
get { return _pods.Expression; }
public Type ElementType
get { return _pods.ElementType; }
public IQueryProvider Provider
get { return _pods.Provider; }
only to get this exception (apparently Load is not being called and _pods is null):
System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
is there a way for me to refactor this code out that will parse properly into an expression that will go to SQL?
The part fam => _podLinqBuilder.Load(fam.PODs.AsQueryable() is never going to work, because the linq provider will try to parse this into SQL and for that it needs mapped members of Family after the =>, or maybe a mapped user-defined function but I don't know if Linq-to-Nhibernate supports that (I never really worked with it, because I still doubt if it is production-ready).
So, what can you do?
To be honest, I like the extension methods much better. You switched to a stateful approach, which doesn't mix well with the stateless paradigm of linq. So you may consider to retrace your steps.
Another option: the expression in .Any(pod => pod.Route.RouteID == route.RouteID)); could be paremeterized (.Any(podExpression), with
OnRoute(WicRoute route, Expression<Func<POD,bool>> podExpression)
Hope this makes any sense.
You need to separate methods you intend to call from expressions you intend to translate.
This is great, you want each of those methods to run. They return an instance that implements IQueryable<Family> and operate on that instance.
var families = new SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder()
.OnRoute(new WicRoute() {RouteID = 1})
This is no good. you don't want Queryable.Where to get called, you want it to be an expression tree which can be translated to SQL. But PodLinqBuilder.Load is a node in that expression tree which can't be translated to SQL!
families = _families
.Where(fam => _podLinqBuilder.Load(fam.PODs.AsQueryable())
You can't call .Load inside the Where expression (it won't translate to sql).
You can't call .Load outside the Where expression (you don't have the fam parameter).
In the name of "separation of concerns", you are mixing query construction methods with query definition expressions. LINQ, by its Integrated nature, encourages you to attempt this thing which will not work.
Consider making expression construction methods instead of query construction methods.
public static Expression<Func<Pod, bool>> GetOnRouteExpr(WicRoute route)
int routeId = route.RouteID;
Expression<Func<Pod, bool>> result = pod => pod.Route.RouteID == route.RouteID;
return result;
called by:
Expression<Func<Pod, bool>> onRoute = GetOnRouteExpr(route);
families = _families.Where(fam => fam.PODs.Any(onRoute));
With this approach, the question is now - how do I fluidly hang my ornaments from the expression tree?
