browser autocomplete/saved form not work in ajax request - ajax

Its really hard to search the any combination of keywords in search engine about this because it used by most popular developer wanted a custom autocomplete by ajax.
Most developer search about the custom autocomplete to get result from db by ajax or about how to disable browser autocomplete due to security reason or they wantted to use another autocomplete extender.
However I am not talking about the autocomplete. I finding about simple normal browser autocomplete or browser saved form either IE or FF that will act like dropdown recent choice during filling a text in a textbox.
It simple and normal filling a form like username and password in a login form. After the form submitted (the form data post) browser will save the autocomplete or event in FF will ask to save along with the password.
Now, think about the login submitted via ajax. The form data not automatically saved by either IE or FF simply because the form not sent by post method. I am pretty sure it is because of ajax vs post method.
CMS like DotNetNuke using this way and its really hard to me to type username and password for 5 user login for development purpose, event I want to let user save their own form data in the browser without any custom or extender. By another example, user can see and use same email to fill an any email form across web site or domain.
How to workaround with this?
Did you have suggestion what keywords is more suitable to search?

I'm having the same problem. I was able to solve it for FireFox by adding a hidden iframe that I submit via JavaScript before doing my AJAX post. I still haven't found anything that works in Chrome/IE.

I've been faced with same issue and searched a bit. I think the solution below is the most convenient way to solve this if you have a login page. If we consider the login submitted via ajax, none of the browsers remember or offer autocomplate feature for user name and password field additionally ask to remember the credentials. But if you use the javascript submit feature (Probably it's not compatible with older versions of browsers), All of the browsers offers to save the username and password except IE. But I've found another javascript tricky for IE to make it offer to save username and password.
In my login page, I've handled the username and password and send them to serverside by ajax request and if the login is succeeded, i submitted the form by the method below otherwise It had been shown an Alert box to the user that the login was failed.
Please Check the link below:
[EDIT]: Link is broken
There is a fixed page about this issue in the page linked, i can not give you another link because of my reputation. Please search for the quotation below in the page:
Look at the fixed page.
Of course,this approach does not fit if you have a login section in the default page because of the form submitting. This causes the page flickering. I wonder if someone has an idea about it?

Here is some unobstrusive js jQuery code that will submit a form both via ajax ($.post method) to a real backend script and also to a dummy script via an iFrame, so the browser will save the submitted data for subsequent autocompletion.
This is working great under chrome. Any feedback is more than welcome!
var formframesindex = 0;
function onSubmitAjax(evt){
var $form = $(this);
var framesubmitting = $form.hasClass('framesubmitting');
var action = $form.attr('action');
var original_action = action;
$.post(action,$form.serialize()+"&ajax=1", function(responseText,message,request){
}, "json");
var formframe = $("<iframe name='formframe_id_"+(formframesindex)+"' id='formframe_id_"+(formframesindex)+"' class='formframe' src='/fakeformreceiver.php'></iframe>");
var target = $form.attr('target');
} else {
var current_target = $form.attr('target');
var original_action = $'originalaction');
var original_target = $'originaltarget');
var $frame = $('#'+current_target);
if($frame && $frame.length){
return framesubmitting;


Facebook like button's iframe not expanded after ajax request

I'm adding a facebook share button to each post on a Wordpress (Using Facebook Share Button New plugin), it works ok for each post/page except when i'm loading them trough ajax, the result it's a normal Facebook like button but the popup (to write a comment) appears inside the button it is not expanded.
To check go to: and then click on any face at the bottom of the page, then test the like button and you'll see what happens.
I don't know what to do, i tried to FB.XFBML.parse() after loading the content but the result is the same.
Switching to HTML5 didn't help in our case. What did was to remove the FB object just prior to new content being inserted into the page via Ajax:
delete FB;
We reload full pages via Ajax and so new page content recreates the FB object and re-initializes XFBML anyway. Not sure if this workaround would work if we reloaded only parts of the page though.
The original answer is here.
I've managed to fix it by changing the implementation to HTML5 instead Iframe or XFBML using Facebook's tool to generate like buttons:

Google Docs spreadsheet form / permissions

I have a Google Doc spreadsheet, which I created a native Form for. I copied the form code, and integrated it into my own page here.
This form was working until I gave the website owner permission to view the spreadsheet.
Since then, when we hit submit, it takes us to the native form page, and does not insert form data into the spreadsheet. (You're welcome to test the form.)
Should providing viewing permissions to the spreadsheet break my own version of the form?
Did you set permissions via If so then no it should not have changed anything. I got all the way through the form to "Attending
Your response has been recorded." Is this what you are getting as well or do you have a backend error?
If it is not a backend error and I was able to get somewhere you couldt I would suggest clearing your browser chache and possibly resetting your router as sometimes they hold a cache of older versions of a website.
Did the current form of yours manage to work this before? I mean. It is shown that in the native form the questions are text boxes. While in your GUI form, it had radio buttons and check boxes, since you are calling the native post back url?

Upload local file contents without page refresh

I have a page in my web flow where I want to upload a file without refreshing the page. I tried using an Ajax call for that, but failed. I couldn't figure out how to send the data in the uploaded file to the server side/back end for further processing. I'm using the Spring MVC framework and I don't want to use PHP.
Can anyone suggest a solution or some sample code with which I can get my job done? I am very new to JavaScript.
One more thing is i have to get back to the same page after going to server side to process uploaded file and return to same page with a string from server side.all this happen without refreshing the current page
Any suggestion would be highly appreciated.
Assuming you've already gotten your form built and server-side controller set up to handle the upload, this little snippet should get you on your way to AJAX-y refresh-less file uploading glory!
//create a new FormData reference
//(note: you could use getElementById or querySelector)
var myForm = document.forms.myUploadForm;
var fd = new FormData(myForm);
//create and open an XHR
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST","http://www.example.url/the/path/to/your/upload/controller");
//set up event listeners (optional)
xhr.onreadystatechange = monitorStatusFunction;
xhr.onprogress = updateProgressBarFunction;
//send the form (w/ no page refresh!)
I Struggled for lot many days and at last i figured out a solution which may not be the best solution but i am posting it here so that anyone like me can get help from this..
To meet all my requirements
I opened a jsp page as a popup from my jsp page and from that page i landed on my controller and done with my work on the server side and returned a string depending upon the content of the file uploaded to the same popup page and from the popup i transfered that string to my parent page.
Hence my work is done without refreshing the page...
Steps to do this a popup as follow'//url of jsp page to open','//somename','//properties of popup page'); on your controller from the popup and return to the same jsp page with a string i want from the jsp page.
3.pass that string to the parent page as follow.; parent page define a function to do what ever you want.....
I hope this solution may help so of those like me...

Alfresco share page state history

How can I manage page state history in share (surf?) so that I remember for example which yui tab was active and on which page the pager was on?
I noticed that alfresco share does something like that after form submit. You get redirected to the exact same page url where you were before. If any "ajax state" (don't know what they are called) parameters are in url like #something=asdf you get the same url.
But when using manual navigation like moving through site pages those parameters aren't saved.
Is this even a good idea to do? To save page state in session for example?
Some pages have support for URL parameters that are passed in. In those cases the browser history is used, e.g. we editing metadata in the full page meta data view the user is send back to the page he is coming from. This is done in javascript by calling window.history.go(-1) after form submit but only works when parameters are set/retrieved by URL. The document library implements page specific javascript for setting the URL and parsing parameters from it.
I some places Alfresco uses the preference service to store user settings between different pages permanently. For example this is used in the document library for the "show folders" and "simple/thumbnail view" buttons. Here is some sample code from the document library javascript setting a preference option:
var PREFERENCES_DOCLIST = "org.alfresco.share.documentList",
var preferences = new Alfresco.service.Preferences();, true);
The evaluation of the properties is usually done in the Share component webscripts, you can have a look in share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\site-webscripts\org\alfresco\components\documentlibrary\include\documentlist.lib.js for an example.
In any case you have to dig into Alfresco's javascript code in the browser and the share tier to see how to implement it.
You could check parameters sended to the server side after form submiting in the firebug (firefox plugin) and then you could use the same parameters.
Also perhaps you should use yui history manager:

EditLive! Rich Text Editor - submitting form via ajax

The project I'm working on is using the Java EditLive! rich text editor. I've been trying to make the EditLive form post via ajax, but am having some problems using IE8. Here are the steps we're taking:
Load the main page
The user clicks a link and the EditLive applet is loaded and attached to the page via ajax
The user finishing editing their document and clicks the submit button
The form posts via ajax (we're using
The EditLive section is reloaded and the EditLive content is correct.
The form immediately posts again
The EditLive content is back to being blank.
Unfortunately (for debugging reasons), this is not happening in FireFox - there is only a single form post and the values are saved correctly.
From what I can tell debugging this in IE8, it looks like the submit event is getting called twice with 2 different forms. My thought is that the applet isn't getting destroyed correctly, though I've tried everything in my power to destroy it.
So I was wondering if anyone has any experience successfully submitting EditLive data via ajax? Or maybe this is just a limitation to the product?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I know this is an old issue but you likely want to look at the autoSubmit property of EL:
I suspect that by using an AJAXy submit process this is somehow causing you issues with EditLive and its standard behavior. I would try turning off autoSubmit and grabbing the content yourself in your jQuery posting process.
