EditLive! Rich Text Editor - submitting form via ajax - ajax

The project I'm working on is using the Java EditLive! rich text editor. I've been trying to make the EditLive form post via ajax, but am having some problems using IE8. Here are the steps we're taking:
Load the main page
The user clicks a link and the EditLive applet is loaded and attached to the page via ajax
The user finishing editing their document and clicks the submit button
The form posts via ajax (we're using jQuery.post())
The EditLive section is reloaded and the EditLive content is correct.
The form immediately posts again
The EditLive content is back to being blank.
Unfortunately (for debugging reasons), this is not happening in FireFox - there is only a single form post and the values are saved correctly.
From what I can tell debugging this in IE8, it looks like the submit event is getting called twice with 2 different forms. My thought is that the applet isn't getting destroyed correctly, though I've tried everything in my power to destroy it.
So I was wondering if anyone has any experience successfully submitting EditLive data via ajax? Or maybe this is just a limitation to the product?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I know this is an old issue but you likely want to look at the autoSubmit property of EL:
I suspect that by using an AJAXy submit process this is somehow causing you issues with EditLive and its standard behavior. I would try turning off autoSubmit and grabbing the content yourself in your jQuery posting process.


How to submit a form in a new page with using ruby web-watir phantomjs

I am using web-watir to drive phantomjs. I am trying to submit a bunch of forms(POST) on the webpage. I have all the forms in a collection. When I click the submit button and browser.back(), I get Selenium::WebDriver::Error::StaleElementReferenceError. I tried using form.submit() but same issue of going back and getting StaleElementReferenceError. I tried to submit the form in another page (browser.execute_script( "window.open(page)" )) but I don't think that will submit my form (if the form was a GET, that might have worked). I tried Net::HTTP.post_form() which is separate from the phantomjs session (did not work, I need to be logged in).
I am out of ideas except find the elements all over each time I navigate back. I guess I could replace phantomjs with Chrome or Firefox. Tell me, is there a way to submit the form in a new page phantomJS?
Here is some code:
forms = browser.forms()
forms.each{ | form |
If submitting each form brings you to another page, then it is expected that you get a StaleElementReferenceError for any previously saved elements. This is how Selenium-WebDriver was designed, so the problem will still exist if you switch to Chrome or Firefox.
Given that you are iterating through each form, it would be easy to locate each form by index:
browser.forms.length.times do |i|
browser.form(index: i).submit
The above code took the same approach of directly submitting the form. However, if possible, the submit button should be clicked. Directly submitting the form may bypass important code that is tied to the action of clicking the submit button.

Contact Form 7 unable to submit by AJAX so redirects to 404

I am working on a build for a new website which includes the Wordpress plugin Contact Form 7 to handle the submission of the form & (is supposed) to display a response via AJAX.
I simply cannot get the AJAX side of this to work. Upon submission the form works fine, but the page reloads and displays the 404 page... not cool!
Following the FAQ page I have run a number of tests. I can confirm:
The page is correctly referencing wp_head and wp_footer.
The page has no JavaScript errors in the console.
Whilst the page has one or two validation errors (created by another plugin), I don't believe this to be the issue. I have attempted to test this by stripping out everything except the form (and the header & footer).
I have deactivated each plug-in for conflicts & the problem persists.
I have flushed the permalinks (by re-saving via settings > permalinks) & tested.
I have created new form instances & tested.
Reinstalled the Contact Form 7 plug-in & tested.
After all that I'm still no closer to a solution. Can anyone shed any light on this issue as I'm very keen to avoid using an alternative plugin.
I can provide more details if needed. Thanks!
I tried clicking on the URL you provided for your website and it did not work.
I would check to ensure there are no conflicts with the jQuery as this could be the cause of the form not submitting with AJAX.

Google Docs spreadsheet form / permissions

I have a Google Doc spreadsheet, which I created a native Form for. I copied the form code, and integrated it into my own page here.
This form was working until I gave the website owner permission to view the spreadsheet.
Since then, when we hit submit, it takes us to the native form page, and does not insert form data into the spreadsheet. (You're welcome to test the form.)
Should providing viewing permissions to the spreadsheet break my own version of the form?
Did you set permissions via docs.google.com? If so then no it should not have changed anything. I got all the way through the form to "Attending
Your response has been recorded." Is this what you are getting as well or do you have a backend error?
If it is not a backend error and I was able to get somewhere you couldt I would suggest clearing your browser chache and possibly resetting your router as sometimes they hold a cache of older versions of a website.
Did the current form of yours manage to work this before? I mean. It is shown that in the native form the questions are text boxes. While in your GUI form, it had radio buttons and check boxes, since you are calling the native post back url?

JQuery Mobile 1.0 - Self-posting pages causing duplicate dialogs or history entries

If you go to http://jsbin.com/ibozun/2, hit "Add Item," and then hit "Save," you will see that a second dialog is opened on top of the first one. The form in the dialog is posting to itself (no action defined) - this is by design. Because the dialog has duplicated itself, now you have to hit "Cancel" 2 times to get it to close.
The use-case for this setup is a MS MVC3 page with unobtrusive JQuery validation on it. The default scripts (in other words, I have no custom validators - the scripts are straight from MS) cause an ajax call to the server, and JQM treats that the same as a self-posting form - so you wind up with a duplicate dialog if validation fails.
A similar thing happens if the second page as a page, rather than a dialog - the form posting to itself results in a second history entry in the browser, so to get back to page 1, you have to hit back 2 times.
I believed this be a bug in JQM, but after submitting a bug on GitHub, I was told that this is the expected behavior. So, assuming this behavior that will not be changing in the framework, how do I prevent this from happening for my instance (preferring NOT to edit the framework JS)? Do I have to write my own ajax calls for validation so that I can prevent JQM from knowing that anything has happened? That seems unfortunate...
One idea I had was to detect that the nextPage and current page are the same on "pageHide", and manipulate the dialog/history myself, but have had no luck.
Thanks in advance!
First, there is no dialog duplication in the example. Second, my response and an explanation as to why solving the history issues with posting back to the same page for users of the library is hard can be found here. This example is particularly thorny because it's also in a dialog which we don't support linking to, so disabling ajax for the form (ie forcing it to reload), which would work if it were embedded in a page, won't serve.
The quick solution here is to switch the dialog to a page and add the data-ajax=false data attribute to the form. Mind you this causes a page flash/reload and requires that the form document be fully formed with a head including javascript,css, etc.

MVC3 using BeginForm on IE9 Needs to submit twice before contoller gets called

I have a form that uses Html.BeginForm and for most cases this works as you would expect.
But in some situations I display a partialview that does several ajax calls to populate itself. When the partial view has been displayed I need to click the submit button twice to get the form to post. On the first click I can see the form refresh, and then on the second click the form actually posts. This is when using IE9, using Firefox the posts work on the first click.
I would like to know if anyone has seen this behaivor before I spend a lot of time trying figure this out.
Install Fiddler, open it up, and then reproduce the issue in IE. Fiddler will capture all of the requests, so you can see exactly what was sent to the server (and back).
Had a similar issue. The reason was, we had a in view and in addition we were doing $('#form').submit() as well. But the button didn't have "type" attribute. After setting button type=button. It was good.
