Why does VS2005 create both a member and a field for web service fields? - visual-studio

When adding a web reference in Visual Studio 2005, I've noticed that every element within the wdsl is duplicated. E.g. for element ItemOne, the interface it generates contains both ItemOne and itemOneField. Both are the same thing, but one is a member and the other is a field. I suspect the field is just a getter for the member.
I can imagine using a field instead of a member for this...but in that case my tendency would have been to make the member private, to avoid clutter. This, despite the fact that the normal motivation for making such a member private is to hide implementation details, which is obviously not applicable in this case.
I realize that changing this now would likely introduce compatibility issues, but I don't see why they did it this way the first time.
Do not point out that such a change would introduce compatibility issues with previous versions of VS. I am interested in the original reasoning behind this.

It's a property with a backing field. What's the problem? Were you expecting it to generate an automatic property? They didn't exist until recently. Why change what works, especially since ASMX (and WSDL.EXE) is pretty much dead technology.

"I am interested in the original reasoning behind this"
as everything past 3.0 framework, the only way to create properties were having a private variable and the property name
private string myItemField;
public string myItem() {
get {
return myItemField;
set {
myItemField = value;
but now, there is no need for it...
public string myItem { get; set; }
the thing is, that this last code is compiled as the original one at the top, even if it's easier to write, it is compiled in the same old way, you will end up with a private variable and a property.
Same thing happens when you add a Web Reference, it needs a variable to hold the "stuff" and then the method...


Non-primitive types in events

When dealing with events, people are usually taking examples of very simple values object composed only of primitives.
But what about an event where i would need more information. Is is allowed to create specific structure to handle these cases ?
namespace Events {
public class BlueTrainCleaned
Datetime start
Datetime end
Carriage[] Carriages
public class Carriage
string Descrizione
int Quantity
The Carriage class is part of the event namespace and has not any complex logic or anything.
but if I had another event :
public class RedTrainCleaned
Datetime start
Datetime end
Carriage[] Carriages
Carriage will be part of the interface of the second event also. If have let's say 40 or 50 event with the same "event value object", that means that my project will be heavily coupled on this object. It does not look so good to me, but what could I do to avoid this? Is it a warning that something in the analysis of my domain is not well done?
thanks for your help,
I guess it depends on how standard Carriage is in your domain. If it changes for one event, should it change for the other ones, too?
I guess I think of the example of Address. It's pretty standard within a domain, and I think it makes sense to include that in my event object if I am raising an event that contains address information. This way, if it becomes known that we need to have a ZIP+4 extension to my zip code, I can add a new field to my Address class and have that property available for future events. I can make the change in a single place and have it available for future events.
If Carriage could mean something different across different events, then maybe it's not something you should include - and instead, flatten it out in your event. But if Carriage really is an ubiquitous definition within your domain, then I think it's fine to include it in your event classes.
As much as it may be frustrating to hear, I think it really "depends".
I hope this helps. Good luck!!
A separate class library project can be created to contain message classes (DTO's). This project ideally should have no dependencies on other projects of the solution, and it should contain nothing but serializable POCO's.
There will be minimal dependency in this case as you only have to share the DTO library.

Encapsulation Aggregation / Composition

The Wikipedia article about encapsulation states:
"Encapsulation also protects the integrity of the component, by preventing users from setting the internal data of the component into an invalid or inconsistent state"
I started a discussion about encapsulation on a forum, in which I asked whether you should always clone objects inside setters and/or getters as to preserve the above rule of encapsulation. I figured that, if you want to make sure the objects inside a main object aren't tampered with outside the main object, you should always clone it.
One discussant argued that you should make a distinction between aggregation and composition in this matter. Basically what I think he ment is this:
If you want to return an object that is part of a composition (for instance, a Point of a Rectangle), clone it.
If you want to return an object that is part of aggregation (for instance, a User as part of a UserManager), just return it without breaking the reference.
That made sense to me too. But now I'm a bit confused. And would like to have your opinions on the matter.
Strictly speaking, does encapulation always mandate cloning?
PS.: I program in PHP, where resource management might be a little more relevant, since it's a scripted language.
Strictly speaking, does encapulation always mandate cloning?
No, it does not.
The person you mention is probably confusing the protection of the state of an object with the protection of the implementation details of an object.
Remember this: Encapsulation is a technique to increase the flexibility of our code. A well encapsulated class can change its implementation without impacting its clients. This is the essence of encapsulation.
Suppose the following class:
class PayRoll {
private List<Employee> employees;
public void addEmployee(Employee employee) {
public List<Employee> getEmployees() {
return this.employees;
Now, this class has low encapsulation. You can say the method getEmployees breaks encapsulation because by returning the type List you can no longer change this detail of implementation without affecting the clients of the class. I could not change it for instance for a Map collection without potentially affecting client code.
By cloning the state of your object, you are potentially changing the expected behavior from clients. This is a harmful way to interpret encapsulation.
public List<Employee> getEmployees() {
return this.employees.clone();
One could say the code above improves encapsulation in the sense that now addEmployee is the only place where the internal List can be modified from. So If I have a design decision to add the new Employee items at the head of the List instead of at the tail. I can do this modification:
public void addEmployee(Employee employee) {
this.employees.insert(employee); //note "insert" is used instead of "add"
However, that is a small increment of the encapsulation for a big price. Your clients are getting the impression of having access to the employees when in fact they only have a copy. So If I wanted to update the telephone number of employee John Doe I could mistakenly access the Employee object expecting the changes to be reflected at the next call to to the PayRoll.getEmployees.
A implementation with higher encapsulation would do something like this:
class PayRoll {
private List<Employee> employees;
public void addEmployee(Employee employee) {
public Employee getEmployee(int position) {
return this.employees.get(position);
public int count() {
return this.employees.size();
Now, If I want to change the List for a Map I can do so freely.
Furthermore, I am not breaking the behavior the clients are probably expecting: When modifying the Employee object from the PayRoll, these modifications are not lost.
I do not want to extend myself too much, but let me know if this is clear or not. I'd be happy to go on to a more detailed example.
No, encapsulation simply mandates the ability to control state by creating a single access point to that state.
For example if you had a field in a class that you wanted to encapsulate you could create a public method that would be the single access point for getting the value that field contains. Encapsulation is simply this process of creating a single access point around that field.
If you wish to change how that field's value is returned (cloning, etc.) you are free to do so since you know that you control the single avenue to that field.

BizTalk mapper and the [ThreadStatic] attribute

I've recently encountered an issue with the multi-threaded nature of the BizTalk Mapper and how it handles external assemblies.
As this quote from MSDN indicates:
Important Any code written in an
external assembly for use in a
scripting functoid needs to be thread
safe. This is required because
multiple instances of a map can use
these .NET instances at run time under
stress conditions.
The Mapper will reuse instances of external assemblies.
In a utility assembly my team was using we had the following code:
public class MapUtil
private string _storeReference;
public void SetStoreReference(string ref)
_storeReference = ref;
public string GetStoreReference()
return _storeReference;
This was causing storereferences from one file to be mapped to different files.
I (appear) to have fixed this by decorating the private field with [ThreadStatic]
private static string _storeReference;
My question is - does anyone know of any issues with this in the BizTalk Mapper? I'm aware that there are issues using [ThreadStatic] in Asp.Net for examble, due to threads being reused, but can find no documentation on the way the BizTalk mapper deals with threads.
I have used ThreadStatic to set a variable is custom receive pipeline and then access its value within BizTalk Map (through a helper class). have not got any problem so far - tested with ~50 invocations in parallel.
I've still not found a definitive statement along the lines of 'The threading behaviour within the BizTalk Mapper is xyz, so you should take care you use method abc' and I'm not sure that such an answer is going to come from anywhere outside the BizTalk product team.
My one colleague with direct contacts to the product team is on extended Christmas leave (lucky dog) so until he returns I just thought I'd note that with the change made to our code we have not seen a single recurrence of the threading issues on a high volume production server.
Well - that isn't quite true, I managed to miss the static keyword from one property on my helper class and for that property we did still see the threading issues. I'll take that as proof of ThreadStatic being the right way to go for now.

UI interface and TDD babysteps

OK, having tried my first TDD attempt, it's time to reflect a little
and get some guidance, because it wasn't that successful for me.
The solution was partly being made with an existing framework, perhaps
making TDD less ideal. The part that seemed to give me the biggest
problem, was the interaction between the view and controller. I'll
give a few simple examples and hope that someone will tell me what I
can do better wrong.
Each view's interface inherits from a base interface, with these
members (there are more):
public interface IView
void ShowField(string fieldId)
void HideField(string fieldId)
void SetFieldVisibility(string fieldId, bool visible)
void DisableField(string fieldId)
void ShowValidationError(string fieldId)
The interface for a concrete view, would then add members for each
field like this
public interface IMyView : IView
string Name { get; set; }
string NameFieldID { get; }
What do you think of this? Is inheriting from a common interface a
good or bad idea?
One on the things that gave me trouble was, that first I used
ShowField and HideField and the found out I would rather use
SetFieldVisiblity. I didn't change the outcome of the method, but I
had to update my test, which I seem should be necessary. Is having
multiple methods doing the same thing, a bad thing? On one hand both
methods are handy for different cases, but they do clutter the
interface, making the interface more complex than it strictly have to be.
Would a design without a common interface be better? That would remove
the fieldID, I don't why, but I think the fieldID-thing smells, I
might be wrong.
I would only make the Show and Hide methods, when needed, that is if
they would be called by the controller. This would be a less generic
solution and require more code in the view, but the controller code
would be a bit more simple.
So a view interface might look like this:
public interface IMyView
void ShowName()
void HideName()
string Name { get; set; }
int Age { get; set; }
What do you want to test? Whether Show* will make an widget in the UI visible? What for?
My suggestion: Don't try to figure out if a framework is working correctly. It's a waste of time. The people who developed the framework should have done that, so you're duplicating their work.
Usually, you want to know if your code does the right thing. So if you want to know if you are calling the correct methods, create mockups:
public class SomeFrameworkMockup extends SomeFramework {
public boolean wasCalled;
public void methodToTest() {
wasCalled = true;
Build the UI using the mockups.
The second thing to test is whether your algorithms work. To do that, isolate them in simple helper objects where you can all every method easily and test them with various inputs.
Avoid the external framework during tests. It only confuses you. When you've built a working product, test that using your mouse. If you find any problems, get to the root of them and only then, start writing tests against the framework to make sure this bug doesn't appear again. But 90% of the time, these bugs will be in your code, too.
At the moment I don't really see the added value of the common interface.
I think a better solution would be to have some properties on the controller class: IsControlXYZVisible. You can then databind the visible property of the control to this property.
And your unit test will test the value of IsControlXYZVisible, which will be easier to acomplish.
I also don't understand why you say you had a bad experience with TDD. I think your application architecture needs more work.
Your question is a little bit obscure for me but the title itself calls for a link :
The Humble Dialog box
And when you ask if it(s bad to have two functions doing the same thing, I say "Yes it's bad".
If one is calling the other, what's the point of having two functions ?
If not, you have a code duplication, that is a bug waiting to sprout whenyou update one and not the other.
In fact there is a valid case where you have two nearly identical functions : one that check its arguments and one that does not but usually only one is public and the other private ...

C# 3.0 Autoproperties - whats the difference?

0 What's the difference between the following?
public class MyClass
public bool MyProperty;
public class MyClass
public bool MyProperty { get; set; }
Is it just semantics?
Fields and properties have many differences other than semantic.
Properties can be overridden to provide different implementations in descendants.
Properties can help alleviate versioning problems. I.e. Changing a field to a property in a library requires a recompile of anything depending on that library.
Properties can have different accessibility for the getter and setter.
"Just semantics" always seems like a contradiction in terms to me. Yes, it changes the meaning of the code. No, that's not something I'd use the word "just" about.
The first class has a public field. The second class has a public property, backed by a private field. They're not the same thing:
If you later change the implementation of the property, you maintain binary compatibility. If you change the field to a property, you lose both binary and source compatibility.
Fields aren't seen by data-binding; properties are
Field access can't be breakpointed in managed code (AFAIK)
Exposing a field exposes the implementation of your type - exposing a property just talks about the contract of your type.
See my article about the goodness of properties for slightly more detail on this.
In that case, yes it is mostly semantics. It makes a difference for reflection and so forth.
However, if you want to make a change so that when MyProperty is set you fire an event for example you can easily modify the latter to do that. The former you can't. You can also specify the latter in an interface.
As there is so little difference but several potential advantages to going down the property route, I figure that you should always go down the property route.
The first one is just a public field, the second one is a so-called automatic property. Automatic properties are changed to regular properties with a backing field by the C# compiler.
Public fields and properties are equal in C# syntax, but they are different in IL (read this on a German forum recently, can't give you the source, sorry).
The biggest difference is that you can add access modifiers to properties, for example like this
public class MyClass
public bool MyProperty { get; protected set; }
For access to the CLR fields and properties are different too. So if you have a field and you want to change it to a property later (for example when you want to add code to the setter) the interface will change, you will need to recompile all code accessing that field. With an Autoproperty you don't have this problem.
I am assuming you are not writing code that will be called by 3rd party developers that can’t recompile their code when you change your code. (E.g. that you don’t work for Microsoft writing the .Net framework it’s self, or DevExpress writing a control toolkip). Remember that Microsoft’s .NET framework coding standard is for the people writing the framework and tries to avoid a lot of problems that are not even issues if you are not writing a framework for use of 3rd party developers.
The 2nd case the defined a propriety, the only true advantage of doing is that that data binding does not work with fields. There is however a big political advantage in using proprieties, you get a lot less invalid complaints from other developers that look at your code.
All the other advantages for proprieties (that are well explained in the other answers to your questions) are not of interest to you at present, as any programmer using your code can change the field to a propriety later if need be and just recompile your solution.
However you are not likely to get stacked for using proprieties, so you make as well always use public proprieties rather the fields.
