Determining recommended system requirements - windows

We recently changed some of our system requirements on a light weight application (it is essentially a thin gui client that connects to a "mainframe" that runs IBM UniVerse). We didn't change our minimum requirements at all, but changed our recommended requirements to match those of Windows 7 and Vista (since we run on those machines).
Some system requirements are fairly easy to determine (ie: network card, hard drive space, etc...). But CPU and RAM are harder to nail down.
Our current list of minimum requirements for CPU and RAM both state that you have to meet the minimum's for your operating system. That seems fairly reasonable to us, since our app uses only 15MB or active memory and very little CPU (it's a simple GUI, in this case), so that works. This seems fine, no one complains about that.
When it comes to recommended requirements though, we've run into trouble nailing down specifics, especially nowadays, when saying minimum 1.6 gHz (or similar) can mean anything when you start talking about multi-core processors, atom processors, etc... The thin client is starting to do more intensive stuff (it now contains an embedded web browser to help display more user friendly html pages, for example).
What would be a good way to go about determining recommended values for CPU and RAM?
Do you take the recommended for an O/S and add your usage values on top (so do we then say 1GB for Vista machines?)?
Is there a better way to do so?
(Note: this is similar in nature to the server question here, but from an application base instead)

Let's try this from another perspective.
First, test your application on a minimum configuration machine. What bottlenecks if any exist?
Does it cause a lot of disk swapping? If so, you need more RAM.
Is it generally slow when performing regular operations (excluding memory usage) then increase processor requirements.
Does it require diskspace beyond the app footprint such as for file handling? List that.
Does your app depend on certain instruction sets to be on chip? (SSE, Execute Disable Bit, Intel Virtualization,.. as examples). If so, then you have to list what processors will actually work with the app.
Typically speaking, if the app works fine when using a minimum configuration for the OS; then your "recommended" configuration should be identical to the OS's recommended.
At the end of the day, you probably need to have a couple of machines on hand to profile. Virtual machines are NOT a good option in this case. By definition, the VM and the host OS will have an impact. Further, just because you can throttle a certain processor down doesn't mean that it is running at a similar level to a processor normally built for that level.
For example, a Dual Core 1.8 GHz processor throttled to only use one core is still a very different beast than a P4 1.8 GHz processor. There are architectural differences as well as L2 and L3 cache changes.
By the same token, a machine with a P4 processor uses a different type of RAM than one with a dual core (DDR vs DDR2). RAM speeds do have an impact.
So, try to stick to the OS recommendations as they've already done the hard part for you.

Come up with some concrete non-functional requirements relating to things like latency of response, throughput, and startup time, and then benchmark them on a few varied machines. The attempt to extrapolate to what hardware will allow a typical user to have an experience that matches your requirements.

For determining the CPU and RAM you could try using Microsoft Virtual PC which allows you to set your CPU and RAM settings. You can then test a few different setups to see what would be sufficient for a regular user.
As for the recommended requirements, adding them on top of the basic OS requirements would probably be the safe bet.

Microsoft introduced the Windows Experience Index in Vista to solve this exact problem.
It takes into consideration the entire system. Bear in mind that they may have a minimum level processor, but if they have a crap video card then a lot of processor time is going to be spent just drawing the windows... If you pick a decent experience index number like 3.0 then you can be reasonably assured that they will have a good experience with your application. If you require more horsepower, bump up the requirements to 4.0.
One example is the Dell I'm using to type this on. It's a 2 year old machine but still registers 4.2 on the experience index. Most business class machines should be able to register at least a 3; which should be enough horsepower for the app you described.
Incidentally, my 5 year old laptop registers as a 2.0 and it was mid level at the time I purchased it.


How to make sure a piece of code never leaves the CPU cache (L3)?

The latest Intel's XEON processors have 30MB of L3 memory which is enough to fit a thin type 1 Hypervisor.
I'm interested in understanding how to keep such an Hypervisor within the CPU, i.e. prevented from being flushed to RAM or, at least, encrypt data before being sent to memory/disk.
Assumes we are running on bare metal and we can bootstrap this using DRTM (Late Launch), e.g. we load from untrusted memory/disk but we can only load the real operating system if we can unseal() a secret which is used to decrypt the Operating System and which take place after having set the proper rules to make sure anything sent to RAM is encrypted.
p.s. I know TXT's ACEA aka ACRAM (Authenticated Code Execution Area aka Authentication Code RAM) is said to have such guarantee (i.e. it is restrain to the CPU cache) so I wonder if some trickery could be done around this.
p.p.s. It seems like this is beyond current research so I'm actually not quite sure an answer is possible to this point.
Your question is a bit vague, but it seems to broil down to whether you can put cache lines in lockdown on a Xeon. The answer appears to be no because there's no mention of such a feature in Intel docs for Intel 64 or IA-32... at least for the publicly available models. If you can throw a few million $ at Intel, you can probably get a customized Xeon with such a feature. Intel is into the customized processors business now.
Cache lockdown is typically available on embedded processors. The Intel XScale does have this feature, as do many ARM processors etc.
Do note however that cache lockdown does not mean that the cached data/instructions are never found in RAM. What you seem to want is a form of secure private memory (not cache), possibly at the microcode level. But that is not a cache, because it contradicts the definition of cache... As you probably know, every Intel CPU made in the past decade has updatable microcode, which is stored fairly securely inside the cpu, but you need to have the right cryptographic signing keys to produce code that is accepted by the cpu (via microcode update). What you seem want is the equivalent of that, but at x86/x64 instruction level rather than at microcode level. If this is your goal, then licensing an x86/x64-compatible IP core and adding crypto-protected EEPROM to that is the way to go.
The future Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX), which you mention in your further comments (after your question, via the Invisible Things Lab link), does not solve the issue of your hypervisor code never being stored in clear in RAM. And that is by design in SGX, so the code can be scanned for viruses etc. before being enclaved.
Finally, I cannot really comment on privatecore's tech because I can't find a real technological description of what they do. Twitter comments and news articles on start-up oriented sites don't provide that and neither does their site. Their business model comes down to "trust us, we know what we do" right now. We might see a real security description/analysis of their stuff some day, but I can't find it now. Their claims of being "PRISM proof" are probably making someone inside the NSA chuckle...
Important update: it's apparently possible to actually disable the (whole) cache from writing back to RAM in the x86 world. These are officially undocumented modes known as "cache-as-RAM mode" in AMD land an "no-fill mode" in Intel's. More at Being undocumented stuff, Intel (at least) reserves the right to break that "feature" in strange ways as discussed at for example.
Update 2: A 2011 Lenovo patent discusses using the newer (?) No-Eviction mode (NEM) on Intel CPUs for loading the BIOS in the CPU's cache. The method can probably be used for other type of code, including supervisors. There's a big caveat though. Code other than the already cached stuff will run very slowly, so I don't see this as really usable outside the boot procedure. There's some coreboot code showing how to enable NEM (

VMware: performance of an application on one or more virtual servers

I am evaluating a system architecture where the application is split on two virtual servers on the same hardware.
The reason is that the overall system will perform better if a certain part of it runs on its own virtual server. Is this correct?
I would think that if the processes run on the same hardware, a split on two servers will give an overhead to communication compared with installation on one virtual server.
To make sure, it sounds like you're asking, more or less, about how 2 (or more) virtual machines might "compete" with one another, and how might separating the processes run on them affect the overall performance?
Quick Answer: In short, the good news is that you can control how the VM's "fight" over resources very tightly if you wish. This will keep VM's from competing with each other over things like RAM, CPU, etc. and can improve the overall performance of your application. I think you're interested in knowing about two main things: VM reservations/limits/shares and resource pools. Links are included below.
In-depth Answer: In general, it's a great idea to separate the functionality of your application. A web server and a DB server running on different machines is a perfect example of this. I don't know about your application in particular, but if it's not leveraging multi-threading (to enable the use of multiple processors) already, separating your application onto two servers might really help performance. Here's why:
VM's understand, in a sense, what HW they're running on. This means they know the CPU/RAM/disk space that's available to them. So let's say your ESX server has 4 CPU's and 16 GB of RAM. When you create a VM, you're free to give 2 CPU's and 8 GB of RAM to each server, or you can alter the setting to meet your needs. In VMware, you can guarantee a certain resource level by using something called: limits, shares, and reservations. Documentation on them can be found here, among other places. These reservations will help you guarantee that a certain VM always has access to a certain level of resources and will keep VM's from causing contention over RAM, CPU, etc. VMware also offers another extension of this idea using something called "resource pools", which are pools of RAM, CPU, etc. that can be set aside for certain machines. You can read about them here:

Compare performance of 2 machines

Our IT team are going to get our machines upgraded. We are given 2 machines :- One is Quad Core i7 3.4 GHz 64-bit machine with 16 GB RAM. The another one is just an upgraded machine with the spec - Dual Core 2 GHz 64-bit machine with 8 GB RAM. Both have Windows 7 Professional on them.
Now, we are being given these 2 machines and are asked to test and see which one performs better (basically to see if the quad core one performs substantially better than the dual core one).
We mainly use Visual Studio 2010 as the development tool. Is there a way by which we can compare the 2 machines performance using Visual Studio (or any other way).
Is there some some sort of code which I can use to quantify the performance difference between the 2 machines?
Please let me know if you need some more information on this.
I think this one belongs on ServerFault, but I'll give it a shot.
Visual Studio won't specifically benefit from multicore processors. To my knowledge, it doesn't use multithreaded compilation by default (though a savvy developer can make this happen through clever launching of MSBuild), so it won't take advantage of multiple cores. However, if the developers are running several apps in parallel - say, Photoshop, Office, etc - VS will be less likely to have to share core time if more cores are available.
8GB of RAM is plenty these days. I use three different dev boxes, two with 8GB and one with 24GB, and I don't see a significant difference in compilation time or IDE responsiveness. Caveat: if you're working with very large projects, more RAM will improve virtual memory swapping performance. Some large C++ apps out there, with hundreds of source files and embedded resources, can suck up a LOT of compilation time and memory.
Windows 7 Excellent choice.
CPU Clock and on-chip cache speed and size will have the most noticeable impact on performance, as will the amount of on-chip cache.
Also, make sure your video card/chipset is up to date, as that can be a UI speed bottleneck.
In short: RAM and CPU clock - and, to some extent, hard drive speed - are the most important factors.
This article has what appears to be a comprehensive overview of benchmarking processes, but I can't speak to the validity of their approach or the quality of the tools they recommend.
Not sure what you need exactly, but the Windows Experience Index (the one visible for end user) uses an API called WinSAT: Windows System Assessment Tool. The documentation entry point is available here: Windows System Assessment Tool.
Here is an example here: How to get the Windows Experience Index

How do I limit RAM to test low memory situations?

I'm trying to reproduce a bug that seems to appear when a user is using up a bunch of RAM. What's the best way to either limit the available RAM the computer can use, or fill most of it up? I'd prefer to do this without physically removing memory and without running a bunch of arbitrary, memory-intensive programs (ie, Photoshop, Quake, etc).
Use a virtual machine and set resource limits on it to emulate the conditions that you want.
VMWare is one of the leaders in this area and they have a free vmware player that lets you do this.
I'm copying my answer from a similar question:
If you are testing a native/unmanaged/C++ application you can use AppVerifier and it's Low Resource Simulation setting which will use fault injection to simulate errors in memory allocations (among many other things). It's also really useful for finding a ton of other subtle problems that often lead to application crashes.
You can also use consume.exe, which is part of the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 to easily use a lot of memory, disk space, cpu time, the page file, or kernel pool and see how your application handles the lack of available resources. (Does it crash? How is the performance affected? etc.)
Use either a job object or ulimit(1).
Create a virtual machine and set the ram to what you need.
The one I use is Virtual Box from SUN.
It is easy to set up.
If you are developing in Java, you can set the memory limits for the JVM at startup.

Supplying 64 bit specific versions of your software

Would I expect to see any performance gain by building my native C++ Client and Server into 64 bit code?
What sort of applications benefit from having a 64 bit specific build?
I'd imagine anything that makes extensive use of long would benefit, or any application that needs a huge amount of memory (i.e. more than 2Gb), but I'm not sure what else.
Architectural benefits of Intel x64 vs. x86
larger address space
a richer register set
can link against external libraries or load plugins that are 64-bit
Architectural downside of x64 mode
all pointers (and thus many instructions too) take up 2x the memory, cutting the effective processor cache size in half in the worst case
cannot link against external libraries or load plugins that are 32-bit
In applications I've written, I've sometimes seen big speedups (30%) and sometimes seen big slowdowns (> 2x) when switching to 64-bit. The big speedups have happened in number crunching / video processing applications where I was register-bound.
The only big slowdown I've seen in my own code when converting to 64-bit is from a massive pointer-chasing application where one compiler made some really bad "optimizations". Another compiler generated code where the performance difference was negligible.
Benefit of porting now
Writing 64-bit-compatible code isn't that hard 99% of the time, once you know what to watch out for. Mostly, it boils down to using size_t and ptrdiff_t instead of int when referring to memory addresses (I'm assuming C/C++ code here). It can be a pain to convert a lot of code that wasn't written to be 64-bit-aware.
Even if it doesn't make sense to make a 64-bit build for your application (it probably doesn't), it's worth the time to learn what it would take to make the build so that at least all new code and future refactorings will be 64-bit-compatible.
Before working too hard on figuring out whether there is a technical case for the 64-bit build, you must verify that there is a business case. Are your customers asking for such a build? Will it give you a definitive leg up in competition with other vendors? What is the cost for creating such a build and what business costs will be incurred by adding another item to your accounting, sales and marketing processes?
While I recognize that you need to understand the potential for performance improvements before you can get a handle on competitive advantages, I'd strongly suggest that you approach the problem from the big picture perspective. If you are a small or solo business, you owe it to yourself to do the appropriate due diligence. If you work for a larger organization, your superiors will greatly appreciate the effort you put into thinking about these questions (or will consider the whole issue just geeky excess if you seem unprepared to answer them).
With all of that said, my overall technical response would be that the vast majority of user-facing apps will see no advantage from a 64-bit build. Think about it: how much of the performance problems in your current app comes from being processor-bound (or RAM-access bound)? Is there a performance problem in your current app? (If not, you probably shouldn't be asking this question.)
If it is a Client/Server app, my bet is that network latency contributes far more to the performance on the client side (especially if your queries typically return a lot of data). Assuming that this is a database app, how much of your performance profile is due to disk latency times on the server? If you think about the entire constellation of factors that affect performance, you'll get a better handle on whether your specific app would benefit from a 64-bit upgrade and, if so, whether you need to upgrade both sides or whether all of your benefit would derive just from the server-side upgrade.
Not much else, really. Though writing a 64-bit app can have some advantages to you, as the programmer, in some cases. A simplistic example is an application whose primary focus is interacting with the registry. As a 32-bit process, your app would not have access to large swaths of the registry on 64-bit systems.
Continuing #mdbritt's comment, building for 64-bit makes far more sense [currently] if it's a server build, or if you're distributing to Linux users.
It seems that far more Windows workstations are still 32-bit, and there may not be a large customer base for a new build.
On the other hand, many server installs are 64-bit now: RHEL, Windows, SLES, etc. NOT building for them would be cutting-off a lot of potential usage, in my opinion.
Desktop Linux users are also likely to be running the 64-bit versions of their favorite distro (most likely Ubuntu, SuSE, or Fedora).
The main obvious benefit of building for 64-bit, however, is that you get around the 3GB barrier for memory usage.
According to this web page you benefit most from the extra general-purpose registers with 64 bit CPU if you use a lot of and/or deep loops.
You can expect gain thanks to the additional registers and the new passing parameters convention (which are really linked to the additional registers).
