Open Default browser with Mono+gtk# - windows

I need to open an url from my application, on both linux and windows and i want to avoid replacing an existing page on an open browser.
How do i call for it to open?
I know i can use
which should also work under linux, but this will replace any page shown on an already open browser window.
i found this article ( thx to Nissan Fan):
but this only works for windows and i need a solution that will work on both systems.

I think this is what you want:
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ("xdg-open");
This will only work on linux, but should work for all linux desktops. Like grombeestje said, you should probably implement it separately for Windows and linux.

i would suggest to check on what OS the app is running, and then implement it for each OS separately.

After searching through the Banshee source code I see that they use Gnome.Url.Show() (In gnome-sharp) to open the users default browser.
If that isn't possible for whatever reason, a couple of other ideas come to mind.
If the user is running Gnome there should be a program called "gnome-open" that should do the trick.
And if that doesn't work I know that (at least) all Debian-based systems come with a script called sensible-browser.


Is there a WinAPI way to detect remote applications like LogMeIn?

Years ago, there were functions in Win32 whereby the app could check to see if a user was running the app via Terminal Services/Remote Desktop. I thnk it was something like:
Is there a system call one can make to check to see if a Win32 or Win64 app is being run remotely via a program like GotoMyPC or LogMeIn?
No, there is not. Those are third party apps doing their own video/input capturing and network streaming. They are plain ordinary apps as far as Windows is concerned. Terminal Services is built into Windows, which is why there are APIs to query TS status.
The only way I can (currently) think of, other than using the aforementioned API call, is also seeing if any particular processes you can identify are running (e.g. GotoMyPC or LogMeIn... they will have some process running). Without doing too much research, they may be running without actually having someone using them. If, however, they launch something to do the streaming, you could check for that.
Just to make sure that this isn't an XY problem, what is it that you're trying to do - and perhaps there is another way?

How to get tabs in unix session on putty

I have used an script in past that enabled me to connect me to multiple unix machines, much like using a tab. Its just that I forgot the name of the script. Anyone know about it?
I suspect you're referring to GNU screen, which is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to have multiple virtual terminal windows in a single normal terminal window (ala PuTTY). I'd suggest tmux as a better alternative, but they're essentially the same. There are other solutions that will allow you to do tabs in the terminal client, but that depends on your OS (I'm assuming you're on Windows), and you'd have to initiate each connection individually. screen/tmux is the way to go most of the time.

How to stop MATLAB from opening a new window using Cygwin?

In the past, I have used MATLAB sparingly from Linux machines at work, and I far and away preferred using the '-nodesktop' option. On all Unix-like machines I've worked on this option allows me to control STDIN and STOUT with relative ease, but on Windows(using Cygwin) this option spawns a new window and control is returned to the calling shell!
Basically, I would like to know if there is any way that I can force MATLAB to behave as it would on a Unix-like machine?
Short answer: You can not.
A longer answer can be found on their website.
-nodesktop behaves differently depending if you are on Windows vs
Linux or Mac. On Windows we provide a boring Command-Window only
interface that lacks the “bells and whistles” of the regular Command
Window or the full Desktop.
So you can use -nodesktop, but it pops up that annoying command line only window.

creating multiple tabs in the xterm session of cygwin

I am new to cygwin, since I usually use Linux. I had a quick question regarding it. From the xterm window of cywin, how do I create multiple terminal tabs, so that I can have multiple ssh (with X11 forwarding) sessions from the same window?
I tried googling this, but could not find any useful link for this problem.... I am sure there is some way to do this, just can't figure it out.
Thanks a lot for your help!
If you're already open to starting up X11, check out mrxvt. It does multiple tabs, and last I checked, it built smoothly under Cygwin.
There's also Terminator, which is a java terminal emulator... ISTR it doesn't require X11.

DOS window popping up when using IO.popen, etc

I'm working on a GUI for Windows XP. Everything works great, except when I run an external command through backticks, %x(), IO.popen, etc, I get a DOS window that pops up for a split second. I know this doesn't happen when I've developed on OS X and Linux. Any ideas on how to get rid of it? (Or at least hide it?)
I'm using rubyw 1.8.6 (the "GUI version" of Ruby for Windows) and GTK2 for the interface.
You can use the Win32API module, and call the windows api CreateProcess Function. It ain't pretty.
As mentioned in a comment, I never found a solution to this. In this particular circumstance, the information I needed was actually already stored on the filesystem (so I just read it in as a file). This wasn't immediately obvious before, and isn't likely to come up in all circumstances.
If anyone finds a "true" solution, I would be interested in hearing about it.
