creating multiple tabs in the xterm session of cygwin - windows

I am new to cygwin, since I usually use Linux. I had a quick question regarding it. From the xterm window of cywin, how do I create multiple terminal tabs, so that I can have multiple ssh (with X11 forwarding) sessions from the same window?
I tried googling this, but could not find any useful link for this problem.... I am sure there is some way to do this, just can't figure it out.
Thanks a lot for your help!

If you're already open to starting up X11, check out mrxvt. It does multiple tabs, and last I checked, it built smoothly under Cygwin.
There's also Terminator, which is a java terminal emulator... ISTR it doesn't require X11.


Is it possible to output on multiple terminal windows within a single program?

This question is very close to the following question:
Is it possible to output on multiple terminal windows within a single C program?
Yeah, I removed the the letter c. The above link shows how to do this on linux.
I was wondering, can this be done on windows and osx as well?
And if so how?
And also, can it work with "third party" terminals, like iTerm on osx or cmder on windows?
The language preferred to achieve this is java, but not required.
if i correctly understand, you need to create pipe to the terminal window, in order to send data to it. If found a link for you, which may help. spawning a new terminal and writing to its output

Activator/Play commands make Cygwin bash commands invisible

I'm using Cygwin and any time I use an Activator command (e.g., activator run or activator "eclipse with-source=true"), any text thereafter is invisible. It's being typed, because if I hit enter, the command will be executed, but I cannot see it.
I've done some searching of this issue, and I'm not the only one to experience it, as I've learned I can blindly type stty sane and I'll get my text visible again, but that's a bit onerous.
Other tips suggest commenting out a certain line in <activator>\minimal\activator, but looking through that file, I see many lines for detecting if the terminal being used is Cygwin and then specific handling for that, so I'm not sure what to edit nor why it isn't already handling the fact that I'm using Cygwin.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

How to get tabs in unix session on putty

I have used an script in past that enabled me to connect me to multiple unix machines, much like using a tab. Its just that I forgot the name of the script. Anyone know about it?
I suspect you're referring to GNU screen, which is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to have multiple virtual terminal windows in a single normal terminal window (ala PuTTY). I'd suggest tmux as a better alternative, but they're essentially the same. There are other solutions that will allow you to do tabs in the terminal client, but that depends on your OS (I'm assuming you're on Windows), and you'd have to initiate each connection individually. screen/tmux is the way to go most of the time.

Handling multiple perl scripts in windows command prompt

I have a lot of perl scripts that are on infinite loop running on my windows system. It is terribly inconvenient to have that many command prompts open not to mention the likelihood of closing them by mistake(strangely, they also seem to pause when I click on the prompt)
Is there someway I can handle this? Like maybe minimize this to the tray and maximize whenever necessary?
If it is of any use, I use activeperl
You can use Console2 utility, which is a Windows console window enhancement, it has a multiple tab feature.
Install GNU Screen. You can get it for Windows as part of Cygwin. You can then have multiple command line shells running in a single window, and can detach that window to run in the background.
Have you considered Win32::Daemon?

Another shell open when at server?

How can I have another Terminal open when I am at my server by ssh?
I do not want to type my password twice to get another terminal for my server.
Perhaps, Bash has buffers similarly as Vim.
Check out GNU screen. It's kind of arcane and awkward to use, but does what you're looking for, and it's probably also installed on your server.
You can also forward X11 and run multiple xterm instances, but that's a pain.
Your best bet, though, is your proverbial "type my password every time" solution: you should set up SSH keys so you don't need to type your password every time and then just use multiple connections in Terminal tabs.
You can use something like GNU Screen.
The Bash shell has a feature called Job Control that allows you to run and manage multiple processes. You can read about it here:
GNU Screen
BTW. If you don't like typing passwords, try PK auth.
How it's done with PuTTy.
It's possible to use screen to open other terminals without needing to authenticate again.
Screen can also detach so that you can leave terminal open after logging out and re-attach them later. I use this on my home server for keeping rtorrent open.
