Sum of hierarchical data using LINQ? - linq

Is it possible to sum hierarchical data using .NET's LINQ?
My data class looks like this:
class Node
public decimal Amount;
public IEnumerable<Node> Children { get; set; }
So I would have some data looks like this, but the tree could of course be arbitrarily deep.
var amounts = new Node
Amount = 10;
Children = new[]
new Node
Amount = 20
new Node
Amount = 30
It is possible sum all the amounts and get the result 60 with one simple LINQ query?

You can do it with a higher order function:
Func<Node, decimal> summer = null;
summer = node => node.Amount +
(node.Children == null ? 0m : node.Children.Sum(summer));
decimal total = summer(amounts);
Note that if you can ensure that node.Children will never be null, summer can be simpler:
summer = node => node.Amount + node.Children.Sum(summer);
Alternatively, you could use the null coalescing operator:
summer = node => node.Amount +
(node.Children ?? Enumerable.Empty<Node>()).Sum(summer);
Of course you could put this into a separate method instead:
static decimal SumNodes(Node node)
return node.Amount +
(node.Children ?? Enumerable.Empty<Node>())
.Sum((Func<Node, decimal>)SumNodes);
Note the ugliness here is due to an ambiguity in method group conversions. Method groups don't get much love in type inference.
and then call SumNodes(amount). Lots of options :)
Full example of the first form:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Node
public decimal Amount;
public IEnumerable<Node> Children { get; set; }
public class Test
static void Main()
var amounts = new Node {
Amount = 10, Children = new[] {
new Node { Amount = 20 },
new Node { Amount = 30 }
Func<Node, decimal> summer = null;
summer = node => node.Amount +
(node.Children == null ? 0m : node.Children.Sum(summer));
decimal total = summer(amounts);
I'm not sure I'd call any of these a "simple" LINQ query, mind you...

Technically you can write recursive lambda expressions, but you need to be insane or insanely bright to try (I haven't figured out which). But you can cheat:
Func<Node, decimal> nodeSum = null;
nodeSum = node => {
decimal result = node.Amount;
if (node.Children != null) {
result = result + node.Children.Sum(nodeSum);
return result;
var value = nodeSum(amounts);


Set the logic of value usage

I want to implement a logic "If this_field is initialized, then: get its value, else: use the average value amongst all the initialized this_field in all listed objects instead". I know I can check the None in Foreach cycle, using specific field, but I want one function/interface/smth to use on all the fields (there are 50+ of them, so overloading might be too long, and too strict, in case I'll add more fields to my class).
For examle:
Foreach (City thiscity in Cities) {
thiscity.PolutionRoughEstimation = thiscity.PolutionData.MetalsPortion != None ?
thiscity.PolutionData.MetalsInAirPortion :
AverageKnown(Cities, Object.PolutionData.MetalsPortion) ;
Yet, I do not whant to write the overloading of AverageKnown for all parameters. I also don't want to write the same Foreach loop for each field. I just whant my system to use the average value of this group, whenever I have no data for it. There might be a way to write it once, but I just cannot figure it out.
Help me, please.
In C#, you can do this, by simply use Average method. See this:
static void Main(string[] args)
List<City> cities = new List<City>();
cities.Add(new City { Polution = 1, OtherField = 1 });
cities.Add(new City { Polution = 5, OtherField = 5 });
cities.Add(new City { OtherField = 2 });
double? ave = cities.Average(c => c.Polution);
public class City
public int? Polution;
public int? OtherField;
The value of ave is 3 not 2.
and so, it depends on the implementation of your programming language/lib.
Now I figured it out how to use reflections with expressions to fill the missing data
using System.Reflection;
public void FillGapInData(ref List<City> cities)
foreach (var city in cities)
Type t = city.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] parameteres = t.GetProperties();
foreach (var parameter in parameteres)
if (((double?)parameter.GetValue(city)).Equals(null))
double? a = cities
.Average(c => (double?)parameter.GetValue(c));
parameter.SetValue(city, a);
More accurate version, to ensure we do not spoil our string properties, and with -1 as an explicit mark for "missing data":
using System.Reflection;
public void FillGapInData(ref List<City> cities)
foreach (var city in cities)
Type t = city.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] parameteres = t.GetProperties();
foreach (var parameter in parameteres)
if (parameter.PropertyType == typeof(double?)) //check we have a number here
if ((((double?)parameter.GetValue(city)) == -1) || //check for -1 reserved mark
double? a = cities
.Where(c => ( ((double?)(parameter.GetValue(c)) != -1)
&& !(((double?)(parameter.GetValue(c))).Equals(null)))) //I couldn't stop
.Average(c => (double?)(parameter.GetValue(c)));
parameter.SetValue(city, a);

keeping track of previous elements in foreach loop

Lets say I have a list of asteroid objects like so:
Each asteroid has a title, a StartRoationPeriod, and a EndRoationPeriod.
I need to concatenate their names based on how close the current asteroid StartRoationPeriod and previous asteroid EndRoationPeriod are to an orbital constant and then spit out the concatenated title.
So with the above list, the final objects may look like this:
This requires me to keep track of both the current and previous asteroids.
I started to write the loop, but I'm unsure of where or even how to check the current asteroids start rotation period against the previous asteroids end rotation period...basically, it just gets messy fast...
string asteroid_title = string.Empty;
Asteroid prev_asteroid = null;
foreach (var asteroid in SolarSystem)
if (prev_asteroid != null)
if (asteroid.StartRoationPeriod + OrbitalConstant >= prev_asteroid.EndRoationPeriod)
asteroid_title = asteroid_title + asteroid.Title;
} else {
asteroid_title = asteroid.Title;
yield return CreateTitle();
prev_evt = evt;
I think this should work for you (If aggregate looks too complex try to convert it to a foreach,it's easy)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Program
class Asteroid
public int EndRoationPeriod { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
public int StartRoationPeriod { get; internal set; }
class AsteroidGroup
public int EndRoationPeriod { get; internal set; }
public string Names { get; internal set; }
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
int OrbitalConstant = 10;
List<Asteroid> SolarSystem = new List<Asteroid>()
new Asteroid() { Name= "9_Amphitrite" ,StartRoationPeriod=10 ,EndRoationPeriod=50},
new Asteroid() { Name= "24_Themis" ,StartRoationPeriod=45,EndRoationPeriod=100},
new Asteroid() { Name= "259_Aletheia",StartRoationPeriod=40 ,EndRoationPeriod=150},
new Asteroid() { Name= "31_Euphrosyne" ,StartRoationPeriod=60,EndRoationPeriod=200},
new Asteroid() { Name= "511_Davida" ,StartRoationPeriod=195,EndRoationPeriod=250},
new Asteroid() { Name= "87_Sylvia" ,StartRoationPeriod=90,EndRoationPeriod=300},
new Asteroid() { Name= "9_Metis" ,StartRoationPeriod=100,EndRoationPeriod=350},
new Asteroid() { Name= "41_Daphne" ,StartRoationPeriod=110,EndRoationPeriod=400},
var result = //I skip the first element because I initialize a new list with that element in the next step
//The first argument of Aggregate is a new List with your first element
.Aggregate(new List<AsteroidGroup>() { new AsteroidGroup { Names = SolarSystem[0].Name, EndRoationPeriod = SolarSystem[0].EndRoationPeriod } },
//foreach item in your list this method is called,l=your list and a=the current element
//the method must return a list
(l, a) =>
//Now this is your algorithm
//Should be easy to undrestand
var last = l.LastOrDefault();
if (a.StartRoationPeriod + OrbitalConstant >= last.EndRoationPeriod)
last.Names += " " + a.Name;
last.EndRoationPeriod = a.EndRoationPeriod;
l.Add(new AsteroidGroup { Names = a.Name, EndRoationPeriod = a.EndRoationPeriod });
//Return the updated list so it can be used in the next iteration
return l;
A more compact solution
var result = SolarSystem
.Aggregate( SolarSystem.Take(1).ToList(),
(l, a) => (a.StartRoationPeriod + OrbitalConstant >= l[l.Count - 1].EndRoationPeriod) ?
(l.Take(l.Count - 1)).Concat(new List<Asteroid> { new Asteroid() { Name = l[l.Count - 1].Name += " " + a.Name, EndRoationPeriod = a.EndRoationPeriod } }).ToList() :
l.Concat(new List<Asteroid> { a }).ToList()

Flatten LINQ collection object with nested object collections

This is a tricky one. I an trying to flatten a LINQ object collection. Each item in the collection has the potential of having two collections of other objects. See the example below.
public class DemoClass
public string Name {get; set;}
public string Address {get; set;}
public List<Foo> Foos = new List<Foo>();
public List<Bar> Bars = new List<Bars>();
What I had been doing is this using this code block to flatten this object
var output = from d in DemoClassCollection
from f in d.Foos
from b in d.Bars
select new {
But the problem I'm having is that the result I get is only those DemoClass objects that have objects in the Foos and Bars collections. I need to get all objects in the DemoClass regardless if there are objects in the Foos and Bars collections.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like you might want to use DefaultIfEmpty:
var output = from d in DemoClassCollection
from f in d.Foos.DefaultIfEmpty()
from b in d.Bars.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {
FooField1 = f == null ? null : f.FooField1,
FooField2 = f == null ? null : f.FooField2,
BarField1 = b == null ? null : b.BarField1,
BarField2 = b == null ? null : b.BarField2
Looks like a left outer join in Linq will work (
var output = from d in DemoClassCollection
from f in d.Foos.DefaultIfEmpty()
from b in d.Bars.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {
I believe you can implement an IComparer to perform custom JOINS or UNIONS in linq based on how you implement the CompareTo() method
From MSDN:
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class Temperature : IComparable
// The temperature value
protected double temperatureF;
public int CompareTo(object obj) {
if (obj == null) return 1;
Temperature otherTemperature = obj as Temperature;
if (otherTemperature != null)
return this.temperatureF.CompareTo(otherTemperature.temperatureF);
throw new ArgumentException("Object is not a Temperature");
public double Fahrenheit
return this.temperatureF;
set {
this.temperatureF = value;
public double Celsius
return (this.temperatureF - 32) * (5.0/9);
this.temperatureF = (value * 9.0/5) + 32;
public class CompareTemperatures
public static void Main()
ArrayList temperatures = new ArrayList();
// Initialize random number generator.
Random rnd = new Random();
// Generate 10 temperatures between 0 and 100 randomly.
for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 10; ctr++)
int degrees = rnd.Next(0, 100);
Temperature temp = new Temperature();
temp.Fahrenheit = degrees;
// Sort ArrayList.
foreach (Temperature temp in temperatures)
// The example displays the following output to the console (individual
// values may vary because they are randomly generated):
// 2
// 7
// 16
// 17
// 31
// 37
// 58
// 66
// 72
// 95

Aggregate function over an aggregate result set using linq

I have the following linq query:
var totalAmountsPerMonth =
from s in Reports()
where s.ReportDate.Value.Year == year
group s by s. ReportDate.Value.Month into g
orderby g.Key
select new
month = g.Key,
totalRecaudacion = g.Sum(rec => rec.RECAUDACION),
totalServicios = g.Sum(ser => ser.SERVICIOS)
var final = new ResultSet
Recaudacion = meses.Average(q => q. totalRecaudacion),
Servicios = meses.Average(o => o. totalServicios)
And I need to obtain the average of the total amount of “RECAUDACION” and “SERVICIOS” of each month. I made this query. However, I definitely think this is not the best solution at all. Could you please suggest me a better and more efficient approach (in a single query if possible) to get these data?
I have created a simple extension method. And it turns out to be two times more efficient in a simple stopwatch benchmark.
public class Report
public DateTime? Date { get; set; }
public int RECAUDACION { get; set; }
public int SERVICIOS { get; set; }
static class EnumerableEx
public static Tuple<double, double> AveragePerMonth(this IEnumerable<Report> reports)
var months = new HashSet<int>();
double RECAUDACION = 0d;
double SERVICIOS = 0d;
foreach (Report rep in reports)
if (!months.Contains(rep.Date.Value.Month))
var totalMonth = months.Count;
if (months.Count > 0)
RECAUDACION /= totalMonth;
SERVICIOS /= totalMonth;
return Tuple.Create<double, double>(RECAUDACION, SERVICIOS);

How to retrieve ordering information from IQueryable object?

Let's say, I have an instance of IQueryable. How can I found out by which parameters it was ordered?
Here is how OrderBy() method looks like (as a reference):
public static IOrderedQueryable<T> OrderBy<T, TKey>(
this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> keySelector)
return (IOrderedQueryable<T>)source.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(
new Type[] { typeof(T), typeof(TKey) }
new Expression[] { source.Expression, Expression.Quote(keySelector) }
A hint from Matt Warren:
All queryables (even IOrderedQueryable's) have expression trees underlying them that encode the activity they represent. You should find using the IQueryable.Expression property a method-call expression node representing a call to the Queryable.OrderBy method with the actual arguments listed. You can decode from the keySelector argument the expression used for ordering. Take a look at the IOrderedQueryable object instance in the debugger to see what I mean.
This isn't pretty, but it seems to do the job:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class Test
public int A;
public string B { get; set; }
public DateTime C { get; set; }
public float D;
public class QueryOrderItem
public QueryOrderItem(Expression expression, bool ascending)
this.Expression = expression;
this.Ascending = ascending;
public Expression Expression { get; private set; }
public bool Ascending { get; private set; }
public override string ToString()
return (Ascending ? "asc: " : "desc: ") + Expression;
static class Program
public static List<QueryOrderItem> GetQueryOrder(Expression expression)
var members = new List<QueryOrderItem>(); // queue for easy FILO
GetQueryOrder(expression, members, 0);
return members;
static void GetQueryOrder(Expression expr, IList<QueryOrderItem> members, int insertPoint)
if (expr == null) return;
switch (expr.NodeType)
case ExpressionType.Call:
var mce = (MethodCallExpression)expr;
if (mce.Arguments.Count > 1)
{ // OrderBy etc is expressed in arg1
switch (mce.Method.Name)
{ // note OrderBy[Descending] shifts the insertPoint, but ThenBy[Descending] doesn't
case "OrderBy": // could possibly check MemberInfo
members.Insert(insertPoint, new QueryOrderItem(mce.Arguments[1], true));
insertPoint = members.Count; // swaps order to enforce stable sort
case "OrderByDescending":
members.Insert(insertPoint, new QueryOrderItem(mce.Arguments[1], false));
insertPoint = members.Count;
case "ThenBy":
members.Insert(insertPoint, new QueryOrderItem(mce.Arguments[1], true));
case "ThenByDescending":
members.Insert(insertPoint, new QueryOrderItem(mce.Arguments[1], false));
if (mce.Arguments.Count > 0)
{ // chained on arg0
GetQueryOrder(mce.Arguments[0], members, insertPoint);
static void Main()
var data = new[] {
new Test { A = 1, B = "abc", C = DateTime.Now, D = 12.3F},
new Test { A = 2, B = "abc", C = DateTime.Today, D = 12.3F},
new Test { A = 1, B = "def", C = DateTime.Today, D = 10.1F}
var ordered = (from item in data
orderby item.D descending
orderby item.C
orderby item.A descending, item.B
select item).Take(20);
// note: under the "stable sort" rules, this should actually be sorted
// as {-A, B, C, -D}, since the last order by {-A,B} preserves (in the case of
// a match) the preceding sort {C}, which in turn preserves (for matches) {D}
var members = GetQueryOrder(ordered.Expression);
foreach (var item in members)
// used to investigate the tree
TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(typeof(Expression), new[] {
new TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter)) });
Application.Run(new Form
Controls = {
new PropertyGrid { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, SelectedObject = ordered.Expression }
