keeping track of previous elements in foreach loop - linq

Lets say I have a list of asteroid objects like so:
Each asteroid has a title, a StartRoationPeriod, and a EndRoationPeriod.
I need to concatenate their names based on how close the current asteroid StartRoationPeriod and previous asteroid EndRoationPeriod are to an orbital constant and then spit out the concatenated title.
So with the above list, the final objects may look like this:
This requires me to keep track of both the current and previous asteroids.
I started to write the loop, but I'm unsure of where or even how to check the current asteroids start rotation period against the previous asteroids end rotation period...basically, it just gets messy fast...
string asteroid_title = string.Empty;
Asteroid prev_asteroid = null;
foreach (var asteroid in SolarSystem)
if (prev_asteroid != null)
if (asteroid.StartRoationPeriod + OrbitalConstant >= prev_asteroid.EndRoationPeriod)
asteroid_title = asteroid_title + asteroid.Title;
} else {
asteroid_title = asteroid.Title;
yield return CreateTitle();
prev_evt = evt;

I think this should work for you (If aggregate looks too complex try to convert it to a foreach,it's easy)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Program
class Asteroid
public int EndRoationPeriod { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
public int StartRoationPeriod { get; internal set; }
class AsteroidGroup
public int EndRoationPeriod { get; internal set; }
public string Names { get; internal set; }
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
int OrbitalConstant = 10;
List<Asteroid> SolarSystem = new List<Asteroid>()
new Asteroid() { Name= "9_Amphitrite" ,StartRoationPeriod=10 ,EndRoationPeriod=50},
new Asteroid() { Name= "24_Themis" ,StartRoationPeriod=45,EndRoationPeriod=100},
new Asteroid() { Name= "259_Aletheia",StartRoationPeriod=40 ,EndRoationPeriod=150},
new Asteroid() { Name= "31_Euphrosyne" ,StartRoationPeriod=60,EndRoationPeriod=200},
new Asteroid() { Name= "511_Davida" ,StartRoationPeriod=195,EndRoationPeriod=250},
new Asteroid() { Name= "87_Sylvia" ,StartRoationPeriod=90,EndRoationPeriod=300},
new Asteroid() { Name= "9_Metis" ,StartRoationPeriod=100,EndRoationPeriod=350},
new Asteroid() { Name= "41_Daphne" ,StartRoationPeriod=110,EndRoationPeriod=400},
var result = //I skip the first element because I initialize a new list with that element in the next step
//The first argument of Aggregate is a new List with your first element
.Aggregate(new List<AsteroidGroup>() { new AsteroidGroup { Names = SolarSystem[0].Name, EndRoationPeriod = SolarSystem[0].EndRoationPeriod } },
//foreach item in your list this method is called,l=your list and a=the current element
//the method must return a list
(l, a) =>
//Now this is your algorithm
//Should be easy to undrestand
var last = l.LastOrDefault();
if (a.StartRoationPeriod + OrbitalConstant >= last.EndRoationPeriod)
last.Names += " " + a.Name;
last.EndRoationPeriod = a.EndRoationPeriod;
l.Add(new AsteroidGroup { Names = a.Name, EndRoationPeriod = a.EndRoationPeriod });
//Return the updated list so it can be used in the next iteration
return l;
A more compact solution
var result = SolarSystem
.Aggregate( SolarSystem.Take(1).ToList(),
(l, a) => (a.StartRoationPeriod + OrbitalConstant >= l[l.Count - 1].EndRoationPeriod) ?
(l.Take(l.Count - 1)).Concat(new List<Asteroid> { new Asteroid() { Name = l[l.Count - 1].Name += " " + a.Name, EndRoationPeriod = a.EndRoationPeriod } }).ToList() :
l.Concat(new List<Asteroid> { a }).ToList()


LINQ Searching ordered list and appending occurence number

I have the following custom class
public class Album
public string PhotoName { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }
and I have the following string:
#"photo.jpg, Warsaw, 2013-09-05 14:08:15
john.png, London, 2015-06-20 15:13:22
myFriends.png, Warsaw, 2013-09-05 14:07:13
Eiffel.jpg, Paris, 2015-07-23 08:03:02
pisatower.jpg, Paris, 2015-07-22 23:59:59
BOB.jpg, London, 2015-08-05 00:02:03"
and I need to write a function that will append the order number beside the Location based on the timestamp thus the resulting StringBuilder must be
What I have done so far?
I have a List of that type that I sorted by Location then by DateTime
List<Album> SortedList = list
.OrderBy(o => o.Location)
.ThenBy(o => o.DateTime)
now I need to have a StringBuilder that will append the index number beside the location.
This is my complete method with the part and I am stuck on how should I search the ordered list. Question is: how can I write the LINQ for searching through the list?:
public static string Solution(string S)
string[] group = S.Split("\r\n");
List<Album> list = new List<Album>();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//added each line of the string to list
foreach (string g in group)
string[] album = g.Split(',');
Album a = new Album();
a.PhotoName = album[0];
a.Location = album[1];
a.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(album[2]);
//ordered the list
List<Album> SortedList = list.OrderBy(o => o.Location).ThenBy(o => o.DateTime).ToList();
//then foreach line, append index number by searching through the list
foreach (string g in group)
string[] album = g.Split(',');
Album a = new Album();
a.PhotoName = album[0];
string[] photodetails = a.PhotoName.Split('.');
a.Location = album[1];
a.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(album[2]);
//this is the part where I must figure out how to build the string. I am stuck here
// var query = SortedList.IndexOf(list.SingleOrDefault(i => i.DateTime == a.DateTime));
sb.AppendLine(a.Location + query + "." + photodetails[1]);
string res = sb.ToString();
return res;
Appreciate the responses.
Update Warsaw2 must appear before Warsaw1 since the timestamp of Warsaw2 is later than Warsaw1
I have just added a order in the Album class
public class Album
public string PhotoName { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }
public int Order { get; set; }
public static string Solution(string S)
string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { "\r\n" };
string[] group = S.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
List<Album> list = new List<Album>();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//added each line of the string to list
for (int i = 0; i < group.Length; i++)
string[] album = group[i].Split(',');
Album a = new Album();
a.PhotoName = album[0];
a.Location = album[1];
a.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(album[2]);
a.Order = i;
//ordered the list
var groupedByLocation = list.GroupBy(o => o.Location).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < groupedByLocation.Count; i++)
int indexValue = 01;
foreach (var item in groupedByLocation[i])
item.PhotoName = string.Format("{0}{1}.jpg", groupedByLocation[i].Key, indexValue);
//then foreach line, append index number by searching through the list
var locations = groupedByLocation
.SelectMany(g => g.Select(h => h))
.OrderBy(y => y.Order)
.Select(g => g.PhotoName);
return string.Join("\r\n", locations);
Just for the fun - an alternative approach:
For the task at hand, there's no need to have an Album class, a list and two loops.
We can go over the lines once, and use a dictionary to hold the counters for us.
class PhotoLocationsCounter
private readonly Dictionary<string, int> locationsCounter = new Dictionary<string, int>();
public string GetLocationsWithCounters(string source)
string[] lines = source.Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var locations = lines.Select(this.LineToLocationWithCounter);
return string.Join("\n", locations);
private string LineToLocationWithCounter(string line)
string[] album = line.Split(',');
var location = album[1].Trim();
var ext = album[0].Split('.')[1];
var counter = this.GetAndIncreaseLocationCounter(location);
return $"{location}{counter.ToString("D2")}.{ext}";
private int GetAndIncreaseLocationCounter(string location)
if (!this.locationsCounter.TryGetValue(location, out int counter))
this.locationsCounter.Add(location, 0);
return ++this.locationsCounter[location];
And you call it:
string data = #"photo.jpg, Warsaw, 2013-09-05 14:08:15
john.png, London, 2015-06-20 15:13:22
myFriends.png, Warsaw, 2013-09-05 14:07:13
Eiffel.jpg, Paris, 2015-07-23 08:03:02
pisatower.jpg, Paris, 2015-07-22 23:59:59
BOB.jpg, London, 2015-08-05 00:02:03";
var locations = new PhotoLocationsCounter().GetLocationsWithCounters(data);

How to select multiple class properties in LINQ Expression?

If I have a class like this
class Person
public string First;
public string Last;
public bool IsMarried;
public int Age;
Then how can I write a LINQ Expression where I could select properties of a Person. I want to do something like this (user can enter 1..n properties)
SelectData<Person>(x=>x.First, x.Last,x.Age);
What would be the input expression of my SelectData function ?
SelectData(Expression<Func<TEntity, List<string>>> selector); ?
In my SelectData function I want to extract property names and then generate SELECT clause of my SQL Query dynamically.
Ok, so what I have done is to have my SelectData as
public IEnumerable<TEntity> SelectData(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> expression)
NewExpression body = (NewExpression)expression.Body;
List<string> columns = new List<string>();
foreach(var arg in body.Arguments)
var exp = (MemberExpression)arg;
//build query
And to use it I call it like this
ccc<Person>().SelectData(x => new { x.First, x.Last, x.Age });
Hopefully it would help someone who is looking :)
I think it would be better to use delegates instead of Reflection. Apart from the fact that delegates will be faster, the compiler will complain if you try to fetch property values that do not exist. With reflection you won't find errors until run time.
Luckily there is already something like that. it is implemented as an extension function of IEnumerable, and it is called Select (irony intended)
I think you want something like this:
I have a sequence of Persons, and I want you to create a Linq
statement that returns per Person a new object that contains the
properties First and Last.
I have a sequence of Persns and I want you to create a Linq statement
that returns per Person a new object that contains Age, IsMarried,
whether it is an adult and to make it difficult: one Property called
Name which is a combination of First and Last
The function SelectData would be something like this:
IEnumerable<TResult> SelectData<TSource, TResult>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, TResult> selector)
return source.Select(selector);
problem 1: return per Person a new object that contains the
properties First and Last.
var result = Persons.SelectData(person => new
First = person.First,
Last = person.Last,
problem 2: return per Person a new object that contains Age, IsMarried, whether he is an adult and one Property called Name which is a combination
of First and Last
var result = Persons.SelectData(person => new
Age = person.Name,
IsMarried = person.IsMarried,
IsAdult = person.Age > 21,
Name = new
First = person.First,
Last = person.Last,
Well let's face it, your SelectData is nothing more than Enumerable.Select
You could of course create a function where you'd let the caller provide a list of properties he wants, but (1) that would limit his possibilities to design the end result and (2) it would be way more typing for him to call the function.
Instead of:
.Select(p => new
P1 = p.Property1,
P2 = p.Property2,
he would have to type something like
.SelectData(new List<Func<TSource, TResult>()
p => p.Property1, // first element of the property list
p -> p.Property2, // second element of the property list
You won't be able to name the returned properties, you won't be able to combine several properties into one:
.Select(p => p.First + p.Last)
And what would you gain by it?
Highly discouraged requirement!
You could achive similar result using Reflection and Extension Method
namespace ConsoleApplication2
class Person
public string First { get; set; }
public string Last { get; set; }
public bool IsMarried { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Test
public static class Service
public static IQueryable<IQueryable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>> SelectData<T>(this IQueryable<T> queryable, string[] properties)
var queryResult = new List<IQueryable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>();
foreach (T entity in queryable)
var entityProperties = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>();
foreach (string property in properties)
var value = typeof(T).GetProperty(property).GetValue(entity);
var entityProperty = new KeyValuePair<string, object>(property, value);
return queryResult.AsQueryable();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Test
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var list = new List<Person>()
new Person()
Age = 18,
First = "test1",
IsMarried = false,
Last = "test2"
new Person()
Age = 40,
First = "test3",
IsMarried = true,
Last = "test4"
var queryableList = list.AsQueryable();
string[] properties = { "Age", "Last" };
var result = queryableList.SelectData(properties);
foreach (var element in result)
foreach (var property in element)
Console.WriteLine($"{property.Key}: {property.Value}");
Age: 18
Last: test2
Age: 40
Last: test4

ProtoBuf-Linq error message “ Invalid field in source data: 0”

I've encountered the following issue while using protobuf-linq:
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
SerializeMultiple(PrepareData(), stream);
private static void SerializeMultiple(IEnumerable<Person> persons, Stream stream)
foreach (var person in persons)
Serializer.Serialize(stream, person);
stream.Position = 0;
var q = RuntimeTypeModel.Default.AsQueryable<Person>(stream,null);
var results = from e in q
where e.Id % 2 == 0
select new { e.Id, e.Name };
Console.WriteLine("first : " + results.First().Id);
static IEnumerable<Person> PrepareData()
for (int i = 0; i < (int) 1e+04; i++)
yield return new Person {Id = i, Name= "John" + i, Address = "Address" + i*i};
class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
The AsQueryable line throws the aforementioned exception:
Invalid field in source data: 0
Any thoughts on this matter?
It's not protobuf-linq error. When serializing items into a stream, you should use SerializeWithLengthPrefix to prefix every message with its length, to allow separate them. By default, protobuf-linq uses PrefixStyle.Base128. Below you can find a snippet making it right:
Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(stream, person, PrefixStyle.Base128);

Help with linq query. many to many

I have a collection(people) that has a many-to-many reference to another collection(dogs). Suspend your disbelief on how there can be more than one people per dog. People just contains member which is an List<Dog>
I would like to select all the people where the people have a certain property(specified in an IList) and pets have a certain property(specified in an IList).
E.g. I have an IList (used for this query only) with the dog’s property value.
public enum EnumLikesToBite
IList <<EnumLikesToBite>> listDogsMayBite =
{ { EnumLikesToBite.Yes},
{ EnumLikesToBite.Sometimes}};
Then another list for the peoples property:
public enum EnumKeepsPetWith
IList <EnumKeepsPetWith> listPeopleWhoDontRestrainDog =
{ { EnumKeepsPetWith.String },
{ EnumKeepsPetWith.Rubberband}};
How can I query out all the people who have a dog that may bite and don’t restrain dog.
Like this pseudo code:
Var result = from p in People where p.KeepsPet in listPeopleWhoDontRestrainDog and dog.LikesToBite in listDogsMayBite.
Result has all the people. Of course if I could get all the dogs who may bite under those people that would be great.
List<int> mayBite = new List<int>()
(int) EnumLikesToBite.Yes,
(int) EnumLikesToBite.Maybe
List<int> poorRestraint = new List<int>()
(int) EnumKeepsPetWith.String,
(int) EnumKeepsPetWith.RubberBand
IQueryable<Person> query =
from p in db.People
where poorRestraint.Contains(p.KeepsPetWith)
where p.DogPeople.Any(dp => mayBite.Contains(dp.Dog.DoesBite))
select p;
var query =
from p in db.People
where poorRestraint.Contains(p.KeepsPetWith)
let bitingDogs =
from dp in p.DogPeople
let d = dp.Dog
where mayBite.Contains(d.DoesBite)
where bitingDogs.Any()
select new {Person = p, BitingDogs = bitingDogs.ToList()};
Maybe this code will help.. One of the possible solution are:
var result =
peoples.Where(y => dontRestrainDog.Contains(y.KeepsPetWith) && y.Dogs.Any(x => dogsMayBite.Contains(x.LikesToBite))).ToList();
result.ForEach(y => y.Dogs = y.Dogs.Where(x => dogsMayBite.Contains(x.LikesToBite)).ToList());
which you can see an example of here:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IList<EnumLikesToBite> dogsMayBite = new List<EnumLikesToBite>
{ EnumLikesToBite.Yes }, { EnumLikesToBite.Sometimes }
IList<EnumKeepsPetWith> dontRestrainDog = new List<EnumKeepsPetWith>
{ EnumKeepsPetWith.String }, { EnumKeepsPetWith.Rubberband }
var peoples = new List<People>();
var dogs = new List<Dog>();
Random gen = new Random(2);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
People p = new People
PeopleId = i,
KeepsPetWith = (EnumKeepsPetWith) (gen.Next(10)%3),
Dogs = new List<Dog>()
Dog d = new Dog
DogId = i,
LikesToBite = (EnumLikesToBite) (gen.Next(10)%3),
Peoples = new List<People>()
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
if (gen.Next(10)>7)
if (gen.Next(10)>7)
var result =
peoples.Where(y => dontRestrainDog.Contains(y.KeepsPetWith) && y.Dogs.Any(x => dogsMayBite.Contains(x.LikesToBite))).ToList();
result.ForEach(y => y.Dogs = y.Dogs.Where(x => dogsMayBite.Contains(x.LikesToBite)).ToList());
private static void PrintPeoples(List<People> peoples)
foreach (var people in peoples)
Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}", people.PeopleId);
Console.WriteLine("KeepsPetWith: {0}", people.KeepsPetWith);
Console.WriteLine("Dogs: ");
foreach (var dog in people.Dogs)
Console.Write("{0}, ", dog.DogId);
private static void PrintDogs(List<Dog> dogs)
foreach (var dog in dogs)
Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}", dog.DogId);
Console.WriteLine("LikesToBite: {0}", dog.LikesToBite);
Console.WriteLine("Peoples: ");
foreach (var people in dog.Peoples)
Console.Write("{0}, ", people.PeopleId);
public class People
public int PeopleId { get; set; }
public EnumKeepsPetWith KeepsPetWith { get; set; }
public IList<Dog> Dogs { get; set; }
public class Dog
public int DogId { get; set; }
public EnumLikesToBite LikesToBite { get; set; }
public IList<People> Peoples { get; set; }
public enum EnumLikesToBite
public enum EnumKeepsPetWith

How to retrieve ordering information from IQueryable object?

Let's say, I have an instance of IQueryable. How can I found out by which parameters it was ordered?
Here is how OrderBy() method looks like (as a reference):
public static IOrderedQueryable<T> OrderBy<T, TKey>(
this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> keySelector)
return (IOrderedQueryable<T>)source.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(
new Type[] { typeof(T), typeof(TKey) }
new Expression[] { source.Expression, Expression.Quote(keySelector) }
A hint from Matt Warren:
All queryables (even IOrderedQueryable's) have expression trees underlying them that encode the activity they represent. You should find using the IQueryable.Expression property a method-call expression node representing a call to the Queryable.OrderBy method with the actual arguments listed. You can decode from the keySelector argument the expression used for ordering. Take a look at the IOrderedQueryable object instance in the debugger to see what I mean.
This isn't pretty, but it seems to do the job:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class Test
public int A;
public string B { get; set; }
public DateTime C { get; set; }
public float D;
public class QueryOrderItem
public QueryOrderItem(Expression expression, bool ascending)
this.Expression = expression;
this.Ascending = ascending;
public Expression Expression { get; private set; }
public bool Ascending { get; private set; }
public override string ToString()
return (Ascending ? "asc: " : "desc: ") + Expression;
static class Program
public static List<QueryOrderItem> GetQueryOrder(Expression expression)
var members = new List<QueryOrderItem>(); // queue for easy FILO
GetQueryOrder(expression, members, 0);
return members;
static void GetQueryOrder(Expression expr, IList<QueryOrderItem> members, int insertPoint)
if (expr == null) return;
switch (expr.NodeType)
case ExpressionType.Call:
var mce = (MethodCallExpression)expr;
if (mce.Arguments.Count > 1)
{ // OrderBy etc is expressed in arg1
switch (mce.Method.Name)
{ // note OrderBy[Descending] shifts the insertPoint, but ThenBy[Descending] doesn't
case "OrderBy": // could possibly check MemberInfo
members.Insert(insertPoint, new QueryOrderItem(mce.Arguments[1], true));
insertPoint = members.Count; // swaps order to enforce stable sort
case "OrderByDescending":
members.Insert(insertPoint, new QueryOrderItem(mce.Arguments[1], false));
insertPoint = members.Count;
case "ThenBy":
members.Insert(insertPoint, new QueryOrderItem(mce.Arguments[1], true));
case "ThenByDescending":
members.Insert(insertPoint, new QueryOrderItem(mce.Arguments[1], false));
if (mce.Arguments.Count > 0)
{ // chained on arg0
GetQueryOrder(mce.Arguments[0], members, insertPoint);
static void Main()
var data = new[] {
new Test { A = 1, B = "abc", C = DateTime.Now, D = 12.3F},
new Test { A = 2, B = "abc", C = DateTime.Today, D = 12.3F},
new Test { A = 1, B = "def", C = DateTime.Today, D = 10.1F}
var ordered = (from item in data
orderby item.D descending
orderby item.C
orderby item.A descending, item.B
select item).Take(20);
// note: under the "stable sort" rules, this should actually be sorted
// as {-A, B, C, -D}, since the last order by {-A,B} preserves (in the case of
// a match) the preceding sort {C}, which in turn preserves (for matches) {D}
var members = GetQueryOrder(ordered.Expression);
foreach (var item in members)
// used to investigate the tree
TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(typeof(Expression), new[] {
new TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter)) });
Application.Run(new Form
Controls = {
new PropertyGrid { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, SelectedObject = ordered.Expression }
