Maven WAR dependency - maven

I am writing a project for acceptance testing and for various reasons this is dependent on another project which is packaged as a WAR. I have managed to unpack the WAR using the maven-dependency-plugin, but I cannot get my project to include the unpacked WEB-INF/lib/*.jar and WEB-INF/classes/* to be included on the classpath so the build fails. Is there a way to include these files into the classpath, or is there a better way of depending on a WAR?
Many thanks.

There's another option since maven-war-plugin 2.1-alpha-2. In your WAR project:
This creates a classes artifact which you can use in the acceptance tests project with:

Indeed, by design, Maven doesn't resolve transitive dependencies of a war declared as dependency of a project. There is actually an issue about that, MNG-1991, but it won't be solved in Maven 2.x and I'm not sure that I don't know if overlays allow to workaround this issue. My understanding of the suggested solution is to duplicate the dependencies, for example in a project of type pom.
(EDIT: After some more digging, I found something interesting in this thread that I'm quoting below:
I have been helping out with the development of the AppFuse project over
the last month where we make heavy use of the war overlay feature in the
Maven war plugin. It is a really nifty feature!
To get max power with war overlays I have developed the Warpath plugin
that allows projects to use war artifacts as fully fledged dependencies.
In brief:
1) The contents of the /WEB-INF/classes directory in the war dependency
artifacts can be included in the project's classpath for normal compile,
etc tasks.
2) Transitive dependencies from the war dependency artifacts become
available for use by other plugins, e.g. compile and ear - so no more
having to include all the dependencies when creating skinny wars!
The plugin has now been actively used in the AppFuse project for the
last few months, and I feel it is at a point where it is both usable and
Would the war plugin team be interested in including the warpath
functionality inside the war plugin? It would seem to be the most
natural place to host it.
So, I don't have any experience with it, but the maven warpath plugin actually looks nice and simple and is available in the central repo. To use it,include the following plugin configuration element in your pom.xml file:
And add the war dependencies you want included in the classpath as warpath type dependencies:
Both the war and warpath dependency types are needed: the war type is used by the Maven war plugin to do the war overlay, the warpath type is used by the Warpath plugin to determine the correct list of artifacts for inclusion in the project classpath.
I'd give it a try.)

Use overlays. First, your test project need to have also packaging war.
Declare dependency of war project you want to test:
then configure maven-war-plugin overlay:
In the above example in test project I overwrite webresources configuration files (like conxtext etc.).
EDIT: This solution wasn't tested with Maven 3.

Good point, Justin. That got me actually solving my problem, namely: including a war into an assembly AND including all its transitive dependencies.
I could not duplicate the war-dependency as 'jar' as you suggested since the assembly plugin would not find a jar referenced by that groupId/artefactId, but
duplicating the war-dependency as type pom
The war and its transitive dependencies are not included in the assembly.
To exclude the (now also appearing) pom file I had to add an exclude element like this:
into my assembly.xml file.
I think this could also be a workaround for the original question of this thread.

If you list the dependency on the war project as a jar dependency it seems to pickup the required jars/resources. I'm using Maven 2.2 + m2eclipse.


Maven shaded jar used as external project dependency

I have used maven shade plugin in my project to relocate all dependency jar classes under one package e.g., org.shade.*
When I try to use that shaded jar in other application as maven dependency it pulls dependency jar's.
My expectation is when uber/shaded jar included as maven dependency it should not pull any other dependent class jar, Since already those classes are repackaged within shaded jar.
The classic scenario is:
A project producing an uber-jar has its own dependencies (dependency elements in its pom.xml file) which then are packaged together in one uber-jar as Maven artifact
When using this uber-jar as a dependency (dependency element) of another project, Maven would then inspect its <artifact>-<version>.pom file (published together with the final artifact into the Maven repository), which is basically a renamed copy of its original pom.xml file, where dependencies (dependency element) were declared (exactly the dependencies packaged into the uber-jar).
Since you already have them packed, you would then like to ignore the .pom file (and its dependencies element), for that you need to add exclusions as following:
Note: the feature above is only available since Maven 3.2.1.
As such, you are making clear to Maven you don't want any transitive dependency and Maven dependency mediation would then not trigger them.
As a side note: this is not a good practice to have an uber-jar as dependency of a project: it will just make maintenance harder since you can't control transitive dependencies via dependencyManagement or dependencies order of the dependent project. As such you will always need to re-pack the uber jar whenever a dependency (one of its transitive one) would need maintenance (change version and so on) and have much less control on the dependent project (again, harder maintenance).
As the pom.xml on your source project that produces the uber jar declares transitive dependencies, if you include it as dependency into an external project then Maven will try to get these ( even if these are already included on the uber jar ).
I share a solution that let you avoid to explicitly exclude all transitive dependencies including it into an external project as explained by #A_DiMatteo on his solution ( I agree also with him about to avoid to use uber jar as dependency if not strictly necessary to do it for some reason ). As result then you should be able to include your uber jar dependency without using exclusions element as follow:
Premise: my goal was to provide both uber ( without transitive dependency declared on pom ) and thin jars on my repository. So my solution "A" is based on this scenario and currently has the limit that the shaded jar is uploaded 2 times on repository.
To provide only the uber jar see "B" solution below
For a possible solution for "A" limit see the UPDATE section at the end
A) Provide both thin and uber jars on repository
1- On your source project configure on your something module pom.xml the following maven-shade-plugin as follow:
Then use the build-helper-maven-plugin plugin to attach the new artifact with "uber" classifier on module:
This will generate as results of the maven install phase the following two jars on target/ directory:
40K something-0.1.0.jar
7M something-uber-0.1.0.jar
WARN: Executing then the maven deploy phase both jars will be uploaded on repository! The target here should be to upload only the thin jar skipping deploy for shaded jar in order to leave it as a local artifact ( See the UPDATE section at the end for a possible fix )
2- Create then another module on your source project named something-uber adding following dependencies and plugin:
Note the followings on including the dependency:
the classifier should be equals to uber ( the one you've specified attaching new artifact using build-helper-maven-plugin on first module )
the exclusions are specified.
Executing at the end the maven deploy phase on this module the shaded jar will be uploaded on repository and you we'll be able to add it as dependency into an external project as follow:
B) Provide only uber jar on repository
Starting from solution "A" if you want to avoid to provide the thin jar on repository you should avoid on point 1 to specify finalName on maven-shade-plugin configuration and so avoid also the build-helper-maven-plugin plugin as there isn't a new artifact to attach.
Doing this, deploying the module you'll have only the uber jar on target/ as default one ( without classifier ):
7M something-0.1.0.jar
You should also skip the upload otherwise you'll have also here two fat jars uploaded ( something-0.1.0.jar & something-uber-0.1.0.jar ).
To do this add the following plugin on the same module:
At the end on point 2 just avoid to specify the classifier on adding the dependency as follow:
UPDATE: Skip first shaded jar upload on A) solution
After searching for a solution for a while without success I decided to fork the maven-deploy-plugin plugin from GitHub and work for a new feature in order to skip shaded jar created on first module adding the plugin configured as follow:
Currently using the maven-deploy-plugin plugin all artifacts are excluded from deploy while target here is to exclude only a specific one. On my fork I've introduced the "skipAttachedArtifacts" configuration parameter in order to specify attached artifacts to exclude from deploy.
Here is the link on my forked project on GitHub:
Here the link instead to the pull request I've submitted on apache plugin project:

How to create additional jar file with contents of all modules during maven build?

I have a multi-module maven project (say project-xxx). Lets say it consists of 5 modules:
project-xxx (war)
--> module-1 (jar)
--> module-2 (jar)
--> module-3 (jar)
--> module-4 (jar)
--> module-5 (jar)
When the maven project is built, the war file is generated and it includes the jar files of the 5 modules as well.
Now, for a different purpose (i.e., deploy to a distributed cache, so we can run queries from command-line), I want to generate a single `jar' file as well which includes the java classes from all modules. I'm aware that it is against maven's philosophy to generate more than one artifact and I read this blog post and a few other questions on SO.
But creating this single jar file would greatly simplify a few other things in my project. What would be the best approach to go about generating this single jar file?
I am very much in favor of the one artifact per Maven project convention. That being said, if you need a single artifact that contains all of the classes for all of the modules, then make a dedicated single project to do so:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
This restricts the jar to classes from your group;
you may or may not want to do this.
This example project depends on each module and then uses the maven-shade-plugin to combine all of those modules together into a single jar artifact. You could also make this a child module of your parent project-xxx so it gets built by the reactor. This way, you can have both a war and an uber jar, but still keep the modularity of a standard Maven build.
I think you should consider introducing first separate profiles, so that profile1 would contain the configuration to result a proper war packaging. Profile2 could contain configuration using the maven-shade-plugin, in order to create an UBER jar out of your existing modules. Profiles are a very clean and maven-ish way to split different concerns.
For maven profiles see here. For the maven-shade-plugin see here.
Hope that helps.

Maven dependencies from parallel projects, not modules.

I have following maven projects (note : maven project, not maven modules). I know i will get questions, why not modules, but it has its own story, anyway.
myproj-common (JAR),
myproj-core (JAR),
myproj-product1-batch (EAR),
myproj-product2-batch (EAR)
myproj-core depends on myproj-common, and myproj-product1-batch depends on myproj-core.
If it is modules, i can simply create dependency. It if is standard archive, I can also create dependency and have JAR available in repository, if it is a library JAR, I can ...bla bla bla ...all standard dependency I can fix, I am not sure how to make a jar that is sitting somewhere on the disk, a dependency.
I am not able to get
C:\Documents and Settings\users\myproj-common\target\myproj-common-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
into following jar, as a dependency
C:\Documents and Settings\users\myproj-core\target\myproj-core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
same problem for the JAR into EARs.
Any idea ? How ...hoping a small, quick and surprising fix, just not visible to me.
I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to use mvn install to install these jars and ears into your local repository. Then, you can just include them as dependencies anywhere you like.
I doubt that you'll be able to cleanly get maven to pull in a jar sitting anywhere on your filesystem other than your local repository.
To clarify, when you do mvn install it puts your JAR in the target folder, but it also puts it into your local repository (C:\Documents And Settings\.m2 by default in Windows). After that JAR is installed there, you can include that JAR in other projects as a maven dependency using a "dependencies" block in your pom like this:
The dependencies mechanism is explained in the Maven Docs.
In addition, you'll need to tell maven to actually package all dependencies in the JAR. You can do that by adding this to your POM. (Also check this question How can I create an executable JAR with dependencies using Maven? for the source of this code block).
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->

How to get maven assembly plugin to copy artifact?

I have a Maven assembly script that copies resources to build our app. I need to copy some war files from separate, external projects into a /webapps directory in the output. Can't seem to find the magic commands to do it.
I tried adding a dependencySet to the assembly with <include com.mygroup:mywarfile>. This works if I add 'mywarfile' as a war dependency in the project with a scope of compile or runtime. Unfortunately, my project produces a war, and the maven-war-plugin includes the external mywarfile as an overlay, which I don't want.
If I set the scope of the external war dependency to provided or test, the assembly fails with the warning:
[WARNING] The following patterns were never triggered in this artifact inclusion filter:
All I want to do is have the assembly copy an artifact from my local repo to the assembly output. How to do it without messing up other parts of the project?
The maven-assembly-plugin is not intended for copying. The better way to copy dependencies is the maven-dependency-plugin which can copy dependencies etc. If you a talking about deployment into Tomcat etc. than you should take a deeper look into carg2-maven-plugin or the tomcat-maven-plugin which seemed to be more appropriate for that task.
I haven't tried this, but you could try using the exclude feature of overlay configuration of maven war plugin to exclude contents of the dependant war file from being included in your war project. Modified snippet from the Overlay documentation,

How to include resources from war to another maven project

I have a maven project , which needs to copy webapp/WEB-INF/ resources from another maven project which is packaged as a war .
How do I do it ?
PLease suggest
As Bittrance said, you should use the maven dependency plugin.
The better way is to create project that include all your shared resources, probably a type zip, which is build up with the assembly plugin. This is the good "maven way". It's a better solution than unpacking a war.
Then, refer it
Next, you use the maven dependency plugin to unpack your resources, in the directory of your choice (probably WEB-INF/ ?)
I'm not realy sure of this code snippet (written for another purpose), but this is an example.
For more information, please follow this link :
If you can't shared a common-project including your files, you can unpack war including only ftl (or whatever you want), but it's not a realy clean solution ;)
There is a lot of posts that deal with this subject :
Unzip dependency in maven
Just try with the keywords maven-dependency-plugin, unpack :)
Hope that will help you.
I can see some alternatives:
Use external references in your version control system to point all repos to the same files.
The Maven Dependency module can copy and unpack project dependencies. From there, you can use the Maven Assembly plugin (or Ant targets) to include parts of that dependency in your own installation.
At least for the FTL files, perhaps you could package them in a separate Jar file and then load them as resources through the class loader.
If the resources are filtered, you may get into problem with solution 1 if you want the filtered version and 2, 3 if you want the source version.
Hope this helps.
(This assumes your dependent project is java (jar) and not another web app, if it is a webapp I think the solution is similar).
I suggest a (slightly) different approach:
Instead of reading resources from war, add this to your war pom, to generate a jar in the artifact as well as a war:
<!-- maven war plugin config -->
<!-- This is for inclusion in the jar, so dependent module can load it -->
And this to your consuming pom, so the generated jar will be loaded:
Then you will be able to load the resources the usual way (getResourceAsStream("some-path/your-resource"))
