Kanban as a Software Development Process in Practice [closed] - project-management

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Has anyone used the kanban method for software development management?
I am evaluating kanban as a technique and would be curious to hear from anyone who has actually applied it in practice as to how effective it is. I've seen questions like: is-anyone-using-kanban, kanban-vs-scrum, and apply-kanban-in-an-agile-team but they don't address my concerns.
What I'm interested in specifically is:
Does it actually offer the advantages is claims in terms of dynamically identifying bottlenecks?
Is it easy to execute in practice, or does it have logistical challenges that you need to manage?
Does it scale well to project teams with many parallel streams of work and many developers?
How does it compare to critical path analysis (as implemented in MS Project), how is it different?
What other benefits can be gained from applying kanban?

The Kanban method is foremost a catalyst for continuous process improvements. It’s not a quick fix or a fixed set of steps/practices. The method has a few foundational principles and core properties, as described in David J Andersons recent blog post, that can lead you the way to continuous process improvements.
To your questions:
The Kanban method in itself does not identify bottlenecks. When implementing work-in-progress limits to a process that creates stress on your process you will eventually create a pull system and then it becomes easier to identify bottlenecks in your process. Tools like a visual kanban board and Cumulative Flow Diagrams will help you identify the bottlenecks in the process.
If you apply the foundational principles and core properties and you have the stamina/patience/dedication it is not too hard. You need to manage the change process as with every organizational change but the Kanban Method is designed to make small and non-threatening changes.
Yes there are many documented cases of this.
The Kanban method does not identify a specific method for planning and projecting future deliveries. David J Anderson has a background in Theory of Constraints and uses TOC as a model in most of the writing I have read. I think the practical difference between using MS Project style big up front planning and the empirical based planning used in many kanban implementations is the big difference. When working with a project plan designed in MS Project in the beginning of a project you know very little of the actual problem domain and you make assumptions. Based on these assumptions you device a plan. A critical path is calculated based on these assumptions. With a stable kanban system and you use TOC as your model you plan “only” to have your constraint/bottleneck on the critical path. You take into account the historical variability of the work passing the constraint and you create buffers around you bottleneck with the appropriate risk you want to take. The thinking is that every hour lost at the bottleneck will be an hour lost for the whole system.
The main benefit of the Kanban Method is that it is a catalyst for continuous process improvements. It starts with what you got and makes non-threatening changes that sticks. Kanban is a method that is Made to Stick

In the article Applying Kanban to PC Deployment the Team has to account for the following equipment:
160 new PCs to be deployed
40 new laptops to be deployed
120 PCs and 10 laptops to be refreshed and redeployed
... we are exploring the use of Kanban to manage a short-term functional
project. This example focuses on using Kanban to create a transparent
process to track the flow of equipment through a number of complex
steps, without incurring additional costs for tracking software,
complex processes and training, or duplication of effort. Improved
uniformity or quality of the deployment process will also help improve
efficiencies in troubleshooting and repair times as well as ensure a
document-ably high level of conformance to software and licensing
The page above has also links to Kanban applied ...
to Tech Support
to PC Deployment (see Quote above)
to a Development Group
Challenges, Additional Concepts, and Wrapup

I also don't have a lot of experience with it, but I think I can offer some insight.
1 & 4: the main difference between Kanban boards and other techniques, like CPM, is that a Kanban board, in a correct implementation, forces you to impose work-in-progress limits. This creates a pull system, since new items are accepted by workers only when they have capacity. This differs from an MS project type project where tasks are assigned to workers before-hand (i.e. pushed).
It is much easier to identify a bottleneck in a pull system, because work items will be queuing up at some stage in the process. In a push system, work is pushed through the system (whether it is 'done done' or not), so its difficult to find bottlenecks.
Another advantage of a pull system is you can start to base work timelines on actual results (lead and cycle time), as opposed to prediction. Yes, the size and granularity of stories does affect this, but with techniques such as cumulative flow diagrams this becomes less important.
2: Most implementations are pretty simple, and therein lies some of the strength of the technique. I think if you're having problems with the logistics of the technique, you're doing it wrong. Have a look here for a nice 'kickstart example'.

Few definitions to focus on before jumping onto the differences:
Agile – A structured and iterative framework to track and manage projects. This approach is used in managing software development projects. It allows cross-functional teams to collaborate on users expectations.
Kanban – A framework which utilizes visualization technique, limiting the number of tasks to be taken in “Work in Progress” column. The segregation of a similar type of tasks can be done here. To simplify it, allocate colors to tasks using the swim lanes.
Scrum – The approach followed here is breaking down a complex task into simpler smaller manageable pieces which are easy to collaborate upon by the respective owners of the [scrum][1].
Similarities between Kanban and Scrum
Frameworks of agile methodologies
Used to track the progress of the project
Provide the team transparency in tracking the work progress
Make use of visualization
Differences between Kanban and Scrum
Roles – Scrum is dependent on the scrum owners and is worked upon by them respectively. Kanban is independent of cross-functional team members and parallel roles.
Release cycle – Scrum makes use of sprints whose duration varies from one week to two weeks. The user stories are then taken up for development, testing and bug fixes. Kanban does not follow any cycle and the process is continuous in nature.
Tracking parameters – Scrum makes use of velocity in planning upcoming sprints taking into account the complexity and number of user stories completed in the previous sprint. Kanban ensures limiting of user stories in “Work in Progress” column to avoid bottlenecks. It tracks the time taken to finish a task from the starting to the end.
The scope of improvement – Scrum does not encourage changes in ongoing sprints. Kanban is open to any changes before the completion of the project. It is flexible in nature.
Fit factor – Scrum is suitable for projects with clearly defined user stories. Acknowledgement on the same by the client for timely completion of the project makes it a fit. Kanban being flexible in nature allows variations in priorities on the basis of the current scenario.
Pick process – Scrum picks the entire batch of user stories from the product backlog for development. Kanban follows the maximum number of tasks allowed in the columns to maintain the sanity of the framework and to avoid bottlenecks.
Delivery – Scrum follows delivery based on sprint planning and prioritize based on the specifications given by the client.Kanban follows the continuous delivery model based on business needs.
The above points are easy to remember if you are able to visualize working on them. Ideally where the scrum follows a rather predefined set of principles. Kanban is backed up by the principle of flexibility. It allows you to track tasks that are of utmost importance for delivery.

I don't have specific experience with using Kanban in software but I am familiar with the practice from a manufacturing point of view, so I was curious as to the implementation. Reading your link, the thing that struck me as a possible hitch is what felt like an underlying assumption about the same-sized ness of the units of work (features, stories, whatever). While keeping things "story sized" is a good goal, there are often mixes of bigger and little stories floating around, and the small number constraints in their pipeline therefore seem artificial. If the goal is to highlight bottlenecks, I would think that stand ups and sprint planning and retrospectives will do that well enough. If the goal is to facilitate prioritization, I think that putting constraints on numbers of tasks by types wouldn't do that as well as simply ordering them top to bottom.
I guess I don't really see what value its adding; that being said, I don't see the harm in trying it and adopting whatever pieces work.

1. Does it actually offer the advantages is claims in terms of dynamically identifying bottlenecks?
This has been my experience. By setting your WIP limits to reflect available capacity, if there is work that needs to make use of that capacity but has to wait for it to become available then you will see it as the queue of work backs up ahead of the bottleneck. I have seen this happen when there is an overworked QA team with an upstream development team who keep producing even though there is no chance of it getting looked at by QA. The solution we took to this was to lend some of the developers to the QA team who then helped alleviate the bottleneck.
2. Is it easy to execute in practice, or does it have logistical challenges that you need to manage?
This will depend on many factors which will be specific to the context to which you are applying it. One of the great strengths of Kanban is it does not require an immediate 'all or nothing' change from how you are currently working. The chapter 'A Recipe for Success' in David Anderson's 'Kanban' book gives a great way of approaching the change, starting with 'Focus on Quality'
3. Does it scale well to project teams with many parallel streams of work and many developers?
In the project where I first used it we ended up with a team of seventeen developers and we had moved the QA team of four into our team too. We also had lots of external dependencies which we used Kanban to model.
4. How does it compare to critical path analysis (as implemented in MS Project), how is it different?
Pass as have never used
5. What other benefits can be gained from applying kanban?
There are many but the one I will call out is that it gives you metrics that are genuinely useful for discussing and steering the work, both with the team and with stakeholders and other people outside the team. Specifically the use of 'Throughput' and 'Cycle Time' help give you a probabilistic for cast of when work will get done.


Adding more structure to our development processes? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I work with a small team (4 developers) writing firmware and software for our custom hardware. I'm looking into better ways to organise the team and better define processes.
Our Current Setup
Developers are generally working on 2-3 projects at a time.
We have projects that work in an iterative sort of way, where a developer is in regular contact with the customer and features are slowly added and bugs fixed.
We also have projects with fixed delivery dates, and with long lead times, final hardware might appear only a few weeks before delivery. The fixed projects are usually small changes to an existing product or implementation and the work is somehow intermingled.
We are also moving from consulting to products, so we are occasionally adding features that we think will add value, at our own cost.
The Issues
We have a weekly meeting where proportions of time are allotted to each project. "Customer A wants to test feature X next week", so the required time is allotted. "Customer B is having issues with Y, could developer P drive down and take a look?", etc.
When we're busy, these plans are very loosely followed. Issues arise and lower priority stuff gets pushed back. Sometimes, priorities are not clear to developers so there is friction when priorities appear to change. The next week there will be a realisation that we're getting behind on project Z and we all pull-off some long days.
I'm told that this is all quite common for a small start-up in our industry, but I'm just looking for ways to limit the number of "pizza in the office" all-nighters.
Developers are generally working on 2-3 projects at a time.
Multitasking is incredibly inefficient. Switching the brain from one task to another requires time for the gears to change over.
When we're busy, these plans are very loosely followed.
Then why create plans at all?
Is it all possible to dedicate just one developer to one task / product / customer? So developer P is the only one who talks to customer B? (Certainly the developer would need to document exactly what he's doing in case he gets hit by a bus, but he should be recording issues and roadmaps anyway.)
The next week there will be a realisation that we're getting behind on project Z and we all pull-off some long days.
If there had been only one developer on project Z anyway, he wouldn't have been distracted by customer A's problems.
Don't think in terms of a pool of developers serving a pool of customers, think of one developer for a given customer. (This can make vacation planning a little tougher, but if you're constantly pulling all-nighters, you aren't spending enough time away from the office anyhow.)
I'm told that this is all quite common for a small start-up in our industry, but I'm just looking for ways to limit the number of "pizza in the office" all-nighters.
Aren't we all.
"Customer A wants to test feature X next week", so the required time is allotted.
Allotted by whom?
Do you create your own schedules? If not, the only response to management creating a schedule for you is all-nighters.
Realistic non-all-nighter schedules will bother management. Until you can prove that your customers want a better schedule with fewer all-nighters, there isn't much you can do.
The only way to reduce the all-nighters is to get stuff done sooner. But if the hardware doesn't arrive sooner, there isn't much you can do, is there?
Two thoughts: drive quality and improve estimates.
I work in a small software shop that produces a product. The most significant difference between us and other shops of a similar size I've worked in a is full time QA (now more than one). The value this person should bring on day one is not testing until the tests are written out. We use TestLink. There are several reasons for this approach:
Repeating tests to find regression bugs. You change something, what did it break?
Thinking through how to test functionality ahead of time - this is a cheek-by-jowl activity between developer and QA, and if it doesn't hurt, you're probably doing it wrong.
Having someone else test and validate your code is a Good Idea.
Put some structure around you estimation activity. Reuse a format, be it Excel, MS Project or something else (at least do it digitally). Do so, and you'll start to see patterns repeating around what you do building software. Generally speaking include time in your estimates for thinking about it (a.k.a. design), building, testing (QA), fixing and deployment. Also, read McConnell's book Software Estimation, use anything you think is worthwhile from it, it's a great book.
Poor quality means longer development cycles. Most effective step is QA, short of that unit tests. If it were a web app I'd also suggest something like Selenium, but you're dealing with hardware so not sure what can be done. Improving estimates means the ability to attempt forecasting when things will suck, which may not sound like much, but knowing ahead of time can be cathartic.
I suggest you follow the Scrum Framework. Create a Scrum Environment with an enterprise product. Have product Teams working on the features for their own individual products, which is a part of the combined enterprise product. If you have the resources have a production/issues support and infrastructure Scrum Team. If the issues are coming your way too quickly, have the infrastructure Team try following Kanban or Scrumban.
The Scrum Framework in itself will solve most of your problems if adopted properly.

Assessment of a project manager's volume of work - what is a good methodology? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Currently, my company utilizes agile as its development principal. I was approached by my boss to determine some methodology for determining the amount of work a project manger does on a given project in flight. To be honest, I can't really think of anything fool proof.
I guess the best question is how do we assess how busy, on a day to day basis, a project manager is?
Remember that ANY metrics you can come up with is most likely going to be gamed.
[ Do I get a badge for on-topic link to Joel On Software? :) ]
Having said that, you can try a union of the following approaches:
Developer feedback!!! (e.g. a good PM's feedback would be "I had problems X, Y and Z and he made them disappear"). Not so good for measuring how "busy" a PM is but really good for measuring how effective he/she is.
Volume and rated clarity of project plans (easily gamed)
Rate of change of project plans (easily gamed)
Amount of meetings/meeting time (easily gamed)
Success rates of projects (on timeliness vs. % of features delivered vs. customer satisfaction). Not easily gamed but devil's own work to normalize this across projects.
Timesheets will measure the amount of work in one sense (you can see how their day breaks down and so on) but not I think in the sense you want.
Ultimately I don't believe there is a useful metric for Project Managers in this sense, but I don't think that's an issue.
I think ultimately you should measure project success rather than "busy-ness". After all, why do you care how busy the PM is if they deliver successful projects?
One PM may spend half a day putting together a risk log and mitigation plan which contains 20 risks, another may spend 2 days putting together one which only has 5 risks but none of those numbers are any more useful as a metric than lines of code. The key thing is not how long you spent doing it, how many risks you identified, how big your mitigation plans are, but whether you actually managed risk on the project successfully.
You're better off looking at what a Project Manager is meant to do, which is to deliver projects on-time, to budget and to customer satisfaction (which I'd use as the ultimate measure of quality rather than defects).
After all, do you measure how "busy" the CEO is? Or is he just judged on the profit the company makes?
To do this:
Time - The only way it can really be gamed is by massively padding estimates and plans and this can be minimised by reviewing the plans and estimates and having all relevant parties agree them (developers, PM, client). The other side of this is that the PM must agree to the plan rather than have the implementation date foisted on him or her. You might want to measure this on either the overall implementation or each milestone.
Budget - Measurable but gameble. For most development projects the key thing her is honest timesheets from the developers and the best way to ensure this is to make it so the PM is the PM but not their line manager. That way the developers have someone to fight their corner (a technical director for instance) if they're being pressured to fill in timesheets to keep the budget down. Again the PM should agree the budget, it's not reasonable to expect him to deliver on something he's told you is unreasonable.
Customer satisfaction - Hard to measure so I'd suggest that you keep it simple and go with a straight forward post project review with the account manager and marks out of 10 for communication, delivery and whatever else is important. It is subjective but ultimately so is customer satisfaction.
But a lot of it depends on the company culture. For some organisations the key thing will be billable hours, others developer satisfaction will be part of the mix.
I am trying to understand WHY you have been asked to estimate the amount of work that a project manager does on a project.
At best it is just a request for a rule of thumb, otherwise it indicates that your boss just don't know the first thing about running a project. Even when projects looks very similar there will always be something unique about a project:
The team is not identical (teaching
the new guy the ropes takes time)
The spec might vary just a tiny bit
(and that tiny bit might double the
Even the season might influence the
and so on and so forth
Each and every condition on the project might change the workload of the project manager, so it will always be a subjective assessment.
I would suggest you use the same Burn Down and Level of Effort that you use for the developers. A PM's task in an Agile environment is a bit different (and from shop to shop it's different), but the PM should be able to provide a list of tasks, etc. I'm thinking positive and seeing it as your bosses approach to determining how much availability the PM has.
Most project managers equate responsibility with status, so a project manager who has spare capacity is quite likely to volunteer to take on a new responsibility, because it's in his/her own best interest. In all but the most functional organizations it's often better to be visibly overloaded, for that heroic look.
It's more likely to be in the organization's best interest to slightly under load its project managers, so that there is some spare capacity available should something start to go wrong. A project manager might well choose to apply his/her spare capacity in some constructive way in any case. Excessive politicking or other unconstructive activity is a good indicator of someone who could be more constructively deployed. Even on agile projects, workload tends to be uneven across a project cycle - e.g. delivery is often a management-intensive activity - somebody who is continuously heavily loaded probably has too much to do, and may be ignoring or hiding a serious problem.
If the next level of management conducts regular project reviews, pays attention to how many problems are being escalated, whether the project reports correlate with the news from the grapevine, and does some basic estimation on workload projections for each project manager, then the organization should be able to run a reasonably efficient system.
Managers tend to be political and psychological animals. Any methodology that doesn't take that into account is ignoring reality, so a good methodology for this problem is likely to be based more on observed behaviors than on hard numbers.
Excuse me if I am being to purist, but the tag and the question calls for Agile. What would be a project manager in Agile? You might either be trying to asses the work being done by a product owner or a scrum master?
In any case, both roles perform several tasks that are hard to measure, so probably your boss is looking at the wrong picture.
For instance, a scrum master is "The person responsible for supporting the development team, clearing organizational roadblocks, and keeping the agile process consistent". Basically is a coach and a facilitator. Blocking disruptive requests or distractions created by higher levels of management by negotiation or persuasion to follow scrum practices is one of the skills commonly used by scrum masters. Several of these soft skills are hard to measure as "work" since they do not involve working on a computer or producing a report.
I think a the metric that your boss would benefit most from is more related on how effective the team is and how a scrum master is described to facilitate the work of his team-mates. DVK then has a very valid point, the metrics you create can be "gamed", so it is best to trust that your managers are busy if your projects are progressing and your teams are happy and work as a team.

How to measure software development performance? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking after some ways to measure the performance of a software development team. Is it a good idea to use the build tool? We use Hudson as an automatic build tool. I wonder if I can take the information from Hudson reports and obtain from it the progress of each of the programmers.
The main problem with performance metrics like this, is that humans are VERY good at gaming any system that measures their own performance to maximize that exact performance metric - usually at the expense of something else that is valuable.
Lets say we do use the hudson build to gather stats on programmer output. What could you look for, and what would be the unintended side effects of measuring that once programmers are clued onto it?
Lines of code (developers just churn out mountains of boilerplate code, and other needless overengineering, or simply just inline every damn method)
Unit test failures (don't write any unit tests, then they won't fail)
Unit test coverage (write weak tests that exercise the code, but don't really test it properly)
Number of bugs found in their code (don't do any coding, then you won't get bugs)
Number of bugs fixed (choose the easy/trivial bugs to work on)
Actual time to finish a task based against their own estimate (estimate higher to give more room)
And it goes on.
The point is, no matter what you measure, humans (not just programmers) get very good at optimizing to meet exactly that thing.
So how should you look at the performance of your developers? Well, that's hard. And it involves human managers, who are good at understanding people (and the BS they pull), and can look at each person subjectively in the context of who/where/what they are to figure out if they are doing a good job or not.
What you do once you've figured out who is/isn't performing is a whole different question though.
(I can't take credit for this line of thinking. It's originally from Joel Spolsky. Here and here)
Do NOT measure the performance of each individual programmer simply using the build tool. You can measure the team as a whole, sure, or you can certainly measure the progress of each programmer, but you cannot measure their performance with such a tool. Some modules are more complicated than others, some programmers are tasked with other projects, etc. It's not a recommended way of doing this, and it will encourage programmers to write sloppy code so that it looks like they did the most work.
Metrics like that are doomed to failure. Different people work on different parts of the code, on different classes of problem, and absolute measurements are misleading at best.
The way to measure developer performance is to have excellent managers that do their job well, have good specs that accurately reflect requirements, and track everyone's progress carefully against those specs.
It's hard to do right. A software solution won't work.
I think this needs a very careful approach when deciding the ways to measure developers performance as most the traditional methods such as line of codes, number of check ins, number of bugs fixed etc. are proven to be subjective with todays software engineering concepts. We need to value team performance approach rather measuring individual KPIs in a project. However working in commercial development environment its important to keep a track and a close look at following factors of individual developers;
Code review comments – Each project, we can decide the number of code reviews need to be conducted for a given period. Based on the code reviews individuals get remarks about their coding standard improvements. Recurring issues of code reviews of same individual’s code needs to be brought in to attention. You can use automated code reviews tools or manual code reviews.
Test coverage and completeness of tests. – The % covered needs to be decided upfront and if certain developer fails to attempt it often, it needs to be taken care of.
Willingness to sign in to complex tasks and deliver them without much struggle
Achieving what’s defined as “Done” in a user story
Mastery level of each technical area.
With agile approach in some of the projects, the measurements of the development team and the expected performance are decided based on the releases. At each release planning there are different ‘contracts’ negotiated with the team members for the expected performance. I find this approach is more successful as there is no reason of adhering to UI related measurements in a release where there is a complex algorithm to be released.
I would NOT recommend using build tool information as a way to measure the performance / progress of software developers. Some of the confounding problems: possibly one task is considerably harder than another; possibly one task is much more involved in "design space" than "implementation space"; possibly (probably) the more efficient solution is the better solution, but that better solution contributes less lines of code than a terribly inefficient one which provides many many more lines of code; etc.
Speaking of KPI in software developers. www.smartKPIs.com may be a good resource for you. It contains a user friendly library of well-documented performance measures. At the moment it lists over 3300 KPI examples, grouped in 73 functional areas, as well as 83 industries and sub-categories.
KPI examples for the software developers are available on this page www.smartKPIs.com - application development They include but not limited to:
Defects removal efficiency
Data redundancy
In addition to examples of performance measures, www.smartKPIs.com also contains a catalogue of performance reports that illustrate the use of KPIs in practice.
Examples of such reports for information technology are available on: www.smartKPIs.com - KPIs in practice - information technology
The website is updated daily with new content, so check it from time to time for additional content.
Please note that while examples of performance measures are useful to inform decisions, each performance measure needs to be selected and customized based on the objectives and priorities of each organisation.
You would probably do better measuring how well your team tracks to schedules. If a team member (or entire team) is consistantly late, you will need to work with them to improve performance.
Don't short-cut or look for quick and easy ways to measure performance/progress of developers. There are many many factors that affect the output of a developer. I've seen alot of people try various metrics ...
Lines of code produced - encourages developers to churn out inefficient garbage
Complexity measures - encourages over analysis and refactoring
Number of bugs produced - encourages people to seek out really simple tasks and to hate your testers
... the list goes on.
When reviewing a developer you really need to look at how good their work is and define "good" in the context of what the comany needs and what situations/positions the company has put that indivual in. Progress should be evaluated with equal consideration and thought.
There are many different ways of doing this. Entire books written on the subject. You could use reports from Hudson but I think that would lead to misinformation and provide crude results. Really you need to have task tracking methodology.
Check how many lines of the codes each has written.
Then fire the bottom 70%.. NO 90%!... EVERY DAY!
(for the folks that aren't sure, YES, I am joking. Serious answer here)
We get 360 feedback from everyone on the team. If all your team members think you are crap, then you probably are.
There is a common mistake that many businesses make when setting up their release management tool. The Salesforce release management toolkit is one of the best ones available in the market today, but if you do not follow the vital steps of setting it up, you will definitely have some very bad results. You will get to use it but not to its full capacity. Establishing release management processes in isolation from the business processes is one of the worst mistakes to make. Release management tools go hand in hand with the enterprise strategy, objectives, governance, change management plus some other aspects. The processes of release management need to be formed in such a way that everyone in the business is on the same page.
Goals of release management
The main goal of release management is to have a consistent set of reliable and repeatable processes that are resource independent. This enables the achievement of the most favorable business value while at the same time optimizing the utilization of resources available. Considering that most organizations focus on running short, high-yield business projects, it is essential for optimization of the delivery value chain of the application to make certain that there are no holdups in the delivery of the business value.
Take for instance the force.com migration toolkit, as this tool has proven to be great in governance. A release management tool should allow for optimal visibility and accountability in governance.
Processes and release cycles
The release management processes must be consistent for the whole business. It is necessary to have streamlined and standardized processes across the various tool users. This is because they will be using the same platform and resources that enable efficient completion of their tasks. Having different processes for different divisions of your business can lead to grievous failures in tool management. The different sets of users will need to have visibility into what the others are doing. As aforementioned, visibility is of great importance in any business process.
When it comes to the release cycles, it is also imperative to have one centralized system that will track all the requirements of the different sets of users. It is also necessary to have this system centralized so that software development teams get insight into the features and changes requested by the business. Requests have to become priorities to make sure that the business gets to enjoy maximum benefit. Having a steering team is important because it is involved in the reviewing of business requirements plus also prioritizing the most appropriate changes that the business needs to make.
The changes that should happen to the Salesforce system can be very tricky and therefore having a regular meet up between the business and IT is good. This will help to determine the best changes to make to the system that will benefit the business. By considering the cost and value of implementing a feature, the steering committee has the task of deciding on the most important feature changes to make.
Here also good research http://intersog.com/blog/tech-tips/how-to-manage-millennials-on-software-development-teams
This is an old question but still, something you can do is borrow Velocity from Agile Software Development, where you assign a weight to each task and then you calculate how much "weight" you solve in each sprint (or iteration or whatever DLC you use). Of course this comes in hand with the fact that, like a commenter mentioned before, you need to actively keep track yourself of whether your developers are working or chatting online.
If you know your developers are working responsively, then you can rely on that velocity to give you an estimate of how much work the team can do. If at any iteration this number drops (considerably), then either it was poorly estimated or the team worked less.
Ultimately, the use of KPIs together with velocity can give you per-developer (or per-team) insights on performance.
Typically, directly using metrics for performance measurement is considered a Bad Idea, and one of the easy ways to run a team into the ground.
Now, you can use metrics like % of projects completed on-time, % of churn as code goes toward completion, etc...it's a wide field.
Here's an example:
60% of mission-critical bugs were written by Joe. That's a simple, straightforward metric. Fire Joe, right?
But wait, there's more!
Joe is the Senior Developer. He's the only guy trusted to write ultra-reliable code, every time. He's written about 80% of the mission-critical software, because he's the best.
Metrics are a bad measurement of developers.
I would share my experience and how I learnt a very valuable process on measuring the team performance. I must admit, I have fallen on tracking KPI simply because most of the departments would do the same but not really for the insight until I had the responsibility to evaluate developers performance where after a number of reading I evolved with the following solution.
One every project, I would entertain the team in a discussion on the project requirements and involve them so everyone knows what is to be done. In the same discussion through collaboration we would break the projects in to tasks and weight those tasks. Now previously we would estimate the project completion as 100% where each task has a percentage contribution. Well this did work for a while but was not the best solution. Now we would based the task on weight or points to be exact and use relative measurements to compare the task and differentiate the weights for example. There is a requirement to develop a web form to gather user data.
Task would go about like
1. User Interface - 2 Points
2. Database CRUD - 5 Points
3. Validation - 4 Points
4. Design (css) - 3 Points
With this strategy We can pin point a weekly approximate on how much we have completed and what is pending on the task force. We can also be able to pin point who has performed best.
I must admit that I still face some challenges on this strategy such as not every developer is comfortable on every technology. Somehow some are excited to learn technologies simply because they find 2015 high % of points fall in that section some would do what they can.
Remember, do not track a KPI for their own sake, track it for it's insight.

What are the major benefits of scrum as a methodology? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I work in the technical department of a design agency. We use XP to manage our department's software development. I have been asked to give a short presentation describing Scrum and whether it would be suitable, in a broader context, for managing client project work.
Scrum would be applied to cross functional teams containing graphic designers, information architects, content editors, user experience engineers, web designers and software developers.
What benefits could scrum bring to this sort of team?
Based on my experience, I would say the key features of Scrum are:
High visibility of progress.
Regular feedback from customer.
Predictable rhythm.
Measurable productivity (via burndown, velocity, etc.).
Cross-functional, self-organising teams.
Inspect and adapt.
Low bureaucratic overhead (meetings, documentation, etc.).
Emphasis on face-to-face communication.
And these features lead to the following benefits:
Project can respond easily to change.
Problems are identified early.
Customer gets most beneficial work first.
Work done will better meet the customers needs.
Improved productivity.
Ability to maintain a predictable schedule for delivery.
If we're talking about the benefits only they are pretty much obvious.
Using a proper methodology you work better, i.e. you have higher rate of successful projects. If your projects are already 100% successful you probably do not need to change anything.
For us using Agile helps to:
Increase the quality of the deliverables (because of the strict iteration rules, when you expect everything to be working by the end of the iteration instead of 'coding being complete' it works wonders)
Cope better with the changes (and expect the changes. It's mostly psychological issue but it really helps when your developers expect that a requirement will change at some point)
Provide better estimates and spend less time doing them
Be more in control of the project schedule and state (short iterations, clear, unambiguous ways of calculating the velocity etc.)
As a result we achieve higher customers satisfaction rate in general
In my experience, the main benefit is that your manager gets to say you are doing Scrum, and you get to waste more time going to daily meetings instead of getting work done.
... it's possible they weren't doing it right ;-).
For the team you describe I see these main benefits:
Visibility into what's happening and accountability. During the SHORT daily meeting you get a better idea of what's happening, what was finished and what was not. After some time you start to see trends: who's good estimating, who is not, who is telling you they are working when they really are not. You have a better picture of when you are going to be done.
Self organization. The team members are the ones that pick what to do and when for the given iteration. This takes time when people are not used to it, but ends up making team members happier because nobody is dictating who gets to do what. They decide.
Improved ability to rapidly react to requirements changes. The concepts of time boxing , daily status checks and user involvement will make it easier to both capture feedback and change your priorities.
I don't see much differences between XP and Scrum. If you already have XP, you likely don't need to switch. Maybe adopt some Scrum specific practices for better scalability like Scrum-of-Scrums. Almost all the other practices exist in XP like daily meetings, iterations, roles separation, retrospectives, etc.
In fact I am not sure that such separation have benefits. It is bette to decide what you are doing bad during retrospective meetings and apply practices from any process (or create own solutions) to your specific problems. XP and Scrum give you a framework that will help to be adaptive and creative. While traditional processes gives you a set of rules that impedance any creative behavior.
Your team and your project IS special. Think and communicate to sharpen your development process.
First of all Scrum is a methodology for project management not for development...it can be combined with XP or RUP...
Scrum is good for you if you have a project that changes...when your requierements changes you need to keep up with these changes... Scrum has short iterations (2-4 weeks) and this provides more response to the changes... and the client can have a early release of his product and you can have all that feedback you need... maybe this is the first benefit...
Another benefit: your team will be always working syncronized specially when they depend on each other...
As I understand it, daily Scrum meetings are for the team to discuss progress and blocking issues. The Scrum master facilitates. The product owner can be invited if the team decides to do so, but the meeting is not intended to provide any progress status to a boss or a manager.
I hope I am correct.
When you say "Scrum" I don't know if you mean agile, or just the daily meeting. Assuming you just mean what is the advantage of the daily meeting I see 3
1 - You have an opportunity to expose any issues you are having to the entire team and can get help an advice from people you might not have thought to ask. It's more efficient that having to interrupt coworkers throughout the day to try to get help for some problems you're having.
2 - Group teams get a better picture of what the entire group is doing and you have an opportunity to influence development you're not immediately involved in.
3 - You generally get to spend less time writing progress reports because everyone, including your boss, hears everyday what you're working on and what progress you've made.
That's my experience with scrum
I've been "Scruming" for two years and my experience tells me that it's much easier to know "where we are" at any point because the development process is in fixed length periods (Sprints) that allows to evaluate what's been done. And in the middle of those periods having the Daily Scrum (those meetings Dmitriy was talking about) and the Burndown Chart (the graphic of the remaining work) allows the team and the manager to always know what's already done and what's the team is working on.
In your case you'll probably need to have several smaller Scrums, instead of a large one, because Scrum works best with smaller teams. This book has some insights about that:
You won't get deadlines getting late :)
I think scrum is more of a habit than a method or practice. There are lot of teams operating in scrum without knowing that they are doing agile and there could be lot of teams claiming that they are agile and not following the basic principles of scrum.
I have worked with kanban, waterfall, agile scrum and others while development software products and with my experience, I am more comfortable with scrum. It gives you sense of achievement and keep you awake in the light of what needs to be achieved further and how to do it.
Scrum product development methodology is based on incremental and iterative product development process where solutions grow due to collaboration between cross-functional and self-organizing teams. Here are the major benefits of scrum
Simplicity and transparency of processes
Adaptive planning
Quick adaptability to change
Evolutionary development and delivery model
Iterative approach
Quick learning cycles
Automated testing offers a stable platform
Rapid market release
Integrated and flexible teams which can change requirements anytime based on user feedback
I feel I have made enough justice to the answer.
Here is where you can learn more on my experience: http://www.cygnet-infotech.com/blog/agile-scrum-methodology-for-product-engineering
Team Spirit
High visibility of progress.
Frequent demonstration and early feedback from stakeholders
Problems are identified early
Quality of product and Improved productivity
Higher customer satisfaction

Managing user stories for a large project [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We are just starting on a pretty big project with lots of sub projects. we don't currently use any kind of named process but I am hoping to get some kind of agile/scrumlike process in by the back door.
The area I will be focusing on most is having a good backlog for the whole project and, at least in my head, the idea of an iteration where some things are taken from the backlog, looked at in more detail and developed to a reasonable deadline.
I wonder what techniques people use to break projects down into things to go in the backlog, and once the backlog is created how it is maintained and ordered. also how relationships between elements are maintained (ie this must be done before it is possible to do that, or this was one story now it is five)
I am not sure what I expect the answer for this question to look like. I think what may be most helpful is if there is an open source project that keeps its backlog online in some way so I can see how others do it.
Something else that would get +1 from me is examples of real user stories from real projects (the "a user can log on" story does not help me picture things in my project.
I would counsel you to think carefully before adopting a tool, especially since it sounds like your process is likely to be fluid at first as you find your feet. My feeling is that a tool may be more likely to constrain you than enable you at this stage, and you will find it no substitute for a good card-wall in physical space. I would suggest you instead concentrate your efforts on the task at hand, and grab a tool when you feel like you really need one. By that stage you'll more likely have a clear idea of your requirements.
I have run several agile projects now and we have never needed a more complex tool than a spreadsheet, and that on a project with a budget of over a million pounds. Mostly we find that a whiteboard and index cards (one per user story) is more than sufficient.
When identifying your stories, make sure you always express them in terms that make sense to your users - some (perhaps only small) piece of surfaced functionality. Never allow yourself to slip into writing stories about technical details that you could not demonstrate to a user.
The skill when scheduling the stories is to try to prioritise the things you know least about first (plan for what you want to learn, rather than what you want to do) whilst also starting with the stories that will allow you to develop the core features of your application, using subsequent stories to wrap functionality (and technical complexity) around them.
If you're confident that you can leave some piece of the puzzle till later, don't sweat on getting into the details of that - just write a single story card that represents the big conversation you'll need to have later, and get on with the more important stuff. If you need to have a feel for the size of what's to come, look at a wideband delphi estimation technique called planning poker.
The Mike Cohn books, particularly Agile Estimating and Planning will help you a lot at this stage, and give you some useful techniques to work with.
Good luck!
Like DanielHonig we also use RallyDev (on a small scale) and it sounds like it could be a useful system for you to at least investigate.
Also, a great book on the user story method of development is User Stories Applied by Mike Cohn. I'd certainly recommend reading it if you haven't already. It should answer a lot of your questions.
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it may still be helpful. Max Pool from codesqueeze has a video explaining his "agile wall". It's cool to see his process, even if it may not necessarily relate to your question:
My Agile Wall (Plus A Few Tricks)
So here are a few tips:
We use RallyDev.
We created a view of packages that our requirements live in.
Large stories are labeled as epics and placed into the release backlog of the release they are intended for. Child stories are added to the epics. We have found it best to keep the stories very granular. Coarse grained stories make it difficult to realistically estimate and execute the story.
So in general:
Organize by the release
iterations between 2-4 weeks
Product owners and project
managers add stories to the release
The dev team estimates
the stories based on TShirt sizes,
points, etc...
In Spring planning
meeetings the dev team selects the
work for the iteration from the
release backlog.
This is what we've been doing for the past 4 months and have found it to work well. Very important to keep the size of the stories small and granular.
Remember the Invest and Smart acronyms for evaluating user stories, a good story should be:
I - Independent
N - Negotiable
V - Valuable
E - Estimable
S - Small
T - Testable
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Relevant
T - Time-boxed
I'd start off by saying Keep it Simple.. use a shared spreadsheet with tracking (and backup). If you see scaling or synchronization problems such that maintaining the backlog in a consistent state is getting more and more time-consuming, trade up. This will automatically validate and justify the expenditure/retraining costs.
I've read some good things about Mingle from Thoughtworks.
here is my response to a similar question that may give you some ideas
Help a BA! Managing User Stories ...
A lot of these responses have been with suggestions about tools to use. However, the reality is that your process will be the much more important than the tools you use to implement the process. Stay away from tools that attempt to cram a methodology down your throat. But also, be wary of simply implementing an old non-agile process using a new tool. Here are some strong facts to consider when determining tools for processes:
A bad process instrumented with a software tool will result in a bad
software tool implemention.
Processes will change based on the group you are managing. The
important thing is the people, not the process. Implement something
they can work successfully in, and your project will be successful.
All that said, here are a few guidelines to help you:
Start with a pure implementation of a documented process,
Make your iterations small,
After each iteration talk with your teams and ask what they they
would change, implement the changes that make sense.
For larger organizations, if you are using SCRUM, use a cascading stand-up mechanism. Scrum masters meet with thier teams. Then the Scrum Masters meet in stand-ups of 6 - 9, with a Super-Scrum-MAster responsible for reporting the items from the Scum-Master's scrum to the next level... and so forth..
You may find that have weekly super-scrum meetings will suffice at the highest level of your hierarchy.
