Local file link to shared dropbox files - macos

Since this is my first time posting a question on stackexchange, please excuse me if I've not included anything. Suggestions for a better post are very welcome!
I'm looking for a way to create a file:// link in e-mails with a specific purpose. In my company we're all using Macbooks with Outlook as our e-mail-client. As soon as a specific document is updated, I would like to be able to e-mail a colleague saying: "here is the to the file". My personal link would be: file:///Users/<MyUserName>/Dropbox/Filepath.ext. However, this does not evaluate correctly on my colleagues computer. I have made it to work with a manual username change, but I'm hoping that there is a way to automatically fill in the username of that person.
My Question:
How can I make the link in such a way that it will always refer to that user's specific user folder?
Resources explored
I've tried working with file://~/ but that always gives a 'can't find the document' error. I've tried googling it but Dropbox and other services only point towards URL-links or to their website. Stackexchange hasn't provided me with an answer so far (Internal links / ":file//" links is without answer). Searching for 'computer independent file links' haven't given me any solace either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

not sure if this is what you want. You can check the dorpbox API and read a bit about it. But an easier way might be IFTTT, a free tool which launch triggers. So basically you need to create a folder in dropbox for each user and then use this tool to make triggers for each user. You can send an email and include the new dropbox link and as well you can program the IFTTT to send a file://Users//Dropbox/USER_DROPBOX_FOLDER/{{FILENAME}} whenever a file is placed in his folder.


Can a script be too new for a google sheet?

I work on a google sheet that has several departments looking at and/or adding data to all day long every day. I have been working on making scripts to make my departments life a lot easier.I created an exact duplicate of the sheet so I could make sure it works before executing new scripts.
I have one that sets up an order, sends an email and puts it on the calendar all in one click. It works great.
In the email we need to send a link to a job folder. So we have a script to find that folder and get the link to it.
var folder = DriveApp.getFoldersByName("12345 - Help me")
var in = folder.next()
var link = in.getUrl()
In my testing grounds this works exactly how it should. When I put it into the actual sheet that we work in I get an error
"Error Exception: We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try again."
I have been trying to figure it out for 4 days so far and am getting nowhere.
I had the "owner" of the sheet transfer it into my ownership incase that was the problem.
I moved it to a shared drive.
Made a copy of the whole spreadsheet to test it; it worked in the copy just fine.
To change over to a new spreadsheet will be a lot of work that would have to take place after work hours when no one should be using it. I am hoping there is a way to refresh the spreadsheet in such a way that we need to reapprove scripts (or something). The spreadsheet in question was created in 2018. I am wondering if its just to old for the script; not that that makes any sense but, I cant think of anything else.
From the question
The spreadsheet in question was created in 2018. I am wondering if its just to old for the script; not that that makes any sense but, I cant think of anything else.
Nowadays Google Apps Scripts supports two runtimes, the old (Rhino) and the new (V8). There are posts sharing that changing the runtime to the one or the other fixed an issue. Considering this, the first thing to check if what runtime are being used on each Google Apps Script that are being used as "testing grounds" and in production as sometimes one of the source of "confusions" is to use different runtime.
Another thing to try is to create a standard Google Cloud Platform Project (GCP) to replace the default GCP project. On this project enable the Google Drive API.

How to get the id of files inside a shared google drive folder using only the shareable link?

I am looking for a way to get around using the API key to download files from a shared folder in google drive. The only thing I need is a method to automate the extraction of IDs from each file inside the shared folder.
Any solution would be helpful.
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Malicious code hidden in image

I've come across a dodgy file upload on our server. It is an image and the MIME TYPE checks out, though on the server it was also uploaded with the extension .asp and .cer.
On the surface its a photo some weird chinese symbols and the letters asp, though I am sure it is hiding malicious code. I did a google search by image and it came out in a few possibly unsecure directories in some other sites.
This is out of my league to even verify. Out of interest I opened the file in notepad and it has the clear string "Google" which only makes me believe more that it is malicious.
All I need to know is
1- is it malicious?
2-did it run and what did it do?
3- how do i protect against it?
I cant give the link to the actual file on my server since Its been removed, but I can zip and mail it to anyone who wants to take a look.
If anyone has some advise on where to start I would appreciate it.
Heres a link to the same image, which came up on my google search though this one most likely has different code injected
After alot more research I have found that it had a modified header to inject code. I run it through virustotal.com and my suspicious were confirmed. https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/3eac6e45d5923632089b538ca86d576c9994bd25be7940165ec997484d7c6715/analysis/
What it does or whether it executed is still unknown
OK, the file was malicious it contained encoded php, all of which im not sure of there were far too many encoded layers. It created a backdoor that fetched and executed remote code. This file was not detected by any of our antivirus software, what gave it away way was <% eval(. was the only part not encoded.A hacker took advantage of a vunerability in an old version of FCKeditor to add and execute it. I am still looking for a way to prevent it in the future.

Cannot get permission in Xcode

To anyone who can help,
So I confess to not being great with computers or apps. In fact, this is my first experience creating an app, so please be nice with me. The app I am creating is for a school project and needs to be able to record audio and save these recordings. In order to do this, I added "AVFoundationFramework" to the build phases under "Link Binary With Libraries" and attempted to edit AVAudioRecorder.h in the style of what it says to do on the online Developer Tools. I got this error message:
"'AVAudioRecorder.h' is locked for editing and you may not be able to save your changes. Do you want to unlock it? 'AVAudioRecorder.h' is currently locked because you are not the current owner of the file and do not have write permission." And then it gives me the options "Don't Unlock" and "Unlock". Note that I got the latest version of Xcode that I am using in the App Store and never moved it or any of the Xcode files I have worked with to or from any other computers, so this should not be an issue.
When I hit "Unlock", this message displays: "The file 'AVAudioRecorder.h' could not be unlocked. Could not add write permission to the file because you do not own it. Try modifying the permissions of the file in the Finder or Terminal."
I did both of those things - I made sure I have Read & Write permission for the folder its in, and I hit "Apply to Enclosed Items" and that didn't work. I got help from someone better with computers than me and we looked in the Terminal and, according to him, I have permission according to the Terminal. I then took my computer to the Apple Store, where they found AVFoundation as a file in my Hard Drive and gave it Read & Write permission in there, and they did some other things as well that I didn't understand involving permissions. They even re-installed my computer and that didn't help.
So I'm at a loss. I apologize if this has been asked already, but I did look and see if anyone had asked similar questions and gotten any answers other than what I have already tried that hasn't worked. The closest I found was this in response to a very similar question with UIViewController.h where he said:
"This looks like you attempted to edit a header file belonging to a system framework in iOS which are protected against unintentional changes like this, possibly because the assistant editor in Xcode (usually shown in the right-hand editor) showed this header at some point.
The only solution here is to revert your changes unless you know exactly why you are making changes in those files."
Sadly I do not know what this means and can't work from there. So if someone can either explain what the above quote means in simple terms OR how to otherwise fix the problem, that would be amazing.
First off, congrats on your first app! To answer answer your question: don't do this! ;-) You should never edit SDK header files. These warnings are for your own benefit. You can really screw things up otherwise. Not sure what info/documentation you were seeing that made you think that you were supposed to, but that's definitely not the right thing to do. But don't feel bad... this stuff is confusing at first.
I would suggest you find an example app that does recording and playback, compile it in Xcode, and make sure it works on your device. Then study it. See how they did things. Create your own Xcode project and try to recreate what they did. That's probably the best way to approach learning this.
Here's a tutorial showing how to use AVAudioRecorder that you might find helpful. Good luck!

Allow people uploads files to same dropbox folder Ruby

I am very new to this, Sorry if this is a naive question. I've been through the ruby tutorial for Dropbox API. Still confused on where should I start.
My situation:
I am running a copyshop. And usually my customers either bring their usb sticks OR upload to gmail then download in my shop OR upload to dropbox then print thier docs/pdfs/fotos.
And one day a customer ask me if I know dropbox. I say YES, I know it. And he ask me if it's possible to share a folder with him, then he can put his files into the folder at home, then come to my shop, open it and print, neat!!
But...Other clients also want to use this service, and they don't want their files exposure to other people (maybe private fotos, secret business plan, important letters...etc). The other problem is I want to make those who do not have dropbox also could upload files to my Dropbox folder that they can come and print.
Why use dropbox is because it's free for till 18G. And When the customer comes to print, I can remove the files, so 2-10G will be enough for 1-3 days buffering.
What I am thinking is to implement a website that allows people to upload DOCs/PDFs/Photos and save these files to my dropbox folder.
For people who have dropbox accounts, they will have a folder called copyshop in their dropbox folder, and they drop files as they usually do. And I will have a folder App/copyshop/ , each one puts files in their copyshop folder will appears in my dropbox as a sub-folder under my App/copyshop folder, e.g. App/copyshop/Tom , App/copyshop/Mary ...etc.
For non-dropboxers they can take advantage of uploading to my website, then save it to my dropbox folder.
Is this possible with Dropbox API? From the official statement:
The API provides methods to read and write from Dropbox securely, so your users can bring all their important files with them to your app. Any changes they make will be saved back to all their computers, tablets and mobile phones.
It looks like not a recommendation way to do it.
Thank you! Every reply is appreciate.
if you make a site to upload files there is no need for dropbox, just let them upload to a map that is available in the shop.
To make it safe with dropbox would be a lot of work, i suppose customers don't want their files exposed to others, only suitable for regular customers, for occasional customers the best method i can think of is let them make a public link of a dropbox file and send it to you.
Another drawback of dropbox is that the size of shared files is added to both the the sharer and the shared so you could get in trouble with the limits.
You could also make a script that monitors a public dropboxfolder and immediately on arrival moves the files to a safe location not accessible from others.
I suppose FTP would be better manageable, you could give big customers their own map and password and occasional users a just-write, don't read the upload of others security.
Answer from the dropboxer,
Yes, this would be possible. There are a number of ways you might do this, and the method you choose will be up to you, so I'll just touch on a few.
Without even using the API, you could have your customers enable and use this feature to send you a read-only link to any file or folder in their Dropbox:
This isn't a shared folder exactly, but it sounds like it should be sufficient.
You could use the API to build an app that would essentially do 1, but help them along with it. Essentially, you would have them authorize your app, and then let them select a file or folder, on which you would call /files (GET) (or /shares if that is more convenient for whatever reason) to download or share the files.
Hope this helps!
