I'm messing around with Visual Studio (2008) add-ins. I want to be able to add a button to all web application context menus (that will setup IIS for the website based on a shared archive from the web deployment tool).
I've got as far as being able to add the context item on the project context menu:
public void OnConnection(object application, ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;
if (connectMode == ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_UISetup) {
var contextGuids = new Object[] {};
var iisSetupCommand = applicationObject.Commands.AddNamedCommand(
"Setup IIS",
"Create the bindings in IIS for the website. Requires an IIS folder in the project root with the archive xml files for the website.",
ref contextGuids,
(int) vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported + (int) vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled
var commandBars = (CommandBars) applicationObject.CommandBars;
var projectMenu = commandBars["Project"];
iisSetupCommand.AddControl(projectMenu, projectMenu.Controls.Count + 1);
This works, but I'm having trouble getting further.
Problem 1 is the button disappears when clicked.
Problem 2 is I have no idea how to only show the button for web application projects.
Problem 3 is I then need to write the code to grab the iis archive, the current project directory path and the project name to create the IIS bindings and then run the web deployment tool with these settings.
This add-in stuff is very obtuse. I've googled as much as I can and read most of the (terrible) msdn documentation. The best info I found was: http://dotnetslackers.com/articles/vs_addin/Lessons_learned_from_Copy_to_Html_Add_in.aspx
Can anyone help?
Problem 1: Override the QueryStatus and set the status to vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported | vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled
Problem 2: I don't think this is possible. It is possible to get the project type, but only once the button has been clicked (QueryStatus only seems to fire once the button has been clicked once).
Problem 3: Project path was available via connect.ApplicationObject.ActiveSolutionProjects.
Can anyone please help with the following?
I have a trivial Xamarin forms app working and I want to add an OpenTK view.
The following works fine:
In my MainPage.xaml.cs I have the following event handler for a button which spawns an empty OpenTK view on each click:
private void OnXAMLButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var view = new OpenGLView { HasRenderLoop = true };
view.HeightRequest = 300;
view.WidthRequest = 300;
view.OnDisplay = r =>
//GL.ClearColor(red, green, blue, 1.0f);
(where m_SL is the name of my StackLayout).
I get a new black window on each click. Great.
Now, see that commented-out line, that's because the value GL is undefined.
This code is from the simple example here:
I see at the top of that example there is the following:
using OpenTK.Graphics.ES30;
But I cannot include this, OpenTK is not recognized as a namespace. I expected to have to add it as a reference, but how?
I can add a reference to it in my .Android project so that I can add the above using statement in my MainActivity.cs page but that is not where it belongs (although I see that I then have GL defined, so this proves that I need to add these using statements to my MainPage.xaml.cs in order to get GL defined), but like I say, how do I add the reference to OpenTK for the project that contains MainPage.xaml.cs.
Thanks for any help,
----- EDIT -----
Thanks to the poster for helping me so far, the new problem is a reference to System.Private.Core that cannot be resolved. Here's the my full workflow for creating this error:
1: Create a new project.
This gives me the three projects:
2: Change to .NET standard 2.1 in the OGLMobile project:
The .Android and .iOS projects don't have a .NET choice option.
3: Add reference to OpenTK to OGLMobile project:
4: OGLMobile project builds fine but .Android project gives:
If I remove reference to OpenTK everything builds again. Makes no difference if I add OpenTK Nuget package to .Android project, I still get the same error.
So close,
thanks for any advice.
You need to install Nuget Package OpenTK.Graphics, then can use that.
Now can refer it:
Note: 4.0.1 of OpenTK.Graphics need .NET Standard 2.1.
I am using Visual Studio for Mac 7.6.6 to create a Xamarin.Forms app targeting macOS (to be shared with something running on Windows). I create a new Project and select
Multiplatform App | Blank Forms App. Click Next
Configure your Blank Forms App. There are target platforms: Android and iOS.
(There is nothing for macOS). Since I have not installed the build toolkits for either iOS and android, both of these checkboxes are disabled. Therefore the Next button on this wizard page is disabled.
How do I proceed? I assume there is no way to use the New Project wizard for this.
I came across an old post for starting with a Xamarin Cocoa app and using NuGet to put the Xamarin Forms functionality but don't understand the code
LoadApplication(new App()); // <-- don't know what App is
I suspect the VS Mac and Xamarin.Forms are out of sync being on the bleeding edge. Has anyone gotten this to work?
I would suggest following SushiHangover's suggestion since that is simpler which is what you have done already:
Add a new CocoaApp project to your solution.
Install Xamarin.Forms NuGet package into your CocoaApp.
Reference the shared project or .NET Standard project from your CocoaApp project.
Edit info.plist and remove the source entry (NSMainStoryboardFile).
Change the AppDelegate to derive from Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS.FormsApplicationDelegate.
Update Main.cs to initialize the AppDelegate
In the AppDelegate's DidFinishLaunching add the code to initialize Xamarin.Forms.
Create a new NSWindow which should be returned from the MainWindow property in the AppDelegate.
static class MainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
NSApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate = new AppDelegate();
public class AppDelegate : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS.FormsApplicationDelegate
NSWindow window;
public AppDelegate()
var style = NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Titled;
var rect = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(200, 1000, 1024, 768);
window = new NSWindow(rect, style, NSBackingStore.Buffered, false);
window.Title = "Xamarin.Forms on Mac!";
window.TitleVisibility = NSWindowTitleVisibility.Hidden;
public override NSWindow MainWindow
get { return window; }
public override void DidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)
LoadApplication(new App());
public override void WillTerminate(NSNotification notification)
// Insert code here to tear down your application
However Visual Studio for Mac does include a Mac project with the Xamarin.Forms project templates. However it does not expose this in the New Project dialog currently. You can create a Mac Forms project from this template but it is a bit more work than what SushiHangover suggested and you have used.
Install the Xamarin.Forms project template into the .NET Core project templates
dotnet new --install "/Applications/Visual Studio.app/Contents/Resources/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/Xamarin.Forms.Addin/Templates/Xamarin.Templates.Multiplatform.0.0.1.nupkg"
Create a new Forms project including the Mac project (you may want to review and set other template parameters - the following creates a blank Forms app with Android, iOS, Mac, UWP and a Shared project).
dotnet new forms-app --CreateMacProject -k blank
Create a new blank solution (Other - Miscellaneous - Blank Solution) in the parent directory of the projects you just created.
Add all those projects created to the solution.
Then you can build and run the Mac project which includes Xamarin.Forms.
Note you may want to remove the Xamarin.Forms project template from the .NET Core project templates which you can do by running the following:
dotnet new --debug:reinit
In addition to the approved answer, which is incomplete with recent updates, now you have to do one more step.
Link the delagate in the Mac project main class
static class MainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
NSApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate = new AppDelegate();
nota. My edit was refused and I'm not allowed to add comments. So I added a complementary answer to help those looking for help now.
I am currently developing a Xamarin.Forms application. I am using IconizePlugin. The app is tabbedPage based and on toolbar I'm trying to include icons for some actions.
This is whay I'm getting:
Icons are showing well and in Xamarin.iOS gets the click event, while it is not working in Xamarin.Droid.
I included the corresponding nugets and followed every steps told in documentation and can't archive this. Other iconize controls in Droid are working fine except the IconToolbarItem.
Please help!
The workaround I found was to declare de IconToolbarItem in the c# code instead of xaml. Although I don't know why it wasn't working while on xaml.
Declaring the item li
ToolbarItems.Add(new IconToolbarItem
Icon = "fa-plus",
IconColor = Color.White,
Command = new Command(this.addBono)
While developing a project for Windows Phone 7, I'm adding an image control onto the Grid and using the following code in C# to set the image source:-
Uri nUri = new Uri("/TestImage.png", UriKind.Relative);
BitmapImage nBitmapImage = new BitmapImage(nUri);
FacebookImage.Source = nBitmapImage;
The problem is that whenever I use custom images, they do not show up when I build and run the app on the emulator. Whereas, if I change the image file name in the above code to one of the images that are included in the project by default (ApplicationIcon.png), the image shows up upon running. I would like to know if this is a problem with the code or with the custom image files I'm using. I'm ensuring that the images I'm creating are proper and have the same attributes as the images included by default.
Could someone please help me out with this.
Click on your custom picture in Visual Studio's Solution Explorer. Then, look at the property window (press F4 if it's closed), and at the "Build Action" line. It basically tells the compiler how to embed your file in the application. The build action of ApplicationIcon.png should be "Content", just set the same one for your custom pictures.
First, I know Silverlight project can't reference to non-Silverlight based project like Windows class library or Asp.net MVC project. But I need to create my projects which can support both Silverlight-based project & Asp.net MVC project.
So, I created Silverlight-based project for my sharing source code. It works fine on VS.net 2008 & .Net 3.5 SP1. However, I found some error when I try to use some method of Silverlight-based project from .Net-based project like the following code.
Silverlight-based Method
public static void InitializeInstance(object obj)
// Initialize Field Value
foreach (FieldInfo fi in obj.GetType().GetFields())
foreach (Attribute attr in fi.GetCustomAttributes(true))
if (attr is DefaultValueAttribute)
DefaultValueAttribute dv = (DefaultValueAttribute)attr;
fi.SetValue(obj, dv.Value);
// Initialize Property Value
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
foreach (Attribute attr in pi.GetCustomAttributes(true))
if (attr is DefaultValueAttribute)
DefaultValueAttribute dv = (DefaultValueAttribute)attr;
if (pi.CanWrite)
pi.SetValue(obj, dv.Value, null);
.Net-based Method
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Error Detail
Could not load file or assembly
'System, Version=,
PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' or
one of its dependencies. The system
cannot find the file specified. File
name: 'System, Version=,
PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' at
InitializeInstance(Object obj)
Finally, I try to solve this problem by copying system.dll of Silverlight to output directory and reference it. It still shows same error. So, I think this error may be limitation of both .Net & Silverlight platform. Do you have any idea for avoid this issue?
PS. I know I can use this technique for a few sharing code. But it’s impossible to do this for my projects. Because it’s very complicate & very complex more than directly create Silverlight-based or .Net-based class library.
The trouble here is that those types share an assembly with a different strong name: System.Windows in Silverlight, PresentationFramework or PresentationCore on the desktop CLR.
So at runtime, the intended type cannot be loaded, and there are no type forwarders for the Silverlight-to-desktop types.
My recommended solution
Consider using file links, instead of actually trying to reference the same built binary.
This way, you can have a source structure for your project that may look like this:
(link) ..\AspMvc\MySharedDataFile.cs
This way, the source will be re-compiled with both projects. We use this on the Silverlight Toolkit to build many controls, including the charting and data visualization controls, for both WPF and Silverlight. This is by rebuilding for each platform, instead of referencing the binaries from both.
To insert a link in Visual Studio, just right-click on your project or one of its folder, Add Existing Item, then find it in the explorer open file dialog. however, instead of just clicking the button, click on the little down arrow drop-down on the Add file button, and select the "Add as link" option.
Then, it simply builds that file from another location, but it is not a copy, so you can maintain it in one place and use in both.
A crazy solution
You can use .NET reflection from your desktop app that is of a much higher trust to actually create a new app domain, hook up to the assembly resolution event, and see what that does. You may be able to instead return the type from the desktop CLR, or just no-op these warnings.
No clue if it works.