Image Misalignment in Visual Studio application - windows

I have a Visual Studio application with a splash screen image cut into "slices". The positions are specified in the Form Designer so they line up properly on the screen. However, the images are out of place when the application is run on the Chinese version of Windows XP. It looks as if the image slices were "exploded" apart.
What's going on here? Do international versions of Windows have a different meaning of the "top left" coordinate of the picture? How can I force the images to be precisely displayed where I want them?

We found a solution! Apparently the picture boxes stretched out on the Chinese XP PC, but the images they contained did not. The fix was to add code like the following:
Me.PictureBoxIcon.Width = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Image.Width
Me.PictureBoxIcon.Height = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Image.Height
Dim loc As New Point
loc.X = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Location.X
loc.Y = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Location.Y + Me.PictureBoxIcon.Height
Me.PictureBoxAbout.Location = loc
Me.PictureBoxAbout.Width = Me.PictureBoxAbout.Image.Width
Me.PictureBoxAbout.Height = Me.PictureBoxAbout.Image.Height
Hope this helps someone else!

In the OnLoad event of the form, you could always explicitly set the location of each section. If starting at the top left with the first and assuming an array with the images in order:
images[0].Location = new Point(0,0);
for (int i = 1; i < images.Length; i++)
images[i].Location = new Point(images[i - 1].Location.X + images[i - 1].Width, 0);
That will set the first image to the top left corner and all subsequent images to just after the last image.


Writing Macro in ImageJ to open, change color, adjust brightness and resave microscope images

I'm trying to write a code in Image J that will:
Open all images in separate windows that contains "488" within a folder
Use look up tables to convert images to green and RGB color From ImageJ, the commands are: run("Green"); and run("RGB Color");
Adjust the brightness and contrast with defined values for Min and Max (same values for each image).
I know that the code for that is:
//run("Brightness/Contrast..."); setMinAndMax(value min, value max); run("Apply LUT");
Save each image in the same, original folder , in Tiff and with the same name but finishing with "processed".
I have no experience with Java and am very bad with coding. I tried to piece something together using code I found on stackoverflow and on the ImageJ website, but kept getting error codes. Any help is much appreciated!
I don't know if you still need it, but here is an example.
output_dir = "C:/Users/test/"
input_dir = "C:/Users/test/"
list = getFileList(input_dir);
listlength = list.length;
for (z = 0; z < listlength; z++){
if(endsWith(list[z], 'tif')==true ){
title = list[z];
end = lengthOf(title)-4;
out_path = output_dir + substring(title,0,end) + "_processed.tif";
open(input_dir + title);
//add all the functions you want
setMinAndMax(1, 15);
run("Apply LUT");
saveAs("tif", "" + out_path + "");
run("Close All");
I think it contains all the things you need. It opens all the images (in specific folder) that ends with tif and contains 488. I didn't completely understand what you want to do with each photo, so I just added your functions. But you probably won't have problems with adding more/different since you can get them with macro recorder.
And the code is written to open tif files. If you have tiff just be cerful that you change that and also change -4 to -5.

poster image not displaying with add_movie() in python-pptx

I am trying to insert some sound files into a presentation, and the sound file seems to save fine, but the display image is always the default play button logo. Is there something wrong with my code, or is it another issue. I am currently working in a linux environment, if that makes any difference. I have tried with both mp4 and mp3 and the image issue is the same. The small play bar also seems not to appear although the sound file is in the presentation.
from pptx import Presentation
from pptx.util import Inches
prs = Presentation()
title_slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[0]
slide = prs.slides.add_slide(title_slide_layout)
left = Inches(1), top = Inches(1), width = Inches(1), height = Inches(1),
poster_frame_image = "cat.jpeg"
You can easily add any sound files to presentations and set poster images for them by using Aspose.Slides for Python as shown below:
import aspose.slides as slides
presentation_path = "example.pptx"
audio_path = "sample2.mp3"
image_path = "cat.jpeg"
with slides.Presentation() as presentation:
slide = presentation.slides[0]
# Add an audio frame to the slide with a specified position and size.
with open(audio_path, 'rb') as audio_stream:
audio_frame = slide.shapes.add_audio_frame_embedded(150, 100, 50, 50, audio_stream)
# Add the image to presentation resources.
with open(image_path, 'rb') as image_stream:
audio_image = presentation.images.add_image(image_stream)
# Set the image as the audio poster.
audio_frame.picture_format.picture.image = audio_image, slides.export.SaveFormat.PPTX)
I work as a Support Developer at Aspose.

Codename One - how to use onTitleScrollAnimation with BorderLayout?

as the Toolbar or Titlearea on scroll animation feature is referenced in the last section of the Toolbar API, and also in this great video tutorial (starting at about min 45), the animation works well under given circumstances.
I was not able to find any documentation about what these have to be, however I found one circumstance, in which it does not work. Here is a working example to demonstrate the problem:
Form hi = new Form("Title", new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
EncodedImage placeholder = EncodedImage
.createFromImage(Image.createImage(hi.getWidth(), hi.getWidth() / 5, 0xffff0000), true);
URLImage background = URLImage.createToStorage(placeholder, "400px-AGameOfThrones.jpg",
Style stitle = hi.getToolbar().getTitleComponent().getUnselectedStyle();
stitle.setPaddingUnit(Style.UNIT_TYPE_DIPS, Style.UNIT_TYPE_DIPS, Style.UNIT_TYPE_DIPS, Style.UNIT_TYPE_DIPS);
// hi.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // uncomment this for the animation to break
Container contentContainer = new Container(BoxLayout.y());
// add some elements so we have something to scroll
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
contentContainer.add(new Label("Entry " + i));
// hi.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, contentContainer); // use this line instead of the above for the animation to break
ComponentAnimation anim = hi.getToolbar().getTitleComponent().createStyleAnimation("Title", 200);
With my current app and the codesample from the Toolbar API (which is roughly adapted here), I found out that the onScrollAnimation event is not being called, when a scroll occurs inside a BorderLayout. Even when I have a separate container, which is not the contentpane itself, and I set setScrollableY(true); to true, the animation works properly. The animation stops working, when this very container is put into Center of the Form, via Borderlayout. in the example above, the layout is exactly the same, as there are no other components in other areas of course, but it breaks the animation.
How to solve this? In my app, I have the need for a BorderLayout but still want to use this cool feature. Also, this is a very un-intuitive feature, if it works for some, but not all layouts. It should be completely layout-agnostic and work in every case.
Thank you.
The adapter is bound to the forms content pane scrolling so it won't work if you have a border layout in here. In that case scrolling isn't detected because the code just isn't aware of the scrolling. It would need to track the scrolling of any component in the UI to detect that scrolling.
as hinted by Shai, the solution is the following:
hi.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Container contentContainer = new Container(BoxLayout.y());
// add some elements so we have something to scroll
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
contentContainer.add(new Label("Entry " + i));
hi.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, contentContainer); // use this line instead of the above for the animation to break
ComponentAnimation anim = hi.getToolbar().getTitleComponent().createStyleAnimation("Title", 200);
hi.getAnimationManager().onTitleScrollAnimation(contentContainer, anim);
instead of using the onTitleScollAnimation to just add the animation, provide your own scrollable "body" or content container as the first argument, appended by the animation(s).

I want to display numbers on the system tray notification Icons on windows

I am trying to create a notification Icon based application in which I want to display some numbers ranging from 1-999.
I looked at this video which is similar to what I want to do but here the system tray icon just displays the icon and it shows a pop up rather than the system tray icon showing the number or any text.
Excluding the popup item, all I want to do is to read a number (input from somewhere) and display that number in the notification icon section.
I am open to trying any technology (QT, .net) for doing this. Basically, I am looking for some examples.
While parts of your question are vague, this is very possible, I'd even dare-say quite simple. Since you mentioned you're open to trying any technology, C# would probably simplify things for you.
Generate a new 16 x 16 Bitmap and draw the number to it using the Graphics class.
Convert the Image instance to an Icon instance, after disposing of your Graphics object.
Set the Icon property of your NotifyIcon to the icon you've just created.
These are the basic steps. You'll likely need to do some research if you aren't familiar with the classes used.
Thanks for replying to my question. Here is what I came up with. Not sure if this is what you were talking about.
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources._16by16BitmapIcon);
RectangleF rectf = new RectangleF(2, 2, 16, 16);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
g.DrawString("99", new Font("Tahoma", 7), Brushes.Blue, rectf);
pictureBox1.Image = bmp;
pictureBox1.Height = bmp.Height;
pictureBox1.Width = bmp.Width;
var thumb = (Bitmap)bmp.GetThumbnailImage(64, 64, null, IntPtr.Zero);
notifyIcon1.Icon = Icon.FromHandle(thumb.GetHicon());
Now my next question could this be done in a better way? This is my first C Sharp app so any suggestions are welcome!
public void ShowText(string text, Font font, Color col)
Brush brush = new SolidBrush(col);
// Create a bitmap and draw text on it
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(16, 16);
Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
graphics.DrawString(text, font, brush, 0, 0);
// Convert the bitmap with text to an Icon
Icon icon = Icon.FromHandle(bitmap.GetHicon());
m_notifyIcon.Icon = icon;

How to display Images in a wxListCtrl (multicolumn report style)

I already managed to create wxListCtrls with either icons or multicolumn text like this
Picture of two wxListCtrls
Now I'd like to add an icon to each line of the text list on the left. I thought this should be possible as typical wxWidgets applications like code::blocks and wxSmith often diplay icons in list/tree views (resource browser window) and even in tabs of notebooks (compiler log window).
So how can I create something like this? (Everybody knows Windows Explorer)
Picture of Explorer Window with icons
I tried this...
SetImageList (ToolImages, wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL);
InsertColumn (0, "Icon");
SetColumnWidth (0, 40);
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
InsertItem (i, i);
SetItemColumnImage (i, 0, i);
SetItem (i, 1, IntToStr (i+1));
But as you can see, only the text gets displayd, the image column is blank. Is it possible at all to mix text and images in report mode? If not, what other wxControl class can I use to get the desired result?
Many Thanks in advance.
Yes, it is possible, and the listctrl sample shows how to do it, in particular see MyFrame::InitWithReportItems() function. The only difference with your code seems to be that you use a different InsertItem() overload, so perhaps you should use InsertItem(i, "") instead.
Also check that your image list does have the 5 icons in it.
More generally, trying to reduce the differences between your code and the (working) sample will almost always quickly find the problem.
Thanks, VZ, but I found out that it's not the InsertItem() but the SetImageList(). My image list was correct, but the "which" parameter wasn't. Replacing wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL by wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL fixes the problem! I thought "SMALL" was only meant for the SMALL_ICON mode and that "NORMAL" should be the default. But yes, that makes sense, normal icons are big and don't fit in the text display. Would be nice if the documentation had told us that before long trial and error...
This is a simple example for SMALL ICONIC VIEW USING WXLISTCTRL .Please place this code inside the class declaration.I did it in Frame based Windows Application using CODE BLOCKS.It will be useful to you.
wxImageList *il=new wxImageList(32,32,false,0);
wxImageList *i2=new wxImageList(32,32,false,0);
wxDir dir(wxGetCwd());
wxDir dir1(wxGetCwd());
if ( !dir.IsOpened() )
// deal with the error here - wxDir would already log an error message
// explaining the exact reason of the failure
if ( !dir1.IsOpened() )
// deal with the error here - wxDir would already log an error message
// explaining the exact reason of the failure
puts("Enumerating object files in current directory:");
wxString path, filename, dirstring,filename1, dirstring1, img,imgPath,path1,img1,imgPath1;
int i=0;
bool cont=dir.Open(path);
bool cont1=dir1.Open(path1);
cont = dir.GetFirst(&filename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_DEFAULT);
cont1 = dir1.GetFirst(&filename1, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_DEFAULT);
while ( cont )
cont = dir.GetNext(&filename);
// Consturct the imagepath
//Now, add the images to the imagelist
while ( cont1 )
cont1 = dir1.GetNext(&filename1);
// Consturct the imagepath
//Now, add the images to the imagelist
//assigning the imagelist to listctrl
ListCtrl1->AssignImageList(il, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL);
ListCtrl3->AssignImageList(i2, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL);
for(int j=0;j < il->GetImageCount()-1;j++)
wxListItem itemCol;
for(int k=0;k < i2->GetImageCount()-1;k++)
wxListItem itemCol1;
