Expanded/collapsed state not saved after closing file - visual-studio

In Visual Studio, you can expand and collapse code without using regions, for example in a code-behind page you can collapse methods, etc... And in an ASPX page you can collapse tags, tags, etc...
It's useful when you have a long page and you want to focus your development on a specific part. What's cool about it too is that you can close the file and reopen it and the state of the expanded/collapsed blocks is saved exactly as you left it.
Except in one instance. That state is not saved for tags in ASPX pages, where it would be most useful.
I know there are some good plugins out there for VS but I couldn't find one that addresses this issue.
Has anybody got a solution?
Before you mention custom controls, they are not always convenient or feasible when trying to keep a page short and I don't consider this a solution to this problem.

Looks like this issue will stay unresolved at this time.
I opened a bug report on Microsoft Connect, if this issue is important to you please vote it up!


Problem with Web Live Preview with Kendo controls

We have a website that heavily uses Kendo controls, which makes it hard to know how the page will look after rendering. I want to use the "web live preview" extension to visual studio, however i have an issue. When the page opens, says in the bottom right corner "building tree" or something along those lines and never actually finishes. Is there a trick to get it to work with Kendo? I tried it because i got an email from them suggesting we do it.
Any ideas?
I'm guessing the message you're seeing is "Generating Logical Tree...". The extension is still in Preview, so there's several things that could be the cause of that, but we would like to work with you to try to address them. If you could file an issue on Developer Community, and include any errors messages you see from your browser's console (make sure to include Verbose messages), we can try to dig in. Also keep a look out for updated versions of the extension (it should automatically update) as we're steadily fixing bugs.

How can I solve this strange VS 2010 form design view issue?

The problem: In VS2010, I have a form with a broken design view. It's breaking on a couple of Atalasoft imageviewer controls.
The weirdness: Took me some time to figure this out, but if I go into the forms designer.vb file, and comment out everything regarding these controls, save, uncomment, and save again, the form design view loads perfect. NOTE: I'm not changing anything. Just commenting/uncommenting portions of the designer and saving.
The form design view continues to work fine until I do any of the following:
close the form design view and the designer.vb file and try to view again.
close the solution and reopen.
After doing either of these things, it's back to square one and I have to comment/uncomment/save to view the form designer again.
I'm on Win7, 64 bit. I have worked on this app in the past with no issue. The app builds and runs just fine. It's just a VS form design view issue, and I'm flummoxed.
I'd love to hear any thoughts on how I can solve this. If I can provide any more specific info, please let me know.
I've seen this happen rarely, when something odd gets into the designer file for a form and the designer can't figure out how to display things anymore. A third-party control being part of it could be indicative of some bug with that control's designer-related code.
One thing to try might be re-creating the form in question from scratch, and see if that fixes it. Perhaps something inadvertently got fubared. Also see if there is anything out there with others having designer problems with the same control(s) in question.
Sorry can't offer more direct help; maybe someone else has experienced something more closely related.

Visual Web Developer Express 2010 doesn't save changes made to contents of Ajax Toolkit Tab Container in design view

When editing the contents of an AJAX Control Toolkit Tab Container in VWD Express 2010:
Sometimes the changes are saved ok, sometimes extremely slowly & sometimes not at all. A "page changed" asterisk in the name tab of the page appears briefly, but then disappears again.
Does anyone know anything about this, please?
I found some unwanted and unclosed tags in among the HTML, inside the Tab Container. After deleting them, the problem stopped. No idea how they got there. Hope this helps someone...

Visual studio highlights asp.net tags as hyperlinks

As you can see from the screenshot, vs2008 thinks asp tags are hyperlinks. I have reset all the settings on it but the issue is still there. I have tried on different projects and the same issue is present. I have moved the projects to another visual studio installation and problem has gone until I move them back.
Any one knows why this happens?
alt text http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/9033/20090531191305.png
Does it happen for tags without an asp: prefix.
e.g. Can you create a UserControl, and drag that in and give it a different tag prefix
<cc1:MyCustomControl />
If not, then it sounds like something has gotten set on your system that treats asp as a protocol :(
But to be honest, I'm at a complete loss as to why this might happen.
Must say it is strange. Although I am clueless, I will still try.
Are those real hyperlinks or just underlined text? If underlined text, then you can change the settings (since you have mentioned about resetting the setting, this won't work). If they are real hyperlinks, I am stumped.

VS2008 Start Page replacement

I really don't like the VS2008 Start Page. I don't need the RSS reader, Getting started or Headlines. The only thing useful is "Recent Projects"
Is there a way to customize it or replace with a better one?
It will be nice that the page contains Favorites Projects and Recent projects.
P.S. I know that I can disabled it or replace it with other web page, just looking for a good productivity tip.
Here's an article with a lot of detail on how to precisely customize the start page. Unfortunately, it looks to be a rather arduous process. But hey, if you have the time...
Customizing the Visual Studio .NET 2003 Start Page
Goto Tools > Options > Environment > Startup and pick the best option you like
One suggestion would be to follow the steps here:
You can also check out the useful information here. Aso for suggested things, check out this post.
The link posted by Kyralessa is a complete answer to your original question. Unfortunately, it does look like a complicated procedure.
I'll just add that if you're worried about any performance impact associated with fetching the RSS feed, you can enter a non-existent URL such as http://localhost:12345 that will fail quickly and reduce the amount of content needing to be rendered. In that way, you could keep the 'Recent projects' panel.
I too am not a fan of the startup page showing latest articles and news from MSDN.
I wouldn't mind glancing through a few articles, but the RSS feed is mega slow and the wait really slows down productivity, especially if I find myself opening and close it all the time.
Visual Studio will load much faster when the start page is disabled.
Here's how to do it:
Go to Tools => Options
Select the Startup child node under the Environment node.
Un-tick the auto loading of news articles
Clear the url box ...just to be sure ;)
Select "Show empty environment" from the combo box
Now, marvel at the dramatic speed boost to Visual studio 2008.
