How to quickly count the number of neighboring voxels? - algorithm

I have got a 3D grid (voxels), where some of the voxels are filled, and some are not. The 3D grid is sparsely filled, so I have got a set filledVoxels with coordinates (x, y, z) of the filled voxels. What I am trying to do is find out is for each filled voxel, how many neighboring voxels are filled too.
Here is an example:
filledVoxels contains the voxels (1, 1, 1), (1, 2, 1), and (1, 3, 1).
Therefore, the neighbor counts are:
(1,1,1) has 1 neighbor
(1,2,1) has 2 neighbors
(1,3,1) has 1 neighbor.
Right now I have this algorithm:
voxelCount = new Map<Voxel, Integer>();
for (voxel v in filledVoxels)
count = checkAllNeighbors(v, filledVoxels);
voxelCount[v] = count;
checkAllNeighbors() looks up all 26 surrounding voxels. So in total I am doing 26*filledVoxels.size() lookups, which is quite slow.
Is there any way to cut down the number of required lookups? When you look at the above example you can see that I am checking the same voxels several times, so it might be possible to get rid of lookups with some clever caching.
If this helps in any way, the voxels represent a voxelized 3D surface (but there might be holes in it). I usually want to get a list of all voxels that have 5 or 6 neighbors.

You can transform your voxel space into a octree in which every node contains a flag that specifies whether it contains filled voxels at all.
When a node does not contain filled voxels, you don't need to check any of its descendants.

I'd say if each of your lookups is slow (O(size)), you should optimize it by binary search in an ordered list (O(log(size))).
The constant 26, I wouldn't worry much. If you iterate smarter, you could cache something and have 26 -> 10 or something, I think, but unless you have profiled the whole application and found out decisively that it is the bottleneck I would concentrate on something else.

As ilya states, there's not much you can do to get around the 26 neighbor look-ups. You have to make your biggest gains in efficiently identifying whether a given neighbor is filled or not. Given that the brute force solution is essentially O(N^2), you have a lot of possible ground to gain in that area. Since you have to iterate over all filled voxels at least once, I would take an approach similar to the following:
voxelCount = new Map<Voxel, Integer>();
visitedVoxels = new EfficientSpatialDataType();
for (voxel v in filledVoxels)
for (voxel n in neighbors(v))
if (visitedVoxels.contains(n))
For your efficient spatial data type, a kd-tree, as Zifre suggested, might be a good idea. In any case, you're going to want to reduce your search space by binning visited voxels.

If you're marching along the voxels one at a time, you can keep a lookup table corresponding to the grid, so that after you've checked it once using IsFullVoxel() you put the value in this grid. For each voxel you're marching in you can check if its lookup table value is valid, and only call IsFullVoxel() it it isn't.
OTOH it seems like you can't avoid iterating over all neighboring voxels, either using IsFullVoxel() or the LUT. If you had some more a priori information it could help. For instance, if you knew that there were at most x neighboring filled voxels, or you knew that there were at most y neighboring filled voxels in each direction. For instance, if you know you're looking for voxels with 5 to 6 neighbors, you can stop after you've found 7 full neighbors or 22 empty neighbors.
I'm assuming that a function IsFullVoxel() exists that returns true if a voxel is full.

If most of the moves in your iteration were to neighbors, you could reduce your checking by around 25% by not looking back at the ones you just checked before you made the step.

You may find a Z-order curve a useful concept here. It lets you (with certain provisos) keep a sliding window of data around the point you're currently querying, so that when you move to the next point, you don't have to throw away many of the queries you've already performed.

Um, your question is not very clear. I'm assuming you just have a list of the filled points. In that case, this is going to be very slow, because you have to iterate through it (or use some kind of tree structure such as a kd-tree, but this will still be O(log n)).
If you can (i.e. the grid is not too big), just make a 3d array of bools. 26 lookups in a 3d array shouldn't really take that long (and there really is no way to cut down on the number of lookups).
Actually, now that I think of it, you could make it a 3d array of longs (64 bits). Each 64 bit block would hold 64 (4 x 4 x 4) voxels. When you are checking the neighbors of a voxel in the middle of the block, you could do a single 64 bit read (which would be much faster).

Is there any way to cut down the number of required lookups?
You will, at minimum, have to perform at least 1 lookup per voxel. Since that's the minimum, then any algorithm which only performs one lookup per voxel will meet your requirement.
One simplistic idea is to initialize an array to hold the count for each voxel, then look at each voxel and increment the neighbors of that voxel in the array.
Pseudo C might look something like this:
#define MAXX 100
#define MAXY 100
#define MAXZ 100
int x, y, z
char countArray[MAXX][MAXY][MAXZ];
initializeCountArray(MAXX, MAXY, MAXZ); // Set all array elements to 0
for(x=0; x<MAXX; x++)
You'll need to write initializeCountArray so it sets all array elements to 0.
More importantly you'll also need to write incrementNeighbors so that it won't increment outside the array. A slight speed increase here is to only perform the above algorithm on all voxels on the interior, then do a separate run on all the outside edge voxels with a modified incrementNeighbrs routine that understands there won't be neighbors on one side.
This algorithm results in 1 lookup per voxel, and at most 26 byte additions per voxel. If your voxel space is sparse then this will result in very few (relative) additions. If your voxel space is very dense, you might consider reversing the algorithm - initialize the array to the value of 26 for each entry, then decrement the neighbors when a voxel doesn't exist.
The results for a given voxel (ie, how many neighbors do I have?) reside in the array. If you need to know how many neighbors voxel 2,3,5 has, just look at the byte in countArray[2][3][5].
The array will consume 1 byte per voxel. You could use less space, and possibly increase the speed a little bit by packing the bytes.
There are better algorithms if you know details about your data. For instance, a very sparse voxel space will benefit greatly from an octree, where you can skip large blocks of lookups when you already know there are no filled voxels inside. Most of these algorithms, however, would still require at least one lookup per voxel to fill their matrix, but if you are performing several operations then they may benefit more than this one operation.


Is it better to reduce the space complexity or the time complexity for a given program?

Grid Illumination: Given an NxN grid with an array of lamp coordinates. Each lamp provides illumination to every square on their x axis, every square on their y axis, and every square that lies in their diagonal (think of a Queen in chess). Given an array of query coordinates, determine whether that point is illuminated or not. The catch is when checking a query all lamps adjacent to, or on, that query get turned off. The ranges for the variables/arrays were about: 10^3 < N < 10^9, 10^3 < lamps < 10^9, 10^3 < queries < 10^9
It seems like I can get one but not both. I tried to get this down to logarithmic time but I can't seem to find a solution. I can reduce the space complexity but it's not that fast, exponential in fact. Where should I focus on instead, speed or space? Also, if you have any input as to how you would solve this problem please do comment.
Is it better for a car to go fast or go a long way on a little fuel? It depends on circumstances.
Here's a proposal.
First, note you can number all the diagonals that the inputs like on by using the first point as the "origin" for both nw-se and ne-sw. The diagonals through this point are both numbered zero. The nw-se diagonals increase per-pixel in e.g the northeast direction, and decreasing (negative) to the southwest. Similarly ne-sw are numbered increasing in the e.g. the northwest direction and decreasing (negative) to the southeast.
Given the origin, it's easy to write constant time functions that go from (x,y) coordinates to the respective diagonal numbers.
Now each set of lamp coordinates is naturally associated with 4 numbers: (x, y, nw-se diag #, sw-ne dag #). You don't need to store these explicitly. Rather you want 4 maps xMap, yMap, nwSeMap, and swNeMap such that, for example, xMap[x] produces the list of all lamp coordinates with x-coordinate x, nwSeMap[nwSeDiagonalNumber(x, y)] produces the list of all lamps on that diagonal and similarly for the other maps.
Given a query point, look up it's corresponding 4 lists. From these it's easy to deal with adjacent squares. If any list is longer than 3, removing adjacent squares can't make it empty, so the query point is lit. If it's only 3 or fewer, it's a constant time operation to see if they're adjacent.
This solution requires the input points to be represented in 4 lists. Since they need to be represented in one list, you can argue that this algorithm requires only a constant factor of space with respect to the input. (I.e. the same sort of cost as mergesort.)
Run time is expected constant per query point for 4 hash table lookups.
Without much trouble, this algorithm can be split so it can be map-reduced if the number of lampposts is huge.
But it may be sufficient and easiest to run it on one big machine. With a billion lamposts and careful data structure choices, it wouldn't be hard to implement with 24 bytes per lampost in an unboxed structures language like C. So a ~32Gb RAM machine ought to work just fine. Building the maps with multiple threads requires some synchronization, but that's done only once. The queries can be read-only: no synchronization required. A nice 10 core machine ought to do a billion queries in well less than a minute.
There is very easy Answer which works
Create Grid of NxN
Now for each Lamp increment the count of all the cells which suppose to be illuminated by the Lamp.
For each query check if cell on that query has value > 0;
For each adjacent cell find out all illuminated cells and reduce the count by 1
This worked fine but failed for size limit when trying for 10000 X 10000 grid

Generate random sequence of integers differing by 1 bit without repeats

I need to generate a (pseudo) random sequence of N bit integers, where successive integers differ from the previous by only 1 bit, and the sequence never repeats. I know a Gray code will generate non-repeating sequences with only 1 bit difference, and an LFSR will generate non-repeating random-like sequences, but I'm not sure how to combine these ideas to produce what I want.
Practically, N will be very large, say 1000. I want to randomly sample this large space of 2^1000 integers, but I need to generate something like a random walk because the application in mind can only hop from one number to the next by flipping one bit.
Use any random number generator algorithm to generate an integer between 1 and N (or 0 to N-1 depending on the language). Use the result to determine the index of the bit to flip.
In order to satisfy randomness you will need to store previously generated numbers (thanks ShreevatsaR). Additionally, you may run into a scenario where no non-repeating answers are possible so this will require a backtracking algorithm as well.
This makes me think of fractals - following a boundary in a julia set or something along those lines.
If N is 1000, use a 2^500 x 2^500 fractal bitmap (obviously don't generate it in advance - you can derive each pixel on demand, and most won't be needed). Each pixel move is one pixel up, down, left or right following the boundary line between pixels, like a simple bitmap tracing algorithm. So long as you start at the edge of the bitmap, you should return to the edge of the bitmap sooner or later - following a specific "colour" boundary should always give a closed curve with no self-crossings, if you look at the unbounded version of that fractal.
The x and y axes of the bitmap will need "Gray coded" co-ordinates, of course - a bit like oversized Karnaugh maps. Each step in the tracing (one pixel up, down, left or right) equates to a single-bit change in one bitmap co-ordinate, and therefore in one bit of the resulting values in the random walk.
I just realised there's a problem. The more wrinkly the boundary, the more likely you are in the tracing to hit a point where you have a choice of directions, such as...
* | .
. | *
Whichever direction you enter this point, you have a choice of three ways out. Choose the wrong one of the other two and you may return back to this point, therefore this is a possible self-crossing point and possible repeat. You can eliminate the continue-in-the-same-direction choice - whichever way you turn should keep the same boundary colours to the left and right of your boundary path as you trace - but this still leaves a choice of two directions.
I think the problem can be eliminated by making having at least three colours in the fractal, and by always keeping the same colour to one particular side (relative to the trace direction) of the boundary. There may be an "as long as the fractal isn't too wrinkly" proviso, though.
The last resort fix is to keep a record of points where this choice was available. If you return to the same point, backtrack and take the other alternative.
While an algorithm like this:
i = random(0, n)
i ^= >> (i % bitlen)
yield i
…would return a random sequence of integers differing each by 1 bit, it would require a huge array for backtracing to ensure uniqueness of numbers.
Further more your running time would increase exponentially(?) with increasing density of your backtrace, as the chance to hit a new and non-repeating number decreases with every number in the sequence.
To reduce time and space one could try to incorporate one of these:
Bloom Filter
Use a Bloom Filter to drastically reduce the space (and time) needed for uniqueness-backtracing.
As Bloom Filters come with the drawback of producing false positives from time to time a certain rate of falsely detected repeats (sic!) (which thus are skipped) in your sequence would occur.
While the use of a Bloom Filter would reduce the space and time your running time would still increase exponentially(?)…
Hilbert Curve
A Hilbert Curve represents a non-repeating (kind of pseudo-random) walk on a quadratic plane (or in a cube) with each step being of length 1.
Using a Hilbert Curve (on an appropriate distribution of values) one might be able to get rid of the need for a backtrace entirely.
To enable your sequence to get a seed you'd generate n (n being the dimension of your plane/cube/hypercube) random numbers between 0 and s (s being the length of your plane's/cube's/hypercube's sides).
Not only would a Hilbert Curve remove the need for a backtrace, it would also make the sequencer run in O(1) per number (in contrast to the use of a backtrace, which would make your running time increase exponentially(?) over time…)
To seed your sequence you'd wrap-shift your n-dimensional distribution by random displacements in each of its n dimension.
Ps: You might get better answers here: CSTheory # StackExchange (or not, see comments)

Benefits of nearest neighbor search with Morton-order?

While working on the simulation of particle interactions, I stumbled across grid indexing in Morton-order (Z-order)(Wikipedia link) which is regarded to provide an efficient nearest neighbor cell search. The main reason that I've read is the almost sequential ordering of spatially close cells in memory.
Being in the middle of a first implementation, I can not wrap my head around how to efficiently implement the algorithm for the nearest neighbors, especially in comparison to a basic uniform grid.
Given a cell (x,y) it is trivial to obtain the 8 neighbor cell indices and compute the respective z-index. Although this provides constant access time to the elements, the z-index has either to be calculated or looked up in predefined tables (separate for each axis and OR'ing). How can this possibly be more efficient? Is it true, that accessing elements in an array A in an order say A[0] -> A1 -> A[3] -> A[4] -> ... is more efficient than in an order A[1023] -> A[12] -> A[456] -> A[56] -> ...?
I've expected that there exists a simpler algorithm to find the nearest neighbors in z-order. Something along the lines: find first cell of neighbors, iterate. But this can't be true, as this works nicely only within 2^4 sized blocks. There are two problems however: When the cell is not on the boundary, one can easily determine the first cell of the block and iterate through the cells in the block, but one has to check whether the cell is a nearest neighbor. Worse is the case when the cell lies on the boundary, than one has to take into account 2^5 cells. What am I missing here? Is there a comparatively simple and efficient algorithm that will do what I need?
The question in point 1. is easily testable, but I'm not very familiar with the underlying instructions that the described access pattern generates and would really like to understand what is going on behind the scenes.
Thanks in advance for any help, references, etc...
Thank you for clarifying point 1! So, with Z-ordering, the cache hit rate is increased on average for neighbor cells, interesting. Is there a way to profile cache hit/miss rates?
Regarding point 2:
I should add that I understand how to build the Morton-ordered array for a point cloud in R^d where the index i = f(x1, x2, ..., xd) is obtained from bitwise interlacing etc. What I try to understand is whether there is a better way than the following naive ansatz to get the nearest neighbors (here in d=2, "pseudo code"):
// Get the z-indices of cells adjacent to the cell containing (x, y)
// Accessing the contents of the cells is irrelevant here
(x, y) \elem R^2
point = (x, y)
zindex = f(x, y)
(zx, zy) = f^(-1)(zindex) // grid coordinates
nc = [(zx - 1, zy - 1), (zx - 1, zy), (zx - 1, zy + 1), // neighbor grid
(zx , zy - 1), (zx, zy + 1), // coordinates
(zx + 1, zy - 1), (zx + 1, zy), (zx + 1, zy + 1)]
ni= [f(x[0], x[1]) for x in nc] // neighbor indices
In modern multi-level cache-based computer systems, spacial locality is an important factor in optimising access-time to data elements.
Put simply, this means if you access a data element in memory, then accessing another data element in memory that is nearby (has an address that is close to the first) can be cheaper by several orders of magnitude that accessing a data element that is far away.
When 1-d data is accessed sequentially, as in simply image processing or sound processing, or iterating over data structures processing each element the same way, then arranging the data elements in memory in order tends to achieve spatial locality - i.e. since you access element N+1 just after accessing element N, the two elements should be placed next to each other in memory.
Standard c arrays (and many other data structures) have this property.
The point of Morton ordering is to support schemes where data is accessed two dimensionally instead of one dimensionally. In other words, after accessing element (x,y), you may go on to access (x+1,y) or (x,y+1) or similar.
The Morton ordering means that (x,y), (x+1,y) and (x,y+1) are near to each other in memory. In a standard c multidimensional array, this is not necessarily the case. For example, in the array myArray[10000][10000], (x,y) and (x,y+1) are 10000 elements apart - too far apart to take advantage of spatial locality.
In a Morton ordering, a standard c array can still be used as a store for the data, but the calculation to work out where (x,y) is is no longer as simple as store[x+y*rowsize].
To implement your application using Morton ordering, you need to work out how to transform a coordinate (x,y) into the address in the store. In other words, you need a function f(x,y) that can be used to access the store as in store[f(x,y)].
Looks like you need to do some more research - follow the links from the wikipedia page, particularly the ones on the BIGMIN function.
Yes, accessing array elements in order is indeed faster. The CPU loads memory from RAM into cache in chunks. If you access sequentially, the CPU can preload the next chunk easily, and you won't notice the load time. If you access randomly, it can't. This is called cache coherency, and what it means is that accessing memory near to memory you've already accessed is faster.
In your example, when loading A[1], A[2], A[3] and A[4], the processor probably loaded several of those indices at once, making them very trivial. Moreover, if you then go on to try to access A[5], it can pre-load that chunk while you operate on A[1] and such, making the load time effectively nothing.
However, if you load A[1023], the processor must load that chunk. Then it must load A[12]- which it hasn't already loaded and thus must load a new chunk. Et cetera, et cetera. I have no idea about the rest of your question, however.

Divide grid (2D array) into random shaped parts?

The Problem
I want to divide a grid (2D array) into random shaped parts (think earth's tectonic plates).
Criteria are:
User inputs grid size (program should scale because this could be very large).
User inputs grid division factor (how many parts).
Grid is a rectangular shaped hex grid, and is capped top and bottom, wrap around left and right.
No fragmentation of the parts.
No parts inside other parts.
No tiny or super-large parts.
Random shaped parts, that are not perfect circles, or strung-out snaking shapes.
My solution:
Create a method that can access/manipulate adjacent cells.
Randomly determine the size of each part (the sum of all the parts equal the size of the whole 2D array).
Fill the entire 2D array with the last part's id number.
For each part except the last:
Seed the current part id number in a random cell of the 2D array.
Iterate over the entire array and store the address of each cell adjacent to any cells already seeded with the current part id number.
Extract one of the stored addresses and fill that cell with the current plate id number (and so the part starts to form).
Repeat until the part size is reached.
Note that to avoid parts with long strung out "arms" or big holes inside them, I created two storage arrays: one for cells adjacent
to just one cell with the current part id number, and the other for cells adjacent to more than one, then I exhaust the latter before the former.
Running my solution gives the following:
Grid size: 200
width: 20
height: 10
Parts: 7
Part number: 0
Part size: 47
Part number: 1
Part size: 30
Part number: 2
Part size: 26
Part number: 3
Part size: 22
Part number: 4
Part size: 26
Part number: 5
Part size: 22
Part number: 6
Part size: 27
Problems with my solution:
The last part is always fragmented - in the case above there are three separate groups of sixes.
The algorithm will stall when parts form in cul-de-sacs and don't have room to grow to their full size (the algorithm does not allow forming parts over other parts, unless it's the last part, which is layed down over the entire 2D array at the start).
If I don't specify the part sizes before forming the 2d array, and just make do with specifying the number of parts and randomly generating the part sizes on the fly, this leaves open the possibility of tiny parts being formed, that might aswell not be there at all, especially when the 2D array is very large. My current part size method limits the parts sizes to between 10% and 40% of the total size of the 2D array. I may be okay with not specifying the parts sizes if there is some super-elegant way to do this - the only control the user will have is 2d array size and number of parts.
Other ideas:
Form the parts in perfectly aligned squares, then run over the 2D array and randomly allow each part to encroach on other parts, warping them into random shapes.
Draw snaking lines across the grid and fill in the spaces created, maybe using some math like this:
So here's the rub: I am a beginner programmer who is unsure if I'm tackling this problem in the right way. I can create some more "patch up" methods, that shift the fragmented parts together, and allow forming parts to "jump out" of the cul-de-sacs if they get stuck in them, but it feels messy.
How would you approach this problem? Is there some sexy math I could use to simplify things perhaps?
I did something similar for a game a few months back, though it was a rectangular grid rather than a hex grid. Still, the theory is the same, and it came up with nice contiguous areas of roughly equal size -- some were larger, some were smaller, but none were too small or too large. YMMV.
Make an array of pointers to all the spaces in your grid. Shuffle the array.
Assign the first N of them IDs -- 1, 2, 3, etc.
Until the array points to no spaces that do not have IDs,
Iterate through the array looking for spaces that do not have IDs
If the space has neighbors in the grid that DO have IDs, assign the space
the ID from a weighted random selection of the IDs of its neighbors.
If it doesn't have neighbors with IDs, skip to the next.
Once there are no non-empty spaces, you have your map with sufficiently blobby areas.
Here's what I'd do: use Voronoi algorithm. At first place some random points, then let the Voronoi algorithm generate the parts. To get the idea how it looks like consult: this applet.
As Rekin suggested, a Voronoi diagram plus some random perturbation will generally do a good job, and on a discretized space like you've got, is relatively easy to implement.
I just wanted to give some ideas about how to do the random perturbation. If you do it at the final resolution, then it's either going to take a very long time, or be pretty minimal. You might try doing a multi-resolution perturbation. So, start with a rather small grid, randomly seed, compute the Voronoi diagram. Then randomly perturb the borders - something like, for each pair of adjacent cells with different regions, push the region one way or the other. You might need to run a post-process to make sure you have no tiny islands.. a simple floodfill will work.
Then create a grid that's twice the size (in each direction), and copy your regions over. You can probably use nearest neighbor. Then perturb the borders again, and repeat until you reach your desired resolution.

Find the "largest" dense sub matrix in a large sparse matrix

Given a large sparse matrix (say 10k+ by 1M+) I need to find a subset, not necessarily continuous, of the rows and columns that form a dense matrix (all non-zero elements). I want this sub matrix to be as large as possible (not the largest sum, but the largest number of elements) within some aspect ratio constraints.
Are there any known exact or aproxamate solutions to this problem?
A quick scan on Google seems to give a lot of close-but-not-exactly results. What terms should I be looking for?
edit: Just to clarify; the sub matrix need not be continuous. In fact the row and column order is completely arbitrary so adjacency is completely irrelevant.
A thought based on Chad Okere's idea
Order the rows from largest count to smallest count (not necessary but might help perf)
Select two rows that have a "large" overlap
Add all other rows that won't reduce the overlap
Record that set
Add whatever row reduces the overlap by the least
Repeat at #3 until the result gets to small
Start over at #2 with a different starting pair
Continue until you decide the result is good enough
I assume you want something like this. You have a matrix like
You want columns 1,2,5,7 and rows 1 and 2, right? That submatrix would 4x2 with 8 elements. Or you could go with columns 1,5,7 with rows 1,2,3 which would be a 3x3 matrix.
If you want an 'approximate' method, you could start with a single non-zero element, then go on to find another non-zero element and add it to your list of rows and columns. At some point you'll run into a non-zero element that, if it's rows and columns were added to your collection, your collection would no longer be entirely non-zero.
So for the above matrix, if you added 1,1 and 2,2 you would have rows 1,2 and columns 1,2 in your collection. If you tried to add 3,7 it would cause a problem because 1,3 is zero. So you couldn't add it. You could add 2,5 and 2,7 though. Creating the 4x2 submatrix.
You would basically iterate until you can't find any more new rows and columns to add. That would get you too a local minimum. You could store the result and start again with another start point (perhaps one that didn't fit into your current solution).
Then just stop when you can't find any more after a while.
That, obviously, would take a long time, but I don't know if you'll be able to do it any more quickly.
I know you aren't working on this anymore, but I thought someone might have the same question as me in the future.
So, after realizing this is an NP-hard problem (by reduction to MAX-CLIQUE) I decided to come up with a heuristic that has worked well for me so far:
Given an N x M binary/boolean matrix, find a large dense submatrix:
Part I: Generate reasonable candidate submatrices
Consider each of the N rows to be a M-dimensional binary vector, v_i, where i=1 to N
Compute a distance matrix for the N vectors using the Hamming distance
Use the UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) algorithm to cluster vectors
Initially, each of the v_i vectors is a singleton cluster. Step 3 above (clustering) gives the order that the vectors should be combined into submatrices. So each internal node in the hierarchical clustering tree is a candidate submatrix.
Part II: Score and rank candidate submatrices
For each submatrix, calculate D, the number of elements in the dense subset of the vectors for the submatrix by eliminating any column with one or more zeros.
Select the submatrix that maximizes D
I also had some considerations regarding the min number of rows that needed to be preserved from the initial full matrix, and I would discard any candidate submatrices that did not meet this criteria before selecting a submatrix with max D value.
Is this a Netflix problem?
MATLAB or some other sparse matrix libraries might have ways to handle it.
Is your intent to write your own?
Maybe the 1D approach for each row would help you. The algorithm might look like this:
Loop over each row
Find the index of the first non-zero element
Find the index of the non-zero row element with the largest span between non-zero columns in each row and store both.
Sort the rows from largest to smallest span between non-zero columns.
At this point I start getting fuzzy (sorry, not an algorithm designer). I'd try looping over each row, lining up the indexes of the starting point, looking for the maximum non-zero run of column indexes that I could.
You don't specify whether or not the dense matrix has to be square. I'll assume not.
I don't know how efficient this is or what its Big-O behavior would be. But it's a brute force method to start with.
EDIT. This is NOT the same as the problem below.. My bad...
But based on the last comment below, it might be equivilent to the following:
Find the furthest vertically separated pair of zero points that have no zero point between them.
Find the furthest horizontally separated pair of zero points that have no zeros between them ?
Then the horizontal region you're looking for is the rectangle that fits between these two pairs of points?
This exact problem is discussed in a gem of a book called "Programming Pearls" by Jon Bentley, and, as I recall, although there is a solution in one dimension, there is no easy answer for the 2-d or higher dimensional variants ...
The 1=D problem is, effectively, find the largest sum of a contiguous subset of a set of numbers:
iterate through the elements, keeping track of a running total from a specific previous element, and the maximum subtotal seen so far (and the start and end elemnt that generateds it)... At each element, if the maxrunning subtotal is greater than the max total seen so far, the max seen so far and endelemnt are reset... If the max running total goes below zero, the start element is reset to the current element and the running total is reset to zero ...
The 2-D problem came from an attempt to generate a visual image processing algorithm, which was attempting to find, within a stream of brightnesss values representing pixels in a 2-color image, find the "brightest" rectangular area within the image. i.e., find the contained 2-D sub-matrix with the highest sum of brightness values, where "Brightness" was measured by the difference between the pixel's brighness value and the overall average brightness of the entire image (so many elements had negative values)
EDIT: To look up the 1-D solution I dredged up my copy of the 2nd edition of this book, and in it, Jon Bentley says "The 2-D version remains unsolved as this edition goes to print..." which was in 1999.
