How to extract information from client/server communication with no documentation? - client

What are methods for undocumented client/server communication to be captured and analyzed for information you want and then have your program looking for this information in real time? For example, programs that look at online game client/server communication and get information and use it to do things like show location on a 3rd party map, etc.

Wireshark will allow you to inspect communication between the client-server (assuming you're running one of them on your machine). As you want to perform this snooping in your own application, look at WinPcap. Being able to reverse engineer the protocol is a whole other kettle of fish, mind.

In general, wireshark is an excellent recommendation for traffic/protocol analysis- however, you seem to be looking for something else:
For example, programs that look at online game client/server communication and get information and use it to do things like show location on a 3rd party map, etc.
I assume you are referring to multiplayer games and game servers?
If so, these programs are usually using a dedicated service connection to query the corresponding server for positional updates and other meta information on a different port, they don't actually intercept or inspect client/server communciations at realtime, and they don't really interfere with these updates, either.
So, you'll find that most game servers provide support for a very simply passive connection (i.e. output only), that's merely there for getting certain runtime state, which in turn is often simply polled by a corresponding external script/webpage.
Similarly, there's often also a dedicated administration interface provided on a different port, as well as another one that publishes server statistics, so that these can be easily queried for embedding neat stats in webpages.
Depending on the type of game server, these may offer public/anonymous use, or they may require certain credentials to access such a data port.
More complex systems will also allow you to subscribe only to specific state and updates, so that you can dynamically configure what data you are interested in.
So, even if you had complete documentation on the underlying protocol, you wouldn't really be able to directly inspect client/server communications without being in between these communications. This can however not be easily achieved. In theory, this would basically require a SOCKS proxy server to be set up and used by all clients, so that you can actually inspect the communications going on.
Programs like wireshark will generally only provide useful information for communications going on on your own machine/network, and will not provide any information about communications going on in between machines that you do not have access to.
In other words, even if you used wireshark to a) reverse engineer the protocol, b) come up with a way to inspect the traffic, c) create a positional map - all this would only work for those communications that you have access to, i.e. those that are taking place on your own machine/network. So, a corresponding online map would only show your own position.
Of course, there's an alternative: you can emulate a client, so that you are being provided with server-side updates from other clients, this will mostly have to be in spectator mode.
This in turn would mean that you are a passive client that's just consuming server-side state, but not providing any.
So that you can in turn use all these updates to populate an online map or use it for whatever else is on your mind.
This will however require your spectator/client to be connected to the server all the time, possibly taking up precious game server slots.
Some game servers provide dedicated spectator modes, so that you can observe the whole game play using a live feed. Most game servers will however automatically kick spectators after a certain idle timeout.


Simplest C++ library that supports distributed messaging - Observer Pattern

I need to do something relatively simple, and I don't really want to install a MOM like RabittMQ etc.
There are several programs that "register" with a central
"service" server through TCP. The only function of the server is to
call back all the registered clients when they all in turn say
"DONE". So it is a kind of "join" (edit: Barrier) for distributed client processes.
When all clients say "DONE" (they can be done at totally different times), the central server messages
them all saying "ALL-COMPLETE". The clients "block" until asynchronously called back.
So this is a kind of distributed asynchronous Observer Pattern. The server has to keep track of where the clients are somehow. It is ok for the client to pass its IP address to the server etc. It is constructable with things like Boost::Signal, BOOST::Asio, BOOST::Dataflow etc, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if something simple already exists. I got very close with ZeroMQ, but non of their patterns support this use-case very well, AFAIK.
Is there a very simple system that does this? Notice that the server can be written in any language. I just need C++ bindings for the clients.
After much searching, I used this library
It turns out that doing this with this framework is relatively straightforward. The only real "impediment" to using it is that the library seems to have gotten an API transition recently and the documentation .pdf file has not completely caught up with the source. No biggie since the example programs and the source (.hpp) files get you over this hump. However, they need to bring the docs in sync with the source. In addition, IMO they need to provide more interesting examples on how to use c++ Actors for extreme performance. For my case it is not needed, but the idea of actors (shared nothing) in this use-case is one of the reasons people use it instead shared memory communication when using threads.
Also, getting used to the syntax that the library enforces (get used to lambdas!) if one is not used to state of the art c++11 programs it can be a bit of a mind-twister at first. Then, the triviality of remembering all the clients that registered with the server was the only other caveat.

Existing Event Driven Network Protocols

I am building a set of programs that consist of multiple clients and a single server.
The clients are frequently pushing small packets of data to the server, which will validate the information (returning an error if the data is invalid), and process the received information. The information may then incur the firing of events, which clients will be subscribed to, allowing for clients to be instantly (or as close as possible) notified (along with a small amount of data).
I have some ideas about how to do this, but I am trying to avoid creating a protocol of my own, mainly as I'm sure it would take forever and I would probably make a few errors. So I was wondering if there are any existing protocols that I could implement into my system that would provide such functionality.
The number of clients will initially be quite small, but will be growing over time to potentially include 1000's of clients (with their own subscriptions), and several front end servers (each one handling a subset of subscriptions) parsing the information back and forth with back end servers for improved capability.
So, if anyone knows of any existing protocols that implement these requirements and functionality, that would be fantastic.
I am currently looking at the XMPP protocol, and the JXTA protocol suite (for reference, and implement with another language). Both seem quite good and provide the necessary connectivity, but I have not had the opportunity to test each of them out in my environment, or if they are even suitable for what I am attempting.
Additionally, some of the network clients will be outside of the local network and operating over WAN. Security is not so much of an issue, but I need to take into account the increase latency of this, and firewall rules (local to the connection that is hosting the application and ISP firewalls) that could be blocking certain ports or transport protocols (I have read some text that said that some ISPs where blocking UDP packets, but not sure of how wide this goes. I can do it at home, the office, mobile, friends houses, etc and have yet to experience it myself).
I'm sorry if the following is not exactly what you're after but I am slightly confused by your use of the word 'protocol'. I understand a protocol to be a 'communication specification' only, where the implementation is left entirely to you. If that is the case I always find the the following graphic usefull, link.
If on the other hand you are looking for a solution which allows you to easily implement the networking side of your application, helping save time, then checkout the following network libraries, which implement their own custom protocol:
Disclaimer: I'm a developer for NetworkComms.Net

How to implement a secure distributed social network?

I'm interested in how you would approach implementing a BitTorrent-like social network. It might have a central server, but it must be able to run in a peer-to-peer manner, without communication to it:
If a whole region's network is disconnected from the internet, it should be able to pass updates from users inside the region to each other
However, if some computer gets the posts from the central server, it should be able to pass them around.
There is some reasonable level of identification; some computers might be dissipating incomplete/incorrect posts or performing DOS attacks. It should be able to describe some information as coming from more trusted computers and some from less trusted.
It should be able to theoretically use any computer as a server, however, optimizing dynamically the network so that typically only fast computers with ample internet work as seeders.
The network should be able to scale to hundreds of millions of users; however, each particular person is interested in less than a thousand feeds.
It should include some Tor-like privacy features.
Purely theoretical question, though inspired by recent events :) I do hope somebody implements it.
Interesting question. With the use of already existing tor, p2p, darknet features and by using some public/private key infrastructure, you possibly could come up with some great things. It would be nice to see something like this in action. However I see a major problem. Not by some people using it for file sharing, BUT by flooding the network with useless information. I therefore would suggest using a twitter like approach where you can ban and subscribe to certain people and start with a very reduced set of functions at the beginning.
Incidentally we programmers could make a good start to accomplish that goal by NOT saving and analyzing to much information about the users and use safe ways for storing and accessing user related data!
Interesting, the rendezvous protocol does something similar to this (it grabs "buddies" in the local network)
Bittorrent is a mean of transfering static information, its not intended to have everyone become producers of new content. Also, bittorrent requires that the producer is a dedicated server until all of the clients are able to grab the information.
Diaspora claims to be such one thing.

What have you used to test (functional/load/stress) your network service with its custom protocol?

I recently created a turn-based game server that can accept 10s of thousands of simultaneous client connections (long story short - epoll on Linux). Communication is based on a simple, custom, line-based protocol. This server allows clients to connect, seek for other players in game matches, play said games (send moves, chat messages, etc.), and be notified when the game has ended.
What I'm looking to do now is test the server by simulating client connections. I'm hoping to support 10s of thousands of simultaneous connections, so this testing is very important to me. What do you guys use for your own testing?
Some things I'm researching now are: pexpect (python expect lib for the functional testing) and tsung for load testing.
I'd like to be able to just test from my laptop since I do not have a cluster of client machines to connect from. Perhaps I'd need to use ip aliasing or some-such in order to generate 100s of thousands of outbound sockets (limit is 65K per interface AFAIK).
Anyway, it seems to me like I need something fairly custom but I thought I'd ask before I went down that path.
I've used JMeter with custom sampler and assertion components before to do automated regression/load testing for a banking application with a custom protocol (Java RMI based API).
It's not exactly lightweight though, and you'll end up doing a lot of extra coding in the JMeter components to support your custom protocol. I'm guessing you'd have to code your own Java socket based client in this case.
But it gives you a lot of flexibility in defining the logic for testing the components, so you can do whatever you want inside there. It scales nicely as well, and allows you to throw a lot of concurrent connections at the system under test.
I decided it was best to "roll my own" to start with.
We are using HP LoadRunner it's the state of the art load testing product. (But also an expensive one). It can simulate thousands of requests to the server and provides metrics on response time etc..

How can Windows API calls to an application/service be monitored?

My company is looking at implementing a new VPN solution, but require that the connection be maintained programatically by our software. The VPN solution consists of a background service that seems to manage the physical connection and a command line/GUI utilty that initiates the request to connect/disconnect. I am looking for a way to "spy" on the API calls between the front-end utilty and back-end service so that our software can make the same calls to the service. Are there any recommended software solutions or methods to do this?
Typically, communications between a front-end application and back-end service are done through some form of IPC (sockets, named pipes, etc.) or through custom messages sent through the Service Control Manager. You'll probably need to find out which method this solution uses, and work from there - though if it's encrypted communication over a socket, this could be difficult.
Like Harper Shelby said, it could be very difficult, but you may start with filemon, which can tell you when certain processes create or write to files, regmon, which can do the same for registry writes and reads, and wireshark to monitor the network traffic. This can get you some data, but even with the data, it may be too difficult to interpret in a manner that would allow you to make the same calls.
I don't understand why you want to replace the utility, instead of simply running the utility from your application.
Anyway, you can run "dumpbin /imports whatevertheutilitynameis.exe" to see the static list of API function names to which the utility is linked; this doesn't show the sequence in which they're called, nor the parameter values.
You can then use a system debugger (e.g. Winice or whatever its more modern equivalent might be) to set breakpoints on these API, so that you break into the debugger (and can then inspect parameter values) when the utility invokes these APIs.
You might be able to glean some information using tools such as Spy++ to look at Windows messages. Debugging/tracing tools (Windbg, or etc.) may allow you to see API calls that are in process. The Sysinternals tools can show you system information to some degree of detail of usage.
Although I would recommend against this for the most part -- is it possible to contact the solution provider and get documentation? One reason for that is fragility -- if a vendor is not expecting users to utilize that aspect of the interface, they are more likely to change it without notice.
