What have you used to test (functional/load/stress) your network service with its custom protocol? - performance

I recently created a turn-based game server that can accept 10s of thousands of simultaneous client connections (long story short - epoll on Linux). Communication is based on a simple, custom, line-based protocol. This server allows clients to connect, seek for other players in game matches, play said games (send moves, chat messages, etc.), and be notified when the game has ended.
What I'm looking to do now is test the server by simulating client connections. I'm hoping to support 10s of thousands of simultaneous connections, so this testing is very important to me. What do you guys use for your own testing?
Some things I'm researching now are: pexpect (python expect lib for the functional testing) and tsung for load testing.
I'd like to be able to just test from my laptop since I do not have a cluster of client machines to connect from. Perhaps I'd need to use ip aliasing or some-such in order to generate 100s of thousands of outbound sockets (limit is 65K per interface AFAIK).
Anyway, it seems to me like I need something fairly custom but I thought I'd ask before I went down that path.

I've used JMeter with custom sampler and assertion components before to do automated regression/load testing for a banking application with a custom protocol (Java RMI based API).
It's not exactly lightweight though, and you'll end up doing a lot of extra coding in the JMeter components to support your custom protocol. I'm guessing you'd have to code your own Java socket based client in this case.
But it gives you a lot of flexibility in defining the logic for testing the components, so you can do whatever you want inside there. It scales nicely as well, and allows you to throw a lot of concurrent connections at the system under test.

I decided it was best to "roll my own" to start with.

We are using HP LoadRunner it's the state of the art load testing product. (But also an expensive one). It can simulate thousands of requests to the server and provides metrics on response time etc..


Websockets server implementation real performance for high concurrent production environment

I'm evaluating the substitution of some http pooling features of my production application with the new JEE7 supported Websocket feature. I'm planning to use Wildfly 8 as my next production server environment and I've migrated some of my websockets compatible modules with good results on development time; but I have the doubt about how it will work on production and what performance will have the websockets implementation on a a high load enviroment.
I´ve been searching documentation about the most used JEE servers but the main manufacturers haven´t yet a production JEE7 enviroment and when they have a JEE7 version, they haven´t enought documentation about how the implementation works or some values of maximum concurrency users. In addition, some not official comments says websocket connections are associated "with a server socket" but this seems to be not very efficient.
We might assume the Websocket is used only for receive data from the client point of view and we assume each user will receive, for example, an average of 10 messages per minute with a little json serialized object (a typical model data class). My requirement is more like a stock market than a chat application, for example.
What´s the real performance can I expect for a Websockets use on production enviroment in Wildfly 8 Server, for example? Also I´m interested about some comparision with another JEE7 implementations you are acquainted with.
Web sockets are TCP/IP based, no matter the implementation they will always use a socket (and hence an open file).
Performance wise it really depends on what you are doing, basically how many clients, how many requests/sec per client, and obviously on how big your hardware is. Undertow is based on non-blocking IO and is generally pretty fast, so it should be enough for what you need.
If you are testing lots of clients just be aware that you will hit OS based limits (definitely open files, and maybe available ports depending on your test).

Existing Event Driven Network Protocols

I am building a set of programs that consist of multiple clients and a single server.
The clients are frequently pushing small packets of data to the server, which will validate the information (returning an error if the data is invalid), and process the received information. The information may then incur the firing of events, which clients will be subscribed to, allowing for clients to be instantly (or as close as possible) notified (along with a small amount of data).
I have some ideas about how to do this, but I am trying to avoid creating a protocol of my own, mainly as I'm sure it would take forever and I would probably make a few errors. So I was wondering if there are any existing protocols that I could implement into my system that would provide such functionality.
The number of clients will initially be quite small, but will be growing over time to potentially include 1000's of clients (with their own subscriptions), and several front end servers (each one handling a subset of subscriptions) parsing the information back and forth with back end servers for improved capability.
So, if anyone knows of any existing protocols that implement these requirements and functionality, that would be fantastic.
I am currently looking at the XMPP protocol, and the JXTA protocol suite (for reference, and implement with another language). Both seem quite good and provide the necessary connectivity, but I have not had the opportunity to test each of them out in my environment, or if they are even suitable for what I am attempting.
Additionally, some of the network clients will be outside of the local network and operating over WAN. Security is not so much of an issue, but I need to take into account the increase latency of this, and firewall rules (local to the connection that is hosting the application and ISP firewalls) that could be blocking certain ports or transport protocols (I have read some text that said that some ISPs where blocking UDP packets, but not sure of how wide this goes. I can do it at home, the office, mobile, friends houses, etc and have yet to experience it myself).
I'm sorry if the following is not exactly what you're after but I am slightly confused by your use of the word 'protocol'. I understand a protocol to be a 'communication specification' only, where the implementation is left entirely to you. If that is the case I always find the the following graphic usefull, link.
If on the other hand you are looking for a solution which allows you to easily implement the networking side of your application, helping save time, then checkout the following network libraries, which implement their own custom protocol:
Disclaimer: I'm a developer for NetworkComms.Net

Can you use proxies to do load/stress testing on a server, with proxy serving as a sort of mirror?

Suppose I want to test a server's and its web application's ability to handle many simultaneous connections well and show decent latency.
So ideally I would want a thousand machines to bombard it with usage requests, but that's not practicable. So instead, can I just make a testing script with a thousand threads to run on the same server and have them perform the testing, connecting to the server via a geographically far-away proxy?
My reasoning here is that the signal will have to travel realistically big distances to the proxy and back, so that sort of emulates the reality of real clients accessing the server.
Then again, to take this one step further, are there prepackaged emulators/frameworks that could perform a similar test without using internet at all, just simulating the latency of the network, realistically creating all the socket connections and other resource intensive stuff etc?
There are lots of load testing products (open source and commercial) that have bandwidth/latency simulation. Running through various remote proxies is overly complex. On the open source side, look at JMeter and Pylot. On the commercial side, my company, BrowserMob, provides a website load testing product that uses the Amazon cloud to generate load. We actually do generate load from thousands of machines/IPs, without breaking the bank :)

Ajax instant messaging (web-based)

Just wondering: Would it be acceptable to start some simple Ajax instant messaging (web-based) for a large social network service (considering thousands of registered users)? I am new to this, so I'm just wondering. What if to check for a new message every two or three seconds?
Edited: Could a plain shared server handle so many requests every so often? And yes, I would roll my own program.
There're many web im client based on standard XMPP protocol. You could try iJab or JWChat.
It doesn't make sense to write your own, unless you have some unique requirements, but whether the server can handle this largely depends on the server language and webserver setup, as to how well it scales.
You will need to do some heavy load testing, to ensure that the high load that is expected will work, as your traffic will be very heavy. For example, if your social networking site is soccer related, then during the World Cup you may expect to see more traffic than Wed mornings.
If you asked the question with:
I want to use language X.
I want to use webserver Y.
I am using this framework for the
I would like to accept voice
recordings and webcam recordings
over IM, as well as text.
How well will this scale on my one 1GHz server?
If you manage to make a peer-to-peer (P2P) browser-embedded chat, than even a shared hosting will do for dozens of thousands of simultaneous users :) :)

bandwidth and traffic simulator for web apps?

Can you suggest how to create a test environment to simulate various types of bandwidths and traffic in a web app?
Or maybe an open source program which does this against localhost?
I think this is a very important subject when programming web apps but it is not a usual topic, the only way i can imagine to create such kind of environment is to use some kind of proxy in a local network but before start looking into the squid documentation i would like to hear your suggestions.
if you're using apache you may want to take a look at apache ab
There are two approaches to shape network traffic to simulate a network link:
Run some software on the client or server that sits somewhere in the networking stack and shapes the traffic between the app and the network interface
Run the traffic shaping software on a dedicated machine with 2 network interfaces through which your traffic is routed
(2) is a better solution if you don't want to install software on the client or server (and possibly impact performance), but requires more hardware fiddling.
Some other features you might want to think about are what shaping parameters can be simulated. Most do delay and packet loss, some do jitter and bandwidth limiting as well. Some solutions can selectively filter traffic (for instance by port number, TCP or UDP etc).
Here is a list of some of the systems I've found:
Open Source or Freeware
DummyNet is an open source BSD Unix-based for dedicated devices. It is not clear if the software is being actively maintained
NistNet is an open source Linux-based system for dedicated devices. The software has not been actively maintained for several years.
Apposite Technoligies sell dedicated hardware solutions for simulating WAN links, with a Web based GUI for configuring the settings and collecting traffic measurements
East Coast DataCom sell hardware dedicated simulators for simulating routers and modems
Itrinegy offer both dedicated device solutions, and solutions for running on clients or servers.
Network FX offer several dedicated device products for simulating network impairments between the client & server
NetLimiter is a client side system that allows throttling of individual applications, and includes a firewall.
Shunra Software offer a range of products, from high end enterprise WAN simulation and testing, to a simple client-resident emulator.
The closest I can think of is doing something similar with VEDekstop from Shunra..
Simulating High Latency and Low Bandwidth in Testing of Database Applications
Shunra VE Desktop Standard is a Windows-based client software solution that simulates a wide area network link so that you can test applications under a variety of current and potential network conditions – directly from your desktop.
I wrote a php script awhile back which used CURL to run a sequence of page requests against my server which represented a typical use scenario. I had it output the times that it took for the server to respond to each of the requests. I then had another script which spawned a bunch of these test case scripts simultaneously for a sustained period and correlated the results into a file which I could then look at in a spreadsheet to see average times. This way I could simulate the number of users hitting the site that I wanted. The limitations are that you need to run the test script on a different server to the web server and that the client machine can become too loaded to give meaningful results past a certain point. I've since left the job otherwise I would paste the scripts here.
If you are running a Linux box as your server, Linux box as your client, or have the capability to put (perhaps a VM) a Linux router between your client and server, you can use NetEm.
NetEm is a Linux TC (Traffic Control) discipline which can delay (i.e. add latency) packets leaving a host. Although it's tricky to set up clever rules (e.g. add latency to some traffic, not to others), it's easy to add a simple "delay everything leaving the interface by 50ms" type rules and some recipes are provided.
By sticking a Linux VM between your client and server, you can simulate as much latency as you like. And you can turn it on and off dynamically. Linux has other TC disciplines which can be combined with NetEm to restrict bandwidth (but the script to set this up can be somewhat complicated). NetEm can also randomly drop packets.
I use it and it works a treat :)
Web Application Stress Tool (WAST) from Microsoft is what you need.
I haven't used it for years (lack of need, not because I'd found anything else), but xat webspeed would be the first thing I would point toward
As other people have mentioned, Apache's ab (comes with Apache, so you probably have it already) is good.
Other good options are:
HP's LoadRunner Apache
Jakarta's JMeter
Tsung (if you want to get your erlang on)
I personally like ab and JMeter the best.
We use Loadrunner to do bandwidth and traffic simulation in our App. Loadrunner is can start agents on various machines and you can simulate one machine as running on dialup modem v/s another on DSL v/s another on Cable internet.
We also use Loadrunner to simulate various kinds of traffic conditions from 10 user run to 500 user run. We can also insert think times in the script and simulate a real user executing the http request. The best part is that it comes with a recording studio where it will plug in with Internet explorer and you can record the whole scenario/Usecase that can be as simple as hitting one page to a full blown 50-60 page script or more.
i found this little java program that works great : sloppy
yet not a proffesional solution but it works for simple tests, i guess it uses java streams and buffers to slow down the connection .
Have you looked at Tsung? It's a great utility for seeing if your website will scale in event of attack, I mean massive popularity. We use it for our web frontend, and our internal systems too.
If you're interested in performing your tests out of your browser, there is also a really great Firefox plug-in.
Do not forget about Wanulator (http://www.wanulator.de/).
The name Wanulator comes from "WAN" and "simulator. This pretty much describes what the software does: It simulates different Internet conditions such as delay or packet loss. Furthermore it simulates user access line speeds e.g. modem, ISDN or ADSL.
Wanulator is currently packaged as a Linux boot CD based on SLAX. This will give you a full out of the box experience. You can turn any PC into a test-system within a blink - just by booting the Wanulator CD. The package already includes useful client SW such as web-browser and network sniffer (Wireshark). Nevertheless if the PC has 2 network interfaces the system can run as an intermediate system between your server and your client - as a switch - without any configuration hassles.
