Ruby system command not working outside console - ruby

I am trying to run growlnotify from inside a ruby script.
The command I am using is this system("growlnotify Test -m message").
If I use the terminal to execute the script it works fine. If I use Textmate to run the script or Geektool (the eventual target of the script) it does not ever run the growlnotify part. Each other part of the script runs using Textmate or Geektool, but only using the terminal causes Growl to launch a notification window.
Anyone used this tool before?

Is growlnotify in the PATH that TextMate uses?
Try passing the complete path to growlnotify: ie /usr/local/bin/growlnotify

A backtick is the little apostrophe like mark on the same key as the tilde.
`growlnotify -m message`
does the same thing as
system("growlnotify -m message")
except it also gives you the output of the command.
Another variation is
%x{growlnotify -m message}


Bash script for setting up mac keeps skipping commands or simply prints to the console without executing lines

I've been trying to create a bash script that allows me to transfer my existing dev setup to a brand new macbook.
I set up a bash script which is supposed to automate this process but for some reason when I call the script using curl, it doesnt seem to reliably run the whole thing and I cant figure out why that is. example of commands being printed to the console and note executed
If I were to manually enter each line into the terminal and execute, things work as expected however doing so defeats the purpose of the script.
I'll attach some screenshots of the terminal output so you can see the exact issues I'm facing and at which point it behaves oddly.
I've had to run the script a few times to get it to execute the skipped steps but it would be good to understand why certain steps are getting missed. Here's a link to my gist containing the script. Would appreciate any suggestions for improvements or explantations for the behaviour I'm seeing.
Things I have tried that havent resolved my issue:
Splitting the script into two smaller scripts
Erasing my mac and running the script again (done this several times)
Adding sleep 5 between each command
edit: this is how I'm running the script
sudo curl -Lks | /bin/bash
Thanks in advance
It appears that everything after brew install git is being echoed. That suggests that something in that command is copying its stdin to stdout, so it's processing the rest of the script. Change that line to
brew install git </dev/null
so it won't read the script as its stdin.
Also, you don't need to run curl under sudo. If you need privileges to install the program, you should run bash as the superuser, not curl.
curl -Lks | sudo /bin/bash

OSX Terminal - application listed by 'which' does not run by default

I followed instructions on this page to change the profile of the Mac terminal when I'm running SSH. The short explanation is that it puts a wrapper script in /usr/local/bin that changes the colour then calls /usr/bin/ssh. When I call this script with the full path it works perfectly, but when I call 'ssh', it appears to use the regular application without the wrapper script.
When I call 'which ssh', the result is '/usr/local/bin/ssh'. My PATH variable is '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/Library/TeX/texbin', which looks fine for me. The wrapper script has executable permissions ('-rwxr-xr-x ').
What am I missing? Why would the regular ssh be called rather than than the wrapper script, given the 'which' command points to the one that I want?
You forgot to clear bash's program location cache.
hash -d ssh

Running Grunt from OSX Automator shell script

I have a simple Gruntfile that I want to be able to run from an icon in my OSX dock.
I have created a very simple shell script ( that I will save as an application so I can add it to my dock. It works great when I run it directly in my Terminal:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
$(grunt serve --open)
It also works fine with this shebang: #!/bin/bash
However when I call the shell script from an Automator workflow I get the following error: line 2: grunt: command not found
This is my Automator set up:
What am I doing wrong?
If I put this in my file:
`/usr/local/bin/grunt serve --open`
I get a different error in Automator: env: node: No such file or directory
But, as before, if I run the script directly in Terminal its fine - so I think #mklement0 is right about the PATH
Update 2
grunt serve --open
Now I'm still getting an error popup when I run it in Automator, but it has no details - it just says:
The action "Run Shell Script" encountered an error.
The Log panel shows a blank entry. Is there a way to get more info? A verbose mode perhaps?
Update 3
So this is weird... if I use &> ~/log it works. Without it it fails.
But this is working, thanks #mklement0, it'll do for now
cd ~/Public/Sites && ./ &> ~/log
The problem is that the $PATH variable when running from Automator doesn't have the same entries as when running from Terminal.
Notably, /usr/local/bin is missing, which is where grunt is typically installed (if installed globally).
A simple workaround is to add the folder in which grunt is installed to your $PATH at the top of the Automator shell script:
Aside from that:
Your shell command, $(grunt serve --open), should be just grunt serve --open - no need for a command substitution ($(...) or `...`), as that would actually first execute the command and then try to execute the output from that command.
The default working dir. when running a shell script from Automator is ~ (your home folder), which may not be what your script expects; it looks like your script expects its own dir. to be the working dir., so use cd ~/Public/Sites && ./ to invoke it.
Automator will report an error in case the shell script exits with a nonzero exit code; the error message will include the shell script's stderr output (and nothing else) - sounds like no stderr output is being produced in your case.
To capture all output for diagnostic purposes, use something like ./ &> ~/log
On macOS 10.11 through at least 10.15 (as of this update), $PATH has the following value inside a shell script run from an Automator workflow: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

Call vim command from shell script

I am using vimwiki as my local wiki and keep it in git in order to be able to sync it with various pcs. I am trying to automate the process of putting the generated HTML from vimwiki on my server so I can easily look stuff up.
My idea is to checkout the repository on a regular basis on the server and have shell script in place which calls vim and tells him to execute VimwikiAll2HTML, ending afterwards. I can then symlink the html folder somewhere or point nginx there or whatever.
I was able to figure out that I can directly execute a command when calling vim by using the -c parameter:
vim -c "VimwikiAll2HTML" -n
This command automatically generates the correct HTML. However, I have to press a key and then quit vim (:q) in order to get back into the shell. It doesn't seem suited to be run inside a bash script run by cron? Can I change the command somehow in order to exit after the html generation finished? Or is there any other way I'm not aware of? I looked into the vimwiki plugin because I thought that it maybe uses an external library for HTML generation which I can call in my script but it seems that the plugin does everything by itself.
This command should work:
$ vim -c VimwikiAll2HTML -c q

Start script on login

I have written a ruby daemon and I would like for it to run when I log in. It is normally run by going to the command line and calling ruby my_ruby_script.rb. How can I start my daemon on login? (Running 10.6 Snow Leopard).
There's an option to add applications etc that need to start at login, you could try writing a shell script or an apple script thing that launches terminal and runs ruby my_ruby_script.rb, or possibly even just add my_ruby_script.rb to this list after adding a #!/bin/env ruby line to the top of that file. gives precise instructions as to how to add an application to be started at login.
If you need to use AppleScript to actually start a terminal application (I believe this is not the case, but I am not in front of my mac now and hence can't test), just create an applescript file with something like
do shell script "ruby <path>/my_ruby_script.rb"
Hope this helps
As Panda said, add:
#!/bin/env ruby
to the begining of the file, and then you could add a reference to your file inside ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile or even /etc/profile , depending on your needs.
Check this out:
