OSX Terminal - application listed by 'which' does not run by default - macos

I followed instructions on this page to change the profile of the Mac terminal when I'm running SSH. The short explanation is that it puts a wrapper script in /usr/local/bin that changes the colour then calls /usr/bin/ssh. When I call this script with the full path it works perfectly, but when I call 'ssh', it appears to use the regular application without the wrapper script.
When I call 'which ssh', the result is '/usr/local/bin/ssh'. My PATH variable is '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/Library/TeX/texbin', which looks fine for me. The wrapper script has executable permissions ('-rwxr-xr-x ').
What am I missing? Why would the regular ssh be called rather than than the wrapper script, given the 'which' command points to the one that I want?

You forgot to clear bash's program location cache.
hash -d ssh


call blat from shell script, w8

Trying to execute blat http://www.blat.net/ from a shell script. I set the environmental PATH variable, and i can call blat from any location with the command prompt. Sending email from the command line works fine. But I'm not able to call it from within a shell script.
The (simplified) script
I get:
$ sh script.sh
script.sh: line 2: blat: command not found
I also tried by specifying the absolute path C:/Windows/System32/blat but that didn't work either.
There are many ways to solve this. If you will only run blat from Bash, you can
just put it in /usr/local/bin AKA C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin.
If you need to run it from Bash and cmd/PowerShell, Windows "out of the box" has
pretty poor support for that. With Linux/Bash your PATH will usually look
something like this:
This is great because you have a system space, and a user space for programs.
However Windows looks like this:
As you can see by default the PATH only has system space. This is bad because it
encourages people to do dumb things like put user programs alongside protected
operating system files. What Windows needs is the equivalent of
/usr/local/bin, a folder on the PATH, ahead of everything where people can
dump command line programs. Until that happens you just have to add your own:
Move blat.exe to C:\Users\<user>\Documents
Add that to PATH:
SETX PATH "%PATH%;C:\Users\<user>\Documents" /M
When you add it to Windows PATH, it automatically gets added to Bash PATH, so
the program should be available to all shells.

SSH heredoc to run Perl script on another server can't find right paths

I have a Perl program on server_B which uses Perl DBI and 5.010 and runs fine from the server_B terminal. I run it from a shell script which first prepares some arguments and then passes them to the Perl program, all works fine.
I need to run a shell script on server_A that will execute that script on server_B. This is because the Perl program creates several files that I want to SFTP back over to server_A. This is the script I'm running on server_A:
ssh server_B <<- EOF
There is some strange behavior which I'm trying to understand:
The script (update.sh) on server_B runs mysql, which is not installed on server_A (which is why I have to do this whole thing.) If I try to run it on server_B as-is, I can call mysql just like that. But when I run the above script (on server_A) to ssh into server_B and run that script, it doesn't recognize mysql unless I change the file (on server_B) to call the full path /opt/mysql/client/bin/mysql (even though that file is already on server_B with mysql installed) Does this mean server_B is picking up on the PATH variable from server_A instead of using my PATH variable from server_B? Is it trying to run my programs from server_A on the files on server_B? How and why??
If I make the change above it executes the script, but when it hits Perl it says
Perl v5.10.0- required - this is only v5.8.8
Again, 5.10 works fine on server_B but the version of Perl on server_A is 5.8.8.
So I got rid of use 5.010; because it actually wasn't necessary, but then I have a similar problem with my modules (DBI and DBD::mysql). I get:
Can't locate DBI.pm in #INC (#INC contains.. [my Perl PATH from server_A])
at perlfile.pl line 4
I was expecting the ssh heredoc call to update.sh (from server_A) to run exactly as update.sh does if I call it on server_B, but instead it seems like it's trying to use my programs from server_A on server_B, which I find weird. Can anyone help me understand why it's happening? I feel like I'm misunderstanding something fundamental about how ssh works.
server_A is AIX with ksh
server_B is AIX with bash
Edit - since some of you voted to the effect that I haven't done my research, here's what else I've tried. I didn't mention because I don't understand them fully, these are just guesses based on other SO posts & hunches. It'd be disingenuous if I gave the impression I knew what I was talking about.
If this is a duplicate, which question should I be looking at? If this is a "just read the manual situation", which one? What should I look for?
Read man ssh looking for clues related to environment variables, didn't find anything I understood
Tried running with -t
Tried running with -t -t
Did log in remotely with ssh and manually running it - this DOES work
Sourced my .bash_profile in the update script
Tried to re-assign PATH as the remote server's PATH when ssh
Tried using a different delimiter for the heredoc
Tried < instead of <<
Tried without the "-"
Edit 2 with Saigo's help below I determined that when in interactive ssh, if I echo $PATH I do get the target server's $PATH, but in a shell script I don't. That led me to this:
where I found out that scripted ssh doesn't call .bashrc, but interactive ssh does. So it looks like I was on the right track trying to source .bash_profile inside the scripted SSH heredoc, just need .bashrc not .bash_profile - however I don't have a .bashrc on the target server. I do have .profile but when I source that, I get an error stating it's for interactive bash sessions only. So now I'm just trying to find whatever file would contain my $PATH variable because it's apparently not .bashrc as there isn't one in there.
Edit 3 - tried hard-coding the PATH variable into a file and sourcing that and even then when I echo $PATH I get the origin server's PATH variable. It is reading the file in correctly, I also assigned another test variable and echoed that as part of the script. I tried sourcing /etc/profile and no luck.
I found a solution that works perfectly. I wasn't able to get it to work with ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, or ~/.ssh/rc but still not sure why it's not picking up my environment variables even with sourcing these.
Since it works when I manually ssh in and then run the commands one-by-one, I used these arguments to run ssh in a forced interactive login.
ssh server_B bash --login -i "~/perl/update.sh"
See these for more:
Hope this is useful for someone in the future. Thank you for your assistance Saigo.

Cygwin automatic script launch

Im trying to automatically run a script using Cygwin via CMD. I basically created a BAT file that goes to the directory and executes an .SH file. SH files are accosiated with Cygwin, and I tried something like "cygwin update.sh" in the command line. But all it really does is open Cygwin. I want Cygwin to automatically run the script file. Is there any easy way to do this, I've been trying to find but can't. Thank you!
You'll want to call the shell script with a particular shell, e.g. bash.
When having Cygwin open, call which bash to figure out where the binary is located. Cygwin also comes with tools that can convert paths between Cygwin and Win32 form, which is pretty helpful in cases like yours.
There is one other thing that may work, depending on your setup. There is an environment variable named PATHEXT which declares file extensions that are deemed "executable" by CMD. This can be used to your advantage, if Windows is configured so that the shell's "open" verb executes the correct shell for the file extension .sh (in your case).
Good luck.
From Cygwin Terminal, read man mintty. Try something like the following from a Windows Command Prompt:
c:\cygwin\bin\mintty --hold always --exec /cygdrive/c/path/to/bash/script.sh
I also found this!
I didn't quite understand it at first, but then it worked as I wanted it. Just if anyone knows, is there a way to make the script run without the CMD window open?? Thanks

Start script on login

I have written a ruby daemon and I would like for it to run when I log in. It is normally run by going to the command line and calling ruby my_ruby_script.rb. How can I start my daemon on login? (Running 10.6 Snow Leopard).
There's an option to add applications etc that need to start at login, you could try writing a shell script or an apple script thing that launches terminal and runs ruby my_ruby_script.rb, or possibly even just add my_ruby_script.rb to this list after adding a #!/bin/env ruby line to the top of that file. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2602?viewlocale=en_US gives precise instructions as to how to add an application to be started at login.
If you need to use AppleScript to actually start a terminal application (I believe this is not the case, but I am not in front of my mac now and hence can't test), just create an applescript file with something like
do shell script "ruby <path>/my_ruby_script.rb"
Hope this helps
As Panda said, add:
#!/bin/env ruby
to the begining of the file, and then you could add a reference to your file inside ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile or even /etc/profile , depending on your needs.
Check this out: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3484429/profile-and-bashrc-doesnt-work-on-my-mac/3484472#3484472

Ruby system command not working outside console

I am trying to run growlnotify from inside a ruby script.
The command I am using is this system("growlnotify Test -m message").
If I use the terminal to execute the script it works fine. If I use Textmate to run the script or Geektool (the eventual target of the script) it does not ever run the growlnotify part. Each other part of the script runs using Textmate or Geektool, but only using the terminal causes Growl to launch a notification window.
Anyone used this tool before?
Is growlnotify in the PATH that TextMate uses?
Try passing the complete path to growlnotify: ie /usr/local/bin/growlnotify
A backtick is the little apostrophe like mark on the same key as the tilde.
`growlnotify -m message`
does the same thing as
system("growlnotify -m message")
except it also gives you the output of the command.
Another variation is
%x{growlnotify -m message}
