Does intellisense work in XCode? - xcode

I am a noob to XCode, so forgive what could be a dumb question. It seems like XCode kind of does intellisense (or code completion). When I type in:
[self setT
it suggests the setTitle because its the first matching one. Is there a way to make it work a bit more like Visual Studio where you get a dropdown of available methods/properties/etc...?

You can press "Esc" for a list of suggestions.
You can also turn on automatic suggestions in the preferences.

Fn + Esc will bring up a list of them, and you may have to enable it in preferences
It's not always context sensitive (or gets confused about context easily)
But it still works


Turn off Visual Studio Find Default Selection

When I Ctrl+Shift+F in VS2010, it puts whatever is near my cursor in the "Find what:" box - this is very irritating and never what I want.
Is there any way to make it default instead to the last thing I searched for?
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Find and Replace -> Automatically populate Find What with text from the editor
If you uncheck this option it will default to the last thing you searched for.
an nice. Glad i found this...
two work arounds i figured out... if you do want to search in selected text only sometimes but not all the time...
Mouse: Click back on the page and ctrl+A (its faster than having to grab the mouse and clicking the tiny drop down.)
Keyboard only: Well you cant technically do this, with any one command from but you can do this.
while find is active, hit
to get out of find and then hit
to activate the document then
to search the whole document
I am glad to find how to turn this off, but i am used to this keyboard commands now. So maybe i will leave it on.
if you don't learn to use the escape key in VS, especially for intellisense you are going to seriously drive yourself crazy.

Escape Doesn't Close Intellisense

I reinstalled VS2010 (new PC), and also installed VS2012. Both have the same issue: pressing escape does not close Intellisense, nor the method list (when you type a method name and press bracket, that little popup that appears showing you all overloaded versions).
How do I reinstate this? I checked through my keyboard settings but didn't find anything for this.
The keyboard command for it is, oddly, Edit.SelectionCancel, particularly in the "Text Editor" context.
The command also doubles as a useless deselect. Quite puzzling, like many other things in VS. I'd call it "IntellisenseClose" (and provide documentation for the available commands).
I suspect it's a VS extension. Go into Tools/Extensions and disable them one by one.
Resetting my keyboard shortcuts fixed this:
Tools > Options
Environment > Keyboard
Click "Reset" and Yes
I am indebted to this answer (and comment) for an explanation:
I have a theory. You type very fast... possible your opened a wormhole into the options screen as a result of fast typing and blew away the settings by accident? Just a thought.

Visual Studio - how do you use it without touching your mouse?

I am going to be doing the codekata defined on Roy Osherove's blog HERE.
One of the rules is that you cannot use the mouse while doing the kata.
Today, my first attempt at doing the kata I have spent the whole time trying to better understand how to use VS without the mouse. I have learned that CTL-ALT-A will be my friend because I can type commands there.
Does somebody have a pointer to a complete reference to the VS Commmands. I want the command name (Edit.ToggleBookmark), command keystroke (like Ctl-K,K), and any arguments required by the command.
Some specific questons I have.
Does someone know a keystroke for pinning the active window without using the mouse.
Also, I cannot figure out how to add a reference without using the keyboard.
If you can help with those two then I will be significantly farther along.
Just figured out how to add references. I was working on a project that was not saved and Add References command (Project.AddReference) was returning an error...and I thought it was because I was using the command...but it was actually because I had not saved the project yet.
SO.... if you could help me with the window pinning that would be great.
EVEN WITH ALL THE HELPS FIGURING OUT COMMANDS...I still cannot figure out how to
- pin a Visual Studio window so it stays open.
- And how do you trigger the context menu any a window. For example, solution explorer?
- How do you delete or remove a file?
This StackOverflow question answers the context menu question.
Now...if someone can tell me how to pin a window. That would be awesome.
Does somebody have a pointer to a complete reference to the VS Commmands. I want the command name (Edit.ToggleBookmark), command keystroke (like Ctl-K,K), and any arguments required by the command.
Because it's entirely user definable, I don't think any online reference for keystrokes will do you any good -- I personally have my own keyboard shortcut profile that works best for me.
Therefore, here's the best way to learn every command and its keyboard shortcuts:
Load Visual Studio
Go to the Tools -> Options menu.
Select "Keyboard" in the options list on the left.
Et Voila! Every possible command in VS and its keyboard shortcut (if it's assigned), along with the ability to assign your own. Oh, and search, too!
Kind of an old question here, but for ye olde Googlers/Bingers/SearchaMaTronickistas I thought it might be worth posting the link to the Keyboard Bindings Poster from Microsoft.

How can I make auto-complete display a list in Xcode

How can I use auto-complete in Xcode like I can in Visual Studio and Eclipse? Specifically in VS and Eclipse auto-complete displays a list of choices... while Xcode just displays a single choice.
For example Xcode might suggest "myVariable" when I type in "myV". That's fine but what if I have the following objects in the scope of my function: "myInt1" and "myInt2"? Xcode will suggest "myInt1" when I type "myI" but I'd like to have a list. Or it would be great to, say, tab through the various possibilities like in some shells. So typing "myI" would get the suggestions "myInt1" and then pressing tab would change the suggestion to "myInt2".
Press the escape key when auto-complete makes the first suggestion. This will display the list.
control + space also works in the latest Xcode.

Eclipse's tab double click on Visual Studio?

On Eclipse, whenever I double click a tab, it fills the workspace (by hiding all other views like project tree, console, etc).
Is there any way to do this on Visual Studio?
Note: i'm not looking for full screen, just want a way to declutter the workspace but still have access to menus.
Are you after this?
Set shortcuts for the Window.AutoHideAll function and for the Window.ResetWindowLayout function. In order for the ResetWindowLayout to work, you have to export your settings (make sure you select "All Settings") with all windows expanded and then import them again.
ResetWindowLayout will restore all windows to the way they were the last time you imported your settings.
Not with double click on tab, but you can do the same with Shift+Alt+Enter key combination.
This keyboard shorcut was changed to F11 from 1.9.1 vscode version.
All keyboard Shortcuts:
I was looking for that, as well, and I now just got used to using full screen (Shift+Alt+Enter), which hides a little too much, which you seem to think, as well, but does in fact still show the menus.
Looks like drby got it on this one. Just FYI. I pinged the VS team to ask about this and here is the response:
"There is no way to reverse the command automatically. For it to work as a toggle we would need to save which toolwindows were auto hidden and which ones were not when the command was run, which we don’t do (it would cause lots of interesting persistence questions, across profiles and VS sessions)."
The idea of a "Unhide All" command is what I suggested. So if you hide all then you can unhide all as well. There might be some windows you don't want to unhide but the 1 or 2 extra windows is better than not having an unhide IMHO.
