Uploading to mainframe using FTP - ftp

I just want to know how you upload datasets specifying its characeteristics?
E.G. using the command quote site lrecl=500 recfm=fb
Well, the command was accepted when I tried to use it, but the problem is that when I tried to upload the file using the command 'send' ftp hangs up, and definitley closes the session.
This is the sample:http://www.mvsforums.com/helpboards/recent.php?sid=dab6b1f3cda149c7d7db855d90acaab1
ftp> quote site lrecl=500 recfm=fb
200 SITE command was accepted
ftp> send C:\test\test.txt 'ADM.SAMPLE.TEST'
200 Port request OK.
425 Can't open data connection.
Any help will be appreciated.

I sometimes get this error because of firewall problems when trying to ftp behind a router. You might try switching to active or passive mode (depending of what you are currently using) to see if this helps.

I have a couple of programs that do this, but without specifying record size. The blocking command should be okay. Are you sure you don't have a permissions issue? Does ADM.SAMPLE.TEST already exist, and is it 500 bytes at least? If not, have them create it for you and see if the ftp works then.

You should be able to specify the data set allocation parameters using the site command.
site u=SYSDA rec=VB lr=6144 blk=0 ucount=2 tr pri=3000 sec=200
That translates to:
record format=variable block
logical record length=6144
block size=0
unit count=2
track (allocation units)
primary space=3000
secondary space=200


Problem with listing FTP file names on M66 OpenCPU with AT+QFTPNLST

I have a hardware with quectel M66 module. I am also using the module as main processing unit, so the default Opencpu is quite changed. Also there is a watchdog applied to the module.
I am trying to open an FTP connection and get the file list on FTP with AT+QFTPNLST
opened connection with
FTP connection opens without problems (AT+QFTPSTAT returns OPENED). I can read, get, put etc. on FTP.
AT+QFTPNLST returns OK, CONNECT, and +QFTPNLST:1 but not the file name list. then the device goes to restart (because of the watchdog).
Any ideas why that happens?

AS400 FTP to windows server

I want to write a CLLE Program to transfer Files from the IFS to a Webserver.
The Webserver is registered in the Hosttable from the Iseries.
(commandline: CFGTCP -> Option 10 -> Scroll to the Webserver IP)
Current CLLE Program: (only the ftp-access)
After i call my Program i get some results in a PF-File.
The Results are in German but i translated shortly for you.
The Connection is unavalable to on Port 21. Try it again later.
My Question at the end.
Do you have some solutions for me to transfer xml files to my Webserver from the iseries?
You're writing about a web server and you want to transfer files by ftp. Perhaps you're mixing up protocols here. I'll concentrate to resolve your apparent ftp connection problem.
Seems that the destination host doesn't accept connections on Port 21.
Please make sure, there's no firewall or other stuff blocking your request to the destination host. Moreover, on the host try telnet ftp or ftp in a command window, depending on OS and installed components.
Before automating, just test manually if you can successfully connect and log in via standard command line: ftp
Transferring data by FTP is just fine in a local LAN. Beware that any data including username and password will be transferred in clear text and thus can be possibly read by others as the intended hosts.
Following up to your comment: Actually there are many possibilities to copy files. If you're running a recent version of IBM i, I'd opt for using scp. It's encrypted and thus safe for running outside of local LANs. Great to automate by utilizing Key-Authentication instead of passwords. And many web hosting companies offer scp/sftp access.

Perforce - RpcTransport: partial message read

When using "revert -a" through P4V it waits for a few minutes and throws this error back at me.
RpcTransport: partial message read
TCP receive failed.
read: socket: WSAECONNRESET
The server status returns fine and there are no locked database files.
I suspect this problem is local to this computer as others don't have the same issue. Issueing the same command through the command prompt just has the command prompt sit there indefinitly.
Other commands such as submit and add will have the visual client sit there indefinitely but does not throw and error.
The files are stored on a local drive. This happens with multiply depots/workstations.
The 'WSAECONNRESET' error is issued by Windows, when a network socket is forcibly closed.
Regular occurrences of this error can indicate network problems.
More information is available here:
Hope this helps,
I got the same on windows machine. I guess in my case it was caused by corrupted config settings and because of popup error message I had no chance to set it correctly via GUI.
The command line SET command helped to set port and host name again:
p4 set P4PORT=<portnum>
This command reenables the GUI config dialog
A few years late, but for those still facing this:
I faced this error when fetching files from a large repo. I believe what caused this for me was low internet upload speeds due to which - even though I had high a download speed - the TCP acknowledgment from my computer was not getting sent, causing a connection failure.
Perform an upload speed test to determine if it is very low (in my case it had dropped to less than 0.1 Mbps). Fixing upload speeds is a separate topic, but in case it helps try restarting your router as a first step.

FTP fails to transmit data in passive mode - libcurl

Am trying to upload a file using libcurl in C. Data transmission is getting failed. Below is the log message.
How to fix this issue?
< 250 CWD command successful.
Connect data stream passively
< 500 'EPSV': command not understood
disabling EPSV usage
< 227 Entering Passive Mode (x,x,x,x,193,152).
Trying x.x.x.x... * No route to host
couldn't connect to host
Closing connection #0
Couldn't connect to server
This means that when the FTP server opens a second port for your client to connect to, your client (libcurl) fails to reach it. It is most likely due to a firewall or other network equipment somewhere along the way that blocks your ability to do the request operation.
Alternative reasons could be a wrongly configured ftp server, but if it works for other users, that seems less likely.
Another reason for failure may be that you have an active firewall that doesn't know EPSV and thus gets confused by it and ruins it for you. Try without it by setting CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPSV to 0.
You can try to the active approach instead (which is what most older style FTP clients do by default), which makes the client ask the server to connect back to you instead. You activate that in libcurl with CURLOPT_FTPPORT. (See the docs for exact details on how to use it.)

BizTalk 2006 - receive file through FTP - timeout issues

When trying to receive a (large, approx. 100MB) file using an FTP adapter in BizTalk 2006, we run into the following problem, which causes the file to be processed over and over again.
Retrieving the file succeeds; it is placed into the MessageBox and processed properly
When the FTP adapter issues the DELE statement, it never reaches the FTP server the file is on (we have verified this by taking a look at the FTP server's logs)
there are no signs of timeouts on the FTP server; the FTP server log does not mention a timeout occurring
After the interval time set on the adapter expires, the FTP server will still find the large file that we have already processed in the previous run, because the DELE statement failed
The event log in BizTalk states that ‘The connection to the FTP server was broken prematurely’. That is why we think there is a timeout issue.
We have seen that retrieval of the file takes around 35 minutes. The FTP server timeout is set to 1 hour. no problems there I guess.
Then we found the following article: http://www.ncftp.com/ncftpd/doc/misc/ftp_and_firewalls.html#FirewallTimeouts. It states that a firewall / routing device might be responsible for the timeouts. The team managing our firewalls and routers told us that there were no timeouts set here.
Which leaves us in the dark on the cause of our problem. Does anyone of you have any suggestions? Or even better, the solution!!
Have you tried the solutions in this article?
I avoid using the FTP adapter. Instead I use a third party utility to retrieve files and move the transferred file to a file adapter receive location. Third party utilities allow you to configure rules, recovery actions etc, freeing BizTalk from having to manage the transfer.
