FTP fails to transmit data in passive mode - libcurl - ftp

Am trying to upload a file using libcurl in C. Data transmission is getting failed. Below is the log message.
How to fix this issue?
< 250 CWD command successful.
Connect data stream passively
< 500 'EPSV': command not understood
disabling EPSV usage
< 227 Entering Passive Mode (x,x,x,x,193,152).
Trying x.x.x.x... * No route to host
couldn't connect to host
Closing connection #0
Couldn't connect to server

This means that when the FTP server opens a second port for your client to connect to, your client (libcurl) fails to reach it. It is most likely due to a firewall or other network equipment somewhere along the way that blocks your ability to do the request operation.
Alternative reasons could be a wrongly configured ftp server, but if it works for other users, that seems less likely.
Another reason for failure may be that you have an active firewall that doesn't know EPSV and thus gets confused by it and ruins it for you. Try without it by setting CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPSV to 0.
You can try to the active approach instead (which is what most older style FTP clients do by default), which makes the client ask the server to connect back to you instead. You activate that in libcurl with CURLOPT_FTPPORT. (See the docs for exact details on how to use it.)


Error trying to connect to AD server from Gitea

I configured Gitea to authenticate against an AD server, and I'm receiving the following error:
[...dels/login_source.go:390 LoginViaLDAP()] [E] LDAP Connect error, my.ad.server.address.here:LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error": read tcp <gitea host ip>:37590-><ad server ip>:389: read: connection reset by peer
What is strange to me is that the number 37590 in the example above always changes at each occurrence. Is it a port number? If true, how can I track it so I can whitelist it at the AD server firewall?
I'm a newbie in Go, so I can't figure out what's happening.
The 37590 that you see is the source port. It is the port that the server will use when replying and helps your computer know which application the response is for. It's normal for that to change on each request.
You are correct in thinking that this is a network problem. The error message "connection reset by peer" means that someone along the line (either a firewall along the path, or the host itself) closed the connection. (a little more detail here)
If it is a firewall that is not allowing you, then you need a rule allowing access from gitea host ip:any to ad server ip:389.

Failed to FTP upload using Windows ftp.exe: "PORT IP is not same as nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn"

I am using a call to ftp.exe to upload file to a FTP Server.
This program is running since many years and uploads to number of servers, so far without problems.
After one of the receiver servers has been updated, uploads are no longer possible.
This is the command sequence:
open ftp.xxx.de
>230 User logged in, proceed
cd upload
put <filename>
and in response to this the server replies:
501 PORT IP is not the same as
150 File Status okay, about to open Connection
That is it, after this the connection is stuck and gets closed after a certain timeout period.
Funny enough, a google search for "PORT IP is not the same as" return exactly one result, which explains that the IP seen by the server is different from the one expected.
Also, when using WinSCP, FileZilla or other FTP utility programs, the connection has no problem and does transfer files just fine.
So, why does this appear and how to solve it?
The ftp.exe uses an old-fashioned active mode command PORT, which requires the client to specify its IP address to which the FTP servers needs to connect back to open a data transfer connection.
If your are behind a firewall or a NAT, the client may not know its external IP address and uses its local network address. This causes troubles. Either the server fails to connect back as it obviously cannot connect to the client's local network. Or the server rejects the PORT command straight away, if the specified IP address does not match the IP address, from which the FTP client connects to the server. This is a security measure as the difference may indicate a man-in-the-middle attack. Your server does the validation. Some servers might be configured to ignore the IP address specified in the PORT command and connect to a known IP address of the client.
Another way to solve this is, if the firewall/NAT can inspect the FTP traffic and seamlessly modify the IP address in the PORT command. This is obviously not happening.
You do not get the problem with WinSCP or FileZilla, as these clients default to the passive FTP mode, which does not have the problem. Also in the active mode these clients can be configured to use the external IP address. FileZilla also supports the modern EPRT command, that does not need to specify the IP address at all (the server uses the known IP address of the client).
See my article about active/passive FTP mode for details.
I do not think there's any way to make it working with the Windows ftp.exe. It neither supports the passive mode, nor can be configured to use the external IP address, nor supports the EPRT command.
So unless you can configure the FTP server not to do the check and connect to the known IP address of the client or configure your firewall/NAT to modify the IP address in the PORT command, you have to use another FTP client.
As you know that WinSCP works, see the guide for converting the Windows ftp.exe script to WinSCP script.
(I'm the author of WinSCP)

FTP Connection Refused (Using FTPZilla)

I have googled and searched all over but I am still having trouble getting connected to a site using the ftpzilla
I am getting this read out when I try to connect to the server using the network connection wizard
Connecting to probe.filezilla-project.org
Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready
USER FileZilla
Response: 331 Give any password.
Response: 230 logged on.
Checking for correct external IP address
Retrieving external IP address from
Checking for correct external IP address IP
Response: 200 OK
PREP 60010
Response: 200 Using port 60010, data token 1063172065
PORT 173,56,114,112,234,106
Response: 200 PORT command successful
Response: 150 opening data connection
Response: 503 Failure of data connection.
Server sent unexpected reply.
Connection closed
The weird thing is I only get this error for this particular server and the server I use for my personal site (namecheap.com) gives me no such error. Does anyone know why this may be happening? And please try not to point me to the network configuration wiki because I have read through that and I still am at this point.
PORT 173,56,114,112,234,106
Response: 503 Failure of data connection.
please try not to point me to the network configuration wiki
You are using active mode, that is the ftp client (FileZilla) waits for a connection from the server. Obviously the server can not connect to the client which indicates that something like a firewall restricts the connection.
Since according to your description this happens only with few servers, you either use only these servers with active mode or these servers are protected by firewalls which do not allow active mode. Have you tried with passive mode?
I had a similar issue connecting and made the following changes and had success.
Go to File>>>Site Manager>>>
For my site, I changed the Encryption to "Only use plain FTP(insecure)" and had success. May you find the same success.

how to change ProFTPd port without using "passive mode"

I just re-installed Ubuntu server 10.04 and decided to change all of my default ports to get a little extra security. Everything works fine, except when I decided to change the FTP (ProFTPd) port from the standard 21 to 3521. No problems with firewalls or port forwarding. ProFTPd was restarted but when I am trying to connect to it,even though it does respond, it throws the client (FileZilla) into a "passive mode" and then never goes into listing a directory.
I don't really want to use the "passive mode" and I have it disabled in proftpd.conf, but nevertheless I can't seem to change the default port otherwise and make it working. It does seem to work fine on port 21. FYI, the proftpd was installed as a standalone daemon, if that matters somehow?
Ok, I think I figured this out after reading this page: link . It appears that most FTP connections are indeed "passive" and the problem with "active" connections comes from the use of firewalls on the client side since FTP server is initiating an outgoing "data" connection to the client on some random port. In passive mode the client initiates both "command" and "data" connections to the server and hence the firewall isn't a problem, but you should specify which "passive" ports to use on the server. I enabled 3520 and 3521 PassivePorts and it's now working
FTP Active Mode by definition requires the server to initiate its outgoing connections from port L-1. Does your firewall allow outgoing connections from port 3520 as well?
From the FTP RFC:
The mechanics of transferring data consists of setting up the data
connection to the appropriate ports and choosing the parameters
for transfer. Both the user and the server-DTPs have a default
data port. The user-process default data port is the same as the
control connection port (i.e., U). The server-process default
data port is the port adjacent to the control connection port
(i.e., L-1).
Default Data Connection Ports: All FTP implementations must
support use of the default data connection ports, and only the
User-PI may initiate the use of non-default ports.
Negotiating Non-Default Data Ports: The User-PI may specify a
non-default user side data port with the PORT command. The
User-PI may request the server side to identify a non-default
server side data port with the PASV command. Since a connection
is defined by the pair of addresses, either of these actions is
enough to get a different data connection, still it is permitted
to do both commands to use new ports on both ends of the data
You might wish to take the opportunity to change your users to SFTP, a much nicer protocol.

Understand ACTV mode and the PORT command

I'm the part time FTP server administrator (with no real full-time admin). We currently only allow ACTV mode connections. Some of our clients have had issues with this but for the most part they've been ok using ACTV. For the few who aren't, we've been able to push the data over to their servers from ours.
there is one client in particular however who is currently having trouble. He is using file-zilla and issuing a PORT command.
First, does using the PORT command imply that you are in ACTV mode?
Second is there a way in FileZilla to explicitly change to ACTV mode?
Thanks for the help,
Active mode requires the PORT command. PORT is what tells the server where to connect to on the client in order to open the data channel.
Active FTP breaks when the client is behind NAT, hence Passive is the preferred default in most situations where FTP is used. It is strongly preferable to not use FTP and switch to SFTP.
