How can I detect if my shell script is running through a pipe? - bash

How do I detect from within a shell script if its standard output is being sent to a terminal or if it's piped to another process?
The case in point: I'd like to add escape codes to colorize output, but only when run interactively, but not when piped, similar to what ls --color does.

In a pure POSIX shell,
if [ -t 1 ] ; then echo terminal; else echo "not a terminal"; fi
returns "terminal", because the output is sent to your terminal, whereas
(if [ -t 1 ] ; then echo terminal; else echo "not a terminal"; fi) | cat
returns "not a terminal", because the output of the parenthetic element is piped to cat.
The -t flag is described in man pages as
-t fd True if file descriptor fd is open and refers to a terminal.
... where fd can be one of the usual file descriptor assignments:
0: standard input
1: standard output
2: standard error

There is no foolproof way to determine if STDIN, STDOUT, or STDERR are being piped to/from your script, primarily because of programs like ssh.
Things that "normally" work
For example, the following bash solution works correctly in an interactive shell:
[[ -t 1 ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to TTY'
[[ -p /dev/stdout ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to a pipe'
[[ ! -t 1 && ! -p /dev/stdout ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to a redirection'
But they don't always work
However, when executing this command as a non-TTY ssh command, STD streams always looks like they are being piped. To demonstrate this, using STDIN because it's easier:
# CORRECT: Forced-tty mode correctly reports '1', which represents
# no pipe.
ssh -t localhost '[[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; echo ${?}'
# CORRECT: Issuing a piped command in forced-tty mode correctly
# reports '0', which represents a pipe.
ssh -t localhost 'echo hi | [[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; echo ${?}'
# INCORRECT: Non-tty mode reports '0', which represents a pipe,
# even though one isn't specified here.
ssh -T localhost '[[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; echo ${?}'
Why it matters
This is a pretty big deal, because it implies that there is no way for a bash script to tell whether a non-tty ssh command is being piped or not. Note that this unfortunate behavior was introduced when recent versions of ssh started using pipes for non-TTY STDIO. Prior versions used sockets, which COULD be differentiated from within bash by using [[ -S ]].
When it matters
This limitation normally causes problems when you want to write a bash script that has behavior similar to a compiled utility, such as cat. For example, cat allows the following flexible behavior in handling various input sources simultaneously, and is smart enough to determine whether it is receiving piped input regardless of whether non-TTY or forced-TTY ssh is being used:
ssh -t localhost 'echo piped | cat - <( echo substituted )'
ssh -T localhost 'echo piped | cat - <( echo substituted )'
You can only do something like that if you can reliably determine if pipes are involved or not. Otherwise, executing a command that reads STDIN when no input is available from either pipes or redirection will result in the script hanging and waiting for STDIN input.
Other things that don't work
In trying to solve this problem, I've looked at several techniques that fail to solve the problem, including ones that involve:
examining SSH environment variables
using stat on /dev/stdin file descriptors
examining interactive mode via [[ "${-}" =~ 'i' ]]
examining tty status via tty and tty -s
examining ssh status via [[ "$(ps -o comm= -p $PPID)" =~ 'sshd' ]]
Note that if you are using an OS that supports the /proc virtual filesystem, you might have luck following the symbolic links for STDIO to determine whether a pipe is being used or not. However, /proc is not a cross-platform, POSIX-compatible solution.
I'm extremely interesting in solving this problem, so please let me know if you think of any other technique that might work, preferably POSIX-based solutions that work on both Linux and BSD.

The command test (builtin in Bash), has an option to check if a file descriptor is a tty.
if [ -t 1 ]; then
# Standard output is a tty
See "man test" or "man bash" and search for "-t".

You don't mention which shell you are using, but in Bash, you can do this:
if [[ -t 1 ]]; then
# stdout is a terminal
# stdout is not a terminal

On Solaris, the suggestion from Dejay Clayton works mostly. The -p does not respond as desired.
File looks like:
[[ -t 1 ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to TTY'
[[ -p /dev/stdout ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to a pipe'
[[ ! -t 1 && ! -p /dev/stdout ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to a redirection'
On Linux, it works great:
:$ ./
STDOUT is attached to TTY
:$ ./ | xargs echo
STDOUT is attached to a pipe
:$ rm bash_redir_test.log
:$ ./ >> bash_redir_test.log
:$ tail bash_redir_test.log
STDOUT is attached to a redirection
On Solaris:
:# ./
STDOUT is attached to TTY
:# ./ | xargs echo
STDOUT is attached to a redirection
:# rm bash_redir_test.log
bash_redir_test.log: No such file or directory
:# ./ >> bash_redir_test.log
:# tail bash_redir_test.log
STDOUT is attached to a redirection

The following code (tested only in Linux Bash 4.4) should not be considered portable nor recommended, but for the sake of completeness here it is:
ls /proc/$$/fdinfo/* >/dev/null 2>&1 || grep -q 'flags: 00$' /proc/$$/fdinfo/0 && echo "pipe detected"
I don't know why, but it seems that file descriptor "3" is somehow created when a Bash function has standard input piped.


Redirect named pipe input to file

I would like to create a file to which I can write as described in the Datadog Datagram docs:
echo -n 'a' >/dev/udp/localhost/8125
echo -n 'b' >/dev/udp/localhost/8125
echo -n 'c' >/dev/udp/localhost/8125
Everything that is written to that file should be – instead of being handled by Datadog and sent to them via the agent – written to a log file. After executing the three lines above the log file should contain the following:
I thought that a named pipe and a background process that handles that would be perfect. However, it does not work as expected and the background process never writes anything, even though writing seems to work.
I created the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
touch $log
if [[ ! -p $pipe ]]; then
rm -f $pipe
mkdir -p "$(dirname $pipe)"
mkfifo -m 0666 $pipe
trap 'rm -f $pipe' EXIT
while :; do
read -r line <$pipe
echo "$line" >>$log
And the following systemd service:
Description=Fake Datadog Agent
The service is started correctly after executing systemctl enable --now datadog-agent, however, as I said, nothing is ever being written to the log file.
This is very strange to me because opening two shell instances where I write the following in the first shell:
mkfifo pipe
while :; do read -r line <pipe; echo "$line"; done
And then start sending data in the second shell prints the lines correctly.
The answer to the question is found in the comments to it. Hence, this question should not go unanswered.
The code from the question works as expected, however, the path where the named pipe resides is a special path and this is the reason why the data that is being sent to it never reaches the script. The corresponding special casing in Bash for instance can be found in redir.c.
The solution to the problem is to use a real UDP server on that port:
socat -u -v -x udp-listen:8125,fork /dev/null &>/var/log/datadog-agent.log

How to get exit codes for different sections of a command in bash

Let's say I have a line in my bash script with ssh bad#location "find -name 'fruit.txt' | grep "Apple" and I'm trying to retrieve the exit codes of ssh, find . -name 'fruit.txt', and "grep "Apple` to see which command went bad.
So far, I've tried something like echo $? ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ${PIPESTATUS[1]}, but it looks like $? returns the same thing as ${PIPESTATUS[0]} in this case. I only need to return the first non-zero exit code along with dmesg for debugging purposes.
I've also considered using set -o pipefail, which will return a failure exit code if any command errors, but I'd like to somehow know which command failed for debugging.
I'd like either get an exit code of 255 (from ssh) and its corresponding dmesg, or somehow get all of the exit codes.
ssh only returns one exit status (per channel) to the calling shell; if you want to get exit status for the individual pipeline components it ran remotely, you need to collect them remotely, put them in with the data, and then parse them back out. One way to do that, if you have a very new version of bash, is like so:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# note <<'EOF' not just <<EOF; with the former, the local shell does not munge
# heredoc contents.
remote_script=$(cat <<'EOF'
tempfile=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/output.XXXXXX"); mktemp_rc=$?
find -name 'fruit.txt' | grep Apple >"$tempfile"
printf '%s\0' "$mktemp_rc" "${PIPESTATUS[#]}"
cat "$tempfile"
rm -f -- "$tempfile"
exit 0 # so a bad exit status will be from ssh itself
# note that collecting a process substitution PID needs bash 4.4!
exec {ssh_fd}< <(ssh bad#location "$remote_script" </dev/null); ssh_pid=$!
IFS= read -r -d '' mktemp_rc <&$ssh_fd # read $? of mktemp
IFS= read -r -d '' find_rc <&$ssh_fd # read $? of find
IFS= read -r -d '' grep_rc <&$ssh_fd # read $? of grep
cat <&$ssh_fd # spool output of grep to our own output
wait "$ssh_pid"; ssh_rc=$? # let ssh finish and read its $?
echo "mktemp exited with status $mktemp_rc" >&2
echo "find exited with status $find_rc" >&2
echo "grep exited with status $grep_rc" >&2
echo "ssh exited with status $ssh_rc" >&2
How does this work?
exec {fd_var_name}< <(...) uses the bash 4.1 automatic file descriptor allocation feature to generate a file descriptor number, and associate it with content read from the process substitution running ....
In bash 4.4 or newer, process substitutions also set $!, so their PIDs can be captured, to later wait for them and collect their exit status; this is what we're storing in ssh_pid.
IFS= read -r -d '' varname reads from stdin up to the next NUL (in read -d '', the first character of '' is treated as the end of input; as an empty string in a C-derived language, the first byte of the string is its NUL terminator).
This could theoretically be made easier by writing the output before the exit status values -- you wouldn't need a temporary file on the remote machine that way -- but the caveat there is that if there were a NUL anywhere in the find | grep output, then some of that output could be picked up by the reads. (Similarly, you could store output in a variable instead of a temporary file, but again, that would destroy any NULs in the stream's output).

bash read builtin does not echo input if script is piped to less

I stumbled upon this strange behavior of the bash builtin read.
I have a interactive script which has the potential of generating a large output. So naturally you append | less to it.
The script will still ask you for your input but it will not echo what you typed.
Here is a small
echo "Type:"
read -r input
echo "Typed: ${input}" | less
I noticed that this is not a general issue with pipes (e.g. |cat works).
Any clue would be appreciated.
A SOLUTION which works for me:
STTY_ORIG="$(stty -g)" # save stty settings
stty echo # enable echo
echo "Type:"
read -e -r input # use readline (backspace will not work otherwise)
echo "Typed: ${input}"
stty "${STTY_ORIG}" # restore stty settings
A SOLUTION which works for me and did not show an side effects.
Basically just tweak and restore the terminal settings...
STTY_ORIG="$(stty -g)" # save stty settings
stty echo # enable echo
echo "Type:"
read -e -r input # use readline (backspace will not work otherwise)
echo "Typed: ${input}"
stty "${STTY_ORIG}" # restore stty settings
It actualy works for me.
The same script
martus#makus-pc:/tmp/src$ dpkg -l | grep bash
ii bash 4.4-5 amd64 GNU Bourne Again SHell
martus#makus-pc:/tmp/src$ uname -a
Linux makus-pc 4.9.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.65-3+deb9u1 (2017-12-23) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Edit: Does the script works without piping less? Less won't show anything typed untill you hit enter.

What is the difference between using process substitution vs. a pipe?

I came across an example for the using tee utility in the tee info page:
wget -O - | tee >(sha1sum > dvd.sha1) > dvd.iso
I looked up the >(...) syntax and found something called "process substitution". From what I understand, it makes a process look like a file that another process could write/append its output to. (Please correct me if I'm wrong on that point.)
How is this different from a pipe? (|) I see a pipe is being used in the above example—is it just a precedence issue? or is there some other difference?
There's no benefit here, as the line could equally well have been written like this:
wget -O - | tee dvd.iso | sha1sum > dvd.sha1
The differences start to appear when you need to pipe to/from multiple programs, because these can't be expressed purely with |. Feel free to try:
# Calculate 2+ checksums while also writing the file
wget -O - | tee >(sha1sum > dvd.sha1) >(md5sum > dvd.md5) > dvd.iso
# Accept input from two 'sort' processes at the same time
comm -12 <(sort file1) <(sort file2)
They're also useful in certain cases where you for any reason can't or don't want to use pipelines:
# Start logging all error messages to file as well as disk
# Pipes don't work because bash doesn't support it in this context
exec 2> >(tee log.txt)
ls doesntexist
# Sum a column of numbers
# Pipes don't work because they create a subshell
while IFS= read -r num; do (( sum+=num )); done < <(curl
echo "$sum"
# apt-get something with a generated config file
# Pipes don't work because we want stdin available for user input
apt-get install -c <(sed -e "s/%USER%/$USER/g" template.conf) mysql-server
Another major difference is the propagation of return values / exit codes (I'll use simpler commands to illustrate):
$ ls -l /notthere | tee listing.txt
ls: cannot access '/notthere': No such file or directory
$ echo $?
-> exit code of tee is propagated
Process substitution:
$ ls -l /notthere > >(tee listing.txt)
ls: cannot access '/notthere': No such file or directory
$ echo $?
-> exit code of ls is propagated
There are of course several methods to work around this (e.g. set -o pipefail, variable PIPESTATUS), but I think it's worth mentioning since this is the default behavior.
Yet another rather subtle, yet potentially annoying difference lies in subprocess termination (best illustrated using commands that produce lots of output):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
tar --create --file /tmp/etc-backup.tar --verbose --directory /etc . 2>&1 | tee /tmp/etc-backup.log
(( ${retval} == 0 )) && echo -e "\n*** SUCCESS ***\n" || echo -e "\n*** FAILURE (EXIT CODE: ${retval}) ***\n"
-> after the line containing the pipe construct, all commands of the pipe have already terminated (otherwise PIPESTATUS could not contain their respective exit codes)
Process substitution:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
tar --create --file /tmp/etc-backup.tar --verbose --directory /etc . &> >(tee /tmp/etc-backup.log)
(( ${retval} == 0 )) && echo -e "\n*** SUCCESS ***\n" || echo -e "\n*** FAILURE (EXIT CODE: ${retval}) ***\n"
-> after the line containing the process substitution, the command within >(...), i.e. tee in this example, may still be running, potentially causing desynchronized console output (SUCCESS / FAILURE message gets mixed in with still flowing tar output) [*]
[*] Can be reproduced on the framebuffer console, but does not seem to affect GUI terminals like KDE's Konsole (likely due to different buffering strategies).

check isatty in bash

I want my shell to detect if human behavior, then show the prompt.
So, assume the file name is test.bash
if [ "x" != "${PS1:-x}" ] ;then
read -p "remove test.log Yes/No" x
[ "$x" = "n" ] && exit 1
rm -f test.log
But, I found it can not work if I haven't set PS1. Is there better method?
my test methods:
./test.bash # human interactive
./test.bash > /tmp/test.log # stdout in batch mode
ls | ./test.bash # stdin in batch mode
to elaborate, I would try
if [ -t 0 ] ; then
# this shell has a std-input, so we're not in batch mode
# we're in batch mode
I hope this helps.
From help test:
-t FD True if FD is opened on a terminal.
You could make use of the /usr/bin/tty program:
if tty -s
# ...
I admit that I'm not sure how portable it is, but it's at least part of GNU coreutils.
Note that in bash scripts (see the test expr entry in man bash), it is not necessary to use the beefy && and || shell operators to combine two separate runs of the [ command, because the [ command has its own built-in and -a and or -o operators that let you compose several simpler tests into a single outcome.
So, here is how you can implement the test that you asked for — where you flip into batch mode if either the input or the output has been redirected away from the TTY — using a single invocation of [:
if [ -t 0 -a -t 1 ]
echo Interactive mode
echo Batch mode
