Redirect named pipe input to file - bash

I would like to create a file to which I can write as described in the Datadog Datagram docs:
echo -n 'a' >/dev/udp/localhost/8125
echo -n 'b' >/dev/udp/localhost/8125
echo -n 'c' >/dev/udp/localhost/8125
Everything that is written to that file should be – instead of being handled by Datadog and sent to them via the agent – written to a log file. After executing the three lines above the log file should contain the following:
I thought that a named pipe and a background process that handles that would be perfect. However, it does not work as expected and the background process never writes anything, even though writing seems to work.
I created the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
touch $log
if [[ ! -p $pipe ]]; then
rm -f $pipe
mkdir -p "$(dirname $pipe)"
mkfifo -m 0666 $pipe
trap 'rm -f $pipe' EXIT
while :; do
read -r line <$pipe
echo "$line" >>$log
And the following systemd service:
Description=Fake Datadog Agent
The service is started correctly after executing systemctl enable --now datadog-agent, however, as I said, nothing is ever being written to the log file.
This is very strange to me because opening two shell instances where I write the following in the first shell:
mkfifo pipe
while :; do read -r line <pipe; echo "$line"; done
And then start sending data in the second shell prints the lines correctly.

The answer to the question is found in the comments to it. Hence, this question should not go unanswered.
The code from the question works as expected, however, the path where the named pipe resides is a special path and this is the reason why the data that is being sent to it never reaches the script. The corresponding special casing in Bash for instance can be found in redir.c.
The solution to the problem is to use a real UDP server on that port:
socat -u -v -x udp-listen:8125,fork /dev/null &>/var/log/datadog-agent.log


Script stuck during read line when script is executed remotely

I want to have one script which starts a services in another server.
I have tested that the script works as expected in the server where the server is going to run.
This is the code which starts the service and monitors the log until it is in the startup process:
pkill -f "$1"
nohup java -jar$PROFILE $1 &
tail -n 0 -f nohup.out | while read LOGLINE
[[ "${LOGLINE}" == *"$L_LOG_STRING"* ]] && pkill -P $$ tail
This works fine as long as I execute that from that machine.
Now I want to call that script from another server:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh root#$DESTINATION_SERVER /bin/bash << EOF
echo "Restarting first service..."
/usr/local/ -s parameter
echo "Restarting second service..."
/usr/local/ -s parameter2
Well, everytime I try that the script of the remote server gets stuck in the "while READ" loop. But as I said, when I execute it locally from the server works fine, and in my "not simplified script" I´m not using any system variable or similar.
Update: I just tried to simplify the code even more with the following lines in the first scenario:
pkill -f "$1"
nohup java -jar$PROFILE $1 &
tail -n 0 -f nohup.out | sed "/$L_LOG_STRING/ q"
I'd say the problem is some how in the "|" through ssh, but I still can find why.
it seems that the problem comes from not having an interactive console when you execute the ssh command, therefore the nohup command behaves strangly.
I could solve it in two ways, outputing the code to the file explicitly:
"nohup java -jar &1 >> nohup.out &"
instead of:
"nohup java -jar &1&"
Or changing the way I access via ssh adding the tt option (just one did not work):
ssh -tt root#$DESTINATION_SERVER /bin/bash << EOF
But this last solution could lead to other problems with some character, so unless someone suggests another solution that is my patch which makes it work.

Syntax error after "read" only when script invoked with "bash -s <script"

I have two scripts and both are in different servers and I use these for automating a small process.
script1 starts script2 using command
ssh -i /pathToKeyFile/keyfile.pem user#server2 'bash -s < /pathToScriptFile/'
In I have a "case" question:
# Ask to start up JBOSS
read -p "DB restore completed. Start JBOSS and FACADE (y/n)" startJBOSS
case "$startJBOSS" in
y|Y ) echo "Starting JBOSS and FACADE";;
n|N ) echo "Stopping here"
* ) echo "Invalid option..."
echo "More commands here"
So when I execute it works fine and starst script2 on remote server.
But script2 fails to error
bash: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
bash: line 5: ` y|Y ) echo "Starting JBOSS and FACADE";;'
If I execute directly from remote server it works as expected.
I also tried so that both script files are located in one server. Of cource in this case commant to start is different, but in this case both works again as expected.
I cannot figure out why fails when it is started from and other script located in an other server. I assume that "code" is correct as it works when ran separately.
The problem is that read reads from stdin -- the same place your code is coming from.
Thus, instead of reading a line from the user, it reads a line from the file of source, consuming the case command, leaving the rest of the source file syntactically invalid.
Simple Answer: Don't Do That.
bash -s <filename makes sense when the <filename is coming from somewhere not accessible to the copy of bash (like the other side of the SSH connection, or a file that can only be read by a different user), but that's not the case for your example. Thus, you can just stop using the -s argument and the redirection:
ssh -i /pathToKeyFile/keyfile.pem user#server2 'bash /pathToScriptFile/'
...or make the prompt conditional...
Another approach is to make the read conditional on there actually being a user listening at the TTY:
if [[ -t 0 ]]; then # test whether FD 0, stdin, is a TTY
read -p "DB restore completed. Start JBOSS and FACADE (y/n)" startJBOSS
startJBOSS=y # no TTY, so assume yes
...or make the prompt read from /dev/tty, and make sure SSH passes it through.
An alternate approach is to read from /dev/tty explicitly, and then to arrange for that to be valid in the context of your script by passing appropriate arguments to ssh:
if read -p "DB restore completed. Start JBOSS and FACADE (y/n)" startJBOSS </dev/tty; then
: "read $startJBOSS from user successfully" # <- will be logged if run with set -x
echo "Unable to read result from user; is this being run with a TTY?" >&2
exit 1
...and then, on the other side, using the -t argument to SSH, to force there to be a TTY (if one is available to SSH itself; if not, it won't have a means to read from the user out-of-band either):
ssh -t -i /pathToKeyFile/keyfile.pem user#server2 'bash -s < /pathToScriptFile/'

How can I conditionally copy output to a file without repeating echo/printf statements? [duplicate]

I know how to redirect stdout to a file:
exec > foo.log
echo test
this will put the 'test' into the foo.log file.
Now I want to redirect the output into the log file AND keep it on stdout
i.e. it can be done trivially from outside the script:
script | tee foo.log
but I want to do declare it within the script itself
I tried
exec | tee foo.log
but it didn't work.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Redirect stdout ( > ) into a named pipe ( >() ) running "tee"
exec > >(tee -i logfile.txt)
# Without this, only stdout would be captured - i.e. your
# log file would not contain any error messages.
# SEE (and upvote) the answer by Adam Spiers, which keeps STDERR
# as a separate stream - I did not want to steal from him by simply
# adding his answer to mine.
exec 2>&1
echo "foo"
echo "bar" >&2
Note that this is bash, not sh. If you invoke the script with sh, you will get an error along the lines of syntax error near unexpected token '>'.
If you are working with signal traps, you might want to use the tee -i option to avoid disruption of the output if a signal occurs. (Thanks to JamesThomasMoon1979 for the comment.)
Tools that change their output depending on whether they write to a pipe or a terminal (ls using colors and columnized output, for example) will detect the above construct as meaning that they output to a pipe.
There are options to enforce the colorizing / columnizing (e.g. ls -C --color=always). Note that this will result in the color codes being written to the logfile as well, making it less readable.
The accepted answer does not preserve STDERR as a separate file descriptor. That means
./ >/dev/null
will not output bar to the terminal, only to the logfile, and
./ 2>/dev/null
will output both foo and bar to the terminal. Clearly that's not
the behaviour a normal user is likely to expect. This can be
fixed by using two separate tee processes both appending to the same
log file:
# See (and upvote) the comment by JamesThomasMoon1979
# explaining the use of the -i option to tee.
exec > >(tee -ia foo.log)
exec 2> >(tee -ia foo.log >&2)
echo "foo"
echo "bar" >&2
(Note that the above does not initially truncate the log file - if you want that behaviour you should add
to the top of the script.)
The POSIX.1-2008 specification of tee(1) requires that output is unbuffered, i.e. not even line-buffered, so in this case it is possible that STDOUT and STDERR could end up on the same line of foo.log; however that could also happen on the terminal, so the log file will be a faithful reflection of what could be seen on the terminal, if not an exact mirror of it. If you want the STDOUT lines cleanly separated from the STDERR lines, consider using two log files, possibly with date stamp prefixes on each line to allow chronological reassembly later on.
Solution for busybox, macOS bash, and non-bash shells
The accepted answer is certainly the best choice for bash. I'm working in a Busybox environment without access to bash, and it does not understand the exec > >(tee log.txt) syntax. It also does not do exec >$PIPE properly, trying to create an ordinary file with the same name as the named pipe, which fails and hangs.
Hopefully this would be useful to someone else who doesn't have bash.
Also, for anyone using a named pipe, it is safe to rm $PIPE, because that unlinks the pipe from the VFS, but the processes that use it still maintain a reference count on it until they are finished.
Note the use of $* is not necessarily safe.
if [ "$SELF_LOGGING" != "1" ]
# The parent process will enter this branch and set up logging
# Create a named piped for logging the child's output
mkfifo $PIPE
# Launch the child process with stdout redirected to the named pipe
SELF_LOGGING=1 sh $0 $* >$PIPE &
# Save PID of child process
# Launch tee in a separate process
tee logfile <$PIPE &
# Unlink $PIPE because the parent process no longer needs it
rm $PIPE
# Wait for child process, which is running the rest of this script
wait $PID
# Return the error code from the child process
exit $?
# The rest of the script goes here
Inside your script file, put all of the commands within parentheses, like this:
echo start
ls -l
echo end
) | tee foo.log
Easy way to make a bash script log to syslog. The script output is available both through /var/log/syslog and through stderr. syslog will add useful metadata, including timestamps.
Add this line at the top:
exec &> >(logger -t myscript -s)
Alternatively, send the log to a separate file:
exec &> >(ts |tee -a /tmp/myscript.output >&2 )
This requires moreutils (for the ts command, which adds timestamps).
Using the accepted answer my script kept returning exceptionally early (right after 'exec > >(tee ...)') leaving the rest of my script running in the background. As I couldn't get that solution to work my way I found another solution/work around to the problem:
# Logging setup
mkfifo ${logfile}.pipe
tee < ${logfile}.pipe $logfile &
exec &> ${logfile}.pipe
rm ${logfile}.pipe
# Rest of my script
This makes output from script go from the process, through the pipe into the sub background process of 'tee' that logs everything to disc and to original stdout of the script.
Note that 'exec &>' redirects both stdout and stderr, we could redirect them separately if we like, or change to 'exec >' if we just want stdout.
Even thou the pipe is removed from the file system in the beginning of the script it will continue to function until the processes finishes. We just can't reference it using the file name after the rm-line.
Bash 4 has a coproc command which establishes a named pipe to a command and allows you to communicate through it.
Can't say I'm comfortable with any of the solutions based on exec. I prefer to use tee directly, so I make the script call itself with tee when requested:
# my script:
# copy (append) stdout and stderr to log file if TEE is unset or true
if [[ -z $TEE || "$TEE" == true ]]; then
echo '-------------------------------------------' >> log.txt
echo '***' $(date) $0 $# >> log.txt
TEE=false $0 $# 2>&1 | tee --append log.txt
exit $?
check_tee_output $#
rest of my script
This allows you to do this: args # tee
TEE=true args # tee
TEE=false args # don't tee
export TEE=false args # tee
You can customize this, e.g. make tee=false the default instead, make TEE hold the log file instead, etc. I guess this solution is similar to jbarlow's, but simpler, maybe mine has limitations that I have not come across yet.
Neither of these is a perfect solution, but here are a couple things you could try:
exec >foo.log
tail -f foo.log &
# rest of your script
mkfifo $PIPE
exec >$PIPE
tee foo.log <$PIPE &
# rest of your script
rm $PIPE
The second one would leave a pipe file sitting around if something goes wrong with your script, which may or may not be a problem (i.e. maybe you could rm it in the parent shell afterwards).

bash script to accept log on stdin and email log if inputting process fails

I'm a sysadmin and I frequently have a situation where I have a script or command that generates a lot of output which I would only like to have emailed to me if the command fails. It's pretty easy to write a script that runs the command, collects the output and emails it if the command fails, but I was thinking I should be able to write a command that
1) accepts log info on stdin
2) waits for the inputting process to exit and see what it's exit status was
3a) if the inputting process exited cleanly, append the logging input to a normal log file
3b) if the inputting process failed, append the logging input to the normal log and also send me an email.
It would look something like this on the command line:
something_important | /var/log/normal_log
That would make it really easy to use in crontabs.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to make my script wait for the writing process and evaluate how that process exits.
Just to be exatra clear, here's how I can do it with a wrapper:
#! /bin/bash
something_important > output
if [ "$ERR" -ne "0" ] ; then
cat something_important | mail -s "something_important failed"
cat something_important >> /var/log/normal_log
Again, that's not what I want, I want to write a script and pipe commands into it.
Does that make sense? How would I do that? Am I missing something?
Thanks Everyone!
Yes it does make sense, and you are close.
Here are some advises:
trap "rm -f $TEMPFILE" EXIT
if [ ! something_important > $TEMPFILE ]; then
mail -s 'something goes oops' -a $TEMPFILE
cat $TEMPFILE >> /var/log/normal.log
I won't use bashisms so /bin/sh is fine
create a temporary file to avoid conflicts using mktemp(1)
use trap to remove file when the script exit, normally or not
if the command fail
then attach the file, which would or would not be preferred over embedding it
if it's a big file you could even gzip it, but the attachment method will change:
# using mailx
gzip -c9 $TEMPFILE | uuencode fail.log.gz | mailx -s subject ...
# using mutt
mutt -a $TEMPFILE.gz -s ...
gzip -d $TEMPFILE.gz

How can I detect if my shell script is running through a pipe?

How do I detect from within a shell script if its standard output is being sent to a terminal or if it's piped to another process?
The case in point: I'd like to add escape codes to colorize output, but only when run interactively, but not when piped, similar to what ls --color does.
In a pure POSIX shell,
if [ -t 1 ] ; then echo terminal; else echo "not a terminal"; fi
returns "terminal", because the output is sent to your terminal, whereas
(if [ -t 1 ] ; then echo terminal; else echo "not a terminal"; fi) | cat
returns "not a terminal", because the output of the parenthetic element is piped to cat.
The -t flag is described in man pages as
-t fd True if file descriptor fd is open and refers to a terminal.
... where fd can be one of the usual file descriptor assignments:
0: standard input
1: standard output
2: standard error
There is no foolproof way to determine if STDIN, STDOUT, or STDERR are being piped to/from your script, primarily because of programs like ssh.
Things that "normally" work
For example, the following bash solution works correctly in an interactive shell:
[[ -t 1 ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to TTY'
[[ -p /dev/stdout ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to a pipe'
[[ ! -t 1 && ! -p /dev/stdout ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to a redirection'
But they don't always work
However, when executing this command as a non-TTY ssh command, STD streams always looks like they are being piped. To demonstrate this, using STDIN because it's easier:
# CORRECT: Forced-tty mode correctly reports '1', which represents
# no pipe.
ssh -t localhost '[[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; echo ${?}'
# CORRECT: Issuing a piped command in forced-tty mode correctly
# reports '0', which represents a pipe.
ssh -t localhost 'echo hi | [[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; echo ${?}'
# INCORRECT: Non-tty mode reports '0', which represents a pipe,
# even though one isn't specified here.
ssh -T localhost '[[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; echo ${?}'
Why it matters
This is a pretty big deal, because it implies that there is no way for a bash script to tell whether a non-tty ssh command is being piped or not. Note that this unfortunate behavior was introduced when recent versions of ssh started using pipes for non-TTY STDIO. Prior versions used sockets, which COULD be differentiated from within bash by using [[ -S ]].
When it matters
This limitation normally causes problems when you want to write a bash script that has behavior similar to a compiled utility, such as cat. For example, cat allows the following flexible behavior in handling various input sources simultaneously, and is smart enough to determine whether it is receiving piped input regardless of whether non-TTY or forced-TTY ssh is being used:
ssh -t localhost 'echo piped | cat - <( echo substituted )'
ssh -T localhost 'echo piped | cat - <( echo substituted )'
You can only do something like that if you can reliably determine if pipes are involved or not. Otherwise, executing a command that reads STDIN when no input is available from either pipes or redirection will result in the script hanging and waiting for STDIN input.
Other things that don't work
In trying to solve this problem, I've looked at several techniques that fail to solve the problem, including ones that involve:
examining SSH environment variables
using stat on /dev/stdin file descriptors
examining interactive mode via [[ "${-}" =~ 'i' ]]
examining tty status via tty and tty -s
examining ssh status via [[ "$(ps -o comm= -p $PPID)" =~ 'sshd' ]]
Note that if you are using an OS that supports the /proc virtual filesystem, you might have luck following the symbolic links for STDIO to determine whether a pipe is being used or not. However, /proc is not a cross-platform, POSIX-compatible solution.
I'm extremely interesting in solving this problem, so please let me know if you think of any other technique that might work, preferably POSIX-based solutions that work on both Linux and BSD.
The command test (builtin in Bash), has an option to check if a file descriptor is a tty.
if [ -t 1 ]; then
# Standard output is a tty
See "man test" or "man bash" and search for "-t".
You don't mention which shell you are using, but in Bash, you can do this:
if [[ -t 1 ]]; then
# stdout is a terminal
# stdout is not a terminal
On Solaris, the suggestion from Dejay Clayton works mostly. The -p does not respond as desired.
File looks like:
[[ -t 1 ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to TTY'
[[ -p /dev/stdout ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to a pipe'
[[ ! -t 1 && ! -p /dev/stdout ]] && \
echo 'STDOUT is attached to a redirection'
On Linux, it works great:
:$ ./
STDOUT is attached to TTY
:$ ./ | xargs echo
STDOUT is attached to a pipe
:$ rm bash_redir_test.log
:$ ./ >> bash_redir_test.log
:$ tail bash_redir_test.log
STDOUT is attached to a redirection
On Solaris:
:# ./
STDOUT is attached to TTY
:# ./ | xargs echo
STDOUT is attached to a redirection
:# rm bash_redir_test.log
bash_redir_test.log: No such file or directory
:# ./ >> bash_redir_test.log
:# tail bash_redir_test.log
STDOUT is attached to a redirection
The following code (tested only in Linux Bash 4.4) should not be considered portable nor recommended, but for the sake of completeness here it is:
ls /proc/$$/fdinfo/* >/dev/null 2>&1 || grep -q 'flags: 00$' /proc/$$/fdinfo/0 && echo "pipe detected"
I don't know why, but it seems that file descriptor "3" is somehow created when a Bash function has standard input piped.
