Easiest way to track search terms with Google Analytics? - webforms

My last question was somewhat narrower than this one.
I am interested to know how to track search terms in general. How would you install Google Analytics to simple form with a submit button (assuming there is only one field)?

In Google Analytics, under Profile Settings enable site search (Do Track Site Search), and set the Query Parameter to the name of the input field. (And, of course, make sure that the tracking code was installed on the page the form's action points to.)

Try using the utm_term URL parameter in your URL you send to GA.
Example: utm_term=running+shoes
You can submit to GA a URL as described here:


Google Analytics - Language of the first session of an user

This is related to the language of a website like FB, amazon, booking, etc.
When you open one of this sites, or when you click on the search and goes to the site, it opens with a language by default.
There is custom dimension (Cd-session- diatect, or something like that) that is the langueage of the site, but is the last one you had in your session. Would anyone know what is the custom dimensions in Google analytics to filter by this "first visit"? I heard there is something to filter by the first time you visit the site but I cannot find it.
A custom dimension, by definition, does not exist by default. So you should create a custom dimension like the one you are already looking at but with hit scope instead of session.
In this way you can see which language of the site was active on the landing page, which is the first page of each session.

How to track Google conversions with Joomla Chronoforms?

I have multiple form pages and one thank you-page.
I want to track if a form has successfully submitted, but I don't know how.
When a user submits a form and gets redirected to the thank you page, it'll add different parameters to the url of the thank you page. This depends on where the user came from.
E.g www.mywebsite.com/page/nameofpage?chronoform=nameofpage&event=submit
How can I track this?
You can set this up completely outside of Chronoforms. Within Google Analytics, go to Admin section, then Goals and set up a new website goal. The key is to select it to be a destination type goal and set that to your thank you page url.
https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1032415?hl=enhttps://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1116091?hl=enIf you want to have the conversion work in Google Adwords conversions as well, you will need to add a code snippet to a custom HTML module in the debug position: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6331314
You should not use two conversion trackings for the same thing because you would end up double counting your conversions.
I see that your url has an event. Instead of using destination goals in google analytics you can use events to track a goal. After you do this you will have to link google analytics with google adwords and import the goal in google adwords.
Have in mind that conversion tracking from google analytics has a big conversion lag. Having said that, the best option is to use google adwords conversion tracking but this would require to have a unique url for each thank you page.

Google Custom Search Engine API Image Search not returning results

Just setup my CSE with Image Search enabled in the Basics tab, but still ain't getting results.
If I don't use searchType=image in the query it works, if I put it back it stops working with no errors, just no results.
Any inputs?
It seems there are two elements required to consume the Google search API, the configuration of the API key and credentials.
Setup the API key here https://console.developers.google.com/project
and create your own CSE here https://www.google.co.uk/cse/all
I made the mistake like a lot of people of ignoring the CSE side of the setup (it didn't seem logical to search only my own site).
You need to create a CSE though, point it to search any url (I don't think it matters greatly), and then where it says "Sites to search" chose "Search the entire web but emphasise included sites". Also then set image search to "On".
Once you've done this browse to your new CSE, the url should contain your CX code e.g. cx=014341056213260336986:v4fl8n8sabc, you then need to use this in your request query string.
Your API query should now start returning results.
Image search needs to be switched to ON at the Custom Search Setup->Basics

Rewrite url ala Google Instant?

I have a e-commerce website built in Ajax and Js, when the user type a search keyword the list is pulled via ajax but the browser url, in my case doesn't change, so if the user reaload or simply bookmarks the address he 'll have to start form scratch loosing the keywords input.
i noticed Google instead rewrites the url with the complete query, no hashtag or complex workaround...apparently
how can i achieve that? consider i have complete control on my server so i can set my apache in any way i want.
See this question, almost the same except they used Facebook as a example.
How does facebook rewrite the source URL of a page in the browser address bar?
If you watch the URL in Google Instant, it doesn't change until you hit "Search" or pause for a set period of time (2 seconds, i think).
After this delay, Google refreshes the page with those search queries.
I'm not sure what browser you're using, but I get all the search terms after a hashtag in Chrome (e.g., http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&q=test+test+sibilance&aq=3&...). I don't think what you think is occurring is actually happening. It could be done on Chrome and other HTML5 browsers using history.pushState(), but I don't see Google Instant using that method.
Then it is not instant. Without reloading the page you can only change the fragment identifier in the URL.
My experience is, that after you changed the search, the Google URL is no longer "correct", i.e. it does not represent the latest query.

Get URI fragment (hash) to affect SEO? Get indexed by SEs?

I am building a forum site where the post is retrieved on the same page as the listing via AJAX. When a new post is shown, the URI fragment is changed (ex: .php#1_This-is-the-first-post). Also the title and meta tags are changed.
My question is this. I have read that search engines aren't able to use #these-words. So therefore, my entire site won't be able to be indexed (as it will look like one page).
What can i do to get around this, or at least make my sub-pages be able to get indexed?
NOTE: I have built almost all of the site, so radically changes would be hard. SEO is my weakest geek-skill.
Add non-AJAX versions of every page, and link to them from your popups as "permalinks" (or whatever you want to call them). Not only aren't your pages available to search engines, they can't be bookmarked or emailed to friends. I recently worked with some designers on a site and talked them out of using an AJAX-only design. They ended up putting article "teasers" in popups and making users go to a page with a bookmarkable URL to read the complete texts.
As difficult as it may be, the "best" answer may be to re-architect your site to use the hash tag URL scheme more sparingly
Short of that, I'd suggest the following:
Create an alternative, non-hash based URL scheme. This is a must.
Create a site-map that allows search engines to find your existing pages through the new URL scheme.
Slowly port your site over. You might consider adding these deeper links on the page, or encourage users to share those links instead of the hash-based ones, etc.
Hope this helps!
