Rewrite url ala Google Instant? - ajax

I have a e-commerce website built in Ajax and Js, when the user type a search keyword the list is pulled via ajax but the browser url, in my case doesn't change, so if the user reaload or simply bookmarks the address he 'll have to start form scratch loosing the keywords input.
i noticed Google instead rewrites the url with the complete query, no hashtag or complex workaround...apparently
how can i achieve that? consider i have complete control on my server so i can set my apache in any way i want.

See this question, almost the same except they used Facebook as a example.
How does facebook rewrite the source URL of a page in the browser address bar?

If you watch the URL in Google Instant, it doesn't change until you hit "Search" or pause for a set period of time (2 seconds, i think).
After this delay, Google refreshes the page with those search queries.

I'm not sure what browser you're using, but I get all the search terms after a hashtag in Chrome (e.g., I don't think what you think is occurring is actually happening. It could be done on Chrome and other HTML5 browsers using history.pushState(), but I don't see Google Instant using that method.

Then it is not instant. Without reloading the page you can only change the fragment identifier in the URL.

My experience is, that after you changed the search, the Google URL is no longer "correct", i.e. it does not represent the latest query.


Does Google Shows the AJAX based website results in search?

I want to know that i am making a website which shows all the latest information on the front page... the website is completely AJAX working , So all the data is in the Server Databases , If someone searches for a perticular data available in my site through Search engines then will the search engine searches the database?
By default, no, AJAX-only accessible content is not going to be crawled by Google. There is a convention you can use, however, to ensure that it does get crawled - the "Hash Wallop".
When Google (and other search engines), encounter a link that starts with "#!", it will "crawl" the dynamic content returning from an AJAX call. To take advantage of this, rather than having something like:
trigger ajax will want to use something like:
trigger ajax
There is some more info on the technique here (and lots of others sites, just google it):
Some insight:
Also, you might want to look into HTML caching, it will boost your SEO performance.

Facebook like or share with dynamic document title

I found this problem all over the net but no answer yet, so maybe here someone solved it ...?
I built a page relying heavily on jquery.address. It's got one index page and the rest loads dynamically via Ajax following Google's /#!/ scheme for crawlable pages. Now I want to add Facebooks Like or share button but I can't get it to grab the actual page title or url.
Whatever I do, it always falls back to title and url of the index page. It tried:
(obviously) changing title an openGraph meta on load of the new parts.
"linking" the crawler page (?_escaped_fragmet_=xyx) but specifying the #! page in meta
"sharing" with a given title and url.
I never get anything but a link to the index page or a blank "share" to the right url with title and thumbnail ignored.
Has anyone got a similar setup working?
Thanks for any hints,
Facebook is actually using #! now and it works! If you build your site so that is identical to!/something all you have to do is "share" the #! url and it'll display the info from the escaped fragment page.
Use this URL to check:
But: A much cleaner solution to the problem can be found here:
My guess would be that Facebook's crawler doesn't run Javascript and will always display whatever's actually in the page it gets from the server.
Facebook share has a BRUTAL cache, last time I checked it was impossible to change the title / description data once it was scraped :(
The issue I had was the og:url and the actual url of the page did not match. I also read a number of comments about the og data being just after the title element, but I don't think that solved anything.
With regard to issues of caching, it is true that Facebook's caching is "brutal", but it does not cache anything for the lint tool:
I use no-hash-bang urls when sharing links. I process the hard links and redirect them to a hash bang client side using javascript. That way if a crawler goes to the hard linked page it will display the information just as it would if javascript were enabled.
Hope this helps.

Search engine opimization dos and don'ts for AJAX

I've created an AJAX enabled web application. In my application all contents [that I want to be appear in search pages] are loaded using AJAX. However I observed that despite of valid sitemap submitted to google, my page raking is very very poor.
What all I need to do and what to avoid in order to improve page ranking.
Thanks in advance.
you probably want to make it enabled for bookmark and history. There are many ways. One of them is jQuery's history plugin:
you probably want to create a page for search engines to crawl your website with those links!fetch_content=xyz. The #! is a way recognized by Google to crawl and index its content.
Don'ts would be interesting. But here's a do, for all of JS as well.
Make sure that all links degrade gracefully, this can be easily achieved by giving the links real URLs that lead to the same content that is to be loaded in the event that JS is not enabled. This makes crawling your website possible.
You would also have to disable default for all the affected links.

full ajax site and SEO

i am planing to start a full ajax site project, and i was wondering about SEO.
The site will have urls like etc
Can Google crawl the site.
Is something that i have to noticed about full ajax and SEO
Any reading suggestions are welcome
You might want to read about so called progressive enhancement.
Google supports indexing of AJAX sites, but unfortunately it involves extra work for the developer. See
I don't think Google is capable of doing so (yet)
However you can of course make your site usable with or without JavaScript. That way, browsers will have the full candy stuff and Google (and text browsers) still can navigation your site.
In addition to SEO, you also need to think about usability standards here. A site that is that reliant on AJAX isn't going to work for things like screen-readers as well as spiders. You need a system for graceful degreadation. A website that can't function without JavaScript isn't really a functioning website.
The search engines will spider the initial page load - what happens to the page (with ajax) after that is irrelevant to listings.
Google itself doesn't crawl ajax content but advice a mechanism for it. For this you first need to change # to #!
Whole process to SEO AJAX content is explained here along with simple code to start working on it.
Imagine having to hit the “refresh” button in your browser to update your Twitter feed rather than just hitting the button on the page itself and having it instantly update? These are the types of problems that AJAX solves, although it does come with its pitfalls. Google might claim it’s able to crawl and parse AJAX websites, yet it’s risky to just take its word for it and leave your website’s organic traffic up to chance. Even though Google can usually index dynamic AJAX content, it’s not always that simple. This guide covers some of the things that can go wrong and how you can make sure your AJAX website is crawlable:

Easiest way to track search terms with Google Analytics?

My last question was somewhat narrower than this one.
I am interested to know how to track search terms in general. How would you install Google Analytics to simple form with a submit button (assuming there is only one field)?
In Google Analytics, under Profile Settings enable site search (Do Track Site Search), and set the Query Parameter to the name of the input field. (And, of course, make sure that the tracking code was installed on the page the form's action points to.)
Try using the utm_term URL parameter in your URL you send to GA.
Example: utm_term=running+shoes
You can submit to GA a URL as described here:
