Why doesn't cl.exe generate any output when I call it from Perl? - visual-studio

I'm having a weird problem with running cl.exe that has me stumped. In a large VS2008 solution consisting of C/C++ projects, I have one project that runs some scripts to do some extra processing. The project consists of a pre-build event, which calls a Perl script (ActiveState Perl is on the machine). This Perl script then calls cl.exe with /E to generate preprocessed output which gets redirected to a file. The line in Perl looks like this:
my $foo = `"\path\to\cl.exe" #args.rsp >out.txt 2>err.txt`;
args.rsp is a plain text file that contains a bunch of command line args for cl.exe, including /E to get pre-processor output on stdout.
This exact command line works as expected when run from the VS2008 command prompt. Building the project also works fine on my Windows XP machine. However, on my new Windows 7 box, when I build the project, out.txt ends up blank. I should also add that on some of my coworker's Windows 7 boxes, it works fine, and on some others it doesn't.
Clearly there's some kind of configuration difference going on, but I'm at a loss as to what it may be. We've checked matching versions of VS2008 SP1 and ActiveState Perl. I've tried myriad workarounds within the perl script - using system() instead of backticks, using cl.exe /P to output to a file and then moving the file (the file is blank), unsetting the VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT environment variable (no effect). Nothing has changed the behavior - output is generated when the command line is run manually, but not when it's run inside the pre-build event for this project.
Any ideas on what kind of configuration problem may be causing this? I'm pretty much out of avenues to pursue.

Sounds like an ACL issue to me. You can change windows to log access issues and then check the event log to see what user is getting access denied errors.
I believe the setting is in Local Policy | Audit Policy | Audit Object Access

Wow, the solution to this ended up being a lot stranger than I expected. The machine I'm working on (and the other co-workers who are also experiencing the problem) is a Mac Pro with bootcamp and Windows 7 installed. That causes C: to have the windows drive and E: to have the mac drive. This causes a problem because the pre-build event has a couple lines that test each drive letter to see if there's a drive there, and if there is, adds X:\Perl\bin to the path. Even though E:\Perl\bin doesn't exist, it gets added to the path. Later, the perl script runs and then calls cl.exe, and for some reason, having a directory in the mac drive causes cl.exe to fail. Why? I have no idea. Anyway, removing the mac drive directory from the path fixes the problem!
Thanks for your eyes everyone.

Check out the exit code of your program. You may want to build your executable name in a portable way using something like File::Spec. Also, check that #args is not interpolating. You may want to print your command line before executing to check if that's what you want. What is left your err.txt file?


Why Doesn't /**/* Work On Commandline on Windows

I have been running a command line program (Closure compiler) in Cygwin on Windows 7 (no comment please) that takes file arguments. It used to be that, for both the program and when I typed
echo dir/**/*
it would include all subdirectories and files, regardless of how deep. Now, it only returns the directories and files on the second level. I have not changed anything. I updated Windows at one point, but I did not think that that would affect anything. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to figure out what changed or how to fix this?

djgpp compiled harbour exe does not run in pure dos

I have compiled one clipper program using haarbour compiler and the c file produced was compiled using djgpp to produce final exe. This exe runs fine in console window of Windows 98.
However, when I exit to msdos prompt or try to run in pure dos, it does not give any error. But did not go further. however num lock and cap locks responds propery. When I press ctrl+al+del it gives me message hdpmi terminated by the user. I have tried cwsdpmi instead of Hdpmi32 but the problem remains same.
There is on exe HBRUN.exe which acts as an interpreter to .hrb files produced instead of stand alone exe. When I run HBRUn in pure do,it behaved in the same fashion. But when I runit another directory where no dbf files were there, it gave me error dbf file not found ! This also works fine in console window but compiled for pure DOS.
I think there is some problem with all the exes produced using harbour and djgpp if they are big.
one simple 5-6 line program's .hrb file was run correctly in pure dos by hbrun ( Size of hbrun is about 1700 K where as my exe file size is 950 K
Can anybody shade some light ?
Sadly, you're unlikely to find any help here. I would suggest approaching the Harbour Project itself for help. They can be found on github with their list of developers (with email addresses!)
Harbour is powerful.
To run in pure DOS I would recommend you to try OPENWATCOM
Here is a copy of the message from Pritpal Bedi (one of the developers):
I could compile Harbour with OpenWatcom DOS.
Machine : WIndows 7 32 Bits
Downloaded: http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/openwatcom/open-watcom-c-dos-1.9.exe
Installed in C:\WATCOM. Follow all default options when installing except making changes to AUTOEXEC.bat and CONFIG.sys.
WATCOM will save these two files with .DOS as extention.
Copy C:\Watcom\autoexec.dos C:\Watcom\m.bat
Redefine PATH statement as : SET PATH=C:\WATCOM\BINW;C:\Harbour\bin\dos\watcom;%PATH%
Keep all other SETs intact.
CD to C:\Harbour
Execute C:\Watcom\m.bat
Execute DOS-MAKE [ Do Not use "install" option, it will pollute your existing environment ]
Harbour binaries will be deposited in C:\Harbour\bin\dos\watcom
NOTE [ And it is strange ] that steps 7 and 8 will have to be repeated for few times
as console window from where you are initiating it will disappear, but do not worry,
it seems to be an issue with memory.
CD to harbour\tests
Issue : hbmk2 hello -workdir= -run
It appears long command line do not go through, so we have to shorten the path and hence command line length.
Be cheerful as you will see "Hello World" printed in current console.
Pritpal Bedi

Can't execute a batch file on post-build

I've read this discussion but despite different attempts, I get an error (it varies depending on my approach).
The compilation itself works fine. Double-clicking on the "publish.bat" files executes it just fine too. It's the combo in VS10 that breaks.
This is what I've tested.
call $(OutDir)\publish.bat
call "$(OutDir)\publish.bat"
call $(OutDir)publish.bat
call "$(OutDir)publish.bat"
What am I missing?
I had a similar problem that I was just able to fix. For me the simple call "$(SolutionDir)\Setup\CreateInstaller.bat" worked, but I kept getting a The command "call {solution directory}\Setup\CreateInstaller.bat" exited with code {code}. Turns out my batch file was expecting to be run from the directory in which it lived. So, check that all the commands in the batch file are not using relative directories or commands as these may break.
Also, are you sure the $(OutDir) macro is what you want? In VS2010 at least, that is just equal to bin\Debug or bin\Release depending on which version you're building in. It seems unlikely that you really want that directory. I expect what you want is $(SolutionDir) or perhaps even $(TargetDir).

ActivePerl Installation on Windows operating system

I have installed ActivePerl on my Windows OS. I have followed below URL
procedure to install
ActivePerl Installation
After having done that, I have tried to run "perl -v " on the command line. But it reports the following error.
The system cannot execute the
specified program
What do I need to do to solve these issues?
I was facing a similar issue... but the thing was that I could execute the file by right clicking the file and opening it with perl command line interpreter.... but still the perl-v command would give the error... all I had to do was execute this command
set PATH=C:\Perl\bin;%PATH%
This solved the issue...
You need to make sure the directory where the Perl executable lives (it might be C:\perl\bin, but basically wherever you told ActiveState Perl to be installed) is in your PATH environmental variable (you can find the variable value by typing set PATH command on command line prompt in Windows).
If you're not sure where you installed Perl to (and can't find it in the default C:\perl\bin), you can find the directory by going to Start menu, finding ActiveState Perl folder, and right-clicking on "Perl Package Manager" icon, then pick "Properties" from the right-click menu. Properties window (in the "Shortcut" tab) will have a "Target" line showing the directory.
I was getting a similar error after installing ActiveState Perl on Windows 8 x64 bit edition and trying to invoke 'perl' at the command line.
'perl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.
I remember selecting the option during installation to add the Perl directory to the system PATH environment, and after checking the system properties, it was indeed showing in the system PATH.
I tried installing 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 x86 and x64 redistributable setup' files as suggested by a few places but it still did not resolve the issue, until I tried some of the suggestions in this thread.
At the command prompt I entered:
set PATH
And surprisingly it did not list the Perl directories as being included in the PATH variables.
So to remedy that I entered this into the command prompt and hit enter:
set PATH=C:\Perl64\bin;C:\Perl64\site\bin;%PATH%
(The directory paths are for the 64 bit edition of Perl, adjust according to your installation) the %PATH% portion is important and ensures your existing settings are kept and not wiped out and overwritten when you set the PATH.
That fixed it and entering 'perl -v' into command prompt successfully replies your Perl version. If you had a PowerShell window open before setting the PATH variable, you will need to close it and re-open another instance of PowerShell.
I believe the original underlying issue was something to do with different PATH variables for 32-bit and 64-bit environments and possibly some internal Windows redirection that takes place automatically.
This doesn't sound like a problem with PATH - I would expect it to give the message 'perl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I have not seen this error message, but http://nirlevy.blogspot.com/2008/03/system-cannot-execute-specified-program.html makes some suggestion for related programs.
Or maybe ask on an Active State forum.
I had the same error. I was able to solve it by changing the order of the Perl64 entries in the PATH variable in the Environment Variables. I moved the C:\Perl64\bin to be before C:\Perl64\site\bin and it worked.
I had a similar error which was solved by adding the .pl extension to the script name, which I had forgotten to do.
I could not get it to work otherwise even with my Perl's location (C:\Apps\Perl\bin) verified as in %PATH%.
The problem lies in the installation directory.
The Perl PATH variable will be set to C:\Program Files\perl (depends on 32 or 64 bit of course), BUT, the default installation directory is C:\perl. This is kind of sneaky actually as you would assume the installer would be more intelligent about this, but it sets the environment variable to that directory no matter WHERE you install the damned thing.

run windows command from bash with output to standard out?

Folks, I'm using git tools such as git bisect run which need to call a command to build and test my project. My command to do is nant which is a windows program. Or a build.cmd script which calls nant.
It's easy to get the bash to call the nant build to run.
But the hard part is how to get the standard output written to a file?
I even installed the Windows PowerShell to try running a command from bash.
Again, it works but the standard output fill says "permission denied" when
I try to read it while the build is going on.
When running nant, the entire path is used. It is installed and runs fine. The problem is how to get the standard output when running from bash.
If running nant from the windows prompt with "> build.out" at the end of the line, you will get the standard out. But the same never works under bash. It just says build.out is locked, permissions denied.
Using tee as suggested below also doesn't solve the problem. In that case the file still report "access is denied" with any attempts to read it while the build runs. But also, the tee program never writes anything to standard output.
(If I am understanding your question correctly...)
You can probably use the 'tee' command to split the output to both a file and stdout. The line echo I am building something | tee build.out will both print the output on the console and save it to the file named "build.out".
The tee command is usually available in Cygwin, and also apparently in the Bash shell installed by msysgit (where I just tested it). Here's a good reference page for more details.
Okay, finally resolved this. It turns out the the nant build script was using git feature to erase all ignored files to cleanup. That was deleting the build.out file can causing these strange issues. Now, the process writes the build.out file to a parent directory so that it won't get deleted and now everything works smoothly as expected.
