How can I prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" concept programmatically? - algorithm

I have a database of 20 million users and connections between those people. How can I prove the concept of "Six degrees of separation" concept in the most efficient way in programming?
link to the article about Six degrees of separation

You just want to measure the diameter of the graph.
This is exactly the metric to find out the seperation between the most-distantly-connected nodes in a graph.
Lots of algorithms on Google, Boost graph too.

You can probably fit the graph in memory (in the representation that each vertex knows a list of its neighbors).
Then, from each vertex n, you can run a breadth-first search (using a queue) to the depth of 6 and count number of vertices visited. If not all vertices are visited, you have disproved the theorem. In other case, continue with next vertex n.
This is O(N*(N + #edges)) = N*(N + N*100) = 100N^2, if user has 100 connections on average, Which is not ideal for N=20 million. I wonder if the mentioned libraries can compute the diameter in better time complexity (general algorithm is O(N^3)).
The computations for individual vertices are independent, so they could be done in parallel.
A little heuristic: start with vertices that have the lowest degree (better chance to disprove the theorem).

I think the most efficient way (worst case) is almost N^3. Build an adjacency matrix, and then take that matrix ^2, ^3, ^4, ^5 and ^6. Look for any entries in the graph that are 0 for matrix through matrix^6.
Heuristically you can try to single out subgraphs ( large clumps of people who are only connected to other clumps by a relatively small number of "bridge" nodes ) but there's absolutely no guarantee you'll have any.

Well a better answer has already been given, but off the top of my head I would have gone with the Floyd-Warshall all pairs shortest path algorithm, which is O(n^3). I'm unsure of the complexity of the graph diameter algorithm, but it "sounds" like this would also be O(n^3). I'd like clarification on this if anyone knows.
On a side note, do you really have such a database? Scary.


Create N-Clusters out of Min spanning tree?

Let say I created a Minimum Spanning Tree out of Graph with M nodes. Is there an algorithm to create N number of clusters.
I'm looking to cut some of the links such as that I end up with N clusters and label them i.e. given a node X I can query in which cluster it belongs.
What I think is once I have the MST, I cut the top/max M-N edges of the MST and I will get N clusters ?
Is my logic correct ?
That seems a good way to me. You ask whether it's "correct" -- that I can't say, since I don't know what other unstated criteria you have in mind. All you have actually stated that you want is to create N clusters -- which you could also achieve by throwing away the MST, putting vertex 1 in the first cluster, vertex 2 in the second, ..., vertex N-1 in the (N-1)th, and all remaining vertices in the Nth.
If you're using Kruskal's algorithm to build the MST, you can achieve what you're suggesting by simply stopping the algorithm early, as soon as only N components remain.
A tree is a (very sparse) subset of edges of a graph, if you cut based on them you are not taking into consideration a (possible) vast majority of edges in your graph.
Based on the fact that you want to use a M(inimum)ST algorithm to create clusters, it would seem you want to minimize the set of edges that lie in the n-way cut induced by your clustering. Using an MST as a proxy with a graph with very similar weight edges will produce likely terrible results.
Graph clustering is a heavily studied topic, have you considered using an existing library to accomplish this? If you insist on implementing your own algorithm, I would recommend spectral clustering as a starting point as it will produce decent results without much effort.
Edit based on feedback in coments:
If your main bottleneck is the similarity matrix then the following should be considered:
Investigate sparse matrix/graph representation while implementing something like spectral clustering which is probably going to give much more robust results than single-linkage clustering
Investigate pruning edges from the similarity matrix which you think are unimportant. If pruning is combined with a sparse representation of the similarity matrix, this should yield comparable performance to the MST approach while giving a smooth continuum to tune performance vs quality.

Minimize total distance using k links among n nodes

I came up with the following problem that I do not know the solutions to nor can I find the 'lookup' term to investigate further.
Say we have N ordered nodes (n_1,n_2....n_N) each with a fixed distance of 1 between them. So dist(n_1,n_N) = N-1. Now we are are allowed to connect any two nodes, thus effectively reducing their distance to 1. Assume we can have k such connections.
The problem is : how do we choose which nodes to connect to minimize the total distance between any two nodes ?
Is this problem a known variant of some well-studied problem ? Does an efficient solution exist for this (or a variant where we only want to minimize the max distance between any two nodes)
You may be interested in "On the sum of all distances in a graph or digraph". That paper refers to your "total distance" as the "transmission" of a graph. Your "max distance" is generally called the "diameter" of a graph. It discusses the two, proves some properties of a graph's transmission, and shows that the transmission and diameter are independent of one another.
Naively, you've got n-choose-k options to try. That's pretty bad if n and k are large. Not too bad if one of them is small.
There is work on doing better than that. This Mathoverflow question asks about reducing the mean distance between vertices, which is proportional to the transmission of the graph. There are two answers, neither of which I can vouch for. It also refers to a paper that directly addresses this question.
Minimizing the diameter of a graph is dealt with in this paper.
You might consider addressing this question to the Math stackexchange.

Why Kruskal clustering generates suboptimal classes?

I was trying to develop a clustering algorithm tasked with finding k classes on a set of 2D points, (with k given as input) using use the Kruskal algorithm lightly modified to find k spanning trees instead of one.
I compared my output to a proposed optimum (1) using the rand index, which for k = 7 resulted on 95.5%. The comparison can be seen on the link below.
The set have 5 clearly spaced clusters that are easily classified by the algorithm, but the results are rather disappointing for k > 5, which is when things start to get tricky. I believe that my algorithm is correct, and maybe the data is particularly bad for a Kruskal approach. Single Linkage Agglomerative Clustering, such as Kruskal's, are known to perform badly at some problems since it reduces the assessment of cluster quality to a single similarity between a pair of points.
The idea of the algorithm is very simple:
Make a complete graph with the data set, with the weight of the edges
being the euclidean distance between the pair.
Sort the edge list by weight.
For each edge (in order), add it to the spanning forest if it doesn't form a cycle. Stop when all the edges have been traversed or when the remaining forest has k trees.
Why is the algorithm failing like that? Is it Kruskal's fault? If so, why precisely? Any suggestions to improve the results without abandoning Kruskal?
(1): Gionis, A., H. Mannila, and P. Tsaparas, Clustering aggregation. ACM Transactions on
Knowledge Discovery from Data(TKDD),2007.1(1):p.1-30.
This is known as single-link effect.
Kruskal seems to be a semi-clever way of computing single-linkage clustering. The naive approach for "hierarchical clustering" is O(n^3), and the Kruskal approach should be O(n^2 log n) due to having to sort the n^2 edges.
Note that SLINK can do single-linkage clustering in O(n^2) runtime and O(n) memory.
Have you tried loading your data set e.g. into ELKI, and compare your result to single-link clustering.
To get bette results, try other linkages (usually in O(n^3) runtime) or density-based clustering such as DBSCAN (in O(n^2) without index, and O(n log n) with index). On this toy data set, epsilon=2 and minPts=5 should work good.
The bridges between clusters that should be different are a classic example of Kruskal getting things wrong. You might try, for each point, overwriting the shortest distance from that point with the second shortest distance from that point - this might increase the lengths in the bridges without increasing other lengths.
By eye, this looks like something K-means might do well - except for the top left, the clusters are nearly circular.
You can try the manhattan distance but to get better you can try a classic line and circle detection algorithm.

Efficient minimal spanning tree in metric space

I have a large set of points (n > 10000 in number) in some metric space (e.g. equipped with Jaccard Distance). I want to connect them with a minimal spanning tree, using the metric as the weight on the edges.
Is there an algorithm that runs in less than O(n2) time?
If not, is there an algorithm that runs in less than O(n2) average time (possibly using randomization)?
If not, is there an algorithm that runs in less than O(n2) time and gives a good approximation of the minimum spanning tree?
If not, is there a reason why such algorithm can't exist?
Thank you in advance!
Edit for the posters below:
Classical algorithms for finding minimal spanning tree don't work here. They have an E factor in their running time, but in my case E = n2 since I actually consider the complete graph. I also don't have enough memory to store all the >49995000 possible edges.
Apparently, according to this: Estimating the weight of metric minimum spanning trees in sublinear time there is no deterministic o(n^2) (note: smallOh, which is probably what you meant by less than O(n^2), I suppose) algorithm. That paper also gives a sub-linear randomized algorithm for the metric minimum weight spanning tree.
Also look at this paper: An optimal minimum spanning tree algorithm which gives an optimal algorithm. The paper also claims that the complexity of the optimal algorithm is not yet known!
The references in the first paper should be helpful and that paper is probably the most relevant to your question.
Hope that helps.
When I was looking at a very similar problem 3-4 years ago, I could not find an ideal solution in the literature I looked at.
The trick I think is to find a "small" subset of "likely good" edges, which you can then run plain old Kruskal on. In general, it's likely that many MST edges can be found among the set of edges that join each vertex to its k nearest neighbours, for some small k. These edges might not span the graph, but when they don't, each component can be collapsed to a single vertex (chosen randomly) and the process repeated. (For better accuracy, instead of picking a single representative to become the new "supervertex", pick some small number r of representatives and in the next round examine all r^2 distances between 2 supervertices, choosing the minimum.)
k-nearest-neighbour algorithms are quite well-studied for the case where objects can be represented as vectors in a finite-dimensional Euclidean space, so if you can find a way to map your objects down to that (e.g. with multidimensional scaling) then you may have luck there. In particular, mapping down to 2D allows you to compute a Voronoi diagram, and MST edges will always be between adjacent faces. But from what little I've read, this approach doesn't always produce good-quality results.
Otherwise, you may find clustering approaches useful: Clustering large datasets in arbitrary metric spaces is one of the few papers I found that explicitly deals with objects that are not necessarily finite-dimensional vectors in a Euclidean space, and which gives consideration to the possibility of computationally expensive distance functions.

Algorithm to find two points furthest away from each other

Im looking for an algorithm to be used in a racing game Im making. The map/level/track is randomly generated so I need to find two locations, start and goal, that makes use of the most of the map.
The algorithm is to work inside a two dimensional space
From each point, one can only traverse to the next point in four directions; up, down, left, right
Points can only be either blocked or nonblocked, only nonblocked points can be traversed
Regarding the calculation of distance, it should not be the "bird path" for a lack of a better word. The path between A and B should be longer if there is a wall (or other blocking area) between them.
Im unsure on where to start, comments are very welcome and proposed solutions are preferred in pseudo code.
Edit: Right. After looking through gs's code I gave it another shot. Instead of python, I this time wrote it in C++. But still, even after reading up on Dijkstras algorithm, the floodfill and Hosam Alys solution, I fail to spot any crucial difference. My code still works, but not as fast as you seem to be getting yours to run. Full source is on pastie. The only interesting lines (I guess) is the Dijkstra variant itself on lines 78-118.
But speed is not the main issue here. I would really appreciate the help if someone would be kind enough to point out the differences in the algorithms.
In Hosam Alys algorithm, is the only difference that he scans from the borders instead of every node?
In Dijkstras you keep track and overwrite the distance walked, but not in floodfill, but thats about it?
Assuming the map is rectangular, you can loop over all border points, and start a flood fill to find the most distant point from the starting point:
bestSolution = { start: (0,0), end: (0,0), distance: 0 };
for each point p on the border
flood-fill all points in the map to find the most distant point
if newDistance > bestSolution.distance
bestSolution = { p, distantP, newDistance }
end if
end loop
I guess this would be in O(n^2). If I am not mistaken, it's (L+W) * 2 * (L*W) * 4, where L is the length and W is the width of the map, (L+W) * 2 represents the number of border points over the perimeter, (L*W) is the number of points, and 4 is the assumption that flood-fill would access a point a maximum of 4 times (from all directions). Since n is equivalent to the number of points, this is equivalent to (L + W) * 8 * n, which should be better than O(n2). (If the map is square, the order would be O(16n1.5).)
Update: as per the comments, since the map is more of a maze (than one with simple obstacles as I was thinking initially), you could make the same logic above, but checking all points in the map (as opposed to points on the border only). This should be in order of O(4n2), which is still better than both F-W and Dijkstra's.
Note: Flood filling is more suitable for this problem, since all vertices are directly connected through only 4 borders. A breadth first traversal of the map can yield results relatively quickly (in just O(n)). I am assuming that each point may be checked in the flood fill from each of its 4 neighbors, thus the coefficient in the formulas above.
Update 2: I am thankful for all the positive feedback I have received regarding this algorithm. Special thanks to #Georg for his review.
P.S. Any comments or corrections are welcome.
Follow up to the question about Floyd-Warshall or the simple algorithm of Hosam Aly:
I created a test program which can use both methods. Those are the files:
maze creator
find longest distance
In all test cases Floyd-Warshall was by a great magnitude slower, probably this is because of the very limited amount of edges that help this algorithm to achieve this.
These were the times, each time the field was quadruplet and 3 out of 10 fields were an obstacle.
Size Hosam Aly Floyd-Warshall
(10x10) 0m0.002s 0m0.007s
(20x20) 0m0.009s 0m0.307s
(40x40) 0m0.166s 0m22.052s
(80x80) 0m2.753s -
(160x160) 0m48.028s -
The time of Hosam Aly seems to be quadratic, therefore I'd recommend using that algorithm.
Also the memory consumption by Floyd-Warshall is n2, clearly more than needed.
If you have any idea why Floyd-Warshall is so slow, please leave a comment or edit this post.
PS: I haven't written C or C++ in a long time, I hope I haven't made too many mistakes.
It sounds like what you want is the end points separated by the graph diameter. A fairly good and easy to compute approximation is to pick a random point, find the farthest point from that, and then find the farthest point from there. These last two points should be close to maximally separated.
For a rectangular maze, this means that two flood fills should get you a pretty good pair of starting and ending points.
I deleted my original post recommending the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. :(
gs did a realistic benchmark and guess what, F-W is substantially slower than Hosam Aly's "flood fill" algorithm for typical map sizes! So even though F-W is a cool algorithm and much faster than Dijkstra's for dense graphs, I can't recommend it anymore for the OP's problem, which involves very sparse graphs (each vertex has only 4 edges).
For the record:
An efficient implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm takes O(Elog V) time for a graph with E edges and V vertices.
Hosam Aly's "flood fill" is a breadth first search, which is O(V). This can be thought of as a special case of Dijkstra's algorithm in which no vertex can have its distance estimate revised.
The Floyd-Warshall algorithm takes O(V^3) time, is very easy to code, and is still the fastest for dense graphs (those graphs where vertices are typically connected to many other vertices). But it's not the right choice for the OP's task, which involves very sparse graphs.
Raimund Seidel gives a simple method using matrix multiplication to compute the all-pairs distance matrix on an unweighted, undirected graph (which is exactly what you want) in the first section of his paper On the All-Pairs-Shortest-Path Problem in Unweighted Undirected Graphs
The input is the adjacency matrix and the output is the all-pairs shortest-path distance matrix. The run-time is O(M(n)*log(n)) for n points where M(n) is the run-time of your matrix multiplication algorithm.
The paper also gives the method for computing the actual paths (in the same run-time) if you need this too.
Seidel's algorithm is cool because the run-time is independent of the number of edges, but we actually don't care here because our graph is sparse. However, this may still be a good choice (despite the slightly-worse-than n^2 run-time) if you want the all pairs distance matrix, and this might also be easier to implement and debug than floodfill on a maze.
Here is the pseudocode:
Let A be the nxn (0-1) adjacency matrix of an unweighted, undirected graph, G
Z = A * A
Let B be the nxn matrix s.t. b_ij = 1 iff i != j and (a_ij = 1 or z_ij > 0)
if b_ij = 1 for all i != j return 2B - A //base case
T = All-Pairs-Distances(B)
X = T * A
Let D be the nxn matrix s.t. d_ij = 2t_ij if x_ij >= t_ij * degree(j), otherwise d_ij = 2t_ij - 1
return D
To get the pair of points with the greatest distance we just return argmax_ij(d_ij)
Finished a python mockup of the dijkstra solution to the problem.
Code got a bit long so I posted it somewhere else:
In the size I set, it takes about 1.5 seconds to run the algorithm for one node. Running it for every node takes a few minutes.
Dont seem to work though, it always displays the topleft and bottomright corner as the longest path; 58 tiles. Which of course is true, when you dont have obstacles. But even adding a couple of randomly placed ones, the program still finds that one the longest. Maybe its still true, hard to test without more advanced shapes.
But maybe it can at least show my ambition.
Ok, "Hosam's algorithm" is a breadth first search with a preselection on the nodes.
Dijkstra's algorithm should NOT be applied here, because your edges don't have weights.
The difference is crucial, because if the weights of the edges vary, you need to keep a lot of options (alternate routes) open and check them with every step. This makes the algorithm more complex.
With the breadth first search, you simply explore all edges once in a way that garantuees that you find the shortest path to each node. i.e. by exploring the edges in the order you find them.
So basically the difference is Dijkstra's has to 'backtrack' and look at edges it has explored before to make sure it is following the shortest route, while the breadth first search always knows it is following the shortest route.
Also, in a maze the points on the outer border are not guaranteed to be part of the longest route.
For instance, if you have a maze in the shape of a giant spiral, but with the outer end going back to the middle, you could have two points one at the heart of the spiral and the other in the end of the spiral, both in the middle!
So, a good way to do this is to use a breadth first search from every point, but remove the starting point after a search (you already know all the routes to and from it).
Complexity of breadth first is O(n), where n = |V|+|E|. We do this once for every node in V, so it becomes O(n^2).
Your description sounds to me like a maze routing problem. Check out the Lee Algorithm. Books about place-and-route problems in VLSI design may help you - Sherwani's "Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation" is good, and you may find VLSI Physical Design Automation by Sait and Youssef useful (and cheaper in its Google version...)
If your objects (points) do not move frequently you can perform such a calculation in a much shorter than O(n^3) time.
All you need is to break the space into large grids and pre-calculate the inter-grid distance. Then selecting point pairs that occupy most distant grids is a matter of simple table lookup. In the average case you will need to pair-wise check only a small set of objects.
This solution works if the distance metrics are continuous. Thus if, for example there are many barriers in the map (as in mazes), this method might fail.
