Minimize total distance using k links among n nodes - algorithm

I came up with the following problem that I do not know the solutions to nor can I find the 'lookup' term to investigate further.
Say we have N ordered nodes (n_1,n_2....n_N) each with a fixed distance of 1 between them. So dist(n_1,n_N) = N-1. Now we are are allowed to connect any two nodes, thus effectively reducing their distance to 1. Assume we can have k such connections.
The problem is : how do we choose which nodes to connect to minimize the total distance between any two nodes ?
Is this problem a known variant of some well-studied problem ? Does an efficient solution exist for this (or a variant where we only want to minimize the max distance between any two nodes)

You may be interested in "On the sum of all distances in a graph or digraph". That paper refers to your "total distance" as the "transmission" of a graph. Your "max distance" is generally called the "diameter" of a graph. It discusses the two, proves some properties of a graph's transmission, and shows that the transmission and diameter are independent of one another.
Naively, you've got n-choose-k options to try. That's pretty bad if n and k are large. Not too bad if one of them is small.
There is work on doing better than that. This Mathoverflow question asks about reducing the mean distance between vertices, which is proportional to the transmission of the graph. There are two answers, neither of which I can vouch for. It also refers to a paper that directly addresses this question.
Minimizing the diameter of a graph is dealt with in this paper.
You might consider addressing this question to the Math stackexchange.


Growing a graph over a collection of (x,y) points

Given a set of 2D points in a plane, find a set of edges E that minimizes both average trip time between any two points and the size of E: ie, by associating a cost r with each unit of trip time and a cost e per edge in the set.
I'm sure that there's a set of algorithms that deal with this problem, but I can't seem to find the right search term. I've considered starting with a complete graph and pruning, but I can't think of an efficient way to calculate the damage done by removing an edge. Any suggestions? Approximate ('good-enough') solutions welcome.
Let me know if my statement of the problem can be improved or clarified.
There is some work in the literature on spanners, which is related to what you describe (the main difference is that spanners control the maximum stretch, while you're concerned with the average). Chew's construction ("There is a planar graph almost as good as the complete graph", SoCG '86) gives an O(1)-approximation for your problem, since the triangulation has less than three times as many edges as a spanning tree (lower bound on the optimum, since the graph must be connected) and adjusts each Euclidean distance by a factor of at most sqrt(10) (hence the sqrt(10) times the average for the optimum).

Best subsample in the Maxmin distance sense

I have a set of N points in a D-dimensional metric space. I want to select K of them in such a way that the smallest distance between any two points in the subset is the largest.
For instance, with N=4 and K=3 in 3D Euclidean space, the solution is the face of the tetrahedron having the longest short side.
Is there a classical way to achieve that ? Can it be solved exactly in polynomial time ?
I have googled as much as I could, but I have not figured out yet how to call this problem.
In my case N=50, K=10 and D=300 typically.
A brute force approach would be to try every combination of K points among the N and determine the closest pair in every subset. The solution is given by the subset that yields the longest pair.
Done the trivial way, an O(K^2) process, to be repeated N! / K!(N-K)! times.
Hum, 10^2 50! / 10! 40! = 1027227817000
I think you might find papers on unit disk graphs informative but discouraging. For instance, states that the maximum independent set problem on unit disk graphs in NP-complete, even if the disk representation is known. A unit disk graph is the graph you get by placing points in the plane and forming links between every pair of points at most a unit distance apart.
So I think that if you could solve your problem in polynomial time you could run it on a unit disk graph for different values of K until you find a value at which the smallest distance between two chosen points was just over one, and I think this would be a maximum independent set on the unit disk graph, which would be solving an NP-complete problem in polynomial time.
(Just about to jump on a bicycle so this is a bit rushed, but searching for papers on unit disk graphs might at least turn up some useful search terms)
Here's an attempt to explain it piece by piece:
Here is another attempt to relate the two problems.
For maximum independent set see A decision problem version of this is "Are there K vertices in this graph such that no two are joined by an edge?" If you can solve this you can certainly find a maximum independent set by finding the largest K by asking this question for different K and then finding the K nodes by asking the question on versions of the graph with one or more nodes deleted.
I state without proof that finding the maximum independent set in a unit disk graph is NP-complete. Another reference for this is
A decision version of your problem is "Do there exist K points with distance at least D between any two points?" Again, you can solve this in polynomial time iff you can solve your original problem in polynomial time - play around until you find the largest D that gives answer yes, and then delete points and see what happens.
A unit disk graph has an edge exactly when the distance between two points is 1 or less. So if you could solve the decision version of your original problem you could solve the decision version of the unit disk graph problem just by setting D = 1 and solving your problem.
So I think I have constructed a series of links showing that if you could solve your problem you could solve an NP-complete problem by turning it into your problem, which causes me to think that your problem is hard.

Algorithm for finding optimal node pairs in hexagonal graph

I'm searching for an algorithm to find pairs of adjacent nodes on a hexagonal (honeycomb) graph that minimizes a cost function.
each node is connected to three adjacent nodes
each node "i" should be paired with exactly one neighbor node "j".
each pair of nodes defines a cost function
c = pairCost( i, j )
The total cost is then computed as
totalCost = 1/2 sum_{i=1:N} ( pairCost(i, pair(i) ) )
Where pair(i) returns the index of the node that "i" is paired with. (The sum is divided by two because the sum counts each node twice). My question is, how do I find node pairs that minimize the totalCost?
The linked image should make it clearer what a solution would look like (thick red line indicates a pairing):
Some further notes:
I don't really care about the outmost nodes
My cost function is something like || v(i) - v(j) || (distance between vectors associated with the nodes)
I'm guessing the problem might be NP-hard, but I don't really need the truly optimal solution, a good one would suffice.
Naive algos tend to get nodes that are "locked in", i.e. all their neighbors are taken.
Note: I'm not familiar with the usual nomenclature in this field (is it graph theory?). If you could help with that, then maybe that could enable me to search for a solution in the literature.
This is an instance of the maximum weight matching problem in a general graph - of course you'll have to negate your weights to make it a minimum weight matching problem. Edmonds's paths, trees and flowers algorithm (Wikipedia link) solves this for you (there is also a public Python implementation). The naive implementation is O(n4) for n vertices, but it can be pushed down to O(n1/2m) for n vertices and m edges using the algorithm of Micali and Vazirani (sorry, couldn't find a PDF for that).
This seems related to the minimum edge cover problem, with the additional constraint that there can only be one edge per node, and that you're trying to minimize the cost rather than the number of edges. Maybe you can find some answers by searching for that phrase.
Failing that, your problem can be phrased as an integer linear programming problem, which is NP-complete, which means that you might get dreadful performance for even medium-sized problems. (This does not necessarily mean that the problem itself is NP-complete, though.)

Efficient minimal spanning tree in metric space

I have a large set of points (n > 10000 in number) in some metric space (e.g. equipped with Jaccard Distance). I want to connect them with a minimal spanning tree, using the metric as the weight on the edges.
Is there an algorithm that runs in less than O(n2) time?
If not, is there an algorithm that runs in less than O(n2) average time (possibly using randomization)?
If not, is there an algorithm that runs in less than O(n2) time and gives a good approximation of the minimum spanning tree?
If not, is there a reason why such algorithm can't exist?
Thank you in advance!
Edit for the posters below:
Classical algorithms for finding minimal spanning tree don't work here. They have an E factor in their running time, but in my case E = n2 since I actually consider the complete graph. I also don't have enough memory to store all the >49995000 possible edges.
Apparently, according to this: Estimating the weight of metric minimum spanning trees in sublinear time there is no deterministic o(n^2) (note: smallOh, which is probably what you meant by less than O(n^2), I suppose) algorithm. That paper also gives a sub-linear randomized algorithm for the metric minimum weight spanning tree.
Also look at this paper: An optimal minimum spanning tree algorithm which gives an optimal algorithm. The paper also claims that the complexity of the optimal algorithm is not yet known!
The references in the first paper should be helpful and that paper is probably the most relevant to your question.
Hope that helps.
When I was looking at a very similar problem 3-4 years ago, I could not find an ideal solution in the literature I looked at.
The trick I think is to find a "small" subset of "likely good" edges, which you can then run plain old Kruskal on. In general, it's likely that many MST edges can be found among the set of edges that join each vertex to its k nearest neighbours, for some small k. These edges might not span the graph, but when they don't, each component can be collapsed to a single vertex (chosen randomly) and the process repeated. (For better accuracy, instead of picking a single representative to become the new "supervertex", pick some small number r of representatives and in the next round examine all r^2 distances between 2 supervertices, choosing the minimum.)
k-nearest-neighbour algorithms are quite well-studied for the case where objects can be represented as vectors in a finite-dimensional Euclidean space, so if you can find a way to map your objects down to that (e.g. with multidimensional scaling) then you may have luck there. In particular, mapping down to 2D allows you to compute a Voronoi diagram, and MST edges will always be between adjacent faces. But from what little I've read, this approach doesn't always produce good-quality results.
Otherwise, you may find clustering approaches useful: Clustering large datasets in arbitrary metric spaces is one of the few papers I found that explicitly deals with objects that are not necessarily finite-dimensional vectors in a Euclidean space, and which gives consideration to the possibility of computationally expensive distance functions.

How can I prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" concept programmatically?

I have a database of 20 million users and connections between those people. How can I prove the concept of "Six degrees of separation" concept in the most efficient way in programming?
link to the article about Six degrees of separation
You just want to measure the diameter of the graph.
This is exactly the metric to find out the seperation between the most-distantly-connected nodes in a graph.
Lots of algorithms on Google, Boost graph too.
You can probably fit the graph in memory (in the representation that each vertex knows a list of its neighbors).
Then, from each vertex n, you can run a breadth-first search (using a queue) to the depth of 6 and count number of vertices visited. If not all vertices are visited, you have disproved the theorem. In other case, continue with next vertex n.
This is O(N*(N + #edges)) = N*(N + N*100) = 100N^2, if user has 100 connections on average, Which is not ideal for N=20 million. I wonder if the mentioned libraries can compute the diameter in better time complexity (general algorithm is O(N^3)).
The computations for individual vertices are independent, so they could be done in parallel.
A little heuristic: start with vertices that have the lowest degree (better chance to disprove the theorem).
I think the most efficient way (worst case) is almost N^3. Build an adjacency matrix, and then take that matrix ^2, ^3, ^4, ^5 and ^6. Look for any entries in the graph that are 0 for matrix through matrix^6.
Heuristically you can try to single out subgraphs ( large clumps of people who are only connected to other clumps by a relatively small number of "bridge" nodes ) but there's absolutely no guarantee you'll have any.
Well a better answer has already been given, but off the top of my head I would have gone with the Floyd-Warshall all pairs shortest path algorithm, which is O(n^3). I'm unsure of the complexity of the graph diameter algorithm, but it "sounds" like this would also be O(n^3). I'd like clarification on this if anyone knows.
On a side note, do you really have such a database? Scary.
